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Posted by robin_wachs (Member # 3525) on :
Hello all, posted this earlier with no responses to thought I would rephrase the question.

If you get a new bull's eye and you are allready a Lymie and on antibiotics, do you feel worse?

Got a bull's eye about 10 days ago and lots of symptoms are now back and magnified, such as bad headaches, lots of face numbness, increase in memory problems. (Gee, don't remember what I did today.), increases in muscle and joint pains, and that all over-ishness I call it. Where it hurts everywhere. Haven't had that for a while.

Those Lymies that have been bit/reinfected while allready on antibiotics, what do you think?


Posted by mcpucho on :
i asked my doc this ? recently. he said if you are already on abx then hopefully it wouldn't penetrate your system. but their is no certainty especially if you are already ill.
Posted by RECIPEGIRL (Member # 5884) on :
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Posted by Blacktop (Member # 5146) on :
Hmmm....I think the biggest danger would be picking up a coinfection that you are not currently being treated for...that's what would scare me.


Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :

You CAN get worse.

Alot worse!

A number of folks here have had this happen to them... and I believe Dr. B addresses this topic in some of his literature??

There are over 300 KNOWN strains of spirochetes.. and numerous strains of other infections that can infect you.

For example...

I got Lyme... was treated repeatedly... and was about 1/2 of normal... and on meds for a solid 18 months.. and during this time...

I went back to work and was bitten again while ON treatment.. and got 10 times worse.

At LEAST 10 times worse!


Posted by robin_wachs (Member # 3525) on :

Thank you so much for your reply and validation, because I am pretty sure that is what is happening to me. I am getting that scared feeling again, with being hit so hard with more/severe symptoms. My gut tells me that my worsening is from the new bite. I don't know how much more I can take! I am headed towards being bedridden/couchbound again. I am not a happy camper!

Thanks to all who replied,

Posted by RECIPEGIRL (Member # 5884) on :
Hi Robin,

So glad you got some good answers to your question. You know your body the best & when something has changed in a major way.

When you said you got a new infection, the first thing I thought of was wow-------that's another major challenge to the immune system.

I'm not well versed about the immune system, but here's what I've read:

The immune system is challenged. Then about 21 days after the challenge, it decides to go on vacation.

For how long? I don't know.

Not good. That's probably why you're feeling so rotten --- along with another possible strain, co-infections or virus.

(I read this in an unrelated book from a dentist, Dr. Hal Huggins,----the book, "It's all in Your Head.")

Anyway, your immune system works on a 7-14-21 day basis. You don't want any other major hits to your immune system now-------as if you didn't already know that!

Hope you'll be able to take things easy for a bit.

I think that's why patients get worse after surgery. The immune system is taking care of the newest "hit" & the Bb has a party.

On the bright side, maybe it's not a new infection. Of course, that's the hard part to figure out.

Sometimes it takes a couple of tries calling your LLMD before he understands & takes time to re-evaluate your situation.

He may be sitting back simply thinking that things have resolved themselves. Who knows?

Maybe this is a temporary setback. Wouldn't that be great?

We're thinking of you. You've come so far, you can overcome this, too.
Best wishes,

[This message has been edited by RECIPEGIRL (edited 27 August 2004).]

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