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Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
"Rather than use drug antibiotics in such situations, it is always better to first explore the possibility to improve the body's own immunity.

One of the factors, governing low immunity, is pH (potential Hydrogen or number of Hydrogen Ions or Acidity) of the body. The Natural pH of a healthy body, free of any disease, is always slightly Alkaline at a pH of 7.4.When the body becomes acidic at the cellular level, it creates a breeding ground for germs, bacteria, and other microorganisms.

These can only flourish and multiply in an acidic environment. If the fluids of the body(blood, saliva, etc), are maintained alkaline, it will be well nigh impossible for these organ-isms to multiply or even survive.

Trying to remove an infection once it has invaded the body, by trying to ``kill germs'' with Antibiotics can only create an imbalance in the body and weaken it further. Drug Antibiotics being ``Dumb Chemicals'', kill every-thing in sight - friends and foes.

They destroy the infection causing germs as well as the healthy bacteria required for digestion which work as probiotics in the human body. This ends up lowering the immunity, forcing the body into a perpetual and vicious cycle of repetitive infections coupled with still lower immunity at the end of each cycle.

It is noteworthy, to remember that, cancer cells do not easily multiply in an alkaline environment. Controlling and regulating body pH is one of the safest non-invasive techniques of reducing the risk of cancer or controlling or curbing or slowing down cancer cell proliferation in the Body.

The present typical Therapeutic Dose of Lactobacillus Acidophilus is 1.0 Billion living organism to be taken twice a day for at least 10 to 15 days after completing the Antibiotic course.

Such therapeutic doses are presently not available at the chemists; so correction of the damage done by Drug Antibiotics becomes an uphill task. The body then becomes unbalanced and depleted of its internally manufactured B-Complex Vitamins. Therapeutic doses of B-Complex, as per US Standards, not being readily available, sets the ground work for a host of chronic ailments to invade and begin destroying and rapidly aging the body.

Please stop the unnecessary use of dangerous Antibiotics. Please reserve drug Antibiotics only for life threatening situations. Please protect the environment and your body by minimizing the use of these Drug Antibiotics."

"A body in balance has no disease." Dr. Royal Rife.

Restore the balance. Look closely at the % drop of Mg in the Romanian abstract. See the words "immediate beneficial effect"?

Mg and Ca are needed to make HEALTHY antibodies. Our OWN highly targeted "antibiotics"...without "side effects".

Exercise. The right diet. Restoring the Mg levels. These are the keys.

P.S. It takes CoQ10 which we MAKE when we exercise IF we have the "ingredients" to make carry hydrogen INTO the cells to heal.


Posted by salatheel (Member # 5786) on :
Great post and point! Such care must be used when it come to diet in order to control and manage disease.
Posted by BobTX (Member # 4367) on :
Well said. Though, the comment by Rife is dogma that many naturopaths use to ignore Lyme. Some that I have dealt with believe that if you just use supplements to rebalance the body, Lyme (any infection?) is of no consequence, and will just go away. I don't buy that.

With that small aside, the post is correct in every way. Abx are a good firewall to bring an initial halt to rapidly deteriorating health. But, the vast majority of people do not get better on long term abx. And, if you understand the dynamics about what abx do to the body, it is clear that they make matters worse in the long run.

Abx are a gamble against time. In the short term they may be able to kill the bug faster than they harm the body. But, after the short term, if they don't succeed, abx actually make it more difficult for the body to fight the bug. In fact they don't "help" the body at all. The abx just take over the fight completely, and the body must then rely on them continually.

So if you win the gamble of abx, you get better. If you lose, you are much worse off than when you started. And, very few are winning the gamble. That is why alternative approaches are desired. They don't destroy the immune system. Of course, it's not that easy to find an alternative approach that works either.

