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Posted by peachsc (Member # 4969) on :
What is the real deal with caffine and lyme and/or caffine and yeast?

good? bad? does it make a difference?

I love diet pepsi - am I affecting my progress by drinking it? (2 to 4 cans per day)

I promise that I did a search and did not find a answer.

Thank you all in advance!

Posted by JillF (Member # 5553) on :
I haven't had a problem with drinking diet coke and diet pepsi or coffee.

BUT, I've recently read a few articles on aspartame that worried me. My husband read them and completely quit all diet sodas. I, myself, am trying to quit also. I've cut down alot. I no longer use Equal either.

Since my husband has quit and I have cut down, it seems that we have alot more energy than we used to.

Also, my husband swears that Aspartame is the reason we are overweight. He says all overweight people drink diet soda. It's a big conspiracy to him. I don't agree with that.

Posted by annettsky (Member # 5670) on :
when istart not feeling well as i had been i look at my diet and what have i been doing differently, it usually stems back to any kind of pop i agree with the aspertame my llmd told me to cut out all pop and sugars also flour, it is not easy however i think it does impact your recovery, i have been drinking flavored water like propel or fruit h2o they do not have aspertame i have lost 40 pounds since i started watching my diet, but the times i cheat i know it

good luck karen

waiting and praying for a miracle

Posted by lymie tony z (Member # 5130) on :
I agree with your husband...we guys have to stick together!!!

Seriously though since before reading that piece on aspartame I have'nt drank diet anything and use splenda as a sweetener at times.
I seem to get a lull in energy when I'm out and have my lemon water with the pink or blue packages...even regular sugar. However I do believe it's the carbs that are the culprit in these soft drinks as well as beer that cause us the most harm.

I have noticed less pain whenever I stop drinking coffee...I think because of the effect it has on the CNS. (caffein that is)

So there you have it. My opinion zman



Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
I can't give up coffee. I'm on muscle relaxers, and the cup of coffee in the morning breaks through the fog. It also keeps me from being hungry all day from the rest of the yeast diet (that I actually follow).

I really limit my intake of artificial sweeteners though. Maybe 1 drink every 2 weeks.

I have heard, although I don't know if it is rumor or science, that aspartame (Nutrasweet) somehow makes it harder to lose fat.

I also worked with somebody once who used to work at Nutrasweet. She won't let her daughter touch it. Enough said for me.

Posted by Nancy-OH (Member # 3567) on :
My husband used to work for Cotton Club Bottling Company.

He told me that if I saw the "crap" that goes into diet pop, I would never drink it.

No problem....I've developed an allergy to artificial sweetners.

Regular pop boosts my yeast problem through the ceiling...SO no sweets nor artificial sweetners for me! (Hey, I have no cavaties!) Just don't ask me to give up my coffee!



Posted by breathwork (Member # 567) on :
Several class action suits were filed in CA last week concerning aspartame. They claim that it's a neuro toxin...I had read that the makers of it have known this for years, but the FDA never tested it as a neurotoxin..only as a carcinogen, after the SweetNLow bladder cancer scare in the seventies. Then again, we have to eat tablespoons full of the stuff each day for years to lead to cancer of the bladder...also I don't recall it being tested as such beyond mice studies....Who knows...The stevia crowd is getting my vote now..

As to giving up caffeine? No way no how..I'm a caffeine addict..and love my coffee in the morning. It's what gets me jump started after all the meds that help me with my lyme sleep problems at night. One of my few pleasures left....and I'm not giving it up...

[This message has been edited by breathwork (edited 17 May 2004).]

Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Peachsc, yes you hendering your healing drinking 2-4 diet pepsi a day. You should replace that with water that will flush out toxins. You are adding toxins to your already stressed body.

Read this and I bet you change your habits.

Best to you,



Posted by peachsc (Member # 4969) on :
Thank you for all of your responses.

I don't think I could drink a diet pepsi again after reading that article.

Thank you for the enlightenment!
Water it is!

Posted by JillF (Member # 5553) on :
Read this and I bet you change your habits.
Not that I don't agree w/the above but it is actually a snope (urban legend)

I think the article on this website is true:


Posted by JillF (Member # 5553) on :

I literally just read these two articles off GoogleNews about soda consumption and esophageal cancer.

Posted by Sue vG (Member # 3143) on :
Nowadays I let how I FEEL after having something be my guide. As a result I cut out all artifically sweetened beverages over a decade ago and all sweetened beverages since I've been on abx. I feel yucky after sugar and sweeteners both.

When Nutrasweet came out in the early 80s, there was a newspaper article claiming studies that showed that up to 40% of the population was not going to be able to tolerate it...something about the liver.

I got a screamer of a headache (not headache prone) the first time I tried Nutrasweet, and have avoided it since. BTW, I still have a weight problem since contracting lyme.

My favorite drink these days is a Starbuck's iced latte' - no added sugar. I feel better for drinking one.

Posted by dmcbrayer (Member # 5296) on :
Originally posted by JillF:

Also, my husband swears that Aspartame is the reason we are overweight. He says all overweight people drink diet soda. It's a big conspiracy to him. I don't agree with that.


The doctors at the Weimar Institute in Weimar, California have told me that the aspartame is an appetite stimulant to the brain, causing most people to consume more calories than if on an aspartame-free diet.



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