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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » kidney/back pain on one side

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Author Topic: kidney/back pain on one side
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Member # 8353

Icon 1 posted      Profile for vachick     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I have had back pain on my right side for quite some time. It has gotten worse recently, plus the pain extends into my right leg.

I used to think it was gallbladder related, but now I wonder. Could this be kidney problems or ovarian cancer?

I had an abdominal ultrasound in the emergency room a few weeks ago and it didn't show any stones in my kidney. I did have a little blood in my urine (I have had that many times in the past, too).

I can't tell if the pain is muscular or something like a tumor pressing on things inside of me. It kind of feels like that.

I am frightened that this is something very bad because the pain is only on one side...if it was muscular, wouldn't it be on both sides??

Posts: 331 | From virginia | Registered: Nov 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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How's the newlywed? Hope you had a good honeymoon since you were in the hospital prior to it.

I've had RIGHT side back pain for DECADES! It doesn't go away. You cn't even touch me on that side of my entire back.

They can't come up with why! Fibro tender points are maxed out plus on pain.

I have NOT found anything to help me out. Good luck to you. I use a moistened heating pad and frozen ice packs to help the pain ... temporary relief.

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I also have the right side back pain thing. I have tried everything over the yrs. I have found nothing that works.

I am starting chelation right now because of high mercury levels. I am wondering if the mercury is causing kidney/back pain. They say mercury settles in the kidneys.

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Thanks for asking! You are so sweet to remember. Married life is great when I am not in the ER! [Smile]

I actually went to the ER right after I got back from my honeymoon, too. They now think I may have contracted some sort of bacterial infection in my stomach. The plan is not to take my gallbladder out quite yet. The gastro doesn't think it will help me much.

I am on Actigall to see if it helps.

I will definitely ask my doc to test for heavy metals. It seems I have had every other test, but not that one.

I also had some problems with urinary hesitancy, and at one point I couldn't even pee for a while. It almost sounds like something is pressing on my bladder making it difficult for anything to come out! Scary.

Posts: 331 | From virginia | Registered: Nov 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for cantgiveupyet     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I had lower right back pain...and my forme LLMD would always say it was my lyme.

it went away and i dont know why....but it lasted months.

Have you had a pelvic ultra sound or mri...ct of stomach/pelvis? i would suggest those to rule out masses etc.

I have IC...and have the hesitancy....esp when my pelvic muscles are real tight (like today) you have pain in your groin muscles?

"Say it straight simple and with a smile."

"Thus the task is, not so much to see what no one has seen yet,
But to think what nobody has thought yet, About what everybody sees."


pos babs, bart, igenex WB igm/igg

Posts: 3156 | From Lyme limbo | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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have you tested for food allergies? I never had, Meridian lab does this on 95 foods.

I'm allergic to gluten: wheat/rye

and casein; cow's milk, egg whites, 3 types of cheese & a couple more

plus I have diabetes 2; on pills no insuline.

My gut was sick 30-36 years; NOW I know why. Gluten is heritary & I got from Dad, but he never was diagnosed with that one either.

good luck to you. Bettyg

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I have read of your many issues and feel for you! I have had three abdominal CT scans, the most recent was two years ago. I had a pelivc ultrasound last September.

I'm not sure how fast masses would grow, so I am unsure of whether these tests would need repeating. I do not want more radiation. Wonder if an MRI could be done?

I just got out of bed and right now the pain is intense and comes around to my side. Again, it is only on my right. It intensifies if I move and stretch.

I'm wondering if it is my kidneys or colon.

I have been biopsied for Celiac disease and was negative. I have not had any other food allergy tests though.

I go to the gyn doc in about two hours to see if she thinks it is due to anything in that area...


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Icon 1 posted      Profile for clpgotlyme     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

I have had right sided kidney area pain since having a bleeding kidney stone (was on Coumadin for clots from PICC line insertion)last year.

They never really saw the stone, just assumed it was one.It seems to flair up when I use too much Epsom salts in the bath or dont drink enough.

I went to a kidney specialist, he was clueless.Wish I could help with better info, but I do understand how you feel!I never had a kidney issue before Lyme.


Posts: 227 | From VA | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Thank you everyone. The gyno wants to do a pelvic ultrasound. She felt "something irregular" on the right side of my abdomen and doesn't know what it could be. She said I may have an irregularly shaped uterus or a fibroid. She thought my ovaries felt okay.

But now I am scared...I really don't like to hear that I have some kind of mass. That makes me think "cancer" right away!

She also wants me to see a urologist. Good many specialists can I see at one time.

Posts: 331 | From virginia | Registered: Nov 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Keep us posted, OK? Try not to worry [TOO much!]

Opinions, not medical advice!

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Hey vachick
I just wanted to let you know - I also have severe pain in my right lower back,buttock- lower & hip area that is constant and at times is also spreads down my leg( radiocolopathy- may be spelled wrong).

I have been seeing a chiropractor & medical Dr. who is part of his staff for years because adjustments do help in my case but only slightly & do not last. I am on large doses of Vicadin for 3 years now -( 120 pills a month + darvocet as well) due to no one coreectly being able to diagnose this.

