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Posted by lemonhead (Member # 6267) on :
Does anyone know the scoop on this. I have been told that Lyme's disease is not contagious, and then I have been told it is highly contagious.
Not that my libido is up because of this disease, but just in case the mood hits the husband or I, what is the scoop? I have even been told that, not that I want this to sound porny, but that French kissing is a possible transmission.
After 29 years of marriage, a tubal ligation, and then hysterectomy, do we now have to go back to condoms, and no heavy kissing?
Who knows the real scoop? Let's see some answers please.
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Sexually Transmitted ???
Transmitted Through Sex?
Sex Question-Serious-Adult Content
Video On Demand: Blood Supply May Be Source Of Lyme Disease Infections
Should have mentioned my wife got it from me and then past it back so we both got treated. better now I hope

[This message has been edited by treepatrol (edited 05 October 2004).]

Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
I'm sorry..

I am going to pass on this one.

I am having a hard time trying to figure out what to say to someone about sex and Lyme... and kissing and stuff..

Especially when their name is "lemonhead".


Posted by slcd (Member # 5708) on :
Tincup -

The name kinda just makes you wanna say "Pucker up"!

We're just teasing you lemonhead!

Posted by dontlikeliver (Member # 4749) on :
Tincup - you CRACK me up!


I don't know the answer either, but I would like a definitive one. Especially, as hubby is NOT going to undergo any kind of treatment without this proof as he feels perfectly fine, even though he MAY have been infected from me, on TOP of having had a tick-bite and bulls-eye 10 years ago for which he took about 4 weeks of abx but NEVER had any symptoms, apart from bullseye.

It's bad enough him having to live with me like this for years on end, but then to give him an ultimatum "no sex, or you take antibiotics" I feel is a bit much without proof, because he's very much a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" kind of man.


Posted by KH (Member # 4170) on :
YES, YES, YES!!! It is sexually transmitted, I am living proof. My husband was bit by a tick in June '03, went on 6 months abx just 2 weeks after being bit. I was pregnant at the time and was told it was sexually transmitable so we abstained until 3 months after the baby was born, and he was done with the abx. Long storey short he also had babesia and so now we both have lyme. I started having headaches and dizzyness just one month after we re-started relations, and have been on abx since March of this year. We both did 6 rounds of Mepron/zith, and are now on just zith and tinidazole.


Posted by UsedToBeVibrant (Member # 6245) on :
Anyone squeemish, please avert your eyes.

Lemonhead, honestly, I am convinced that lymes is sexually transmitted.

Also, and I"m not sure I should be writing this on my company's computer and hate to admit it but, here goes.

My libido I think increased after getting Lyme.

And I'm sure that my fiance got his lyme through me.

Just be careful, don't do what I did and feel the guilt I feel.

One of us sick is bad, both is a disaster.

I now consider it transmittable in the same way sypholis is (since the spirochetes are very closely related.

There's nothing funny about this(except for the inevitable jokes about how I gave him sypholis).

Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
It can't be proven, it can't be disproven.

I can't say for certainty yes, but

if you want my opinion? YES

Thats only my edumacated guess. My further edu-ma-cation tells me that bacteria is bacteria, ISNT ALL bacteria contagious? Hmpf, somethin to tink about , eh?

In the meantime, make him use a condom. If he doesn't want to, I suggest

you wear something real cute

bend over real far

and have him kiss your azz.


Posted by lemonhead (Member # 6267) on :
Yep, I was serious folks. Just want to be sure. This really is the pitts. Isnt it, thanks for all your responses.
Lemonhead fit cause Ive been a sour puss, and kinda pithy. Should I change the name? Another response I had received, was that if you are on antibiotics, you should not be contagious. Take care
lemonhead loretta
Posted by Kara Tyson (Member # 939) on :
I think the answer is that we do not know for sure.

I have dated 2 men since being diagnosed in 1999. Since I also have had a tubal, plus had the lining removed from my uterus, birth control is not an issue.

I have always given my partner all the information available and let them decide.

One former boyfriend is very very sick. But he had his own tick bite.

The other one is fine.

**I think Lemonhead is a great handle!!

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