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Posted by believe3 (Member # 6216) on :
Hello everyone. I have a question.

I have really bad blurry vision in bright light. And I work in florescent lighting. Very Very bright.

I had them take out one of the lights right above my desk but it is still really bad.

For those of you that have the same problem what do you do for this? I have thought about wearing sunglasses but I would look pretty funny.

Any suggestions?


Posted by rdcallen (Member # 3987) on :
Sorry, looking funny it is. I have been wearing dark glasses in bright lights for years. You'll get used to it and so will everyone else.
First, though, make sure your sensitivity is not an eye problem that needs attention.
If the pressure goes up, which can sometimes happen due to inflammation, the same symptoms will result and needs immediate attention.
I recommend you see an opthalmologist and if everything checks out okay then bite the bullet and join the rest of us who look ridiculous.
It could get even funnier and you could be patching an eye. My friends and family say, 'arrgh' whenever I wear my
Oh yes, I have found one other solution. Work in the dark. That will get lots of stares, too.
Posted by lymeinhell (Member # 4622) on :
How does that song go....'I wear my sunglasses at night'....

Yeah, you could do that. My hubby goes crazy if I leave them on when I'm in a store, but it does help. Is your vision just blurry, or are you seeing lots of floaters and spots in the brighter light?

If it's blurry, and you've had your eyes checked, like me, could be cranial nerve involvement, and the muscles just get plain old tired out from use (I sit in front of a computer 8 hours a day)

I bring a bottle of peppermint oil to work. When my eyes get tired, I put a drop on my finger and put it just above each eyebrow. Helps refresh those tired muscles and I'm set to go.

Or you could spruce up your inventory of fashionable shades until this passes... It does get better with treatment.

Julie G.

Posted by believe3 (Member # 6216) on :
I have had my eyes checked twice and they can not find anything wrong with them.

I work in a huge office in a cubicel so I am not able to work in the dark.

I will have to try wearing sunglasses. Ugh!!!!

Or I could just keep going on like I have been for three years and be blurry! Fun.


Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
Well If this consoles you at all."""

I used t get this onece in a while, but my main complaint is blurry spots in my vision,,

I get many floaters in my vision,,big worms and things that look like a field of tiny cells.

AlsO I get black spots.

It does interfere with my reading as I have to wait for them to float by the read text sometimes.

This has been an ongoing problem for the past 6 years.

The only peoples that could explain it were the LLMDs "LYME"

Not even the eye doctor was concerned.

When I tell other people of it they say
"oh yea, I get floaters too"

GREAT as if that helps.. i wish I had your eyes...........

Posted by rdcallen (Member # 3987) on :
Oh yes, there is one other thing that has helped and doesn't look quite as obvious. My eye doctor put a 'blue block' on my regular lenses.

It cuts down a lot on inside glare. Certain lighting, though, is just annoying and I still put my sunglasses on.

BUT it is a yellowish/orangish color and makes a fashion statement all its own. People have said they like it, though.

Also is there a cubicle in the large room that would be less bothersome? Or if you sat facing a different way in the cubicle? Sometimes angle can make a big difference.

I appreciate that light sensitivity and blurry vision is a mega concern when you are trying to work. And it feels like everything is in super small font. The work place is not usually friendly for those with eye problems.

And I admit it does feel very awkward at first. My co-workers were very understanding and it became common place. It helps if you don't have to work directly with the public.

[This message has been edited by rdcallen (edited 05 October 2004).]

Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
I noticed when wearing my blue blocker sun glasses for hour or so driving that when I removed them the yellow road signs and yellow lines became pink wierd huh.

Any how almost everyone with lyme for any lenght of time have most of the symptome you stated.

Posted by believe3 (Member # 6216) on :
Oh my!! lymeHerx001 you have just made a light bulb go off in my head!!

When I look up in the sky or into bright light I see those worms or cells you are talking about. I never mentioned it to anyone because they would just say oh my here is another thing wrong with you.

Thanks for that. I will have to try to find some cool looking sunglasses and make it a fashion statement I guess.

Thanks for all of your responses!!


Posted by bg (Member # 46416) on :
Merrie, I have many of the sx you described:

1. Blurred vision lasting 4-8 hrs. Saw opthamalogist...she didn't notice anything. But ordered a CARTOID neck artery ultrasound...they found some plague but not enough blocking arteries.

2. In my cubicle, I had all lights off. Also place a large POSTER BOARD above my cubicle and taped it down so when I looked up, there was NO light.

3. I have special computer glasses tinted dark also.

4. Waiting now for my NOIR sunglasses to arrive...amber colored the best for us to eliminate IR, intra red light plus UV. My mind is not working properly right now so I may have used the wrong words in IR.
Betty G., Iowa

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