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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » dr. j's protocol??

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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for randibear     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
there is a "doctor" who claims to help lyme through color, using his own grown herbs. i think his book is called "beat lyme" or something like that.

he has tinctures called "borrelejon" or something like that.

he's not a real md, i don't think.

has anybody ever heard of him? i just read this site and this woman was raving about how he "cured" her lyme using all kinds of treatments.


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here is his website-

i went to see him for two weeks last april and found out my mouth was a mess- so came home and took care of silver fillings and root canals- so glad i did- my root canals where full of bacteria when they where pulled

Here is a long thread on someone that just went and saw dr j

Dr j is brilliant man

All The Best,
[email protected]

The harder you work the luckier you get!

Posts: 965 | From Nebraska Cornhuskers fan in Massachusetts | Registered: Dec 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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IMO DR J's book is a must read the 2nd edition

All The Best,
[email protected]

The harder you work the luckier you get!

Posts: 965 | From Nebraska Cornhuskers fan in Massachusetts | Registered: Dec 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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If this is the "doc" I think it is, there is a one woman supporter on healingwell that went to him and claims she was cured. She really pushes him.

He uses lobelia flowers/parts in his tinctures. Do the research, and you will find it is very toxic.

Buyer beware.

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Originally posted by CherylSue:
If this is the "doc" I think it is, there is a one woman supporter on healingwell that went to him and claims she was cured. She really pushes him.

He uses lobelia flowers/parts in his tinctures. Do the research, and you will find it is very toxic.

Buyer beware.

There are many people from several lyme forums who have gone to Dr. J in KS and have gotten better. Yes, Dr. J has a homeopathic remedy that uses lobelia in it, but he does not use any part of it that is toxic. I advise you to do your research before making comments like this.

Parts of the Lobelia plant is a safe plant to use and has been used for a variety of aliments. Here's a small quote from the link below.

"Last but not least, lobelia is an excellent remedy for both preventing and treating infectious diseases. It has been used successfully in scarlet fever, measles, mumps and even mononucleosis.

Many stories have been written attesting to lobelia's ability to both prevent one from catching contagious diseases as well as treat them once infected. Lobelia's ability to relax the body while purging it of unwanted toxins makes this a most valuable herb to have on hand in our increasingly toxic world."

Lobelia is excellent for removing ammonia and toxins from the brain.


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Originally posted by randibear:
there is a "doctor" who claims to help lyme through color, using his own grown herbs. i think his book is called "beat lyme" or something like that.

he has tinctures called "borrelejon" or something like that.

he's not a real md, i don't think.

has anybody ever heard of him? i just read this site and this woman was raving about how he "cured" her lyme using all kinds of treatments.


Yes, I went to Dr. J in KS and got much better on his protocol. Did you ever read any of my posts on the thread I started when I went to his clinic in January?

You can read about my experience at the clinic here:

I've been taking three of his homeopathic remedies and have been making tremendous progress since I've been on his protocol.

The book you are referring to is titled "Beating Lyme Disease" (second edition)

For more information about his clinic, his treatments and the book go here:

He has a company that makes and sells his homeopathic remedies here:

If you have any questions about his treatments or how I'm doing feel free to ask or pm me if you'd prefer.


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Here's a brief, but clear, description of what homeopathic medicine is. I copied and pasted this information below from this website:

--Homeopothy Explained--

* Homeopathy is an Age Old Method of Healing based on the Law of Similars

It is a therapeutic method which clinically applies the Law of Similars and which uses medicinal substances in weak or infinitesimal doses.

Homeopathy is a form of medicine that is not habit-forming; nor does it cause side effects, as is frequently the case in conventional medicine.

* The Law of Similars states:

A pharmacologically active substance administered to a person in good health triggers a series of symptoms. When these same symptoms appear in a sick person they can be cured by administering the same substance in a micro dose.

A very common example of this is Ipecac. When taken in a large doses Ipecac causes vomiting; when taken in a very small dose it is one of the best remedies for nausea and vomiting.

This principle was known to two ancient physicians, Hippocrates (400 B.C.) and Paracelsus (1493), but it was not until the last quarter of the 18th century that it was actively investigated.

* Dr Samuel Hahnemann's contribution:

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann of Germany was so appalled by the medical practices of the day, which often did more harm than good, that he gave up his medical practice to explore other alternatives. In 1790, while translating the writings of the Scottish doctor, Cullen, Dr. Hahnemann was drawn to an article discussing quinine.

While attempting to prove Dr. Cullen's homeopathic theory incorrect, Dr. Hahnemann learned that by taking large amounts of chinchona bark (from which quinine is taken) fever attacks would occur. Fever attacks and other symptoms were exactly what quinine cured, when given in small doses. Thus, Dr. Hahnemann became a believer of the theory he had set out to disprove.

Dr. Hahnemann continued to experiment and was able to verify that the reaction he observed with quinine could be repeated with other substances. Hahnemann told others of his discovery and they joined him in experiments called provings.
Provings consisted of taking small doses of reputedly poisonous or other medical substances and carefully noting all the symptoms they produced.

Patients suffering from similar symptoms were then treated with these same substances in minute doses, with outstanding results. The theory was no longer a coincidence, but could be stated as a valid law.

* The Smallest Effective Dose:

Having established the Principle of Similarity, Hahnemann worked to discover the smallest effective dose. He realized that this was the best way to avoid side-effects. To his surprise he found that the more the remedy was diluted, the more active it became, while dissimilar remedies were ineffective.

