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Icon 12 posted      Profile for kaos     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Background: Sick for 7 years and treated with abx for 2 1/2 years. Diagnosed with Lyme and Bartonella by positive Western Blot and ELISA.

I made the decision to stop abx about 3 months ago. I didn't think it was worth it to try and treat in the dark any longer. Since testing for Lyme is crock and the treatment is not even close to defined, not to mention totally toxic...I chose to re-establish my health by other means. I was getting sicker and sicker on abx. A downward spiral into an abyss where everyday was a bad day and I hated life. I sometimes wished I wouldn't wake up the next day. My brain and body were no longer my own. I'm not talking about the abx giving me herxes and that's why I felt bad...I'm talking about them directly making me sick.

Improvement only began for me when I ditched the abx and went alternative. I was seeing a well-renowned LLMD with a very aggressive protocol too. After stopping abx and aggressively going after Candida, I'm finally healing.

I'm much stronger now and doing physical activity that I could never do before. I worked 5 hours straight yesterday cleaning out my garage. Before, I couldn't have lasted 5 minutes.

I'm using Ozone, hyperbaric, rife, and herbs and feeling great. Still in recovery and still knocking out pathogens whether Lyme or not. No more guesswork and no more abx...not ever!!


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Thanks for your story. I know that one day soon I will also stop the abx, even though I am making progress. I am also concerned about the benefits vs. the damage. My Dr. and I discuss this often. My hope and his is that I can get to a point where I can make a gradual shift to all alternative therapies. We are slowly adding in herbs, and a more aerobic exercise program. We have worked out a nutritional plan that I have been diligent with.

I am pleased that you are healing without abx. I am not there yet, but your story inspires me. I, and many others here still need the abx, at least for now.

Take care and stay well.


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You're very welcome BC. It was such a hard decision to get off of the abx. I just had to do it. I'm not advocating the direction I'm taking, I just wanted to share a story and I'm glad it's appreciated.

I went through some very strange withdrawls and finally went head to head with Candida. I'm winning that battle though. Thrush almost gone, athlete's foot bye-bye, and yeast-related asthma is history.

Also, I lost 15 lbs. of blubber without trying. I no longer retain the water like I used to either (this was a real problem and I'm not female).


[This message has been edited by kaos (edited 06 September 2004).]

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That's great Greg. I hope you dont mind if I post this on a few of the yahoo groups (oxyplus, mild hyperbaric etc)

You're doin' great!


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Congrats Greg, you've come a long way. If I recall, you had some really bizarre symptoms to contend with so I'm encouraged that you've made so much progress.

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Hey Dude!!!!!

I love it!!!

AS you know ...our symptoms are almost identical.

I have been trying to afford the O3 maker as I already have the 'sweat lodge'!!!!

I have been trrying different things as of lately...and yes thrush comes through like a raging bull...the bulk of my symptoms go AWAY with the inflamation caused by the abx....however, I can no longer go without food because I immediately have symtpms come out when the abx work off..I was doing better over the summer and now amn regressing...thinking ...

Babs and fungal..but...tried the mepron and 'ran' back and forth to the bathroom all the time...ha! (However, cleared my head ...until it left my body)

I have had an increase in asthma..and my skin/sinuses are now drying up when I am exposed to, massive candida is my guess.


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Massive Candida is my guess for you too. When I hit the yeast good, my sinus and nasal passages go back to normal. It's really funny to feel the pressure going back and forth. Then they dry up and then get moist again...back and forth. My asthma got really bad when first treating yeast, now it is gone.

The latest blessing that I have is my food sensitivities are going away. I was able to eat my "taboo" foods once again this weekend. I also did my laundry and the detergent didn't cause me to sneeze or swell up.

It's a super long battle with Candida, but I think we can nail it.

The relationship between abx and yeast is very strange and much different than I thought simply because things get worse for a while when stopping abx and I don't think it's because of any Lyme in my case. My latest tests for Lyme were negative (tissue PCR's). I will retest with a WB this month, but for now I'm listening to my gut instincts and I keep feeling better.

Oxidative therapies are the best for me so far.


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this is such good news!


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Hi Greg,
I'm glad you are doing good, thanks for sharing.

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Good for you, I agree with orion, more wonderful details please....

Type of Rife?
how often?
what herbs?
how often Hyperbaric
Type of Ozone machine, do you drink ozone water?

Great success story!!

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Hooray!!! this is terrific news!
Carol Ann

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Icon 5 posted      Profile for orion   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Are you still feeling good?


Posts: 245 | From Tickafornia | Registered: Apr 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
[email protected]

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Oh, please tell me more about these things...candida, sneezing, asthma, sinus inflammation.... I've had the sneezing, "sand in my eyes", inflamed mucous membranes...(allergies ruled out)...Went to a reputable clinic, was rx'd with Amphotericin nasal washes and my sx. got worse every day. That's when I had to take a leave of absence from work. Never had these things before in my life! So these are probably sx. of the yeast as apposed to LD? ( I have been on oral ATB x 2 yrs. but LD never dx.) My dr. finally told me to stay off my ATBs, which I have done x 10 d.

