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Posted by lymebrat (Member # 3208) on :
Hi All,

Derek started getting an odd rash on his face and neck yesterday afternoon and by bed time, his arms were red as well.

He woke up several times during the night itching and crying that his arms and legs hurt.

So I called his PCP's answering service and was told to bring him in this morning.

His doctor said that he has Fifth Disease and that it could last from a week to several month (on and off)

The doc also said that joint pains are also from the fifth disease as well.

Has anyone ever had a child with lyme get fifth disease? I ask as I am wondering if his bad joint pain is from the fifth disease or is it possible that the illness has caused a lyme flare and that's why his joints hurt so bad.

I have him onn children's ibuprophen for the pain, but it isn't helping much. Any ideas on what I can do to help ease his discomfort?

Also, Mikayla now has a bright red face and her arms are getting red blotches on them as well..



Posted by riversinger (Member # 4851) on :
Hi Missy,

My son, now 24, had fifth's when he was about 10. It's caused by a virus, if I remember correctly.

He had fever and joint aching, along with a rash that covered his entire chest and face. He was home from school for a couple of weeks, but seemed to recover well eventually. His doctor at the time didn't recommend any treatment except rest, though he may have taken aspirin for the fever, I can't remember.

Posted by 3greatkids (Member # 3838) on :
Hi, Lymebrat... sorry about your son. My son had that ..we called it slap cheek..doesn't it look like that. I quess it is contagious..and will run its course..I'm sorry for this, hope he feels better real soon.One thing after another I quess. Take care Rest and rest helped my then little one.
Posted by SC (Member # 5767) on :
Hello, my children haven't had 5th disease thankfully but I had it a few years ago. I evaded it in childhood then caught it from one of my students!

I can remember being in so much pain that I could not stand to be touched at all. It only lasted a few days for me.

I had undiagnosed Lyme at the time but I believe the pain was related more to the virus than the Lyme.

We will pray that Derek recovers quickly and that Mikayla will not get it so bad.


Posted by pab (Member # 904) on :

This is a link to info on Fifth Disease:



Posted by lymebrat (Member # 3208) on :
Thank you all for the posts!!!!

River, you mentioned that your son had to stay home for a couple of weeks with 5th disease, was this because of the fevers or pain? Just wondering as Derek hasn't had the fever yet..

3 kids

Yes his face is extremely red and his arms, chest, and now legs have this bright red, raised rash all over them.( had patches where the skin looks normal as well) It is also very itchy and when he tries to scratch it, it hurts terribly.

His joints are hurting him so badly that I just had him take a bath and put ice on them..nothing is helping much. I have a call into his PCP. Hopefully he can give him something for the pain.


you said:

"I can remember being in so much pain that I could not stand to be touched at all. It only lasted a few days for me."

Did you find anything helped the pain? Today when the doc gently ran his hand over the rash, I thought Derek was going to jump off the bed it hurt so badly.

So it's not only the joint pain I am trying to help, but the burning type pain from the rash itself. I did give him benadryl and ibuprophen, but like I said, it isn't helping much..

Thanks again for all the posts, I appreciate it..



Posted by cbb (Member # 788) on :
Missy, so sorry you have another illness to deal with.
Tell Derek we hope he'll be feeling better soon & I hope Mykala gets along fine.

I recommend you call Dr Jones & see if they have any special recommendations when a child has Fifth Disease with Lyme.

Take care of you while you're taking care of those precious children.

[This message has been edited by cbb (edited 09 August 2004).]

Posted by frenchbraid (Member # 4225) on :
From what I understand, 5th Disease is named so because it is the "5th" identifiable rash.....Chicken Pox, Measles...etc. Then came 5th Disease.

Also, from what I know, it is only contageous BEFORE the rash appears.

My youngest daughter caught it from her preschool several years ago. It is only DANGEROUS to pregnant women and the elderly. When an adult gets infected, the symptoms resemble those of Lyme.....joint aches, etc.

