This is topic Please help !!!!! unexplained nightly noise in back of neck and skull in forum Medical Questions at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by Mystif76 (Member # 6463) on :
Okay this is gonna sound really weird and ever doctor including mt llmd looks at we with her head sideways when I try and explain this, you ever have a really bad cold where your nose is tottally stuffed and every once in a while you'll hear that weird noise and it's decompressing almost like a cross between a creek and static or something, well when I lay down at night I get those same noises from inside the back of my neck to the lower part of my skull, my LLMD is great and has always understood almost every symptom I've shared with her, but I can't find anyone at all who understand or experience this. I've had Lyme since 13 and am now 28 and showing Demylination over the last few years, I never know this discussion board was here and with my messed up sleep patterns ran across it tonight and registerd, I'm hoping theres someone else out there who has this, I wanna buy a stethiscope and put it to my neck at night and try and tape this, it can go on for 10, 15 minutes sometimes, well thanks ahead of time for at least taking the time to read this.

Take care everyone and keep the faith,


Posted by mammachase (Member # 5697) on :
I have in the base of my neck/skull in the back a buzzing/vibrating noise when my neck is sore and swollen. And it feels numb. Sometimes it feels like it's vibrating like when you have your cell phone on vibrate.
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
I like to call them Lyme crunchies
Posted by Mystif76 (Member # 6463) on :
Just glad I'm not crazy thanks everyone


Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
I've had the same exact thing.

Its almost like if you sit very long, you are not using that Joint, ( calling the neck a joint here) and you finally use it and all heck breaks lose. Such as if you are sitting for a very long time and get up, your knees make all kinds of noise.

I get it in my neck when I rest as well because I have finally laid the old sucker down. I think it has alot to do with babesia also.

have you been treated for this?


Posted by Mystif76 (Member # 6463) on :
Maybe I explained it wrong I'm used to the joint sounds, this is liquid when I'm perfectly still, you can feel and here is almost like a squirting sound, that's it, like those old water going and it goes from short spirts to long squirts and goes on andd off for 10-15 minutes it's like somethins swimming in there, I dunno I read something on how the lower part of some people brain can move into there spinal canal and they have said they hear the same sounds, something to do with the pressure in there, but I have tons of MRI's and while I have the demylination, there's nothing like that thats ever showed up, the weird thing is is only happens when I'm in relapse... thanks for the reply though
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Probaly these buggers equalising?

Lyme does some wierd stuff to nerves and nerves control alot of things.

[This message has been edited by treepatrol (edited 05 November 2004).]

Posted by Mystif76 (Member # 6463) on :
Right thats when you have a cold, thats the sound but I can feel it in my nech near the base of my skull, I dunno maybe I'm a freak
Posted by Mystif76 (Member # 6463) on :
Thats it exactly, maybe one day I'll find out what it was

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