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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » Human Tapeworm?

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Author Topic: Human Tapeworm?
My Tapestry
Member # 8651

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I know - gross.

But I think I have it, not sure what to do about it. Tests come up negative. But I visually see eggs (seeds).

Does anyone suspect they have a tape worm?

Is there a doctor who specializes in it's treatment?

I don't think the antibiotics I am taking have an affect.

--- Rachel ---

Please accept my resignation. I don�t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member - Groucho Marx

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More people than you think have that problem. The eggs look like apple seeds.

Cleanses are very needed. Arise & Shine; Sputnik; Albendazole/Biltricide and then Daxon/Alinia is a protocol for some people. Colonics before and after and in between.
Drink milk - they will come to the feast! that's the time to get them. All worms. My doctor got into an argument with University of Washington - "no tapeworm in stool" while he was absolutely certain - he then send them the tapeworm! Never heard from them again. Don't take a chance waiting for a positive test.

Parasite testing is poor and at this time almost non-existent.

Take care.

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Is this the same Arise and Shine at What components of their product address the parasites? I see lots of colon cleanse ingredients, but are there specific components that are anti-parasitic?

Be well,

Posts: 4617 | From San Jose, CA | Registered: Jul 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Scott, it is my understanding that Arise and Shine is a comprehensive cleanse that I imagine would strip the terrain parasited thrive in..
plus some of the cleanse has ingredients such as
Black Walnut Hulls, Artemisia Annua, Cloves, Mandrake root, Ginger root, Gentian root..
and other stuff that addresses many types of parasites.

IMO cleansing the bowel and kidneys is imperative first (I bet Arise and Shine does that, I have not read through it yet..that is what I did on my own programme)

..because these organs must be clear before doing anti-parasitic meds/herbs for obvious reasons.

Then cleanse the liver, and more parasite cleansing after that, as the liver harbors them as well.

I used high dose oregano oil (in home-made capsules to reach intestines) after I was all clear in other areas and had done some of the herbs mentioned inn Arise and Shine. This cannot be done without allot of care and prep, it kills allot of stuff fast.

I did the Sputnik (and allot of other cleansing with herbs) before that.

I know some folks who have had luck with a
3 day fast with raw pineapple and raw pumpkin seeds for tapeworm.

This MUST be in sync with the body, well cleansed, good prep, good follow up or you will likely get too sick and it could cause allot more problems...

But here is an interesting article from 1939 about pineapple..
I try and eat a whole one once a week (post parasite and other cleansing that took many months). Let it get good and ripe (strong smell) and it is full of enzymes.


Pineapple for Worms

Oct. 9, 1939

Seven inches long, first cousin to the earthworm but with livelier ambitions, Ascaris lumbricoides is one of the commonest parasites found in the intestines of man. The worms, which usually plague children more than adults, enter the body in infected vegetables, may cause diarrhea, colic, convulsions. Standard anthelmintic (worm-killer) for ascarids is bitter oil of chenopodium (wormseed oil), usually given in capsule form. Last week in Science, Chemists Julius Berger and Conrado Frederico Asenjo of the University of Wisconsin stood up for a primitive worm-killer which is sweeter, cheaper, and just as powerful: fresh pineapple juice.

Pineapple juice has long been swigged by wormy natives of India, but until the Wisconsin scientists put it to laboratory test, its anthelmintic virtues were unknown to modern medicine. The scientists dropped a pair of living ascarids, taken from hogs' intestines, in a jar of juice freshly squeezed from a Cuban pineapple.

Another group of worms was doused in "heat-inactivated" pineapple juice; a third in plain salt water. At the end of 24 hours the worms in the heated juice and the salt water were "very lively and active." But those in the fresh pineapple juice were "completely digested" (dead). Reason: fresh pineapple juice contains an enzyme, or ferment, which acts like a corrosive acid on worms. No worm-killer is canned pineapple juice, said the scientists, for the boiling necessary to preserve the juice destroys the anthelmintic enzyme.


PS to cleansing in general:
Those suckers still came back tho to a lesser degree - and it has been imperative to keep at them sensibly.
We are forever exposed, I think.

