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Posted by Magdalena (Member # 6096) on :
Does anyone here know anything about acupuncture and Lyme???

I NEVER had acupuncture in my life. Two weeks ago a friend was having problems (I suspect Lyme) and she insisted on going to the acupuncturist.

I was so desperate that I had acupuncture also. I was having dental infections and cellulitis from extractions.

Amazingly, it HELPED!!! I was shocked... or something did!

Anyway, I would appreciate feedback from anyone who has any experience with this.




Posted by peachsc (Member # 4969) on :
I am using acupuncture as part of my "lyme-beatin' program."

I definately support your friend's claims - it has helped me a lot!!

I felt much worse after the first two sessions but after 48 hours I felt so much better! The energy and clarity is amazing and the only variable factor that I can attribute it to is the acupuncture.

My acupuncturist has designed a plan for me that includes sessions to target my immune system, detox, mental cognition, liver function and overall wellness.

If anyone has any questions about it, feel free to ask or email me privately.


Posted by Magdalena (Member # 6096) on :
Oh, thanks, Peachsc!

Those were the same areas that the acupuncturist targeted on me! I have had 5 sessions to date. I did experience a difference. I actually felt more "balanced" for lack of a better word.

I was actually trying to decide if it was worth the investment to continue.

Thanks for your input!

Best of health,

Posted by robi (Member # 5547) on :
Acupuncture is the single most effective symptomatic relief I have found.

It will help build your immune system. It is NOT in place of abx. I repeat: it is NOT in place of abx.

That said, it is expnsive and worth every penny. I feel the best after a treatment.

You must find the "right" practitioner for you. I went to a few I did't like before I found one I did.

I highly recommend acupuncture!!


Posted by riversinger (Member # 4851) on :
Before I knew I had Lyme I did two years of weekly acupuncture. It definitely helped with pain, and increased my energy. I think it was very helpful.

It did NOT cure the Lyme. After stopping the acupuncture, all my symptoms gradually came back. Now, I know many have that happen with antibiotics as well. It's just that my insurance didn't cover the acupuncture, and there is no way I could afford it every week for years on end.

If you can find a good acupuncturist, I think it is definitely worthwhile. Just, as Robi says, I wouldn't do it without antibiotics.

[This message has been edited by riversinger (edited 21 August 2004).]

Posted by Magdalena (Member # 6096) on :

I appreciate your words of caution and for sharing your experience.

I am seeing an 8th generation Chinese Acupuncturist (straight from China) who practices TCM.

I do believe that opening the chakras and meridians MUST have some benefit... Maybe us Westerners don't understand it, but it makes sense. AND afterall, they have been practicing Chinese Medicine for 8000 years and we have had Western Med around... 100 years???

I understand that infection is infection be it bacterial or viral or fungal or whatever and must be eliminated aggressively either through abx or frequencies or some modality.


I also appreciate all of the encouragement that some of you have received and passed on to me!

I am open for any other comments.

Best of Health,


Posted by Houston Lyme Pie (Member # 2578) on :
A late reply- I was just nosing around and stumbled on this post-

For me, accupuncture was part of the program that saved me. You need strong drugs to beat back the bugs, but during and after that strong drug experience, accupuncture can support healing.
By relieving pain.
By clearing channels to empty your body of the waste products of healing (dead bacteria, old drug sludge, toxic build up that allowed you to be weak enough to get sick in the first place)
By returning good sleep patterns.
And much more.

You may need the ABX now, but I think you also need to balance the effects of ABX treatment.

Killing bugs is not enough.

You also have to find your way back to health.
Or at least that is what is working for me.
(Off ABX and living pretty strong since Jan 03)


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