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Posted by lymeinboston (Member # 3173) on :
I have had neurolyme for 3 years now and currently have a relapse. My symptoms are severe anxiety, depression, headaches, neck and back problems, joint problems (certain joints), fatigue, problems with focusing when eyes get tires, burning and numbness in my face around my mouth area, strange feeling in finger tips/nails (like dirt is in there), reduced sensation in finger tips, heart skips, shooting pains everywhere, severe sleep problems (too much and then not at all...etc - I have had most of them...

Here is my regimen which has worked for me in the past and I am on it again and will stay on it indefinitely.

Green Vibrance (green supplement)
Juice Plus (fruit and veg supplement)
Rice Protein
Psyllium Husks
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Olive Leaf Extract
Coral Calcium
Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Sup (Solgar)
Transfer Factor Plus (4Life - immume booster)
Ultra Flora (Metagenics)
Total EFA (Essential Fatty Acid Sup)
Colloidal Silver (occasionally - see below)

Omnicef (New)

Antibioitic Extracts (Mixed in juice)
Licorice Root
there are a few others I cant remember - bad Lyme memory...

Fruits and Veggies (Daily)
Salad Veggies (greens, carrots, etc)
Beans (Lima, Kidney, etc)

Chicken/Fish/Beef (One serving)

Hot Bath / Steam Room Session - 3X per week
- Before hot bath, steam session - take
antibiotics 30 min prior - once per week
take silver 30 minutes prior.
- raise body temp to over 101 but no higher
than 103.
- 20 to 30 minutes at increased temp
- Hot bath - use Epsom salts

Essential Oils Rub
Grape Seed Oil - 1 cup
5 to 10 drops of the following
Red Thyme
Rub it on 2 to 3 times a week before bed and cover up with long sleeves and pants...

Get moving! Even if it kills you (not physically of course).
The lyme hates the internal heat the exercise provides. Start with walking and then move to other aerobics. As I got stronger I started lifting weights - very fatigued but the lyme hated my body improving itself.

Drink water with lemon all day long through a straw and brush teeth regularly...
If you can afford it, but a water ionizer - very expensive but can change water ph from 5 to up to a 9!
Test using ph strips (urine and saliva)

Thats it... Long and detailed but if you stick to it religiously you will get results. The abx may change for each of you but the regimen should still be the same... I will add more as I normally do a test on myself over time... I am determined to kill the cyst form this time and be lyme free forever...

Obviously everything in moderation and talk to your doctor about this.

God bless and good luck to all. Hope this helps.


Posted by robi (Member # 5547) on :
Thanks for taking the time to post this . I have printed it out as I am trying to put together my own regime. There are many similarities to what I have decided to do.

What I really don't know is how long to do the abx? A year, six months? 2 yers?

I want to do things like artemisia, cat's claw, sasparilla, garlic........wonder if I can do these while on the abx or do I have to rotate?

Also, I do drink a lot of water but thought plain fitered was the best. Why do you use the lemon?

What is the purpose of the essential oils rub?

Have you ever tried pycnogenol (pine bark extract)? Several folks have said they thought it helped a lot.


Posted by smiles (Member # 5635) on :

Great list! How do you fit the supplements in throughout the day?

I am taking doxy - so need to be careful they don't interact with it.

Do any of the supplements interact with others?

I take doxy at breakfast and dinner, so for lunch I would like to add other supplements.

How do you know how much dosage? Is there a particular company you reommend?

Thanks, Smiles

Posted by Lymiedad on :
This is helpful. Is it helping you? What rice protein do you like? Thank you. Do you get the metagenics from a doctor?


Posted by Lymelighter (Member # 5310) on :
Ed, have you been on IV? Do you have Bart/Babs and if so, have you treated them? What does your PCP Dr. R. think of your protocol?

[This message has been edited by Lymelighter (edited 19 June 2004).]

Posted by salatheel (Member # 5786) on :
Wow! I am impressed. It seems very thourough and well thought out. I am trying to integrate a similar approach. Good luck!

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