I only started the Oregano (high dose pure oil in capsules) after I was through allot of other cleansing.
I waited **too long this last time and my kidneys got overloaded with toxins (pain in the lower back)
so a kidney cleanse is again necessary.
I have learned these must be rotated.
(colon, kidney, parasites, liver, colon, parasites, kidney, ect)

This is serious business. Even tho I have come so far.

Then, most you have to dillegently continue to replenish the good bacteria with live bacteria via fermented beverages and foods.

Much of what kills the parasites kills the good guys as well. And Chlorella I have taken as well to mop up released metals.


Posts: 8337 | From the other shore | Registered: Jul 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Agree this is important. I have done several different anti-parasite treatments in the past - even though none of these showed up via conventional testing I suspect that we all have some.

As for Sputnik, I have one here that I plan to do in about two weeks.... Thanks for the info!

Be well,

Posts: 4617 | From San Jose, CA | Registered: Jul 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Are you intentionally waiting to time it with the New Moon?

Next New: 2/27/2006 7:31 PM [13.3 days]

-- of not intentional, I'd say it would be a happy accident ..

Folklore regarding human 'de-worming'and also farmer's treatment of animals for parasites coincides with the New Moon and the days immediately following that that is a time the body releases..

I follow that rule, too, and I find it to be a very helpful catalyst to any kind of cleansing..
whereas the Full Moon phase we retain.

The literature for salt baths says the same thing..
New Moon to cleanse, Full Moon to take in minerals from the bath.


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On a positive note; I saw a prgram not that long ago about worms and allergies. They are being used as a cure for all sorts of allergies like asthma and stomach problems.

The findings behind the research were that most allergies came about several decades ago when people started ridding themselves of worms and parasites.

It was quite amazing the effect that worms seemed to have on allergy sufferers; one woman who was on deaths door with stomach problems had been completely restored to health by the implantation of worms into her digestive system.

Many modern illnesses are due to our paranoia about cleanliness, check this out;

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My Tapestry
Member # 8651

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Thanks everyone for all the information.

I am wondering what doctors know about this?
Are they mostly ignorant about it or even hostile? What about LLMds.

Are there perscription meds for this? Can you see the worms on an MRI or something like that?

Mo, what is the difference between colon cleanse and liver cleanse. Arise and Shine is a colon cleanse I believe.(?) If you do a liver or kidney cleanse, do you need your liver enzymes tested.

I know these questions might have no answers, but I thought I would throw it out there. Thanks!

--- Rachel ---

Please accept my resignation. I don�t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member - Groucho Marx

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Important point that it's a balance we want to achieve. I think you can get into trouble if the mindset is to anhialate all parasites...because you kill too many good organisms that way.
I also agree that chemicals and anti-bacterial soaps and all that kind of stuff is unhealthy..our bodies can benefit from exposure to the real world.

However, those of us chronically ill with Lyme, Cancer...stuff like that..
due to the illneses and the medications, ect..
are always in danger of the bad guys taking control. I believe it is most often a big part of the overall illness state..
not just because of illness but also our diet and digestive health in general.
When they get a foothold, they repopulate at alarming speeds and can invade all organs and set up shop.

It is a careful approach to re-balance this.

Maggots have been used to heal..there are many organisms that help out in the right balance..
yet tapeworm, hookworm, guardia, ameoba or ascaris infestations can make one severely ill and immunologically crippled, and make medicines and nutrients ineffective.

Tapestry --

No. I do not think doctors are knowledgeable or focused on this problem at all (exept Doc K to my knowledge)..
I think the most you would get is an appeasing lab test that would not yeild real answers, and maybe a quick course of abx.

It is amazing to me that in a Third World country you can take some poop to a lab and they will fully and accurately analize it in an hour, and begin some form of treatment..
(you can do the same with your dog here)
and this test costs a few bucks.
Here, it is treated like some sort of insane request..
and the only available lab is the Rocky Mountain one that will bankrupt you before you can get into treatment, and charges for each species looked for.
IMO, if cleansing is done carefully with holistic health in mind and reverence for what the body needs..
also looked at as a 'tune-up' if you will..
I say -- treat without tests in this case.
To be chronically ill and not have parasite problems to balance would be highly unlikely IMO.
Even less likely if you have taken any antibiotics.
The good guys are important players in this, and if they are altered by ab's or herbs, there is trouble.

