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Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :

Hello everyone!

Well, it's that time again. Christmas is right around the corner and we are starting Operation Green Santa again this year.

For those newbies on the board, I will explain what Operation Green Santa is. We know that families with Lyme have a difficult time trying to meet all their medical expenses, work, and take care of their sick ones. Christmas is the time for giving, helping, sharing, caring and opening up our hearts and our wallets to others in need.

For the last couple of years we helped families that were strapped financially with Christmas for their children. This will be our 3rd year of assisting families so they can enjoy the holidays and have presents under the tree for their kids.

We have had FANTASTIC turn-outs over the last few years! The spirit of Christmas was certainly in the air on Lymenet. We had many, many secret Santas behind the scenes shopping and shipping those special items to the families in need of some extra help.

Here is how this program works - For those who have fallen on hard times because of this disease, please don't feel bashful or awkward asking for our help. That's why we developed this project. We are here to help each other!

For families in need, here is the information I need from you when you e-mail me. First, in the subject header, let me know it has something to do with Operation Green Santa, otherwise, I may not open the mail. My e-mail address is; [email protected]

The information you give me is confidential and will only be shared with the Santa that is helping to shop for your child/children/teen. I know it is scary giving this information out to me, but, so far we have not had any problems and I will do my best to ensure we don't have any problems in the future.

1. I need the parents' first and last name and shipping address.

2. I need the child/children's/teenagers first name, age, male or female, favorite color, hobbies, interests, and clothes sizes (ex. Sm. Med. Lg. XL or sz. 8/10/12/14 depending on top/shirt/pant size). The more information you give me regarding your child, the better we can shop. If your child has a special request of a particular item, we will try to fill it.

3. We will NOT wrap the gifts, so, parents can look the items over and make sure they are appropriate for their child/children/teen. Parents will be responsible for wrapping the gifts. The packages will come in the parents' name to the shipping address they provided to me.

4. If I should e-mail you needing more information, please get back to me as soon as possible, as our Santas usually can't wait to get started shopping. We had a lot of shop-a-holics last year!!! (GRIN)

5. The only thing we ask from you is PLEASE send a thank-you card to the Santas that shop for your child. The return address will be on the packages you receive. A small note of thanks to our Secret Santas gives them that warm and fuzzy feeling, and helps to keep this volunteer project running.

6. You don't ever need to tell your children that you didn't buy the gifts. They will never know unless you chose to tell them.

7. THE CUT OFF DATE FOR REQUESTING OUR HELP IS DECEMBER 11th. That way we have time to complete all needs and have time to ship before the holidays.


Those of you that helped last year or prior years, I thank you again for all of your assistance and help. You guys made this project the success it has become!!!

Okay, here is what I need from the Secret Santas -

Each year we give each child one large to medium size gift as well as a shoe- box filled with goodies. Remember to put something in the subject heading, so I know it has to do with Operation Green Santa/Christmas.

IDEAS FOR THE SHOE BOX - dependent upon age of child/teen of course. Hair accessories, jewelry, Barbie dolls, trucks/cars/ candy, gum, hair brushes, make-up, small books, watches, nail polish, bath n-body sample bottles, stickers, small bottles of cologne, trading cards, CD's, gift certificates etc. I think you get the idea. Put as many things as you can in your shoe- box. Make sure the items are appropriate for the age of the child/teenager.

MEDIUM TO LARGE GIFT - This gift should be between $15.00 - $25.00 item. Ideas may be given by parent as well as size, hobbies, interests etc. This item could be clothing, CD, stuffed animal, books, gift certificates, etc.

Over the years, we have been able to give several medium to large items to the kids because of the overwhelming response of our generous Santas. Hopefully this year we will be able to do the same.

Secret Santas you can go ahead and e-mail me. Let me know if you prefer to fill a shoe- box or buy a larger item. REMEMBER - Don't wrap your gifts. Make sure to put your return address on the boxes.

When I have a parent with a child/teen request, I will contact you and give you a child/teen to buy for. After you shop and have sent the package, ***** Please let me know it was shipped, so I can mark the child/teen off my list and know they have been taken care of.

