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Posted by mcnteddy (Member # 6075) on :
Seemingly I had my user name correct but not my password. one letter was in lower case (not noticed) and a Q looked like an O with my eyesight. I have typed out both user name and password in large Bold Print and taped it to my desk in front of me.
Keeping my fingers crossed that at last I can post and reply. I will now press submit and hope for the best. Ted
Posted by mcnteddy (Member # 6075) on :
I came through the hurricane OK. I was the only one left in the building. Those that left and tried to find safer places did worse than I. A number went to a hotel which very soon threw them all out when they lost power. They then had to try to find other places to go to that turned out to be less safe than Punta Rassa, although we got a battering and the next door building had every window blown out. Mine was the only unit in my building that didn't get any water intrusion. I had prepared carefully over 4 days, not being able to move easily. All windows were locked and had a layer of transparent thick plastic sheeting on them (I had that put on 2 or 3 years ago). If a missile hits it, the glass may shatter but not be penetrated. Also placed rolled up large wet towels under all the windows and the doors and janmbed a chair under the handle of the front door. Those leaving , once they closed their doors, couldn;t give them that protection.
I got very bored reading sitting in my small bathroom in the guest suite (supposedly the safest place to be, and couldn't resist in going into the living room to peep through the blinds what was happening outside. A solid sheet of water. On another peep, we must have got to the other side of the eye of the hurricane, as I noticed the deluge was going in the opposite direction. I'm sure pleased I stayed put. I knew it was a risk, but luck is usually with me when I take risks (frequent during my long life).
Thanks to all who sent me messages of encouragement and asking me how I was faring.
My best answer is SEND NEW LEGS.
Love, Ted



Posted by GEDEN13 (Member # 4151) on :
glad you are here..hurricane ted!! lymenet has a gold!! thanks really,,,gary



Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Well looky here! YIPPEE!!!!!


Sooooooooo glad to see you!!!!

He's BACK!!!

Ah hum....

And just to let you know young man...

If you ever worry me again like that.. I am going to come down there myself and toss you off the Sanibel Island bridge!

It will be a named storm called "Hurricane Tincup"... so watch out for it!

Whew.... it was a bad one... for sure! I am thankful you are safe.. and pray for the others who didn't make out so well.

Now that you are here.. we hope to see more of you!!

Hope you are feeling better soon... you big baboon!!!!


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