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Posted by chele60 (Member # 5799) on :

Brand new here. I was just diagnosed yesterday. I am seeing a specialist tomorrow because I have the bull's eye and a very sore, warm shoulder. I was told yesterday I should have one or the other, not both.

I have a really difficult time taking antibiotics. I get all the side effects in full force.

I'm more afraid to start treatment than I am of this disease.

My question to all of you is this: Does anyone have this problem with antibiotics and how did you get through the Lyme disease treatment? Right now, I'm being told I'll be on a 4 week regimine.

Thanks for your help, Michelle

Posted by smiles (Member # 5635) on :
I too, have difficulty tolerating antibiotics, I often get sick to the stomach or am allergic.

I have been taking the doxy on a FULL STOMACH - I eat part of my meal, take it, then finish my meal. No dairy, though. AND stay out of the sun or use SPF 45.

Whatever they give you, check with your pharmacist, tell him/her your problem and ask if you can take it WITH FOOD.

I agree with cave - this disease will only get worse the longer you wait. Get on that abx!

Keep us posted on your treatment.

Posted by chele60 (Member # 5799) on :
[QUOTE]Originally posted by cave76:

You were told a bunch of crap! No easy way to put it!

Geez Cave, that's not what I wanted to hear.
My GP ignored this for 5 weeks. I saw a dermatologist yesterday who confirmed what I knew 5 weeks ago. They referred me to the specialist tomorrow - I am under the impression it is a LD specialist. Guess I'll find out at noon.

[b]Those side effects may have been a herx--- that comes as bad side effects to those infected with Lyme.

I think you misunderstood me. I haven't started antibiotics for the disease. I have a difficult time taking antibiotics in general for anything.

Details please
I start with the yeast infection within 1-2 days and get the nausea, vomiting, diareah (?sp). I was on Cipro last Nov. and had shortness of breath. I've been tested for allergies and have been told I have none.

Oh, my dear! A lot of people feel like that, but believe me, the longer you put off tx for Lyme, the more severe your Lyme symptoms will get. It can even affect your central nervous system and get into your brain. Can't say is any clearer than that!

I don't want to put off treatment. I just dread it.

Take a pic of that bulls eye with a penny beside it to show it's size.

I've already done that. No need to put a penny next to it. The original rash was about 4". I now have a ring that extends from my shoulder half way down my torso.
Altho the ring is still visible, I will be taking the pics to the dr. tomorrow. I do have copies on my computer.

Have I made myself clear?[/b]
Yes, thank you.



Posted by chele60 (Member # 5799) on :
Thanks Smiles. I'll keep your advice in mind.


Posted by caat (Member # 2321) on :
Michelle, you said;

"I have a really difficult time taking antibiotics. I get all the side effects in full force."

what that may be is a herx reaction. "Herx" is short for Jarisch-Herxheimer (J-H) Reaction. This reaction is very common in both lyme and syphilis. Both bacteria are in the same family. Here's a link to more info. Be persistant- some of the links here may not work anymore. You can do a google search on it too.


Basically it can make you feel like you've been beat up with 2 x 4s and run over by a truck. It's a reaction to the toxins a bacteria produces as it dies.

"I'm more afraid to start treatment than I am of this disease."

Don't be. If you've *recently* gotten Lyme now is your very best chance to get rid of it. Lyme, like syphilis, can eventually effect your heart, brain and bones as well as many other organs in some very dramatic ways. If you wait you will have a much harder time. 5 weeks is too long a wait though- for sure...

It's in your best interest to read up as much as you can. Do you have headaches or any nuerological symptoms? Dizziness? Is the dosage of antibiotic you're being given enough to cross the blood brain barrier? Check the archives here etc.

One thing I do with any new antibiotic is to ramp up the dosage- start with a low dose the first day and then increase to a full dose over the next 2 or 3 days. It can help a little.

People may be sounding harsh to you now but you need to realise some of us have had extreme problems- not just pain. Some people here have seizures, some lesions on their brains, bad bad erosive arthritis, jaw surgery, heart stuff and other problems. We hate to see anyone else go through it.