HO HO HO and Merry Christmas! It's right around the corner. I have also sent this to Dr. Jones office in case they know of families needing some extra Christmas cheer this year. So, lets all spread the love, spirit and joy of the holidays once again this year to our other Lyme friends and families. Happy Holidays to all!!

This is posted on the Medical and General side of Lymenet.

Barb (bg2711 on Lymenet)
my e-mail address

[This message has been edited by bg2711 (edited 12 November 2004).]

Posted by frenchbraid (Member # 4225) on :

You are such an ANGEL for doing this again this year!

I will be in touch shortly.


Stay positive. Smile. People care.

Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
It's my pleasure, really! To the top
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
You might just want to see this...

(Give it time to load down the picture)

And this one:

This project started several years ago...

Thought new members would like to take a peek back in history... and see some of the happy folks.


Posted by Curley911 (Member # 2205) on :
YIKES! It's that time already!

Count me in for a big item.

Let me know if you like this idea. Since the item will be shipped anyway, why not order it from what ever store you want and have them send it? Target, Walmart, ToyRUs all have great websites and usually mail stuff in a plain cardboard box. You don't have to order online, they have 800 #'s and it makes it easy.

I'll email you now to get my name on the list. Thanks for all of your efforts. This is a HUGE project!

Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :
Hey I know those two troublemakers - don't let their smiles fool ya!!!

Thanks for bringing up that post TC!!

This is such an awesome idea and people here are so incredibly generous!!!

Thanks to all the elves especially to Barb!!!

Posted by beach4so (Member # 3832) on :
I just LOVE Christmas!!!

Email is on it's way.


Posted by Lonestartick (Member # 2151) on :
Hi Barb,

I sent you a private message because I would like to help out.

Thank you : )

Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Hi All,

Thanks Starr and LST, I have you down as santas. Will be talking to you soon.

I have people needing our help, and I have santas the requests and volunteers comin. Happy Holidays to you all. Barb

Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :


Posted by ponytail (Member # 36) on :
HO ho ho - Katie bug and I want to play green santa again this year but we sooooo want a girl!!!!!

You know, we love the girly shopping sooo much!!!

Sherry and Katie



Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :
to the top
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Count me in!!



Posted by andie-ws (Member # 6116) on :
Dear Barb,

Please include Julie, JC and myself to be Secret Santas!!

andie, JC & Julie

I have sent you an email re: same

Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Hi Lymetoo and Andie, I put you on the santa list, will be contacting you soon. Thanks you guys! Barb
Posted by docdave130 on :
send me a name and address for 3 i'll try to accomodate your wishes.
also have a book written that you can send the kids about lyme disease, not published yet but manuscript finished, can sent you a copy if you like.
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
HI DocDave,

Thanks for offering to be a green santa, I will put you on the santa list and I will be contacting you soon with childrens names and shipping addresses.

Good luck with the Lyme book, I wrote one myself, still have been unable to get it published after 2 years. I hope one of us can get the word out to help others.

Operation Green Santa is up and running in full force. Thanks everyone for your generosity. I'll be in touch.

Barb - at Santa Central HO HO HO

Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
To the top!
Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :
Posted by lymebrat (Member # 3208) on :

My children Derek and Mikayla were two of the lucky children that were helped by the Green Santa's on this board last year...

I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you wonderful Green Santa's.

Words can't even begin to express my thanks to all of you, for providing my children with a wonderful Christmas they will never forget.

Both my children still believe in Santa and my husband and I were trying to figure out a way to try and explain why Santa would be leaving less under the tree...but thanks to all of you, there was more under the tree than they even hoped for!

And as their Green Santa's were so generous, we wrapped some of the gifts from Santa, but we made sure that each Green Santa who sent the kids a gift had a present under the tree with a tag that read "From a Green Santa.. your LymeNet Angel...someone who loves you on LymeNet"

As I felt it was important for my children to know that people whom they have never met in person, cared so much about them, that they gave from their hearts to help make sure that children with lyme disease had a wonderful Christmas.

It is something they or my husband and I will never forget and will always be thankful for...

Thank you all, I just wanted you to know what an impact your kindness and generosity can mean to a family who is struggling from this disease...

