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Posted by mrdsmom (Member # 5630) on :
Hi Everyone,

I've had LD for at least 4 years and have been on 2 IV PICC Lines in the past 2 years. My PCR test came out positive in November and have been on oral abx since then while waiting for insurance approval for another PICC line. I have not taken any oral abx for 3 weeks, but have my doc appt. next week so this might change.

Starting last week, I started getting one- sided (right side)tremors. Went to the ER last week, because of them and was told I was having a panic attack and sent me home.
I went to my primary care doctor yesterday and she said it "might" be a Lyme flare-up or it could be the beginning of MS. I have my Lyme doc. next week and a Neurologist appt. June 8th for this.

Can anyone give my some input on "Lyme tremors"? I just feel that if it feels like a duck and sounds like a duck (and I do have Lyme) then is this a duck????


Posted by lymie tony z (Member # 5130) on :
Bingo, if you think this is lyme related.
A lot of us dare I say all of we late lyme sufferers have had asymetrical (one sided) tremors and symptoms at the earlier stages of our disease. My theory is that it infected the left side of my brain first and that's why my right side was problematic...bells palsey(which docs like to say is stress or panick attack related but they really don't know...I know haveing had the darn things that it was caused by my lyme disease...this was before I was diagnosed and before any abx got better and the palsey went away with abx treatments so don't worry too's just another phase of this &^#$ disease.

I know it's not nice or my words are'nt much help but hang in there it will get better............might get a little worse first will get better I promise....been there had that. Chin up!

the zman



Posted by tickedoffmom (Member # 5519) on :
My son had tremors on the right side also, he has encephalopathy (brain spec dx'd) left side greater than right...left side thus giving the right sided tremors...much like a stroke patient, whatever side the stroke is on the other side is generally affected...since he's been on PICC rocephin for almost a month now and the tremors have greatly subsided...have you ever had a brain spec? Good luck.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Well I have a diagnosis of m.s. but as of last year found out I carry lyme.I use to get foot treamors nightly when laying down,[right foot]since treatmeant with abx it has diminished greatly,when I take a abx break for a wile it comes right back...So most likly you'l notice it going away once you start back on meds.Terri
Posted by KC:michigan (Member # 4045) on :
I , too, have right sided tremors (arm and leg) constantly, but especially with intent to move. When it gets really rough both sides tremor.

My SPECT also showed hypoperfusion on the left....

all part of Lyme. Mine have improved with Abx'd but not gone.

Posted by mrdsmom (Member # 5630) on :
Thanks for replying. My gut feeling is that these tremors are from LD, but I needed to hear from others that this may be Lyme related. Reading these replies will keep me from getting too stressed out waiting for my Neurologist's appt. I'm sure stress will just make them worse (the tremors have been getting worse). Thinking about it, most of my other symptoms have been on my right side, so this would make sense. Just didn't think about it before I posted. I had a brain spect in November that came out normal. I'll just keep thinking that this is LD until hear differently from my doctors.

Thanks again and by the way...why am I so afraid of Ticks???????

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