It is a multi-systemic approach and balancing act that is required, all the points GiGi has mentioned over the years ..
I am working on this for a year and a half now, with great care not to focus just on getting rid of the out of control bad guys..focus is on balance and being good to my body and freeing it up to do what IT can do.
Clogged organs riddled with parasites cannot function. But, we have to be careful about the cleansing.

I have not looked at whether the Arise and Shine program addresses liver and kidneys.

I did 'traditional' liver cleansing (olive oil and grapefruit with Epsom salts) repeatedly only
(once a month at the New Moon) after I had done colon and parasite and kindey cleanse first for many weeks..
then back through all of it again --

Kidney cleanse herbs and teas are very effective.
Here's an example of one:

Even tho I've been at this a while and consider myself very experienced and well studied as an individual..
I goofed and took too strong a parasite treatment when my kidneys were not clear..
and this week experienced severe pain in my lower back. (kidney pain)

On this tea for 2 days, and the pain is gone. I will complete the full kidney cleanse.

There are other teas, John Christopher's basic formula works very well also.

((I have to stress, this approach has to be comprehensive, just one tea or treatment will not solve these problems in the organs as they are all connected and working in synch, or should be.. I am just giving examples for thought))


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I have a video of a program about ticks and lyme, etc., which was made in CT and shown on PBS.

I have never forgotten the fact that they claim ticks can also give us tapeworms! It is the only time I have ever heard that, and certainly have not come across it in any literature.

Fleas are the intermediary host of tapeworms infecting dogs and cats. Do you think it's possible?


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My daughter got trichenosis last spring.
from pork. this was a real bummer because it made her feel bad on top of the lyme herxes and the prescription for it was hard on stomach.

We are grateful that they found it thru blood tests as it is dangerous untreated.

The rest of our family did not get it and all we can figue is that with her immune system so down she got something the rest of us were exposed to put fought off.

I encourge you to get your problem checked out by dr.


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URL of this page:

Alternative names

Trichiniasis; Trichinellosis

Trichinosis is a roundworm (Trichinella spiralis) infection, usually contracted by eating raw or undercooked meat.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Trichinosis is a parasitic disease that results from eating undercooked meat, most frequently pork, which contains cysts of Trichinella spiralis. T. spiralis can be found in pork, bear, fox, rat, horse and lion meat.

Trichinosis is a common infection worldwide, but it is seldom seen in the United States because of regulations regarding the feeding of domestic animals and meat-processing inspections.

When a person eats meat from an infected animal, trichinella cysts hatch in the intestines and grow into adult roundworms, which measure 2-4 mm long.

The roundworms then produce offspring that migrate through the gut wall and into the bloodstream. These parasites tend to invade muscle tissues, including the heart and diaphgragm (the breathing muscle under the lungs). They can also affect the lungs and brain.

Domestic meat animals (hogs) raised specifically for consumption under USDA guidelines and inspection can be considered safe. Wild animals, especially carnivores (meat eaters) or omnivores (animals that eat both meat and plants), should be considered a possible source of roundworm disease.

There are approximately 40 cases per year in the US.

Risk factors include eating meat from wild game.


History of having eaten rare or uncooked pork (bear and other wild carnivores or omnivores)
Abdominal discomfort
Muscle pain (especially muscle pain with breathing, chewing, or using large muscles)
Signs and tests

CBC (increased eosinophils)
Muscle biopsy (trichinella cysts are seen in the muscle)
Serology studies
CPK (may show elevated levels of muscle enzymes)

There is no specific treatment for trichinosis once the larvae have invaded the muscles. Albendazole can work on the intestinal forms, but not on the muscle forms. Analgesics can relieve the muscle pain.

Expectations (prognosis)

Most people with trichinosis have no symptoms and their infection is self-limited (resolves on its own). More severe infections may be more difficult to treat, especially if the lungs, the heart, and/or the brain is involved.


Arrhythmias from heart inflammation (myocarditis)
Heart failure
Calling your health care provider

Call your health provider if you have symptoms suggestive of trichinosis and a recent history of eating undercooked or raw meat that might have been contaminated.


Pork and meat from wild animals should be cooked until well done. Freezing at subzero temperatures (Fahrenheit) for 3 to 4 weeks will kill the organism. Smoking, salting, or drying meat are not reliable methods of preventing this infections.

Update Date: 7/12/2004

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