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Posted by docdave130 on :
when it rains it pours. do all lyme people have bad luck.
first had dental practice destroyed by hugo in 1979.
second bought house in florida in july and was to move last week, guess what hurricane francis.
so we wait and my wife decides we need new gutters on the house to sell it and guess what i had a lyme moment and feel and tore my achilles tendon completely .
so having surgery next week and in a cast for 2-3 months.
does it get any better than this?
this is like a man retiring and having a heart attack and dies 2 weeks after retiring.
Posted by Lymelighter (Member # 5310) on :
Doc, buddy, sorry to hear you're going through such a rough patch. Man, you're brave. With lyme balance, I'm amazed you could get up on a ladder to schlep gutters? Most Lymies can't walk a straight line, and we haven't had a drop to drink.

Fear not, Doc ole boy, life has a unique way of pulling us along, especially when times seem bleak. Do we Lymies have bad luck...depends if your glass is half full or half empty?

Rest assured, Ivan will pass and you will be back in West Palm getting your daily hydromassage, eating brunch at the Polo Club, at breaking out that righteous Calloway driver for 18.

BTW: were you on Cipro or Levaquin when you tore the tendon?

[This message has been edited by Lymelighter (edited 09 September 2004).]

Posted by docdave130 on :
on zithromax and acyclovir.
these actual made my balance better.
the only reason i did this was a neighbor friend was suppose to do it he took off the gutters and said is was going to be $2500 to replace them. i asked him why he diddn't tell me the price before he said he didn't want to scare me off.
after the fall i called 2 guuter guys on did it for $1300 so its my stupidity for not asking the price first.
unforunately it was a very bad tear and will not be on the golf course for a year. but the massages with donald are still on if i ever get down there.
i have to drive my car and dogs down from philly and might be able to do it when he cuts the cast off my knee in 3 weeks. so we will see.
luckly house is post andrew and no damage.
Posted by breathwork (Member # 567) on :
Poor Baby!

This is no fun at all.....Nope no fun.

Be kind to your old back while your tottering off balance for the next while....I"m a big fan of massages when I'm on crutches..they make the awkward tottering more tolerable....

Oh yeah, and why are you moving to hurricaine country after Hugo blew all your #$#@(*$^ away?

Carol Ann

Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :

I cringe just thinking about all you are going through!!!

If I were you I would consider sitting in the front lawn till you found a four leaf clover for good luck!

But up in PA..


Sitting on the lawn COULD mean another TICK BITE!!!


At least you will be out of the miserable cold this winter!

That is something to look forward to... eh?

Wish I was headed that way.. but I too would wait till Ivan passed through.


Maybe there is a higher up who has decided you BEST stay there for now?


Sometimes the "hints" are quite nasty in nature!

Some days I stand outside looking up at the sky and I say...

"I can read! Just send me a note! I promise I will get the message! You don't have to go to such lengths to make me listen!"

Let us know how the surgery goes!!!

I hope recovery will be swift and painless... both mentally and physically.

And PS...

Please keep away from me, you unlucky fellow you!!



Posted by Magdalena (Member # 6096) on :
I have to agree with Carol Ann...

Maybe the Cosmos is telling you that moving to FL is not such a good idea...

IMHO, I think I would re-evaluate that situation!

Sorry about your fall and hope the surgery goes without a hitch!



[This message has been edited by Magdalena (edited 09 September 2004).]

Posted by DiffyQue (Member # 3317) on :


Wishing you the best of outcomes.

Your comments on your house and gutters triggered a recall of an incident I had a year into my lyme.

Back in 1999-2000, I was on a roof. When I turned to go back down the ladder, I became terrified; some kind of vision-balance problem set-in while on this slanted roof looking at the ground and back at the tip of the ladder just over the gutter. I immediately sat down, then I started to slide down, but within my loose jeans,but in same spot, further fueling my anxiety, until I came to a stop, and used my hands to stay still. Closed my eyes and breathed slowly in and out until I was calm enough with normal anxiousness to descend the ladder.

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