Posted by Rita on :
I'm on long term abx, using mg, COQ10, probiotics, etc. How can I rid myself of this dependence on abx, specificly?
Posted by BobTX (Member # 4367) on :
Rita: Good question. I am on a Samento protocol which I discussed in a post on Samento a few days ago. Many people do rife. There are other alternative approaches. And, many people are doing what you do which is some combination of alternative and conventional. It is difficult to find a therapy that works. This is even more difficult when you try to experiment yourself. Then transitioning off of abx to the new therapy is tricky. And, when you consider that insurance covers conventional and not alternative, then you have cost concerns. So, it's tough. But, if it is what it takes to get better, what's the alternative? Good luck.
Posted by salatheel (Member # 5786) on :
Acupunture works very well to restore balance to the body and boost the immune system. Massage can help to remove toxins by stimulating the lymphatic system as well as reduce tension. Meditation can do wonders. Visualizing yourself getting stronger,healthier,feeling vibrant. Red clover stillingia is an excellent blood purifier as well as garlic.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Antibiotics would do the trick nicely for Lyme bacteria, if that is all you are fighting.

None of us is fighting only Lyme bacteria.

Antibiotics have no effect whatsoever on viruses, heavy metal toxicity, chemical toxicity, parasite overgrowth, and a few others.

We must be realistic and finally recognize that for most, I think everybody, Lyme is only a small part of the problem. Most people will fight a losing battle until they learn to see the big picture. For me this means - clean up the body and change your environment and protect yourself from exposure to more damaging influences, physically and emotionally.

I would not have gotten well from Lyme and co-infections without antibiotics. There is a time and place for them. I am glad I did some very aggressive short-term antibiotics.

I would also not have gotten well without long-term aggressive metal and chemical detoxing, parasite cleansing, viral treatments, and by changing some of my approaches to life in general. As a matter of fact, the environmental toxicities caused my life to be out of sync long before Lyme hit. I just did not know enough about toxicities or recognize their devastating effects on mind and body. It's not all caused by Lyme. Yes, Lyme puts you under, but a good deal of the damage was happening long before the contact with Lyme.

It's perfectly fine to think and do otherwise. I chose to go after the major cause in a big way - metal toxicity and dental infections caused by root canals - and that's mainly what cured me and ended Lyme. But I would not have wanted to do it without antibiotics, no matter what.

Good luck to all.


Posted by BobTX (Member # 4367) on :
I would not personally recommend treating Lyme without abx, however it is possible to do so. The doctor I see does it regularly with consistently good results. While he prefers alternative meds, he will use whatever works. He just finds that abx are only effective when used very soon after the Lyme infection. After that, their effectiveness diminishes over time. I did not ask, but whether the effect diminishes over time because of the other things mentioned like heavy metal accumulations, other infections, etc., or just because they don't effectively treat the chronic Lyme bug, I don't know.

The reason I wouldn't recommend avoiding abx is due to practicality. I only have personal experience with one doctor who uses alternative meds to successfully treat acute Lyme. So, while it may be desirable theoretically to avoid abx, practically it is difficult. And, if you treat Lyme improperly with ineffective alternative means, you will also set your treatment back. The vast majority of doctors treating Lyme use abx, and getting with the program is not a bad idea to begin with. My main complaint about abx is against people continuing to use them after several years with no improvement - and the doctors who continue to advise this.

My own case was an example of the time-related effectiveness of abx. I had a 40 year old infection, and then I got a recent infection. I treated the recent infection within 3 days of the bite. After 2.5 grueling years of heavy oral abx usage, and several alternative therapies, I was able to put the recent infection to rest. But, the long term infection was not affected much at all. Of course, I did have metals, other infections, and many other things.

[This message has been edited by BobTX (edited 05 July 2004).]

Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Our bodies need Ca and Mg to make HEALTHY antibodies. (mdschoice website re: functions of Mg - link in my updated nutshell post).

With not enough Mg, our antibodies to lyme (and likely to other pathogens)are damaged. In the case of lyme, it damages the "Fab" portion. Restoring the Ca and Mg (in vitro) restored the "health" of the antibody to fight the lyme spirochete (documented).

ONE of TNF alpha's jobs is to get rid of damaged antibodies hanging around. Up it goes. Notice I said ONE has others.

The % drop of Mg found in the Romanians was astounding...34%! A 10% drop is KNOWN to cause osteoporosis.

