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Posted by MommytoAidan (Member # 5944) on :
Hi All,

Well I'ive been on the abx for 49 days now and I am seeing a lot of improvement. I know this is NOTHING compared to what some/most of you have been on. I've had a GREAT couple of weeks and last night I felt crappy again. Not as bad as what I was in the beginning but heart was pounding and I felt like the bugs were crawling all over my arms. God, it's so discouraging when you have good days and then a bad day. I feel better today then I did last night but not as good as I have been the last few weeks. I guess the bugs are being killed and they're releasing their toxins again. It's still so scary and frustrating. Here are a few of my questions. Before I ask I just want to say that I am so greatful for all of you. I know I am not as nearly sick as most of you are but no one ever says anything negative at all with my silly questions and I just want to thank you for that! I am still very scared that I won't get through this and have another baby and be able to enjoy my 3 year old and wonderful husband. Your positive comments and thoughts are what get me through my rough days. In these last few weeks I find myself on the computer and not even coming to these boards or thinking about coming to them...I guess that's a good sign. Anyway, here are my questions...silly as they may be:

1) As we are treated and we herx, should each herx get less and less? This will be the third time herxing..and it doesn't feel like it's going to be as bad as the last one. Is this ok? I'm worried that I don't feel bad strange as that sounds.

2) My very first symptom as the bite that I had last late October. Because I didn't know what it was...(of course now I do) and didn't get treated my second symptom was the knee where I was bitten started to hurt. Since I've had this I could not kneel down to tie my son's shoes nor could I "crack" my kness (like cracking a knuckle). Now I can crack my knees but still can't bend down. Do any of you have this same problem? I just can't wait to kneel down again. Do you think I ever will?

3) Do most of you wake up to stiffness and as the day goes on it gets better? My jaw and joints are stiff...DEFINITELY NOT AS STIFF AS THEY WERE BEFORE I WAS ON ABX....but they feel better as the day goes on. I can again now carry my 32 pound son up the stairs with some pain but I can definitely do it.

4) This may be a VERY STUPID question...but...since I am feeling better I am thinking that I want to start to try have another baby. Should I not do this or am I ok as long as I am on abx? I am no rush but really want another baby since I miscarried in Dec of 03. Months ago I felt so bad that I didn't even want to think about trying to conceive. Also, I do not want to put my unborn child at risk. If I should wait...then that is what I will do. I read somewhere that as long as you are being treated with abx the unborn baby is ok. Do you any of you know about this?

5) This is my last question, I promise. I may have asked this before....I've had LD for 9 months now....I've been treated for a little less than two I had it for about 7 months before being treated. I know when I got the bite so I know I haven't had it longer than that. What are my chances of getting better? Again, I know some of you have had this terrible diseae for A LOT longer than I have...I pray for you and hope that you get well.

One more thing...I take xanax to help me sleep and to help me relax...I never take more than one pill a day and not every day...I usually one take it 3 times a week at night to sleep unless I am having a VERY BAD DAY. Is that ok?

I'd SO APPRECIATE ANY response. Thanks again for always being there.

Posted by greg (Member # 1250) on :
Howdy... Ill go in order.

First off, we all are, or were, sick. So there are no silly questions.

1. In general your symptoms should subside each time. Dont be alarmed if down the road you dont have a doozy though. Thats pretty normal too.

2. You should regain all your mobility, In the meantime try saunas, and gentle workouts to keep thinks loose. The cracking is caused by the air pockets left behind after the result of swelling. You will get them during herxes, i did anyway.

3. I concider myself pretty close to being done with this lyme thing and am still working out the last little bit of stiffness in my ankles. My only symptom, right now. You will always be stiffer in the morning because the toxins have "settled" during the night. Drink a litre of water in the am to flush the junk out.

4. Not to freak you out, but I personally will never father a child, because I dont think we ever really get rid of it.. Others may feel differently..I do think it can be passed around like other STD's. I do think it can be passed from Mom to child. I would recomend doing your own research, and then making the decision.

5 , I would say you chances are pretty good. I was a late catch (2 + years, maybe more) with two coinfections. Really bad in the neuro department. I was diagnosed in june of 2001 and have been off abx since october 2003. I manage it herbally and with a rife machine and live a normal life. Ride my bike, run, and work full time. Most times I feel normal. I dont think you ever get rid of all of them but you can feel normal again.
It just takes patience.

Dont know about xanax. Sleep is important though, and if its helping you sleep I say go for it. Im no md though. I did take sominex for a while when my sleep cycle was goofy.

hope this helps. hang in there, we are here for you.


Posted by lla2 (Member # 2364) on :

youre right it's awful to feel better then go downhill again , but you're's just the toxins being released..just picture those little suckers dying!!

be careful with the pregnancy stuff..the miscarriage could have been related to the lyme..I had 3 and i know many on here had miscarriages related to lyme/coinfections, as well as babies born with lyme and many, many serious problesm..if you CAN wait until you're free and clear of most symptoms you'd be giving your baby a great chance!

Of course this is just my opinion, as i didn't know all this had the 3 miscarriages then my son who has all kinds of learning probems adn lyme himself...

hope you feel better soon.


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