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Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
in my nutritional therapy book i keep reading how good a fast is for cleansing. gheesh, sometimes i can bearly go a few hours with out eating or it will effect my sleep. how does one go about this? is it beneficial as far as ridding the dead keets? anyone done this before?
Posted by tedmcneil on :
This is only my opinion, others may disagree, but the pathogens like to clump together somewhere inside a biofilm through which they receive nutrients. If they get enough they are happy to stay there. If starved they are likey to change into the other forms such as L forms and cysts, which can later produce a lot more spirochetes. I personally like to remain friendly with my chetes and give them a good diet and let them sleep and not bother me. Some will say if they have good nutrition they will excrete more products of digestion which could be toxic. In my own experience I have not been bothered by them. Remember, it is only my opinion and I may be different from everybody else, my kids think so! Ted
Posted by flyers999 (Member # 1397) on :
I disagree with Ted's stated theory(although he could well be 100% correct) that ``If starved they are likely to change into the other forms such as L forms and cysts, which can later produce a lot more spirochetes. `` . because during a fast the vital cells do not starve. The nutrient levels of the blood remain constant. In Dr Airola's words: ``" during a prolonged fast, the body will live on its own substances. When it is deprived of food, particularly of protein & fat, your body will burn and digest its own tissues by the process of autolysis, or self-digestion. But your body will not do it indiscriminately. In its wisdom your body will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues which are diseased, damaged, aged or dead. In fasting, your body feeds itself on the most impure and inferior materials, such as dead cells and morbid accumulations, tumors, abscesses, damaged tissues, fat deposits, etc. Dr, Buchinger Sr., one of the greatest fasting authorities in the world, calls fasting a "refuse disposal", a "burning of rubbish". These dead cells and inferior tissues are consumed and utilized first. The essential tissues and vital organs are spared''

I am on the sixth day of what I hope to be a 10-day juice fast. I preceded this fast with a 2 week detox diet consisting of fruits and leafy green vegetables. On the third day of the detox diet, I experienced detox symptoms but after that I felt great. My plan is to go back on the detox diet for two weeks after I end the fast in 4 days. I'm feeling ok now, I am comfortable but I'm not maintaining my heavy work schedule; I took off from work for 10 days to do this.

My theory(which could be totally wrong) is that the fast will blast the pathogens out of their hiding place and into the blood stream where they will be killed by the doxy. The cysts will be killed by the enzymes that the liver generates during a fast. I'm on 400 mg of doxy with 100 mg doses approximately every 5 hours. Today was the first day that the lyme symptoms reoccurred , which according to my theory is what should happen, so this is good.

The fasting regimen I'm using is the one prescribed by Dr Pavro Airola's book ``Juice Fasting''. It consists of two glasses of diluted orange juice, two cups of vegetable broth, and about a quart of water per day. I also take 4 caps of psyllium each time I take the 100 mg doxy, I add an ounce of aloe Vera juice to the water when washing down the doxy. The vegetable broth I make with a blender and strainer using celery, asparagus, onions, carrots .

I've been on antibiotics for about two years. When I am on antibiotics my symptoms are pretty much gone. I tried stopping twice and each time it came back. The first time after 7 days, the second time after 19 days. I have noticed that each time it reoccurred was after a period of high activity. The first after a couple days of mountain hiking, the second after a couple days of strenuous biking. I suspect that the pathogens were hiding either in the fat or wastes which would be unearthed during a period of high activity.

I did a 30 day detox diet last year which worked very well , I thought I had cleared out all the garbage and was very surprised when the reoccurrence happened. I feel that the detox diet wasn't enough so this time I added in the fast. My LLMD is talking about stopping the abx again in the fall. I might do another fast before that time. I'll keep you posted on the outcome.

Thanks for listening,



Posted by Curley911 (Member # 2205) on :
I did a quick Google search awhile back on psoriasis and found a publication talking about diet to help clear it up. They stated that the most effective approach noted was starvation due to obeservations from (sadly) concentration camps.

I know your topic is about lyme but I found this very interesting.

Posted by bd (Member # 3426) on :
Decades before I discovered I had Lyme, Whenever I would get real sick I would not eat, and then would get better.

Nowdays I usually do not eat one day a week, going from supper to supper the next day. A 24 hour fast is not much but it helps.

I have heard of the three day fast curing Epilepsy. I have heard of it extending your life by a few years. Lions in the wild eat the sick the weak and the lame but do not get sick themselves! Why? Thay fast between kills.

Posted by @keeter (Member # 799) on :
If you are taking oral abx., most of them need you to eat so that you don't put holes in your stomache lining via the Abx!

I got a solid lecture from my LLMD over this. You need a good solid (food) cushion under most abx. to keep you healthy & to help them to work.

Posted by flyers999 (Member # 1397) on :

I agree with your docor to a point but the psyllium provides me the solid cushion needed to protect my intestines, it protects even better than food, in the large amounts of it i'm taking. To try to take doxy without some kind of protection would be suicide. I have daily bowel movements and my stomach feels great.