He called his method of dilution potentization and numbered the potencies to indicate the dilution ratio. This paradox, that a lesser amount could be more effective than a larger dose of the same substance, was unacceptable to the scientific community in Hahnemann's time.

He and his scientific community in Hahnemann's time. He and his followers were ridiculed, but homeopathy survived because it achieved remarkable results. Provings (or pathogeneses) with the various substances were always done on healthy subjects, and all reactions were recorded.

The first compilation of provings was published in 1810 as The Organon (The Art of Healing) by Hahnemann. Other doctors have continued Hahnemann's work and today's Homeopathic Materia Medica makes the records of years of provings available to homeopathic physicians.

* Treating the Person not the Disease:

Homeopathic physicians consider it better to treat the sick person rather than the disease. The orthodox Homeopath will sit with his patient for one or two hours, soliciting information on how the patient feels throughout his entire body and mind.

Once the doctor has a picture of the whole person, he consults the Materia Medica to find the one best remedy for all of the symptoms. Because homeopathic doctors look at patients as whole persons, rather than a series of symptoms or carriers of a disease, they often prescribe different remedies for patients suffering from the same disease.

This makes controlled studies problematical, but basic principles of homeopathy indicate clearly why this must be so. The remedies which are made come from animal, vegetable, chemical and mineral sources. However, the end product contains only minute amounts of the original sources.

Drugs like morphine, cocaine and arsenic can also be used, but in their diluted forms to render them marvellously effective for good. Even substances which in their natural states have little or no obvious effect upon the human body (i.e. sand, charcoal, common salt, etc.) develop powerful healing properties when matched with the right patient and after being diluted and potentized.

* Homeopathy is essentially natural healing:

Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body to resist negative toxins and thereby heal itself. Adequate rest, appropriate diet and a satisfactory environment will also support recovery. Rapid results can be achieved in acute illness, but if the patient's vitality is low, long-term treatment may need to be undertaken.

Sometimes irreversible bodily changes have already taken place. In these cases other forms of medical or surgical treatment may be necessary to give the patient a fresh start. Then homeopathy will help prevent deterioration or recurrence.

In summary, homeopathy is a form of medicine that assists the body in healing itself. It does not reject the great discoveries of modern medical science, only their commercial abuse.

Homeopathy has stood the test of time, helping people achieve health not only in the last 150 years, but since its discovery 2000 years ago. Take advantage of the availability of this natural, non-abusive treatment. (End of article)

This is so amazing and fascinating to me because for the first time in years I'm finally getting better using homeopathic remedies of all things. I would have never guessed that I could get better from Lyme disease using something as "simple" as homeopathic remedies.


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ahmet ozbek
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My blood ammonia level was slightly high. I used Dr J neuroantitox cns/pns 2 for 3 months. first level was 109(normal level below 102) my current level was served the purpose. Ahmet
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where's randi?

Opinions, not medical advice!

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oh i'm here. just reading all these comments. yeah, it ws jernigan, but it wasn't sure if i could mention his name. you know, the doctor thingy.

i'm curious if this woman says he's "cured" her of lyme and all, why other people don't try his protocol.

apparently it's tinctures and all and i gather it's very expensive.

i recall that he's not an md but a chiro.

why isn't it publicized more? if mean, if it works....

do not look back when the only course is forward

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I can also back up that Dr. J doesn't supply poisonous elements to his patients. Yes, he does use some items that could have some poisonous properties if not used correctly in a remedy. However, Dr. J does not supply any of his patients with a remedy that has some potentially hazardous qualities about it.

Out of all of the doctors I have seen in the last couple of years, probably at least thirty of them, Dr. J is far superior when it comes to the knowledge of herbs and natural remedies. He also has hundreds, if not a thousand, remedies that he can offer a person.

Dr. J gets accused of peddling his own products -- which I can't blame him when he does because he needs to make a living also -- but out of the hundreds of remedies he uses I would say only 1% to 5% are his own products.

Posts: 194 | From Colorado | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Originally posted by randibear:
oh i'm here. just reading all these comments. yeah, it ws jernigan, but it wasn't sure if i could mention his name. you know, the doctor thingy.

Since he is a chiro and naturopathic and not covered by insurance companies, I don't think there is any harm in mentioning his last name. Probably just habit by all of us to use the first letter of the last name.

i'm curious if this woman says he's "cured" her of lyme and all, why other people don't try his protocol.

apparently it's tinctures and all and i gather it's very expensive.

I think just that, it's tinctures and stuff. It's hard to wrap people's minds around natural methods when we have all been raised by conventional medicine. And the main protocol for Lyme is still antibiotics and Dr. J does not use them.

i recall that he's not an md but a chiro.

why isn't it publicized more? if mean, if it works....

Maybe Massman can chime in on this subject, but chiros are fairly brilliant when it comes to medical issues, at least those that focus on the whole body. I'm not discounting MD's but I think chiros get a bad wrap on the knowledge they have garnered through their training.

Dr. J and the Hansa Center doesn't self-promote which is probably why you haven't heard of them much. They don't toot their horn much and patients come to them mainly by word of mouth. They have started promoting more in the Wichita area and I think they have won a few yearly awards by the local media for best local choice for alternative medicine.

My belief is a fair amount of the naturopathic Lyme docs know who Dr. J is.

You can also sign up for their e-newsletter at their website.

Posts: 194 | From Colorado | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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well i'm open to anything. think i'll get his book, can't hurt and it would be a nice addition to alternative treatment reading.

wow, i just checked and his book is 48 bucks!!! hmm, have to rethink this unless somebody can send me a copy...whoa...

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Amazon offers the paperback for $36.95.


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