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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » Need advice/input--very sick.

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Author Topic: Need advice/input--very sick.
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 7273

Icon 1 posted      Profile for gwb     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Hello everyone. A few months ago I stopped taking abx because

it was doing a real number on my stomach and the side effects

were more than I could handle. I've been on doxy/amoxy

then went to Bicillin LA injections for awhile and had a hard time

with that. Since being off of abx I have deteriorated to the point

of being sicker than I've ever been since I had the Hong Kong flu

30 years ago.

For the past five days I could barely eat anything at all. For the

past two days I could only eat a few saltine crackers. Every

morning for the past four days I have been so nauseated and

have felt like I was going to throw up but nothing comes out.

In the past three months I've lost 35lbs and ten of those pounds

in the past ten days. I know the rapid weight loss is not good

due to toxins coming out of me.

I wonder if this is what possibly might be contributing

to how bad I'm feeling?

Also, I because I haven't been able to

get nutrition in my body this concerns me too. My primary

care doctor gave me some medicine (zofran) yesterday and that

did seem to help with the nausea. He told me to get some

Gatorade because I need the electrolytes in my body. I'm not

excited to drink that due to high sugar content but I did buy the

low sugar Gatorade and use 1/4 of it mixed with 3/4 water to

avoid getting too much sugar.

This morning I was able to eat 1/4 cup of yogurt with a few

slices of banana and just a few blueberries in

it and it made me uncomfortably full. Hopefully it will stay

down and give me some nutrients that my body badly needs.

In addition to being nauseated I'm very weak and can hardly walk

around without getting completely exhausted. I've been having

pressure in my head, soreness in my eyes and blurriness too.

Two weeks ago, for the first time ever since I've had lyme

disease (about 12 years), I began having anxiety attacks.

My LLMD prescribed me 1 mg Xanax which gives some relief

when I have these attacks which is daily now.

I have an appt to see my LLMD next Thursday.

I wonder if any of you could give me some input on what I could

do to get some nourishment in my body so that I can get some

strength back? By the way, the only vitamins I'm taking at the

moment is liquid B-12 Methyolobalamin drops under the

tongue. I take 2000 mcg of this and some fish oil.

I'm really at rock bottom right now and any

suggestions and input you could give me based on the

information I have provided you would be greatly appreciated.

Feel free to ask questions if you wish.


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I have been doing smoothies because i haven't been able to eat. I find if I thin it out by adding a lot of ice it is delicious and much easier to tolerate.

I also add some green drinks enzymes and other things. Have you considered any alternative treatments like salt/c, herbs or rifing? Have you been treated for parasites and worms.

They could be contributing to your symptoms, especially anxiety which is one of the many symptoms. Type in search parasites and Lyme for more insight,

Hope this helps, sorry you feel so bad,



Posts: 6418 | From philadelphia pa | Registered: Jul 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Have you been taking Nystatin or Diflucan for yeast?
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If I am not mistaken, B-12 Methyolobalamin can cause nausea. Have you considered stopping it for a while and seeing how you feel?

I would also stop any other supplements and see how you are after a week or two.

Since you are barely eating, supplements can be very hard on the stomach, etc.

You should also try to eat an elimination diet (no dairy, gluten, etc.), and add in healthy proteins like wild rice and stewed or roast chicken, and have some greens. There are other healthy sources of protein if you don't like these. Nuts, wild salmon, etc. are some other possibilities.

What you are eating right now is high in fruit sugars, and low in good proteins. Yogurt used to be fine for me, until the lyme got so bad I developed food sensitivities.

Once you get back into stasis and can eat well again, you might want to consider getting IV antibiotics, as you really need to treat your Lyme ASAP. It can be at the root of all of these problems.

I also have an herbal medicinal stomach tea recipe that might really help you, if you are interested in the recipe I can post it here. I used to have terrible stomach pain, nausea, an ulcer, and reflux/GERD due to Lyme, and it helped all of that. It might help calm down your nerves as well.

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You should try the nutrient rich drinks for people who are ill, you can get them in the pharmacy.