Thank you all and Thanks you Barb for organizing this wonderful project!



Posted by auntybiotic1499 (Member # 2998) on :
Green Santa's,

My daughter was also a child that had a WONDERFUL Christmas thanks to Operation Green Santa.

I have not been able to work in 4 years and since I am a single parent having chronic lyme myself, taking care of my teenage daughter with lyme and my 79 year old mother with you all know the money aspect of lyme disease is poor!

My daughter is very aware that we often had to sell our things on E bay just to pay for our antibiotics she was NOT expecting any CHRISTMAS last year. I felt so bad having no presents for beneath our tree......... So I entered her name to Operation Green Santa in hopes of having a movie or CD to wrap as a suprise for Christmas day.

On Christmas morning she slept till noon, not in a hurry to get up............. understanding that there were no presents because of all the money we have to spend on doctor and medications.

I called her down and told her Santa had come last night. "MOM, I am 14 and WE know there really is not a SANTA." She came down the steps and was shocked to see the tree had many gifs glittering in fancy wrapping paper. AS she ripped open the packages,
she had a smile and excitement that I had not seen in months. Her question was "MOM, How can we afford this?"

I told her that there really ARE "Santas" that give to children for no other reason but to make that child happy..........and these GREEN Santas do not know her or have never met her but took the time to buy her gifts so she could enjoy Christmas!. "WOW, was her reply, "How did they know exactly the things I love??" My reply was that it's the magic of Christmas and Sharing. She took a poster board and wrote "THANK YOU GREEN SANTA'S and put in under our tree.

Another heartfelt thank you, Barbara, Sue and the Post family............ each of you brought the spirit of Christmas to our home last year by your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Each gift was hand selected and was PERFECT. My daughter went from wearing socks on her hands for gloves to having many pair of gloves, with matching hats and scarves. She recieved PJ's and Hair products, and she was able to buy her FAVORITE DVD...FINDING NEMO with a Gift Certificate. Each gift was special and there were so many that I got excited with each box the postman delivered!!!

Words can never tell you how happy you made my daughter and that smile on her face made my heart full of joy!............HER SMILE WAS THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT I COULD EVER GET!!! Thank you GREEN SANTAS! You brougt happiness to my daugher and that made me forget the pain and hearache that Lyme Disease brought into our life.

You made a bleak Christmas day one that was filled with laughter and excitement and hope. As a mother...........all I can say is that you all brought tears of happiness to my eyes. GREEN SANTAS ARE ANGELS! Thanks Barbara for all the time you take organizing this program.

Green Santas..........each one of you have wings that no one sees.


[This message has been edited by auntybiotic1499 (edited 15 November 2004).]

[This message has been edited by auntybiotic1499 (edited 15 November 2004).]

Posted by cbb (Member # 788) on :
Even though it brought tears to my eyes, thank you so much for sharing your family's story. You are such a wise mother to use the opportunity to teach your children about sharing. The way you handled it will insure that they'll remember it for a lifetime.

Lyme disease can be devastating to a family in so many ways. There are too many heart-breaking stories out there!!

May 2005 bring good health to those who are struggling with this disease.

Aunty, it looks like we were writing at the same time.
Want to thank you for taking time to share your family's story, too.

Both of you have illustrated the real meaning of Christmas!!

[This message has been edited by cbb (edited 15 November 2004).]

Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Aunty and Lymebrat,

You have literally brought me to tears. Thank you so much for sharing your heartfelt stories. I cannot tell you how much it touched me, and I am sure the other santas involved in this wonderful program.

I love working on this project, and this just reinforces my passion to help keep this program up and running.

Life can certainly be difficult at times, and it is nice to know that along our journey we can help where we can. The Santa's and I are so happy to help...........thank you for expressing your gratitude in such a beautiful way.

We are up and running in full force and hopefully we can continue to help familes and put some smiles on childrens faces again this year and take away some of the Christmas blues......due to finances and this darn Lyme.

Happy HOlidays to all!!!! I feel very fortunate to be a part of this program!!! HO HO HO, keep the requests and volunteers coming in. Barb - Operation Green Santa

Posted by ponytail (Member # 36) on :
Katie and I loved playing Santa last year.

