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Posted by rhpress (Member # 4679) on :
In need of various opinions,

I have had Lyme for 4 years was infected in Northern, Virginia but was not diagnosed until Sept. 2003. I still have not had any treatment becasue I have no access to LLMD here in the Atlanta, Georgia area (ironically the home of the CDC but we all know the story behind them). Anyway, I have many neuro symptoms (heightened hearing, tingling and itching all over, pain all over, dizziness, forgetfullness, nubness at times, irritbility and sleep troubles) fortunaltely I am managing it pretty well at this time. My fear is that I will begin some course of treatment and it will all get worse and I won't be able to manage anymore. I have three children and a husband to take care of. If I am maintaining now I don't want to send myself into a downward spiral. Any feedback is appreciated.


Posted by lifewithlyme (Member # 4557) on :
Hi Hillary,
I know it may not be easy, but I think many would agree with me that you should get treatment...Although it may be manageable now, it could get a lot worse. And yes, treatment will initially make it worse,but the payoff is huge...I got infected in 1999; wasn't treated until 2003...but I'm doing better. And although it has been difficult, it's the best thing I've ever done for myself. There has to be an llmd that can help you. Have you posted on seeking a doctor?
Posted by robi (Member # 5547) on :
Hi Hillary,

Iam new to this as well and yes treatment might put you down for a whie but no treatment might result in greater consequences later. Maybe your husband or other family members,church folks and friends can help with the kids. It is hard to juggle no doubt. You really have to think of treatment as better in the long run.

Are you stable? or are you becoming progressively worse? My brother has Lyme and has had it 12 years. He has refused to do anything about it. He says he can handle the symptoms and would rather deal with them than going on ABX. His symptoms are not severe.

If yor stable then maybe now is not the time for treatment. ( I am nt a Dr. But I think sooner is better). Just my opinion, but I started to treat as soon as I knew what I had. I am not in the husband and kids situation so it may be easier for me. Still, this is YOUR health and it is VERY IMPORTANT!

Please take care of the long term that's what is in the best interest of your children and your husband.

Peace and Health,

Posted by cbb (Member # 788) on :
Hi Hillary,
So sorry you have Lyme, but it is a blessing to at least know what you're dealing with.

You're fortunate that your immune system is "handling it rather well at this time."
The key words here are "at this time."

With such a burden, there's no way of knowing when your immune system will reach the point that it won't be able to handle it anymore. If you start that downward spiral, it becomes more difficult to treat Lyme.

Don't want to sound nosey, but a little more info would be helpful.
Answers are optional - NOT required.

How & where were you diagnosed? lab results?

You said you've had LD 4 yrs - did you have a bull's eye rash or other symptoms at that time?

Were you checked for co-infections like Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, Bartonella?

How old are your children?

Is there a local dr who would agree to work with a LLMD so you wouldn't have to travel very often?
It would be a great opportunity for him/her to learn about Tick-Borne Diseases (TBDs) from an expert.

I'm not a dr, but in my opinion, BECAUSE you have a husband & 3 children, I recommend that you see a LLMD for an evaluation - ASAP.

The sooner treatment is started, the better the results, but only if treatment is adequate.

The people here on LymeNet will do everything possible to help you through any difficult times.


Posted by slcd (Member # 5708) on :
I live in the Atlanta area as well, Canton to be exact. I know exactly what you're going through. I don't have the kids but I have the husband and the job. If you need any help, please feel free to ask. I know it can be a daunting thing to undertake, but it's a necessary evil.
Posted by breathwork (Member # 567) on :
I was first diagnosed while going through a rotten, nasty divorce...move to California from Virginia in a lull in treatment with two elementary age kids, two dogs and a parakeet all by myself....set up housekeeping more or less and relapsed hugely two months after arriving...I have been treating lyme and raising my kids, one with big LD issues, for six years...all alone.

You can do this.

I was more afraid of not being around for my children or being here and being altered/disabled by this disease...and not being able to be the mom I wanted to be.

Life gets in the way. I wouldn't wish the last six years of lyme treatment on my kids, but they sure have learned a lot of remarkable lessons and skills as a result.

My daughter just won an award for doing lyme outer cell protein research for AP Biology with Igenex labs. She's a junior in high school. She spread the truth about lyme to a lot of incredibly bright kids and teachers. A researcher from Igenex came to her presentation, her mentor, and was asked loads of questions by kids, teachers and parents.

My daughter is amazing!

And it's because her mom has lyme...she did this because of her years of living with her mom's lyme. So good can come from adversity....

Do what you need to do to get well. Your family deserves to have a healthy you. If you had any other serious, more public disease like ovarian or breast cancer wouldn't you do whatever you could to get well, to be here for yourself and your family? I would

It's worth it. Get tested for the co infections without doubt...go to N. Carolina to see Dr. J if you have to. It's worth it...not easy, but worth it...

Carol Ann

Posted by danq (Member # 2126) on :
I just want to add my voice to the others, because this is so important.

Not to scare you - but you are in a downward spiral, dear, even though you may not know it. You already have symptoms of full-blown neurological involvement. The spirochetes are in your brain and are not dormant.

Without treatment there will very likely come a time, and nobody can say when, when you cannot 'manage' it; you won't be able to function well enough to take care of yourself, let alone your family.

But if you get proper treatment, soon enough, things can get progressively better instead of worse. There may be rough times, although not everyone herxes badly - I didn't.

Go for it - start getting well now so you can enjoy your family and so you will be there for them for a long and happy life.


Posted by rhpress (Member # 4679) on :
Thank you all for all your input. To answer various questions here is my story in short. I was visisting family on the eastern shore of virginia in summer 2000 and developed the bullseye rash. I did not know what it was at the time so I did nothing about it. For the years to follow I had various unexpalined pain and symptoms that resulted in on surgery and finally a visit to my neurologist with fear that I had MS. After three MRIs and multiple other tests I got a positive Elisa. I had a WB done by MDLabs that came back negative (which I expected after 3.5 years of LD). My children are ages 4,6,and 8. I made an appointment to see Dr. J in NC for late last month but my son became ill and I had to reschedule. I am so frustrated with this whole thing which I am sure all of you understand. I have done extensive research and I guess I am just scared that I will never feel better. I needed to hear all of your replys and I thank you again for putting back on the right track.

God bless,

Posted by breathwork (Member # 567) on :
Good for you Hillary. Good for you.

It can certainly challenge your limits to have a family and lyme at the same time. My daughter was in the hospital after being attacked by a dog,and I was infusing rocephin at her bedside..It stank, but it was what it was.

Ask for help when you need it. After being ill for so long I worry about wearing out my friends and family, but that's up to them. I try to be reasonable..and they haven't let me down.

You have support here at least in type...I'm proud of you my dear...yes I am!

Carol Ann

Posted by twobusymom (Member # 3956) on :

My four children and I are currently on antibiotics for lyme. My husband tested positive to the most specific bands and is mildly symptomatic.

He has seen me herx from the meds and at this time says he can't afford to get sicker by starting treatment. According to our LLMD, now is the best time for him to start treatment while his own immune system is still functioning. I know with two of my children that were least symptomatic the response to the meds has been really good. They have herxed but bounce back really well with a short break. All of their symptoms have improved and we will soon be moving on to the next round for co-infections.

Sooner is better!!


Posted by Stella (Member # 3119) on :
This is not told to many patients by their doctors because they don't want to scare them but the truth is that untreated Lyme (and sometimes even correctly treated Lyme)can cause permanent damage to the body.

You certainly don't want that!
Go for it!

Get rid of the nasty keets inside your body now that you can probably do it quicker and easier than most of us!

Good Luck!


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