Until that level is restored and MAINTAINED, you will continue to have lyme symptoms and co-infections and metal problems (the other metals/minerals are being stored/pulled from storage/utilized BECAUSE Mg is so low.

Mg and Ca are also needed by our NK cells. Once more, documented in my updated nutshell post. These cells, NK, every day, help us to fight cancer (a virus).

How to restore that very large deficiency? That's the question since in this country we do not use IV Mg as a first line of defense except for status asthmaticus and the toxemia (eclampsia) of pregnancy when the BP soars and seizures and death can follow.

Please Romania the patients did NOT get well using abx. alone. It was ONLY when they restored and MAINTAINED the level of Mg that the 2 Romanians (with early onset) recovered.

In my opinion, IV Mg needs to be a first line of defense to fight lyme.

And it WILL take TIME to do this! In this country, we are in and out of hospitals too fast. Not so in some other countries (Romania, Russia, etc.).

With lyme, persons get stuck in the TH1 pathway = a LOT of TNF alpha is produced in response to low Mg, high Ca.

Until we can once again regain control of this pathway, by eliminating the infections - Bb, bartonella, etc. that are using Mg in their reactions, we cannot fight viruses which require a different pathway/immune response. We normally switch between pathways, but we're stuck with one.

[This message has been edited by Marnie (edited 06 July 2004).]

Posted by BobTX (Member # 4367) on :
Marnie: Your tireless research on Mg is appreciated. I'm not sure people know what to do with it, though. Should they take it on their own, and how much? Are doctors aware of this, and should people wait for their docs to prescribe it. As I stated earlier, it is quite difficult to avoid conventional treatment with abx for Lyme. Except for a few people predisposed to alternative medicine, most of us only come to alterative after they have failed at conventional. At this time, I personally rely on the advice of an MD using alternative meds. He is quite aggressive in keeping up with research, and is aware of Mg's importance, but exactly to what his opinions are I don't know. Of many supplements, I currently take 2 Fibralgia (Natures Sunshine) capsules (Mg 80mg & Malic Acid 350 mg)twice a day. I am getting about 850 mg of Ca per day in the Buffered Vitamin C Crystals (Ecological Formulas) I take. These needs were determined by energy testing what my body needs. I am not sure what people seeing LLMD's should do. I sometimes pass research along to my practitioners.

One comment about Mg Malate. On two occasions, by two different practitioners, this supplement was energy tested and found to contain lead. I don't know if anybody else has found this, or if it is typical of one brand.

Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Doctors and researchers absolutely DO know this infection depletes our stores of Mg. They've known this for YEARS.

Years ago one doctor (D) recommended that NO SUPPLEMENTS be taken. I don't know if he thought this would "starve" the bug to death, but it certainly didn't work! The Mg deficiency spiraled out of control...leading to many other problems.

Dr. B's guidelines indicate Mg is needed and his supplement guidelines recommend it. He even mentions large doses are sometimes needed. Here's a quote from his guidelines:

"MAGNESIUM: Magnesium supplementation is very helpful for headaches, tremors, twitches, cramps, muscle soreness, heart skips and weakness. It may also help in energy level and cognition. The best source is magnesium L-lactate dihydrate ("Mag-Tab SR"), one every twelve hours. DO NOT rely on "cal-mag", calcium plus magnesium combination tablets as they are not well absorbed. In some cases, intramuscular or intravenous doses may be necessary too."

The tetracyclines were developed to address this...but they too deplete our stores of Mg (and other minerals and vitamins) WHILE harming the bacteria. Catch 22.

"The antibiotic tetracyclines all are selectively accumulated by bacteria, which have high concentrations of magnesium ion in the inside of their cell membranes. Apparently the tetracycline-magnesium ion chelates that are formed are retained by the bacteria (have difficulty exiting through the cell membrane because of their poor lipid solubility)." nshankar/coursenotes1/Supplementary%20notes%20-2.pdf

Besides hydrogen, citrates inactivate PFK1...that makes Mg citrate look good...


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