I should warn people that it takes a few days or so before the body becomes used to psyllium. In most cases one will get gas and/or runs when one takes large doses of psyllium for the first time.



Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
I am in agreement with Ted. To get healthy once again a good diet is critical. We are trying to rebalance, not further deplete.

To detox...saunas.

Eat, drink (not alcohol), and be merry!

Exercise...more oxygen in your tissues...the keet does not like this! (The cyst form could care less.) You uncoupled a few keets from their grasp on Magnesium in your muscles with negatively charged oxyhemaglobin, and your own immune (herx) kicked in.

[This message has been edited by Marnie (edited 11 March 2003).]

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hey guys,
This has been quite a while since I posted this. After doing alot of research and talking with some, I do not think this is the best way to go when the body is already stressed. Fasting can further deplete and may not be the best option for someone that has a chronic illness. I feel its most important to listen to the body, eat healthy . Anything else may be too taxing.
Good luck
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Sheesh! All these old posts are TAXING! We really have to have a "heads up" these days while everyone is trying to save stuff!

I think if anyone wants to fast for a day or two, it would be wise to not take abx for those days. However, i agree that the psyllium would provide some protection.

And I agree that fasting may not always be the best thing for us Lymies!



Posted by flyers999 (Member # 1397) on :
Day 9 & 10 of my fast were brutal. The first three days after breaking the fast were just as bad. It was excruciating difficult not to overeat. I`ve been on a detox diet for the last week and yesterday was the first day I resumed normal eating. I feel fantastic. 100 % and that's they first time I could say that in quite a while.

Saw my LLMD today and he likes what he sees. I talked him into stopping antibiotics. This will be my third try and I'm excited . Here's the supplements he wants me on for the next month:

Ultra Flora Plus DF
Maitake Gold 404

Also at least 8 ounces of Aloe Vera juice each day. He particularly concerned about a yeast infection and wants me to go on a diet that will help prevent that.

I'm also going to continue with Ledum pellets for awhile.

I believe that more studies need to be done in the area of Fasting & Lyme.

Wish me luck.



Posted by DiffyQue (Member # 3317) on :

Good point Keeter. There seems to be something to this. I think I may have put a hole somewhere in my gut as a result of eating doxycycline, and some other abx.

The lit. on more than a few abx explicitly state to take abx on an empty stomach.

Posted by SunRa (Member # 3559) on :
this is a very interesting debate, and if anyone has more info on fasting and lyme, I'd love to read it!

Jack - thanks for sharing! I'm glad you had positive results...sounds like an intense fast...congratulations for sticking with it!

I'm really interested in trying a fast, but i don't think I can do it right now as the tetracyline tears up my stomach and I also get sick and dizzy when i dont eat for long periods. However, I just read about an Indian dish called "Kitchari" (sp?) that is tradionally used during cleanses and fasts. Over here, we would never think of eating carbs during a fast, but this mung bean/rice dish provides the body with a lot of nutrients while helping flush the toxins. So that's something I may try. hmm...and it looks yummmmmy.

if anyone else has experiences with fasting, please post!!


Posted by sofi (Member # 2346) on :
Hey everyone,

I have had LD for almost 30 years and during the years I have tried most things: diets, probiotics + all possible herbs,HBOT, ICHT, high dose abx iv + orals for long periods etc. During these years I noticed that always when I was able to stay on strict raw vegetable - fruit diet or fasted for some time, the disease went into a remission. It seems to me that when my immunesystem is strong, it is able to control the bacteria and viruses quite well.

In February I decided finally to stop taking abx and started first taking isopathic medicines and later juice fasting. That kind of fasting isn�t starving - I get more nutrients at the moment than what I ever got before because of the high amounts of different green -, vegetable - and fruit juices. Originally my plan was to fast 10 days but after those days I noticed that the cleansing process wasn�t ready (for instance my mouth was still coated), so I�m now on my 15th day of fasting. I try to fast 30 days or maybe even longer but haven�t decided yet. I�ll see how I�m feeling.

So far this "experiment" has been a good experience and I haven�t felt this good for years - hopefully it stays that way. During these days I have experienced also so called "toxic or healing crisis" days - they are normal when fasting, but also days that have been very good. My eyes are not any more as dim as they have been for years and I have had much more energy. To help my body to get rid of neurotoxins, I also go to sauna every other day, do dry massage, walk outside etc.

My experience is that fasting seems to be good especially when one�s body is stressed -most of the energy is normally used for the digestion and now that energy is available for the repairing and detoxing.

It was good to hear that someone else has also tried fasting. Hopefully more people tell about their experiences.

