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Posted by dullchime (Member # 6024) on :
The answer is YES! I just weighed myself this morning. MAN! I must have gained at least 13 pounds! I've read about the lyme throwing the thyroid all out of whack but geez! Thank you lyme disease.


Posted by David95928 (Member # 3521) on :
One of my early symptoms, I realize in retrospect, was sudden weight gain. This would occur in episodes in which I would gain around twelve pounds (go figure!) over a very short time, like a week or so. It didn't seem to be realated to changes in diet or activity. Also, during these episodes, my skin would feel "fluffy," very soft and slightly numb.
I think, now, that it was water weight and part of a gradual and progressive dysregulation of my system.
Fortunately, that stopped happening. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I was undiagnosed and untreated, other problems emerged.
Hang in.
Posted by UsedToBeVibrant (Member # 6245) on :
Hi Dullchime,

I was amazed when I got weighed at my doctors...after a month and a half with Lyme disease (got bitten in late July) I"ve gained 25 lbs! It's absolutely appaling.

I was thinking that the gain was caused by the totally sedintary lifestyle I"ve been living - being exhausted all the time precludes activity that used to keep weight down.

Anyway, thanks for the headsup on the thyroid issue, I"d certainly feel better knowing it's not just my lazyiness that's the cause.

I"m sure though that this will go away when the little buggers get killed and we can resume activity.


Posted by SpdDrv (Member # 5861) on :
I guess I got to fortunate side of that and my thyroid went hyper instead of hypo and I can't gain weight no matter what I eat. But that is one thing I am NOT complaining about with lyme disease. LOL
My doctor said that most people have a hypo where they can't lose but a few have the hyper side I am glad I am on the hyper side of this thing! LOL That is about the only thing that is going right for me I guess or at least I can't gain weight I weigh 123 pounds which is less than what I weighed when I got out of high school!

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