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Posted by GardenLymer (Member # 6008) on :
Hi all...Does anyone have any info on Larium? It's not in my drug book, so just have the info that came w/ script from pharm.

Has anyone else been on it for babs? What dosage? Did it work?

Thanks for any info. ~Cindy~

Posted by lou (Member # 81) on :
Did you try a search? This is a good way to get a lot of information.
Posted by pomegranite (Member # 3339) on :
Larium is mefloquine. Try looking it up under name of drug v. brand name.

Are you considering taking it for babs?

Here is what I know and experienced with Larium...

I believe that it was originally developed as a pesticide.

I believe the two soldiers returned from Afghanistan to Fort Bragg who killed their wives were on high doses of Larium at the time.

In late 90's it was prescribed regularly by U.S. docs to folks going to malaria infested countries where the malarial strains were showing some resistance to quinine.

When I went to Mali in 1997 it was prescribed to me for this reason. I took it once a week. Can't remmber dosage. I didn't know at the time that I had lyme and probly babs.

After the first pill I had some mild dizzy spells and nauseau---but was overall pretty good. After second pill I was completely done in. So dizzy I couldn't stand up. So sleepy I couldn't wake up. Dreaming in crazy technicolor vivid dreams from which I couldn't rouse. Had constant mini orgasms when awake or asleep (don't laugh---it wasn't nice---it was awful really really imagine trying to just do normal things and being plagued by these little mini orgasms constantly and they were different really not nice but with an edge....don't know how to describe well)

I finally crawled into a Malian Doc's office who took one look at me and said Larium? He'd seen it before. Americans to dizzy to stand and all of them on Larium. He got me off the larium and on a different form of a quinine drug that works even with the resistant strains. It took a long slow time for the larium effects to wear off---at least another three weeks to stop being sleepy and dizzy.


Posted by suki444 (Member # 18960) on :
HI Gardenlymer

From what I've heard Larium is effective but has significant neurological put it mildly.

Dr M from Europe uses Mepron/Zith first for months then puts patients on this to lessen the die off.

what was the other quinine based drug that worked for you?



Posted by GardenLymer (Member # 6008) on :
Thanks for the replies.

Lou - I'm new at the computer so don't really know how to use different search engines, etc.

I just did 8 weeks of this stuff & needed to know more about it. Herxing still 3 & 1/2 weeks later. Symptoms I haven't had in years. Only 1 pill per week, don't think I will go down that road again. Mepron/zith is a walk in the park compared to this stuff. Have already had 7 or 8 mo's of mepron and LLMD thought he'd try something different. Was just wondering what dosages anyone else might have taken besides the 500mg/1 per week, as I couldn't imgine taking this stuff daily - but was curious as to if anyone did. (my congratulations would be in order!)

Pomagranite - Thanks so much for the info. Puts alot of light on the subject for me. I didn't find anything under mefloquine in my drug book either but will try doing a online search. But if anyone should already have something on this drug in their files, please let me know. Glad I didn't have the mini orgasm thing, (although husband might think it was a good idea, LOL) I can imagine that must have been awful - and what the ducks would have to say about that one!

Suki - Glad to hear it's effective, and that my 9 week headache might have been worth it. I think what I hated most about this drug was that it made me revert to that scary place where your SURE your dying, not living, and none of this is worth it. I felt like I backtracked a few years. This week the headaches are gone, and my optimisim is back, but so are other symptoms of babs - so maybe it's wearing off....~Cindy~

Posted by GardenLymer (Member # 6008) on :
Thanks for the replies.

Lou - I'm new at the computer so don't really know how to use different search engines, etc.

I just did 8 weeks of this stuff & needed to know more about it. Herxing still 3 & 1/2 weeks later. Symptoms I haven't had in years. Only 1 pill per week, don't think I will go down that road again. Mepron/zith is a walk in the park compared to this stuff. Have already had 7 or 8 mo's of mepron and LLMD thought he'd try something different. Was just wondering what dosages anyone else might have taken besides the 500mg/1 per week, as I couldn't imgine taking this stuff daily - but was curious as to if anyone did. (my congratulations would be in order!)

Pomagranite - Thanks so much for the info. Puts alot of light on the subject for me. I didn't find anything under mefloquine in my drug book either but will try doing a online search. But if anyone should already have something on this drug in their files, please let me know. Glad I didn't have the mini orgasm thing, (although husband might think it was a good idea, LOL) I can imagine that must have been awful - and what the ducks would have to say about that one!

Suki - Glad to hear it's effective, and that my 9 week headache might have been worth it. I think what I hated most about this drug was that it made me revert to that scary place where your SURE your dying, not living, and none of this is worth it. I felt like I backtracked a few years. This week the headaches are gone, and my optimisim is back, but so are other symptoms of babs - so maybe it's wearing off....~Cindy~

Posted by pomegranite (Member # 3339) on :

The quinine drug I used is a French pharmaceutical. Mali is a former French colony and that's what's available there. It was chloroquine taken daily.

When I got home my docs here said that we don't have the equivalent available in the states.

But anyway it was effective for malaria not babs, so I don't know if this matters to you. I have no idea what its impact on babs might be.


Posted by lou (Member # 81) on :
I was speaking of searching lyme net, the medical forum. It is easy. Just go to the top of this page, under the post reply etc symbols there is a line of 5 words, at the end of which is "search." Just click on that, type lariam in the search box and watch a whole pile of threads presented to you. Stick to the medical forum box on the search form, since that is where you will find most of the information.
Posted by Lynn Lymemom (Member # 19) on :

Larium is a very serious drug!!!!!!!

I really encourage you to do a lot of research before taking considering taking this drug!!!!

My daughter did take this drug and it didn't help her.

What we came up with was, if you are very informed of the side effects - you are more apt to be able to catch any of the unwanted mental - depression irrational behavior quickly.

Please read read read!!!!!!!

Lynn Lymemom


Posted by BennyAndTheJets (Member # 5940) on :
My doctor has written babs script for quinine and zithro. I'm picking up artemesinin on my own.

I believe that quinine was the old standard before mepron. Is it just as good?

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