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Posted by alexisjade715 on :
I have been on my meds for a month now and I would get increaseings of my symtoms that would come and go. Usually about an hour or two after I took my med.

It would usually subside before my next dose was due.

I started my period and my symtoms got so bad. I had to call the Dr. I have extreme fatigue as well as muscle weakness that would come and go.

Since I started my period I can hardly move. My symtoms are so bad right now. The Dr. said lay off the med. for a day or two and start up again. Its probobly herxes.

I did stop for a day and only took one pill yesterday and could not move for the rest of the day.

Does anyone else experience this heightened symtom problem around there periods and if so what do you do to help? Stop your med until after your cycle is done or do you continue to take your med? I am unsure what to do exactly

Is it good to have the symtoms to be like this? Does it mean your Lyme is active and you sould continue meds. to kill it?

I may call my Dr. back but does anyone have any opinions on this problem?

Thank you

Posted by slcd (Member # 5708) on :
I have heard that our herxing cycle is supposed to follow along with our other cycle.

I've never experienced that syndrome quite that badly, though.

Perhaps someone else will come along who will have more first hand experience.

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
alexisjade715, I found that my fatigue increases incredibly during my menses. For myself, I have found that magnesium and B12 help a little. I take them both by injection since my stomach can't handle the magnesium. But mostly I just know that I am going to be incredibly tired and don't schedule anything during that time. Just make sure I have a good book around.



Posted by alexisjade715 on :
Thank you for your replys but does anyone that experience this continue to take their meds or do they stop for a while?

I am not sure what is the best way to go about this because I do want to kill off the bacteria.

If this is just killing of the bacteria, I don't want to stop the progression of treatment.

I am soooo confused


Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
Its SO common to have this problem around your period. I flare majorly around my period, as it is my worst time. For me, I DO believe it is a herx.

Thats the thing with us women- your herx cycle could come right around your period... so its a guessing game.

Want to know my honest reply with as what to do with the meds? Listen to your body. There have been times that I have skipped my meds aroudn this time as my period puts me into a herx ( double whammy)

and then there have been times that I have trudged through, never stopped the meds and the period flare actually subsided

Anyone that tells you ANY different than to listen to YOUR body is wasting their time.

For me, stopping abx was the stupidest thing I have done. There was probably two times that I can say remaining ON THEM made me a tad suicidal. It took me to NOT stop them to feel good, but LISTEN TO YOU! I've been at this for 16 months now, and anyone and their dog can give me *their honest opinion* and it isnt worth a lick- proof is in the pudding, for me stopping was BAD.

Again though, listen to you. Be sure to keep a journal if you havent started one already. Its gonna be a long journey and its comforting to have something to look back on.


Posted by alexisjade715 on :
Thank you soo much for your reply and your opinion. Listening to my own body is exactly what I will do.

I Do not want to stop the meds. I will try to hang in there as best as I can and pray for the best as I always do.

My period has been irregular since May 2004. But I will have to say this period is soooo light and barely there. The most irregular so far.

Has this happened to anyone else? I have been trying to figure out exactly how long I may have had this disease and I was wondering with people with menstural irregularities did they seem to start as soon as you got sick?

Posted by riversinger (Member # 4851) on :
Hi Alexis,

I'm just on the tail end of exactly what you are describing. With my menses, I get such extreme exhaustion that I fall asleep anywhere, except of course, at night! Then I'm wide awake.

My muscles feel like the electric plug has been pulled and there is no juice. I become very clumsy, and can't think well at all.

Dr. Marylyyn Barkely believes that women's hormones have a very profound effect on the immune system. The drop in hormones as you get your period actually lowers your immune system. Progesterone in particular is an antiinflammatory hormone, so when it goes down all kinds of symptoms can happen.

I try to always have a retreat day or three when I know I am getting my period. I also take oral micronized progesterone, which has made a big difference. My PMS used to last from day 7-28. Now it is closer to 5 days long.

Making sure you keep your blood sugar stable, getting enough magnesium, B-12 injections, healthy diet can all help.

As far as stopping meds, I have to agree with COL. It's how YOUR body responds. For me, I have the reactions on or off meds. I had them for years before treatment. So I don't usually stop.

But that is me. And, over the year of my treatment, the strange, scary, and painful things that would happen during PMS and the menstrual cycle are slowly receding. So for me, it seems right. But you will have to experiment to discover what is right for you.

Sonoma County Lyme Support
[email protected]

[This message has been edited by riversinger (edited 14 September 2004).]

Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
I got bit by a tick when I was 12, so I can't answer your last question about irregular cycles. They were irregular for years, now they are closer to a schedule.

I have had very painful periods on and off in my life. I now think it is related to the Lyme and spondyloarthritis. Since I've started treatment, I find that every other cycle the symptoms get bad.

This past cycle was awful, and things didn't get much better (besides lower-back pain) when it ended.

I don't stop my meds. I know some people do, I'm just so scared of making resilient bacteria. Instead I treat the main symptom, pain, with a pain killer.


Posted by Corgilla (Member # 4066) on :
Hi AJ,

Your cycle can be affected by Lyme at any time. I've had 5 different tick born diseases for various amounts of time.

My period didn't change until a very long time in to being infected (no treatment yet).

It just happens that 3 months after my period became irregular, I was dx'd (diagnosed). Becoming regular again and having less depression were the first things that got better when I started tx (treatment).

I have severe fatigue during menses too. I've also had the muscle weakness.

I only stop my medication once in a while when it's keeping me from doing the absolute necessary to survive.

I'm one of the ones that feel better when not taking medication. Unfortunately, the felling doesn't last.

Best Wishes,


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