While I have been unable to work also, we are very fortunate to have the support of family, a lyme dad that can still work and the miracle this year of SSDI approval!!

We wanted to share our good fortune and loved every minute of it!!

Thanks so much Lymebrat and Aunty for sharing your experience here. I'm at a public computer in the copy place just a boo-hooing!!! I'm so happy your families were able to at least have a little surprise on Christmas during such a hard time - I can only hope that this year is better.

Sherry and Katie



Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :

Posted by Sue vG (Member # 3143) on :
Bumping this back up to page 1!

I had a blast last year shopping for my "Green Angel." The thought that I might be able to help put a smile on her lyme-weary young face and give her loving mom a break was motivating indeed. And I have received a lot in return, believe me!

So all of you folks who can go shopping, please participate in this program. And those of you who could use a little help or cheer this year, PLEASE don't hesitate to ask. Who could better understand than other lymies?



Posted by auntybiotic1499 (Member # 2998) on :
Posted by mikken (Member # 2276) on :
Up for all!

My family is truly grateful to Barb for giving us an opportunity to share in the REAL spirit of Christmas!

Thanks Barb!

Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
To the top for all!!
Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :
Originally posted by bg2711:
To the top for all!!


Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :
Originally posted by lymesux:


Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
To the top, looking for more santas out there. Let's see some good old fashioned Christmas spirit!!! Happy Holidays!! Barb
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
To the top!!!
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
And again!!!
Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :
to the top
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Keeping this on page one!!!
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
The green santas are busy shopping and shipping already. My my, it's starting to feel a lot like Christmas already!!! Thanks green santas - you're doing a terrific job!!! To the top! Barb
Posted by can not remeber (Member # 6520) on :
I would definitely like to become involved. Unfortunately, using the computer is challenging these days, I forget to much and feel learning disabled. Please let me know how to get involved, don't know how to e-mail you with the required info. Sorry
Be well,
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Hi Teri,

I just got your e-mail. I will be contacting you very shortly. Thanks for offering to be a green santa.


Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Don't want this to get lost, so, bringing it up again!!! Barb
Posted by lymeam2pm (Member # 6103) on :
Hi bg2711,

Did you get my E-mail from last Tuesday or Wednesday? I would love to help.


Posted by docdave130 on :
hey barb
i sent you like 3 emails and they came back with a delay on them. i resent them but i don't know what's wrong with aol. you are probably not getting many emails, maybe their server is overloaded but it says delayed not undeliverable so you may get several of the same emails.
still working on the books but moving next week to florida so it might be delayed a bit.
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Hey there parents..

I have a request.. please.

For those of us shopping dummies (ME,ME,ME)... could you please be a bit more specific when sending a list of suggestions?

We have requests here.. and oh how I am thankful.. but some simply say...

"Movies".. "earrings"... "music".. "books".. "clothes".. etc.

It would really help to know what KIND of movies.. DVD things, VCR tapes, etc. To send the wrong kind that can't be played wouldn't be so great.

Or... is it pierced ears or not... for earrings?

Music- do you mean CD's, little cassettes.. or what? What kind of music.. rap.. gospel.. bluegrass?

What kinds of books do they like.. what topics?

What kind, pants, shirts, sweaters, favorite colors? Do they like horses or cats on them, etc?

For an idiot shopper like me.. I look even more foolish with my list in hand.. finding the right place.. then finally getting help from a clerk after hanging around looking all over..

Then having to check my list to see it only says "music" .. when I am in a music store...

"Well... mam.. we need to know more than that!"

It would also help to list a few of the items they have already.. like when suggesting a "doll". Do they already have a Barbie doll or not?

Sorry to be such a toad about this or to bother you.. but I REALLY want a smile on a little ones face Christmas morning.. and it would help ME to make that come true.


If you get the choice to sit it out or dance...


Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :
To the top
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Hi docdave,

I got your e-mail. Thanks, I will be in touch. To the top for all!

Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
To the top!! HO HO HO it is certainly feeling a lot like Christmas around here. We are making some Christmas magic!!!
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
OOOH, you folks are just wonderul, we are really on a roll. Let's keep it going. The generosity of our green santas is overwhelming and the need for our help is great!!!

HO HO HO and Merry Christmas!!! Keeping this to the top!! Barb

Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :
up up and away
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
MERRY CHRISTMAS and please keep the volunteer santas coming in. We still have some Christmas magic to make! Barb at Santa Central. Keeping this at the top for others.
Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :
ho ho ho
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Jingle bells, Jingle bells, the gift is on its way!

that's for you, Barb!



Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Posted by tickedntx (Member # 5660) on :
Posted by JillF (Member # 5553) on :
Hey Barb

I sent you an email but haven't heard back from you. Want to make sure you get my name on the list for a green santa!

Posted by Santa (Member # 3480) on :


Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
WOW!!! I just saw Santa!!! HO HO HO HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Thanks folks, I see some more folks have offered to be a green santa!!! YIPPIE< We are making Christmas magic again this year on Lymenet!!

The generosity is overwhelming from all you folks. Wishing you all peace, joy and good health. Barb - Operation Green Santa


Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
HO HO HO - back to the top we go!!! Barb
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :
Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :

Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :
to the top
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Posted by docdave130 on :
barb the second round of gifts is on the way from the green santa dentist.
Posted by JillF (Member # 5553) on :
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Hi Doc,

You are truly a wonderful green santa (angel) Thanks so much, I will mark your children off my list. Happy Holidays to you.

UP!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! The green santas are doing a fabulous job again this year!! Barb - Operation Green Santa

Posted by JillF (Member # 5553) on :
Posted by auntybiotic1499 (Member # 2998) on :
To Green Santa's,

I was not going to put up a tree this year. I have been so sick due to a lyme relapse and sad that I am having trouble and pain with everyday activities such as walking.... What is even sadder is a tree with no presents............

My daughter has lyme she has always been understanding..........but it still makes a mother guilty that we can't give to our children especially on Christmas.

So as I sat wiping away my tears ..........I got a e-mail from Barb asking if I was OK and needed any help this year via the Green Santas.

I can't tell you how much that email meant to me...............only someone who has felt hopeless would understand. Depression and Fatigue can be so overwhelming that it is sometimes hard to even ask for help. It's like sinking into quicksand with not a person in site to hear your shouts and just as your head is about to submerge..........a hand reaches down to help you out.

Thanks to Barb and this daughter will (AGAIN) have a suprise to open on Christmas morning. Now I have to go in the basement and dig out the tree. Just one e-mail created a chain reaction.............I went from crying and skipping Christmas this realizing that there are really angels that appear in the darkest of moments to bring hope into our lives. Your sharing creates memories............I already know that because of the Green Santa Program ............ my daughter will NOT remember 2004 as the year we skipped Christmas because Mom was too sick.

Thank you Barb and the Green Santas.........there will be a Christmas after all. I just want each one of you to know how your kindness affects someone's life during the Holiday Season and those memories will last a lifetime.


[This message has been edited by auntybiotic1499 (edited 02 December 2004).]

Posted by auntybiotic1499 (Member # 2998) on :
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Hi Aunty,

You are such a sweetie, I am touched, truly. I thank you for the kind words and I know the santas feel humbled as well, that we are able to help some of our friends.

I am so......glad we have the green santas. There will be Christmas at your house!! So, start playing those Christmas tunes and get that tree decorated and ready to go, cuz the presents will be coming soon!!!

I know things are difficult right now and there doesn't seem to be any end to the stress and illness, but, please know we are here and will help you however we can.

Please know that others do care and want to help!! Hang in there Aunty - wishing you a Blessed Holiday! Barb

Posted by auntybiotic1499 (Member # 2998) on :
Thank you again Barb and all the Green Santas................for caring.


Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
UP for the nite
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Count down to the cut off date of Dec. 11th. UP
Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :

I'm so happy you feel better about Christmas - this is an awesome program that Barb has here!!!

This program made Christmas so special for my kids last year too and I know it will again - Barb you are the SANTA!!!


Posted by bg2711 (Member # 1865) on :
Thank you!! UP

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