She literally looked like she had been "slapped" on the cheeks. She also ran a fever and cried about her joints aching.


Stay positive. Smile. People care.

Posted by lymebrat (Member # 3208) on :
Hi All,

Here is some info that my doctor emailed me (as Derek has a weakened immune system due to lyme and he had anemia in the past).

I thought I would post it for those in the future who may be looking for info about fifths disease and lyme...

Fifth disease (also called erythema infectiosum) is caused by parvovirus B19. Especially common in children between the ages of 5 and 15, fifth disease typically produces a distinctive red rash on the face that makes the child appear to have a slapped cheek. The rash then spreads to the trunk, arms, and legs.

It may take 1 to 3 weeks for the rash to completely clear, and during that time it may seem to worsen until it finally fades away entirely. (In some case older children and adults, joint swelling and pain because of fifth disease have lasted from a few months up to a few years. )

In some cases, especially in adults and older teens, an attack of fifth disease may be followed by joint swelling or pain, often in the hands, wrists, knees, or ankles.

However, some children with weakened immune systems may become significantly ill when they have an infection with parvovirus B19. Parvovirus B19 can temporarily slow down or stop the body's production of the oxygen-carrying red blood cells, causing anemia.

Children who are already anemic can become very sick if their red blood cell production is further affected by the virus. Their red blood cell levels may drop dangerously low, affecting the supply of oxygen to the body's tissues.

They may become very pale and sick-looking, develop a rapid pulse and abnormally fast breathing, have a fever, and be much less active than usual. Blood transfusions and oxygen given in the hospital may be necessary to treat the severe anemia until the child recovers from the parvovirus infection


Posted by lymebrat (Member # 3208) on :

Thanks for posting and the well wishes. I have to admit with all that's been happening lately with our family, I have been a little neglectful of my own health care, but I did email my LLMD and set up an apt. for Sept.

I never thought to call Dr.J. I will give him a call tomorrow. I have to take Derek to the allergy specialist tomorrow, so hopefully he will feel well enough to go.


Thanks for the info! Do you remember how long it took before your daughter stopped having the bad joint pains? Derek is so bad tonight he is crying...

Thanks again everyone,



Posted by frenchbraid (Member # 4225) on :
I'm glad I checked back before beddy time. If I recall correctly, she complained about "pain" for over a week. Her preschool allowed the kids to come back to school as long as the fever was gone.

I personally felt funny bringing her to school looking the way that she did, but they felt the same way as everyone else........they are no longer contagious after the rash has appeared.

But, again, to the best of my memory (which is slightly damaged from Lyme), she was hurting for about a week or so. Childrens Advil seemed to help her though.

I also remember that my husband and I started having tendon pain around the same time. Tendon pain is VERY common in adults with 5th Disease.


Stay positive. Smile. People care.

Posted by gopats (Member # 5218) on :
Hi Lymebrat-
My 4 neices and nephews just got over this. Itching, fever, severe joint pain. The youngest was ok in 2 weeks (2 years-old). The 5, 9 14 year olds took a couple of months for everything to be gone.

Here's the bad part. My sister-in-law and her mother got it. The mother got it and she couldn't walk, they couldn't figure out what it was until they saw the kids. She was hospitalized for a few day and a few months later she still has pain in her hands and legs. My sister-in-law has been fighting it for 6 months, headaches off and on, fatigue, although it gets better. It hits adults much harder. There are things they can give you for adult onset but with all the drugs we take for Lyme, why would you want to.

I hope you don't get it. Adults don't necessarily get the rash so it will be hard for you to tell if it is Lyme or Fifths. (Although her doc says they can be related.)

Hang in there.

Posted by lymebrat (Member # 3208) on :


Posted by lymebrat (Member # 3208) on :
Thanks Frenchbraid and Gopats!!

I really appreciate your posts..