And by the way, welcome to the board!


Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Heres more goody's A typical response to newcomers.
Hi and WELCOME get a LLMD or at least Dr that is willing to learn about lyme . Borrelia Burgdorferi is a clinical diagnosis, based on symptoms and on your response to treatment. Good Luck bumpy road ahead
Post for a LLMD in Seeking a Doctor. Ps remember Iam not a Dr, just a fellow sufferer.
How to Search Danq
LymeNet Links for new members
Dr. Joseph J. Burrascano's Guidelines
Rose's 15 Facts for Newcomers
Making the most of your LLMD visit.
Camp A and Camp B
2ndVersion Camp A Camp B
Something to share with friends and family members
Western Blot Info
Drug interactions etc.
Newbie's Lingo
Co-infections Thanx M
Check Diet Link
Sexually Transmitted ???
Good Site
No you don't always see a bite and if there's no bullseye the only way your going to be able to tell is (symptoms) and (((Maybe))) WB or lyme dot blot 3 day urine banged with abx's to free your antigens up for the test.
See this ( . )thats the size of the larva stage tick...
Next nymph size... ( * )
Next is adult ( o ) to ( 0 )
Pretty small????? HUH
Help with meds.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Posted by cbb (Member # 788) on :
Hi Michelle, welcome to LymeNet.
I agree with the info you've been given, but want to add a few more things.

REACTIONS to antibiotics you've taken before -
could have been a herx because there's a possibility you've had Lyme for some time.

Your immune system could have kept it under control. A recent tick bite would cause the bull's eye rash & shoulder problems you have now.
I've never read that you would have one symptom or the other but not both.
Can't imagine where that idea came from.

Yeast -
Antibiotics kill the good bacteria along with the bad, so it is necessary to replenish the good bacteria in the body by taking acidophilus (from the Health Food Store).

If not, you will develop a systemic yeast infection. Many of the symptoms are the same as drug reactions & symptoms caused by LD. Much better to prevent the problem than to have to deal with it.

Go to
Print "Diag Hints & Treat Guidelines..."
32 pages of excellent info.
On pages 24 & 29: Acidophilus info

Dr B recommends taking 2 acidophilus with each meal.
If you're taking your antibiotic (abx) with meals, then plan snacks between meals for the acidophilus.
BE SURE that you have 2 hours between the abx & acidoph - before & after - or it won't be able to work.

I always take my last dose of acidophilus between supper & bedtime. I think it's a good idea to let the acidoph have all night to help the body before you take more abx (& kill it off) in the morning.

Eating yogurt can help, but you won't get enough good bacteria in a cup of yogurt to replenish what's lost.
The yogurt should be sugar-free, non-fruit flavored that contains active cultures.

In Dr B's "Diag Hints....", read his recommendations:
p 16-18: Abx Choices & Treatment Categories

I hope the "specialist" you're seeing really is a Lyme Literate Med Dr (LLMD).

I suggest you go to "Seeking a Dr" here on LymeNet. Put your location in the title.
If the specialist's name is e-mailed to you, then you'll know others here have been helped by his treatment protocol.
If his name does NOT come up, then be VERY CAREFUL.

Drs' names are not given on LymeNet unless they've given permission.

Also, on the left, click "Support Groups" & contact those in your state & surrounding states. They will have valuable info, especially concerning LLMDs.

For more info on Lyme & co-infections, check "Links for new LymeNet members"

Let us know what the "specialist" says.
Keep in touch & ask as many questions as you need to ask.

[This message has been edited by cbb (edited 16 June 2004).]

Posted by Kara Tyson (Member # 939) on :
Dont be afraid of antibiotics. Be afraid of the disease. What most people would give to have been diagnosed early. You are so very fortunate.

If a researcher came to me today and said, "no one would ever get this disease if you would donate your legs". I would say, "lets do it. how's tomorrow??"

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