You should see a good LLMD as some of the co-infections can cause headaches, anxiety and nausea like Babesia and Bartonella.

A LLMD would cover all these issues and possibly run tests on your stomach and give you strong probiotics like Therelac to help your gut.

Hope this helps

Posts: 37 | From Whitehead, Northern Ireland | Registered: Feb 2009  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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gary [group hug] [kiss]

gary if you edit subject line to something like this:

nausous, can't eat; what do you do? feedback needed

you'd get folks having your problem [Smile]

just click on pencil, 3rd post to right of your name in your 1st post to edit subject and BEST WISHES!

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Thanks to all of you who responded to my thread. Lots of good information here for me to sift through and some things that I definitely will start doing.

glm1111, you asked if I have considered salt/c, herbs or rifing. Yes, I've considered all of these, however, I recently found out I have kidney disease and I'm not sure that the salt/c would be a good idea for that.

I will ask my LLMD when I see him on Thursday. Not sure on the rife machine yet, but something to consider if I can't do the antibiotics.

Bugg, yes I have taken Diflucan in the past when I was on antibiotics, but not taking anything now as I don't think I have any yeast infection going on in my body right now. Could I be wrong about that? I'll ask my LLMD when I see him on Thursday.

nenet, that's good to know about the B-12 possibly causing nausea. I will lay off that until I'm feeling better. Thank you for all of your suggestions, and yes, I would like your tea recipe if you don't mind.

suki444, thanks for your suggestions. I will be seeing my LLMD next Thursday to discuss all of these issues with him. I have been taking probiotics but since I've been sick recently I haven't taken them. Probably will go back on them in the morning.

bettyg, thanks for your suggestion. I should have gotten that idea from you prior to starting this thread. : ) Good idea but I think I have enough replies for now. Thanks for being so helpful.

Thanks again for all of you who responded!


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Fish oil capsules make me feel nauseous especially on an empty stomach.

Try EmergenC and take plenty of liquids. Bananas are good for potassium.

When I am in a flare, supplements and vitamins make me feel worse. As I feel better, I add them in.

Feel better soon.

Posts: 1954 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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All great advice above. Hope you feel better soon. God bless you.
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Hi Gary,

When my stomache gets super fragile, I rely on a trick I picked up as a new mother.

I warm some gerber baby rice cereal in a coffee mug and drink it through a straw.

It can be mixed with milk, juice or water, and a little sweetener (I use sugar, but I'm crazy like that).

Stir it vigorously with a fork before heating and it won't lump up.

Anyway the rice cereal is gentle enough to be a baby's first food, and it's fortified, so you get the vitamins you would have in some of the foods you can't get down just yet.

I also found it handy because it only needs 1.5 mins in my microwave and I only have to stand for a very short time to prepare it.

I too, have LOTS of trouble walking most days, so many of my meal decisions have been based on the length of time I can bear to be on my feet.

I hope this is useful for you, and I hope you feel better soon.



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Dear Gary,
I have been exactly like you are describing! The nausea and such were very bad off and on before, but in 2001 I had a bad reaction to a combination of Reglan and Zoloft that nearly did me in. A gastroenterologist prescribed them. There was very little I could eat. My parents actually thought my body was shutting down and took me to IU Med.

Incidentally, do not go there! Those morons will kill you! The physician that was heading the team working on me was head of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, and missed the gallbladder! It is part of the hepatobiliary system. Can you say "Duh"?! Two years later, testing revealed nothing. A HIDA scan and abdominal CT did not show any stones or damage.

However, the tech had told me while getting my abdominal ultrasound months before I had a gallstone show up in a previous test. It was in January of 2000, when the stomach issues became so unbearable! The idiot PCP was obsessed with mental illness, and completely missed the gallstone! My gallbladder nearly ruptured before I got it out. Thank God I listened to my instincts and not the PCP, or I would have had even more trouble than I have now.

I still have trouble even six years later, and worry my Sphincter of Oddi is damaged or something. This can happen during surgery. After having the gallbladder removed in 2003, I also discovered I have Celiac Disease. You may want to try and eliminate gluten and dairy to see if it helps. No wonder eating Cream of Wheat did not help me feel better before!