I had to take Derek to the allergy specialist today as he is having bad allergy and asthma attacks and he had to be seen.

But what a miserable day.

Of course Mikayla woke up in the middle of the night with a full blown rash and itching like crazy.

She is so miserable that she has been crying all day! She also has a fever. And Derek is in so much pain tonight that he can't even walk.

After reading your posts and looking up info on fifth's I am beginning to wonder if there is any way my husband can be suffering from this as well.

He started getting joint pain, headaches, fatigue and swelling of his legs and hands back in April and he did have what looked like a bad sunburn on his cheeks...mmmmm

He is on meds for possible lyme and is going to see my LLMD, but now it is making me wonder if it could be this 5th's disease...

Looks like I have to do some more research...I'll be up all night anyways as I can't seem to get either child comfortable.

They not only feel awful, they look awful! Their faces are so red it looks raw. And Mikayla doesn't have a 1 inch spot on her arms, legs or tummy that isn't covered with this odd, itchy, painful rash.

Poor kids.

Thanks again for all the advice, if anyone has anymore info, I'd be grateful!

~Thanks, LymeBrat

Posted by beach4so (Member # 3832) on :

I am so sorry to hear this. I feel so bad for ya'll. As always ya'll are in our prayers and hopefully will be seeing some sunshine soon.

With all of this going on please don't forget about yourself. I know it is very hard but don't forget about mom.


Posted by lymebrat (Member # 3208) on :
Thank you Starr, your a gem!

Mikayla now has the joint pain as well, but not nearly as bad as Derek. He spent the day on the couch.

Both kids look like they had their faces done by a makeup artist for some type of Halloween movie.

They are so red..and it not only itches, it hurts as well. Mikayla's arms are so itchy that she tries to scratch them even though she knows how badly it will hurt to touch it.

I sure don't remember having anything like this when I was a child, and my mom doesn't remember any of us having it either...

I feel so badly for them.I am hoping that they will get over in in time for school to start, as walking in to school on your first day with a bright red face and rash all over your body wouldn't be very fun...

Hope all is well with you and your family!



Posted by SC (Member # 5767) on :
Hello, sorry I did not reply to your question sooner. I just found it tonight.

I had it 6 years ago so the details are pretty confused in this Lyme brain of mine, but I do not recall taking anything for the pain. So I am afaid I am of no help to you.

I was about 5-6 weeks pregnant with our first child so I was too paranoid to take anything.

I did not realize what I had until later. My ex dr. said it was an allergic reaction to something not fifth disease. I changed doctors and insisted on testing when I found out how dangerous it could be.

The new doctor kept a very close eye on me and baby and thankfully we were both fine.

Any pain beyond skin pain I probably blamed on my pregnancy.

I am praying that your little ones are feeling better and that they recover quickly!

Take good care of yourself and try to get some rest!

Posted by Lishs mom (Member # 2344) on :
I had 5th disease when I was a kid.
I dont remember any itching...only a slight fever, and tired.

When I suspected Lishka had 5th disease, I was told it could not be 5th disease, because she itched and complained of stinging, and it "doesnt do that" according to the doctor.

They said fever, joint pain, but the rash iteself was quite benign.

So, I dont know what to tell you. I do know they would not let me go to school until the fever was GONE.


Posted by winsomme (Member # 5623) on :
there was an article that mentioned successful treatment of 3 people with CFS that was attributed to the parvovirus which is responsible for fifth's disease.

here is the article:


Posted by lymebrat (Member # 3208) on :
*** update****

Well, here we are nearly 2 weeks later and the kids are still suffering from this darn illness.

Luckily most of Derek's intense joint pain in now under control, but it still hurts.

And both kids still have a horrible rash. It is still causing them grief. They are itchy all the time and it still hurts, though not as bad.

I sure hope this is gone when they start school on the 1st as the rash looks really bad. And kids can be so mean..

Anyone have any ideas on what i can do for the itching? I am using Benadryl.


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