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Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
I see my LLMD in a few weeks and intend to ask this question-

Why is it if I sit around all day, or just kind of relax all day, I can think, and feel good

but the minute I get up to go to the grocery store, or even walk a few blocks, I get

headache, vertigo and neckache ( that lasts for the rest of the day?)

Is this vascular? Anyone else have this? I konw its lyme but by what route is the lyme helping this happen?

Im sure my spirochetes dont know whether Im sitting down or walking around..

ANy thoughts?

If that symptom would go away, I would be about 90 percent. With it though, I might as well forget a life.


Posted by willowtree (Member # 5268) on :

Sad to say but this describes my life to a tee. I can be at home and feel like I am just "ok", but the moment I try to enter the real world... I crash back to my own nightmare reality. And like you said it can just be something simple like doing a bit of shopping or visiting with friends. I haven't been able to work for two years.

If I'm not hit immediately then the next day or so after activity I can still pay. Struck with pressurized headaches, ear noise, sore throat, neck pain that seeps into my shoulders and back. etc.....

Your not alone. I actually think alot of it has to do with my nervous system being so overtaxed. What activity I used to not even think twice about doing before is now a strain on my body and so it pulls the plug on me before I can even realize I have done something the keets didn't like.

Best Thoughts


Posted by Rita on :
I think the spirochete is more comfortable in an inactive, sedentary patient. Activity raises the body temp. Lyme patients body temps are lower than normal because 98.6 is less comfortable for the spirochete. The reason the spirochete survives so well is because it changes our behavior, our eating habits and everything we do.
Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
If the keets dont like me walking- wonder how they will like me jogging?

Rita, thats a really astute observation on the temperature deal.

I do wonder then though really if walking/jogging/exercising would get me over this hump.

I always have low body temp too. Never did til I got sick. Now its always like 97.6.

Posted by graneet (Member # 3112) on :

YEP same ole same ole. I feel guilty for not going somewhere cause i will get to feeling decent then try to get ready even to go and wham. Neck pain muscle pain.

I just got back from MY NEW DOC Mo. I was impressed. He thinks its hypercoagulation the muscle issues and pain. Plus other stuff to. Finally after six years getting treated for Babesia to.

Hope some of this takes the symptoms your describing go away.

Seems after a while we also get use to the stupid symptoms that use to devestate us. Because we could remember what normal was then. Now what is normal.
We learn to cope that is until were left with the pain with walking etc,

I got a pool and went swimming did i enjoy it because i knew i couldnt walk to use muscles. Had a ball but when i got out bam i hurt for a solid week. Got in yesterday and thank goodness it wasnt as bad but i didnt try to work my legs and arms like i did before. Going at it slow. Altho i slept today from one till just now at seven thirty. HUM might be here all night LOL.

Sounds like you still have lyme or something going on. Doc said im standard lyme. Gee i thought i was special LOL.


Posted by breathwork (Member # 567) on :
I get this all the time....well not all the time...but when I'm herxing and coming out of a herx.

If I do heavy activity it's a given that there will a price to pay in down days afterward. My honey's mother died on July 3rd so we flew to Nashville, took care of all the arrangements, stood for three hours for visitation...(Note to self...NEVER have more than two hours of vistation)..fed all the kids and cousins...talked to her friends....sorted out her papers, closets, etc...

I have been in house on the sofa or in bed since we came home. I knew that would be the price and it's no fun, but that's what it takes.

It's a good thing this didn't happen in the middle of a herx, eh? I would have been a blob...

[This message has been edited by breathwork (edited 17 July 2004).]

[This message has been edited by breathwork (edited 17 July 2004).]

Posted by danq (Member # 2126) on :
You know, I had that problem too... even after the Lyme was otherwise gone.

I can't really be sure, but it seems like this went away a little while after I decided to treat myself again late this spring with Artemisinin (for Babesia).

But that's "just anecdotal" and has to be read in the context of other things going on at the same time - like I'd finished all abx (after 5 mos IV/oral, 12 mos oral), summer warmth, more fresh air, gradually increasing excercise regimen (strengthening heart and circulation), improved diet, etc.

Probably much different for those not done with treatment yet - but the Babesia connection might be worth exploring.

Editing here to add that mild excercise is a good thing for all Lymies.
"Mild" being defined by your own scene.

You need that circulatory system in as good a shape as it can be, without stressing the rest of you.

Partly because it's good for you and your immune scene and the Lyme-fighting thing.

But also because, how else will you know if you're still tired from Lyme, or from sitting around for 4 years?

It's a tough balance.


[This message has been edited by danq (edited 18 July 2004).]

Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
Thanks all for your replies.

I was on babesia treatment before with clinda/quinine and it was like taking water, all besides the head pressure that it kept giving me.

I just started mepron two days ago. We'll see if thats it Danq, its very promising for me that that symptom went away for you after babesia treatment.

I did some stretches for a while today and feel better. Odd.

Will have to just keep stretching I suppose.


Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Bb uses YOUR supply of Mg inside your cells. YOU need Mg to make ATP - energy. It is the ONLY electrolyte that makes ATP.

When you exercise (grocery shop, whatever), IF you have enough B6 (which needs additional Mg which comes out of storage), you MAKE CoQ10 which carries hydrogen INTO the cells.

Bb doesn't like this situation. Hydrogen (and other things) INactivate PFK1, an enzyme is is dependent on.'ve just knocked off a few buggers...and

the toxins (acidic) when Bb is destroyed trigger (alkaline) TNF alpha...up goes inflammation. A necessary, but painful step in the healing process.

Yes, you can reduce this to a degree via various means, but for certain, do NOT BLOCK TNF alpha completely.


Posted by graneet (Member # 3112) on :
How did your treatment with clyand quinine go. Im about to start it. Did doc c give it to you?

I finally made it to him this week and have to start the babesia treatment now.


Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :

It didnt work and it didnt touch my lyme.

I relapsed on it.


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