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I'd like to hear more about the alternative treatments too!!

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O.k. Here's some more detail.


Ozone Therapy: I use this primarily in a steam sauna tent. Ozone is fed into the sauna tent and while you sweat from the sauna toxins are released and Ozone is absorbed. Check out Orion's thread for another story of how this has helped.

Ozone has been my mainstay since I started a little under 1 month ago. I have some good and bad days with it, but I keep pushing and things are going great. I also take in Ozone by ear and rectally. Women can do it vaginally too.

Ozone therapy might sound complicated but it's really not. I feel so much appreciation that I found Orion's post last month. It really got me on the right track.


I have a hyperbaric chamber at home. I really haven't used it as much as I would like to because all these therapies get time consuming. As I know it, hyperbaric will oxygenate the body and ozone will oxidize it. As soon as I start doing the hyperbarics regularly again, I will be able to comment more.


The rife machine also isn't in use as much as I would like. I have an EMEM 5. Why don't I use it very much? is a super-powerful therapy and I feel like I'm going at the right pace already. Since I have significantly reduced the number of pathogens in my body, it is much easier to handle now. I am able to fit it in to my shedule once or twice a week. I mostly use the rife machine for Candida because that is where I get the most "hits". When I first tried it for Candida I couldn't walk for 2 weeks. That was my very first indication that yeast was a major part of my problem.

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2):

I just started this therapy over 1 week ago. It is very potent. I take it orally, but am seriously looking into finding a physician to do it by I.V. Be very careful if you decide to try H2O2. Here is a site on Curezone that I learned about it from:

It has helped me a lot. I know I'm killing a lot of bugs by H2O2 and Ozone because I can tell my liver is working very hard to handle the toxins that are released during die-off. The color of my stools tells me this. I'm not on any prescriptions so I'm able to rule out liver toxicity from drugs. Sweating is so important for detoxifying and that's why I'm really big on saunas.

Herbs & supplements:

I regularly take multivitamins (used to herx on these), garlic, oregano oil, probiotics, L-glutamine, psyllium fiber a couple times a week to sweep away the die-off, & detox tea. I also love the Xango product that I get from Troutscout.

I like to keep the herbs at a minimum so that I can really tell what's working.


None of these therapies worked well for me until I changed my diet. I go as low-carb as I can and skip the deserts as much as possible. A low-carb diet is where I've gotten the biggest die-off reactions. Again...obviously yeast...achy joints, nasal discharge, brain-fog, itchiness, and fatigue.


I hate doing liver flushes, but I love the results. Will do one tonight and try and do it monthly to help with detox.

I drink several glasses of water throughout the day and it really helps.

I can't tell you guys in words how much I've changed since leaving abx's 3 months ago. I'm ever so better. I actually sleep through every night, I don't call out sick anymore, I go out in public and feel great again, anxiety is gone, headaches disappeared, fatigue is lifting, and the best part is that improvements keep happening. I was so afraid that this was going to backfire on me and I'd be crawling back to my LLMD begging for prescriptions....well, it didn't. I haven't seen Dr. H. since finding my new path and that was exactly 3 months ago. I see him next week and our discussion should prove to be interesting.

My asthma was the most debilitating symptom I had. I couldn't breathe 24/7. It only disappeared by treating Candida. I'm really surprised at what a monster Candida is and I don't think a lot of us realize it.

As you can see, the therapies that I use are good for both Lyme and Candida so I've got my bases covered.

I hope I've been able to help anyone reading this. Please remember that nothing is overnight. I can't believe the dedication that this has taken. Finally I've found therapies that give me the energy and strength to follow through with those therapeies.

I had another major die-off this week and it took 2 days to clear, it would have taken weeks before. Either my "load" is down or my body is more efficient than ever. Daily detoxing has helped too.

Yeah, like any regimen, it gets tiresome. The only reason why it's been different this time is because the results are there.


Posts: 373 | From Southern California | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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I'm all ready for my first liver flush!!!
Its really nice to see somebody posting upbeat positive information about their personal improvement. Thanks afor all the tips! :-) LORAXXXXXXXXX

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[This message has been edited by WildCondor (edited 11 September 2004).]

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Icon 6 posted      Profile for Lymetoo     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
That's awesome, greg! I'm really excited about trying the sauna....may be a few months away from getting one...but I hope to get one!

I think ALOT of people don't realize how important it is to clear the Candida......and how HARD it is to do if your diet isn't right! Actually, you CAN'T do it if your diet isn't right!

I'm just about ready to dump abx, but this time I'm not going to eat bad things thinking "I can get away with it now!" I did that last time I tried to get off abx, and I think the Candida got really excited about what I was feeding it!

Thanks for the info, greg! And GO XANGO!


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