Those geniuses up at IU Med told me to eat a bowl of bran cereal every single day. Yeah, that worked out well. When I got so ill, I could only eat crackers, dry cereal, cookies, and bread. There are gluten-free versions. If you want the gluten-free beginner's list, just PM me and I will send it your way!

The dry heaves are what I get when I am glutened (on top of a sudden need for a bowel movement) if I do not get my Promethazine down fast enough. I also got dry heaves when my gallbladder acted up. Do you have pain in your upper-right quadrant just below the ribcage of your stomach? Mine actually got so bad I could not even tolerate baby food. Reflux is often an issue with this as well, even when you are taking Prilosec or other Proton-Pump-Inhibitors.


Celiac Disease (2007)
Candida Overgrowth (2006)
Thyroid Disease (2004)
Gallbladder Disease (removed- 2003)
Fibromyalgia (2001)
Ovarian Cysts (5 in less than 10 months - 2000)
Anemia (2000)
IBS (1999)
Acid Reflux (1999)

Posts: 369 | From Midwest | Registered: Apr 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Make a big pot of chicken soup, cook the chicken first for hours to get the nutrients into the broth, then add some carrots, celery, potatoes, onion, parsley and salt to taste.

Drink the broth, sipping throughout the day, as much as possible. If you start to feel like you can stomach a little something you can try to eat a little of the softened vegetables.

Smartwater is good, it has added electrolytes but no sweeteners or flavors.

In addition, you can make warm tea, chamomile or red (rooibos) and add a little honey.

Any supplements can make you nauseous on an empty stomach so I'd lay off them until your stomach has a chance to heal.

The soup doesn't have to be pretty, you don't even have to cut up the veggies into small pieces. It's the broth that's important.

I also think it's best to use a whole chicken when possible so that you get the cartilage and nutrients from all the bones as well.

I;ve gotten like that from taking supplements on an empty stomach & from Babesiosis.

People have also gotten "Bells Palsy of the Gut" with Lyme that's like a paralysis of your digestive tract.

I'll hope it's just from the supplements.

Good luck, I hope you feel better quickly. [group hug]

Note: I'm NOT a medical professional. The information I share is from my own personal research and experience. Please do not construe anything I share as medical advice, which should only be obtained from a licensed medical practitioner.

Posts: 4881 | From Middlesex County, NJ | Registered: Jul 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I have literally spent since November of last year living off of Zofran for the intense nausea. My word of advice to you is simple, and maybe you have already tried it. Whether or not you feel like it drink/eat very small amounts very often. Sometimes when I don't eat or drink that can make me feel even more nauseas. I hope that everything works out for you!!
Posts: 49 | From Minnesota | Registered: Jul 2009  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I have Gastroparesis (bells palsy of the vagus nerve) and have had problems with eating also and weight loss.

My suggestion to you is to eat whatever you feel you can get down. Eat constantly all day small amounts and take the Zofran first thing in the morning.

I have been given injectable B12 by my Gastro and give myself a shot in the thigh once a week. It's really pretty simple and the needle is fine so it doesn't hurt.

I know you are trying to follow the Lyme diet but if you waste away to nothing than it will really attack you.

I also found that almond butter or cashew butter on Ezikial bread was something that I could eat. Just eat small amounts.

You are doing a good thing by watering down the Gatorade. I have a hard time drinking that because of my stomach so I can sympathize.

Keep us posted.

Posts: 114 | From New York | Registered: Jun 2009  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Member # 11735

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Dear Gary,
The Kidney Disease alone could be causing this trouble if the gallbladder or gluten are not the actual cause. Have you had your kidneys tested? You should probably be on dialysis or on a transplant list. Has your physician taken any of these measures yet? Renal failure is very serious, and should be addressed immediately. Doctors just seem to take their sweet time when an illness is not their problem.


