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Icon 1 posted      Profile for lindadanis     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
some of you may remember me posting a while ago. Well I am still walking around sick, actually sicker. My recent igenex labs showed positive for bands 31 and 41 both igg and igm. I was on a round of doxy for a few months. I still have severe dizziness/spinning sensations, anxiety crying all the time, feel like my feet are not touching the ground when I walk, a feeling of disconnect, brain fog.

Do I have lyme? I would also like to say that I have now been diagnosed with RA, my knees are killing me. I believe this is all lyme related symptoms but feel like the doxy isn't enough medicine to kill it.

(breaking up the post for easier reading for many)

[ 02-15-2019, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]

Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Was so hoping you would check in with your status.
It's been awhile and sorry to hear you are still feeling poorly.

We cannot diagnosis you. Only a medical doctor can do that, specifically a LLMD who is educated in Tick Borne Infections.

I find it alarming to hear you are on Doxy only.
This alone will not get you well. You must have a complete treatment protocol which addresses immune, detox, mitochondrial support, sleep, hormones, diet, stress, exercise, ect. .

Many LLMD'S follow the Lyme Diagnostic Guide;

There are other protocols, antibiotics, or herbals, or antibiotics and herbals combined;
(I have no financial interest in this website, posting for info only.)

Posts: 2987 | From Florida | Registered: Nov 2016  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Hi - you haven't treated enough - you need to see an LLMD for better treatment.

We're all different regarding what we respond to. I'm finding that just taking capsules of turmeric greatly reduces pain in my muscles and joints. It's an anti-inflammatory cooking spice!

Also, did bloodtesting and found low thyroid. Went on Armour thyroid and felt present again.

The doctor needs to also do some bloodtesting to see where some of your chemistry is at, and treat accordingly.

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Good replies above. Yet, from your posting history, you have stated that you cannot afford a LLMD and that

(in my words) your doctor(s) are not at all adequate and (again, my words and opinion) not at all likely to help you since they repeated give you the wrong advice / Rx.

The steroid shot you had a few months ago, in Nov. also likely contributes and will for some time -- so be kind to yourself and treat yourself with tender loving care (yet be careful to avoid all sugar and processed foods as steroids in the system can create major cravings for many months).

The steroid shot can also cause the major mood spikes / drops. Again, tender loving care - rest, nutrition, adrenal support.

You have asked about Babesia and clearly have not at all been properly treated for lyme - at all, at any time.

Still . . . don't despair. There are ways that you might be able to get better.

CONNECT WITH YOUR LOCAL LYME SUPPORT GROUPS -- they might have some ways to see a LLMD or at least get a lyme "friendly" GP.

See if they have books you can borrow such as from Zhang or Stephen Buhner. Buhner's books are so vital.

If you cannot read (as happens often with lyme for various reasons) you might ask the lyme support group leaders if there might be some folks who could help you

understand why you are experiencing such symptoms -- and what might be done on your own until you might get a better medical doctor.

If you can understand WHY you have such symptoms, that will be very helpful in how you think of yourself at this point and also help with the outlook.

Once I was able to understand why - it really helped me be kinder to myself but also know that I really had to study so much for myself (as I also never could obtain more than just a few consults with a proper doctor).

Do not despair when you feel that you are on your own.

Even if you have little energy, reach out to others to be your TUTORS, so to speak -- if they have energy. Do be mindful of that, of course. But your lyme support group might have some good connections for you.

When you can - or maybe a tutor could do this with you - be sure to go back over your posing history for there a a lot of good posts there that might be good to read again.

If you can, at all, keep whatever joy or diversion that is most important for you yet also try to prioritize your study time. However you might learn best now, keep it simple. Make outlines or flash cards with key points if that helps.

Sometimes, even now after (so many) years I might find myself asking in comparing myself to others who can do this or that "what the hell is so wrong with me?"

then, I have to smile kindly to myself and say, " oh . . . yeah."

Try to not compare, understand that yes, this is all profound and your body is behaving in a logical manner due to all this . . . yet, this can get better. Really.

Where we start is with good nutrition and sleep hygiene. From there, the other elements can look more promising.

Turmeric, as Robin suggest, is excellent and might help a lot as you sort out your steps. If you can't afford the capsules, get a good ORGANIC jar in the spice aisle of your grocery store.

Do not buy cheap or off-brand turmeric as it can contain heavy metals if not from a top quality source. Simply Organics is a good brand but, really a good brand of turmeric capsules is pretty reasonable in price.

Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for lindadanis     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
thank you everyone for your input. I agree, doxy at 200mg daily is not enough. Can I open turmeric capsules and put it in applesauce to eat as I cannot swallow a capsule? I will seek out another llmd, I don't know who to turn too but yes, unfortunately, I am getting worse by the day.
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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what is adrenal support? please explain, thanks
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Sorry, - really I am - however, applesauce is so loaded with sugar - and often most also have added high fructose corn syrup. Even if nothing else listed in the ingredients, it's really a simple / processed sugar the minute it hits our mouth and spike blood glucose and insulin.

Too much fruit, though, is very hard on the liver as the fructose has to go to the liver to get processed - and often turns into fat right there.