I hope you are able to find out exactly what is causing it in your case & would appreciate if you would let me know what do do find as the cause..

I was told a herniated disk 1st, then degenerated disc ,then maybe kidneys.. and so on It started while I was on Iv abx. after well over a year in combo with pills/ Iv abx.I took actigal to protect the Gallbladder .. so I do not believe that could be it.. I had been on many diff. abx. so if one caused it I am unsure but think it would have been likely from Rocephin, or Cipro, levaquin.Who knows - so many for so long.

So far in searching for the cause of this particular symptom.. I have had x-rays, cat scans, ultra sounds of kidneys , I also have protein & blood in urine and they did discover kidney damage - had kidney Biopsy done 12/05 .

Nephrologist does not know if the damage was from meds or high blood pressure.. She also has not made it any better while seeing her, do not know if the pain is related to the kidney damage - as no real answer yet.

I have edema in legs, hands, face, hich was because of the Kidneys.. also stomach distention, IBS symptoms too..not sure if thats related.and then of course the multitude of Lyme symptoms to boot which are everything from Memory loss, PN, and fever to seizures and qbout 30 more...Have had lyme since 1996,didn't get treatment till 2002-7 years after the bite/ and bullseye rash. I was treated by LLMD for 1 1/2 years.

I have also gone to Gyn - no reason found there - but hormones are very low & told peri-menopausal at 44, and am planning on checking for tumor or mass next- but so far nothing located that could cause the pain -.

I did hear that pelvic tumor is always possible to cause this type of thing..So plan on looking into it further...Also recently had arterial & venius ultrasounds but only found a leg clot- not likely the cause of the hip/back pain.

I am in constant unbearable pain even with the meds- which only dull it slightly.Almost crippled up without the meds for pain which only make it a bit more bearable for me,. wish I had an answer for you ..

It sounds like similar issue.I can not believe that its just a coincidence so its likely somehow related to the disease ..but who knows .I have to find the cause so I can get this part under control & get back to focusing on actually treating the Lyme which I am not currently doing.

Need a new LLMD as well. Hope that you are able to figure it out- please be kind enough to let me know if & when you figure out the actual cause.

I have not even posted in two years on here.. But I guess I will start back reading & posting again. Best of luck. Hope you solve this..
( badkitti30043)

( badkitti30043)

Posts: 664 | From Atlanta Ga. | Registered: Aug 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Wow...that sounds horrible. I will definitely keep you posted. They are checking my hormone levels too...thinking I may be peri-menopausal at 42! aaargh. I was hoping to get pregnant.

Could a pelvic mass be outside of the uterus? I feel like something is in there growing and pushing on my organs causing pain and other problems. I really don't want another CT scan. Could an MRI or an ultrasound find a mass?

Posts: 331 | From virginia | Registered: Nov 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Hi va- chick
I am so sorry I had not seen your response and just logged and checked this post..I appologize for not responding sooner.

I too have suspected many things myself.

Mainly I believe extended cipro use has caused my hip / low back issues as I had really bad immediate reaction in ankles & calves. LLMD agreed with me & stopped the cipro( I had allready refused to take it anyway based on the ankles/tendon/ calves being so affected immediately) ..

about 6 weeks Later the FNP who worked with him insisted I tred to follow the protocol as I always had done what was needed and , to get thru 1 week a month of Cipro in combo with the many otehr abx. I was infuing & orals I was taking.. I tried and tried. Resulting in a flurry of new problems and pain..hurt by wrists, back and shoulder and calf- tendon pain as well.. This pain has continued for more than two years now.It has not been resolved by any treatment , and only slightly better tolerated by heavy narcotics..Can't deal with it much longer.

I have had a kidney biopsy, and they did find kidney damage from long term AbxI was on for 15 months IV therapy with very heavy combos due to neuro/ cognitive issues w/ lyme- late stage Dx..

I had many ultrasounds of the kidneys etc,,, venus, and arterial looksee - found a claudication - in my R leg. Maybe related unsure..

I suspect Cipro weakened something, tendons, joints etc. and I injured my back- doing nearly nothing as I was a waitress all during treatment and my work was physical..somewhat. I have bi- level carpal tunnel and perepheal neuropathy in my wrists .. all this may also be linked to Cipro in my case.

They Chiro / and local MD states herniated disc's, degenerated disc disease- which I had before, and herniated nuclear pulposus, and spinal stenosis as some of the many issues added to the Lyme now..Have not been looked at specifically for tumors, or mass.. just stones.I hope to get that checked as well , I have experience pain in back before and was treated many year ago but nothing like this ever..I am told its from the low back on the right ,radiated into my hip and r . leg.

I do not know what my next move is as I do need to be checked for tumors in that area - just in case.

I would hope if that were the cause it would have showed on one of CT scans or the MRI which covered a very small area of my lower back, but nothing like that yet in my results.

Please let me know how yours turns out, and I will post to you if I find out more in my search for the cause & erradication of this pain.I hope sincerely you are able to find a treatable cause and at least eliminate this issue as well..

You arre welcome to email me directly if you wish..
[email protected]

( badkitti30043)

Posts: 664 | From Atlanta Ga. | Registered: Aug 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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