Here are some articles about fasting:


Posted by AZURE WISH (Member # 804) on :
i would definetly NOT suggest fasting....

you need to keep building ur red bllod cells...

it can mess w ur sugar and bloodpressure

tons of stuff in ur body is being desroyed is where we get our energy (most of us are low on energy eating regularly)we need to replenish what is desroyed ...

and fasting can weaken our immune system

its good to take suppliments but they are supposed to be extra.... our bodies are set up to get the vitimins protien minerials we need from food

this is my opinion based on dealing with the disease.

best wishes

Posted by jen13 on :
Juice fasting which Sofi is doing is different than water fasting. Juice fasting with raw veggie and fruit juices still gives the body nutrition, carbohyrates, fuel, etc, but easily digestible and no strain on the body of fats, proteins, etc. Very little to digest, lots of enzymes. I wish I could do it but I get totally hungry, but I think its a good idea. Gives the body a chacne to heal itself.

I remember reading a long time ago that the Gerson diet, which has lots of raw jucies, cured Albert Schweitzer's wife of chronic tubeculosis. Perhaps it could apply to lyme, although I think modern day tickborne disease is much worse than TB!:

Max Gerson, M.D. was born in Wongrowitz, Germany (1881). He attended the universtities of Breslau, Wuerzburg, Berlin, and Freiburg. Suffering from severe migraines, Dr. Gerson focused his initial experimentation with diet on preventing his headaches. One of Dr. Gerson's patients discovered in the course of his treatment, that the ``migraine diet'' had cured his skin tuberculosis. This discovery led Gerson to further study the diet, and he went on to successfully treat many tuberculosis patients. His work eventually came to the attention of famed thoracic surgeon, Ferdinand Sauerbruch, M.D.
Under Sauerbruch's supervision, Dr. Gerson established a special skin tuberculosis treatment program at the Munich University Hospital. In a carefully monitored clinical trial, 446 out of 450 skin tuberculosis patients treated with the Gerson diet recovered completely. Dr. Sauerbruch and Dr. Gerson simultaneously published articles in a dozen of the world's leading medical journals, establishing the Gerson treatment as the first cure for skin tuberculosis.

At this time, Dr. Gerson attracted the friendship of Nobel prize winner Albert Schweitzer, M.D., by curing Schweitzer's wife of lung tuberculosis after all conventional treatments had failed. Gerson and Schweitzer remained friends for life, and maintained regular correspondence. Dr. Schweitzer followed Gerson's progress as the dietary therapy was successfully applied to heart disease, kidney failure, and finally - cancer. Schweitzer's own Type II diabetes was cured by treatment with Gerson's therapy.

[This message has been edited by jen13 (edited 26 March 2003).]

Posted by matthewgoss (Member # 3167) on :
While not a true fasting, I was very under-nourished when I got bit by those ticks.

I had hiked about 550+ miles up and down mountains before I got bit. I had lost 40 pounds and was probably burning 5,000 or 6,000 calories per day.

No matter how much I tried I could never consume more than 3,000 calories in a day, so my body was burning almost twice what it was using.

I had no symptoms for almost 2 months after my tick bites. Only after being off the trail for 3 weeks did I get my first symptoms, which was a flu-like thing that kept me bedridden for about 5 days.

I think the combination of the exercise and (comparatively) low-calorie diet is what kept the Lyme in check.

I'm actually considering a long distance hike coupled with abx to see if that can flush this thing out for good.



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Posted by kubz62 on :
I think the theory behind modern day fasting is to give the liver and kidneys a break from the stress of digesting and breaking down foods that are loaded with toxic pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. During the fast, the liver and the body's vital force can focus on metabolizing the fatty tissues that have accumulated toxins over the years. By reducing the overall stored toxic burden on the body, the immune system has one less thing to deal with, hence improving overall health.

fasting is an ancient medical treatment that has been used for centuries. I think it is one of those things that fell to the wayside in our modern society cause there is NO money to made on it...
I am slowly adding short fasts into my treatment and will try to build up to longer fasts. will it help? I dunno.

I also agree with the use of the sauna. The excessive sweating will help excrete toxins.

Posted by flyers999 (Member # 1397) on :

I'm an old AT thru hiker myself, well 500 miles of it(1973) I don't remember anyone that year having a problem with LD. I went back in 1977 to do the Maine section and there was one hiker that came down with it bad. At that time I don't believe they used anitbiotics. They did an entire blood transfusion and he was back on the trail in a few days.

I like your idea of doing a long hike on abx. Blow the pathogens out of their hiding places. There must be a link between weight gain and LD. When I first started taking abx I got into the trap of overeating because , as we all know, the intestinal tract needs protection from doxy. This was not good.

I wonder if those who have successfully undergone ICHT, gained or lost weight during that treatment?

This is my third day off abx and everything's fine, although I know I'll need at least a month before I can make an evaluation.



Posted by flyers999 (Member # 1397) on :
Well it's back to the drawing board because me drug holiday only lasted 18 days. The symptoms came back pretty fiercly. Oh well. In hindsight, I was premature. I should have stuck with my original plan to wait until after the summer at least. Darn I felt so good too. Also I'm going to press my doctor to be more aggressive going after the cystic form, with Flagyl & Plaquenil, this time. I was reading something about the cystic form being more prevelant the longer one has LD. I'll try another fast in the fall and wait at least two months after the fast before I attempt a drug holiday.


Posted by Beverly (Member # 1271) on :

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