Celiac Disease (2007)
Candida Overgrowth (2006)
Thyroid Disease (2004)
Gallbladder Disease (removed- 2003)
Fibromyalgia (2001)
Ovarian Cysts (5 in less than 10 months - 2000)
Anemia (2000)
IBS (1999)
Acid Reflux (1999)

Posts: 369 | From Midwest | Registered: Apr 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Hey everyone. Wow, lots of different suggestions and many great ideas too. I sure appreciate you all taking the time to share your ideas with me. Lots to think about here.

Today I was able to get a little bit more food down and am feeling better than I was two days ago. Tonight I was craving some natural organic peanut butter and apples and decided to see if I could eat a few of those.

Big mistake. The peanut butter was to "greasy" for my stomach I think. Made me feel a little sick. Maybe too much of a good thing too soon, don't know but not gonna try that again anytime soon.

I ate a little bit of plain nonfat yogurt (no sugar) this morning and mixed it with a few fresh blueberries and just a bit of pumpkin seed granola. That seem to work out OK.

Boy, the chicken soup idea sure sounds good! I've actually been craving that but am concerned about the grease upsetting my stomach. I have low sodium chicken vegetable soup in the cupboard but not sure I'm ready to gamble on it yet.

Jin, you've really been through the meat grinder! I can't even imagine how difficult that must have been for you, especially the IU Med ordeal.

My kidney disease is still a big question mark. It is functioning but we don't know all the details yet and won't know until I see the Nephrologist. Sadly I can't get in to see him until the end of September. No fun waiting, but no choice either.

Again, thank you all for your input and support. It means a lot to me.


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Hi gwb, sorry for taking so long to get back to you - in the middle of a move and all that entails. I'm glad you are feeling some better, and hope it continues.

Regarding the peanut butter, I can't eat it anymore at all - it hurts my stomach pretty badly. Not sure if it's the high fat content or the peanuts or sugar or what, but that's now off my list for the time being as well.

I am going to give you our recipe for both "stomach tea" and "detox tea", both f which I have been drinking twice a day since about January of 2008.

One is Detox (for everyday Lyme symptoms, and to help keep down Herxing), the other is for Stomach/Ulcers/GI problems. They have really helped me, so hopefully they might help some of you.

[EDIT: I forgot to mention that you should not drink the Stomach Tea within 1.5 to 2 hours of your other medicines, as it coats the lining of the stomach/GI, and may affect absorption.]

Here are the recipes:


**Stomach/GI Tea**

My husband makes this and the detox tea, and then instead of cutting the stomach tea with 1/2 water, he just gives me a mug w/half detox and half stomach tea, (heated up on the stove instead of microwave). I drink this every morning and evening.

Per one quart of water:

3 Tablespoons Slippery elm Bark
2 Tablespoons Marshmallow root
3 Tablespoons Chamomile Flowers
1-2 Teaspoons Dried Ginger (optional)

Bring to a medium boil for 5-10 minutes, or until viscosity visibly increases on the surface. Turn off heat, cover and let steep at least 4 hours (overnight is fine). Strain through 3 layers of cheesecloth - you will need to have enough that you can gather up the edges and squeeze the liquid out, as it will not drain freely beyond about 1/3 of the volume.

You can make enough to last a week (about 2 quarts/8 cups) and store in a closed container in the fridge.

Shake the container before pouring (it settles quite a lot). Cut the resulting liquid by 1/2 to 2/3 with boiling water to serve 1 cup 2x per day (or mix and reheat with 1/2 cup detox tea).


**Detox/Herx Tea**

per 1 quart of water:

3 Tblsp Sarsparilla root
2 Tblsp Chamomile
1 Tblsp Wintergreen

Boil for 5 minutes then let steep for 1 hour or more. Strain through cheesecloth over a sieve or colander. Mix and drink 1/2 cup Detox Tea with 1/2 cup water (or you can subsitute 1/2 cup Stomach Tea for water here) 2x per day.

You may cut either tea or the mix of teas with spring water if they are too strong or thick - just make sure you have the recommended dose of the tea before you add water to it.

You can do some research on each of these herbs online - Sarsaparilla has been well-studied for its anti-syphillitic properties, and its spirochetal endotoxin binding properties.