Best to enjoy a real apple so it takes its own sweet time digesting. Or slightly cook it if you need it softer. But also best AFTER a meal of foods that are not sugar.

If you have capsules of turmeric, and you have trouble swallowing capsules - you could just open it up and put in any other food that is not pure sugar. With your eggs, say, or your lunch or dinner.

Maybe in the middle of a meal at first to see how you do with it.

Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Adrenal support: CORDYCEPS is the most basic. (Pronounce CORD - a - Septs)

Good sleep, rest, zero sugar, no processed foods or simple sugars - also key to adrenal support. Music, gentle movement that you can enjoy like QiGong, slow dancing to music you enjoy right in your living room or kitchen!

Hope you are already gluten-free . . . it's also a huge helper to not have gluten in one's diet.

One main reason for zero sugar (and that includes applesauce) is that spikes in blood glucose and the resultant spikes in insulin can cause lots of harm to our adrenal / endrocrine systems . . . and to our pancreas . . . our brain, etc.

Keeping blood glucose levels steady is essential to helping our bodies handle stress.

If you know someone with a blood glucose meter, you might ask if you could have them come over for several hours and if they have a few glucose test strips you could pay them for - to use then to test out how certain foods affect

glucose levels, prior to eating, then 30-minutes, one-hour, 1.5 hours and then 2 hours after finishing a simple meal

Sugar - whatever the source - can also cause "leaky gut" by allowing the bad bacteria - including candida / yeast to take over the gut and that causes all kinds of other troubles and toxicity. pain, brain fog, fatigue, all so much worse with even a little sugar on board.

Instead of applesauce . . . zucchini cook up really nice and are gentle to the tummy. Low oxalates, too, another plus.

If you are going to enjoy any fruits, it should be a small amount of very dark berries that are lowest in natural sugars - at the end of a substantial meal so it's not a spike to blood glucose. Still, some of those can be high in oxalates and that can hurt a leaky gut.

Peppermint tea / or lemon tea is a nice replacement for something sweet. Just be sure it is free of "natural flavors" as that's a code for MSG and can be neuro-exictaory to the brain.

If you eat lamb, peppermint is a nice seasoning for that, too.

Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Turmeric is hard on my stomach .. I take curcumin for pain and inflammation.

Opinions, not medical advice!

Posts: 96227 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I am a type two diabetic and my sugars have been running high. It has been a struggle keeping them in check also. so with that in mind, I will forget the applesauce. No I am not on a gluten free diet, I was never told to be.
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Do you have Netflix ?

Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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no I don't Keebler. why?
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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There is a documentary on Netflix that I think you might enjoy - and also gain a lot of hope and help regarding nutritional plans with reversing diabetes.

You might be able to find this in DVD through your library or other outlets, too. Search around. It's really a delightful film to watch, too. Not at all a downer but uplifting and well done.

It's called "The Magic Pill" and has many wonderful people featured at the start, various points in their journey and after some time on a low carb high fat plan, with some going a step further onto the ketogenic approach. That really turned my eyes to it about a year ago.

In the meantime, you might want to see the research and easy blog views at Virta Health - there is a psychologist in the Boston area working with patients on this, too. I saw him in a panel at a recent conference and was very impressed with him.

In case you might be interested, it would be good to have a doctor to consult who is able, trained and experienced in this - especially if you might be on any diabetes meds.

So far, I've not found a GP in your area but the Virta Health website might have some suggestions in your area.

Dr. Eric Westman, at Duke University has a very similar program as well as direction his HEAL clinics around the country, too.

So, far, many mainstream doctors, and especially diet staff are not open to this as they go with the Diabetes Assoc. and they have so many high paying sponsors who make high carb foods that they are married to that.

High carb foods will keep blood sugars high / spiking / dropping and then insulin is also released and that causes more trouble.

Dr. Richard K. Bernstein - his YouTube channel

( has a wonder book on reversing diabetes. He's in his '80's and going strong having had T1D since a youth.

Session 16. What Is The Ideal Blood Sugar?

by Dr. Bernstein . . . 10:46 video

Book (also check your library) Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars

Right now, getting and keeping blood glucose level as steady as can be is top priority for so many reasons. When that's possible, then there is much better chance to feel better.

Inflammation decreases wonderfully for most on this approach.

Websites & YouTube conferences / blogs to look for:

Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines

TED TALKS x Purdue University

Dr. Sarah Hallberg . . . 18:11 video presentation

Dr. Hallberg has gone on to be a co-founder of:

VirtaHealth . . . Dr. Sarah Hallberg

Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Low Carb USA - final panel, Feb. 2019 . . . nearly two hours of Q & A

From left to right:

Dr. Ignacio Cuaranta, Dr. Dwight Lundell, Miriam Kalamian, Dr. Ben Bocchicchio, Alison Gannett, Dr. Chris Palmer, Dr. Eric Westman, Dr.Robert Cywes, Dr. Joan Ifland

[ Dr. Chris Palmer is in Boston]

Type in zip code to find

Medical Practitioners open to the Low Carb High Fat / Ketogenic nutrition plans. Those who have completed training have a designation next to their name.

Dr. Gary Fettke - 'Nutrition and Inflammation' 34:44

Netflix - "The Magic Pill" Documentary

[ 02-17-2019, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]

Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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