Let me know if you have any questions. These 2 teas helped me heal from my stomach ulcer from h. pylori, and got rid of my GERD (along with removing dairy and glutem, and other inflammatory foods). The Detox tea has helped me immensely with my very bad herxes. Without the tea I can't tolerate them at all.

I really hope that if you try either or both of these that they help you even half as much as they have helped me. Good luck and please keep us posted how you are doing!


These are personal herbal recipes, not a prescription or medical advice - use only with the approval of your Healthcare provider.

[ 08-07-2009, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: nenet ]

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Posts: 1176 | From KY | Registered: Sep 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Dear Gary,
I have certainly been through the mill, and am still dealing with a lot. I have yeast on top of all of this other insanity. If I can eat something because it is gluten-free, it is still a problem because it has lactose or it is on the yeast eradicating list. High-fat foods have to be limited a lot since having my gallbladder out.
Terrible lower abdominal cramps are still a problem occasionally, too.

You may have reacted to the peanut butter for a couple of reasons. I used to get very sick from it if I overdid it. I still will. Have you tried ginger? If it causes reflux, it may be your gallbladder. For some odd reason, ginger irritates this problem instead of improving it.

Before I had my gallbladder out, nothing set well. Even a banana would make me ill! If you have a yeast issue, peanuts tend to be naturally moldy. Valencia peanuts do not contain the mold, and are safe for Candida patients. However, from what you described, it appears to be fattening foods that bother you.

The IU ordeal was horrible. I am not sure I will ever emotionally recover from that. Let me just say that those idiots up at IU Med are on my list of people to come back and haunt if I die. That does not include all of the relatives that make me out to be a hypochondriac and other physicians I have seen over the years. My list is so long, I am going to be a busy ghost.

I am not going to be a nice ghost either. This ghost will throw things, break things, and scare the living daylights out of them. They deserve to be punished! Those supposed "doctors" ruined my life. Everything they wrote automatically caused other doctors to assume I was crazy. You will never get an accurate diagnosis after that.

Meanwhile, getting back to your suffering, keep us updated on the kidneys. We will all be anxious to hear if it was a false alarm. I hope it is. Not being able to see anyone sooner really must have you worried. Feel free to PM me if you ever want someone to help you worry. Worrying is something I have a ton of experience with!

Dear nenet,
Thank you so much for sharing your recipes!
They are certainly worth a try. My stomach is so badly messed up, I do not know what to do. I suspect trouble from my gallbladder being removed several years ago. The trouble is affording testing without insurance or a job. Sometimes the reflux is so bad, I cannot rest at all! Beet juice and beets do help, but the Prilosec should do the job by itself.


Celiac Disease (2007)
Candida Overgrowth (2006)
Thyroid Disease (2004)
Gallbladder Disease (removed- 2003)
Fibromyalgia (2001)
Ovarian Cysts (5 in less than 10 months - 2000)
Anemia (2000)
IBS (1999)
Acid Reflux (1999)

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Alternative to Gatorade: Pure Coconut water.

2x the electrolytes
15x the potassium
More pottasium than 2 bananas / serving.

"VitaCoco" is the brand I purchase. There are others, but be certain there is no sugar in the ingredients.


Chicken Soup: Good

If you can't muster homemade, there are boxes of Organic chicken soup you can purchase. I don't purchase the low sodium, bc companies put other things in them (incl. sugar) to make the palatable.

Keep aware that some of the organic chicken soups have yeast as an ingredient. Which may be something you want to avoid, if possible.

Protein: Grass fed beef apparently has a good omega 3:6 ratio. This has to be beef that never has had grains - some cows are "fattened up" using grain at the end.

This disturbs the balance of omega 3:6 to the point that the meat becomes something bad for you.

I found meat very easy to tolerate.

There is a lot of discussion that grains should be avoided, on wellness sites, as well as sites dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and of course the Burrascano Guidelines. I think there is a lot to avoiding grains.

Best wishes,

For medical advice related to Lyme disease, please see an ILADS physician.

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Originally posted by canbravelyme:
Protein: Grass fed beef apparently has a good omega 3:6 ratio. This has to be beef that never has had grains - some cows are "fattened up" using grain at the end.

This disturbs the balance of omega 3:6 to the point that the meat becomes something bad for you.

I found meat very easy to tolerate.

I agree. Grass-fed organic Bison is an even better source - it's far leaner than grass-fed beef, or even chicken, and has much more protein and other good nutrients. Unfortunately it can be pricey, but we wait until we find a good deal and order in bullk.

Here's a good break down of the nutrition compared to other animal proteins:

Thanks for the tip on the coconut water, canbrave - I will get some to have on hand just in case.

Dr. C's Western Blot Explanation

Lymenet Success Stories

ILADS Treatment Guidelines

Medical & Scientific Literature on Lyme

"Long-Term Antibiotic Therapy Improves Persistent Symptoms Associated with Lyme Disease"

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Originally posted by Jin:
Dear nenet,

Thank you so much for sharing your recipes!
They are certainly worth a try. My stomach is so badly messed up, I do not know what to do. I suspect trouble from my gallbladder being removed several years ago.

The trouble is affording testing without insurance or a job. Sometimes the reflux is so bad, I cannot rest at all! Beet juice and beets do help, but the Prilosec should do the job by itself.

Jin, you're welcome re: the recipes, and I hope they help you! Please PM me if you have any questions about it or the herbs or where I get them etc.

I'm so sorry to read about what you went through - we read of this kind of thing happening so often, and not just in relation to Lyme. It seems that many doctors have lost their way, or never found it to begin with.

I hope things can somehow be righted for you, in some way, so that you won't have to continue carrying the burden of that trauma. It sounds like something that could be won straight out in a malpractice or damages suit, if only the money and energy were at hand.

No one has the right to cause what sounds to me like defamation of character, especially when it can affect getting proper medical care.

Dr. C's Western Blot Explanation

Lymenet Success Stories

ILADS Treatment Guidelines

Medical & Scientific Literature on Lyme

"Long-Term Antibiotic Therapy Improves Persistent Symptoms Associated with Lyme Disease"

Posts: 1176 | From KY | Registered: Sep 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Dear nenet,
I hope they help, too! Suffering daily with these digestive issues makes it impossible to do much of anything. I will be sure to PM you if I have questions. As far as I know, the healthfood store should have the ingredients. Affordability of ingredients may be another issue.

Doctors honestly are lackluster in their approach to treatment as well as diagnostics. All of my hope is gone. Celiac Disease and Lyme seem to be the two illnesses that medical horror stories most commonly are related to. I wish I could sue every single idiot physician who has ruined my life. I am so sick of hearing people make excuses for the doctors! They deserve no sympathy, nor do they deserve the idealized reputation so often given to them.

Everyone always assumes if a person is a doctor, they are intelligent. If you have an MD by your name, you recieve instant respect. When you have to research on your own and diagnose yourself, you quickly realize how pathetic and undeserving doctors truly are. Proper medical care is impossible once you have gone through this kind of scenario. Everything feels so hopeless now.


Celiac Disease (2007)
Candida Overgrowth (2006)
Thyroid Disease (2004)
Gallbladder Disease (removed- 2003)
Fibromyalgia (2001)
Ovarian Cysts (5 in less than 10 months - 2000)
Anemia (2000)
IBS (1999)
Acid Reflux (1999)

Posts: 369 | From Midwest | Registered: Apr 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Member # 18524

Icon 1 posted      Profile for Pinelady     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I saw a study done on sleep today. Milk, chamomile

tea, soft drink and water were all tested to

compare sleep patterns on patients. The one that

worked the best was chamomile tea. And you can grow

your own!

Suspected Lyme 07 Test neg One band migrating in IgG region
unable to identify.Igenex Jan.09IFA titer 1:40 IND
IgM neg pos
31 +++ 34 IND 39 IND 41 IND 83-93 +

Posts: 5850 | From Kentucky | Registered: Dec 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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