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Posted by heartsickmommy (Member # 6417) on :
I've been giving my daughter acidopholus powder 2x per day for a month now. However, our LLMD did not say anything about spacing out her abx & acidopholus two hours apart. Do the two cancel each other out? If they do, have I been unknowingly screwing up all the work the abx are supposed to be doing?

I was not told how much acidopholus powder to give her other than a typed note saying 2-3x per day. I've been following the directions on the bottle which says to give her 1/16th tsp twice daily (Jarro-Dophilus + FOS). Is that sufficient? Should I up the dose?

Swollen lymph nodes - She started out with one swollen node on the right side of her neck right next to where the tick was embedded. Last week, I discovered that another swollen node appeared just above the first one. Now, today, I've found a third between the first two. They roll around under her skin, but are not warm to the touch and do not hurt her.

Does anyone know why she is developing multiple swollen nodes?

Thanks so much!


Posted by riversinger (Member # 4851) on :

The acidophilus should be given two hours after the antibiotics are taken. The antibiotics will kill all the acidophilus that is in the gut, which is why you want to give the antibiotics time to clear out first.

Don't worry about what has already happened, just start giving it correctly now. Every antibiotic dose is a new chance.

As far as the lymph nodes: their function is to clear dead cells, including bacteria and immune system cells. When I was first on antibiotics, most of my lymph glands were swollen for months, as the level of bacterial die off was so high.

I don't know if that is what is happening for your daughter, but it could be. Make sure she is drinking plenty of fluids so the lymph fluid stays liquid. Those warm epsom salt baths are good for stimulating lymph flow, as is very gentle massage.

Sonoma County Lyme Support
[email protected]

Posted by snowboarder (Member # 6346) on :

I'm awaiting the results of my 8 year old daughters test but am pretty sure she has lyme.

Her lymph nodes have been swollen for the last couple of months. From what I've been told her body is fighting something (probable lyme).

Don't be to concerned swollen lymph nodes since she is under the care of an LLMD. You could always call your docs office and ask there opinion.

My daughter's been sick since August and I'm awaiting her appointment with an LLMD December 23.

I feel for's frustrating when children are sick and we can't fix it.

Hang in there!

Posted by snowboarder (Member # 6346) on :

I'm awaiting the results of my 8 year old daughters test but am pretty sure she has lyme.

Her lymph nodes have been swollen for the last couple of months. From what I've been told her body is fighting something (probable lyme).

Don't be to concerned swollen lymph nodes since she is under the care of an LLMD. You could always call your docs office and ask there opinion.

My daughter's been sick since August and I'm awaiting her appointment with an LLMD December 23.

I feel for's frustrating when children are sick and we can't fix it.

Hang in there!

Posted by AZURE WISH (Member # 804) on :
I'm sorry your llmd didnt tell you to space it out. but yes it should be.

acidolphilous is the good bacteria because abx kill all bacteria so if you take them together the antibotics will kill the acidolphilous

acidolphilous should be taken AT LEAST 2 hours before or after antibotics.

Don't worry about the past doses just make sure from now on they are spaced out.

as to dosage each kind of acidolphilous is different. I always follow the instrustions on the acidolphilous.

If I end up having a problem from that acidolphlous (yeast) then I switch to another one.

Swollen lymphnodes are a symptoms of lyme.

These should return to normal eventually with treatment (sorry I cant give you a definite timeline)

Best wishes

Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Make sure while your at it not to give any vitimans within at least the 2 hr some say 4hrs window of abx they bind to abx's.
Posted by heartsickmommy (Member # 6417) on :
Thanks so much to you all. Each day I wonder more and more how I could ever possibly be getting through this without your continued help and support. You are all magnificient people.

Vitamins are supposed to be spaced 4 hours from abx? Okay, I've blown it on that account, too. I give her a Flinstone Vitamin every morning about 45 mins before her abx. When will I ever get this all in the right order?

I feel so guilty. So responsible. Like such a failure to my daughter. Why couldn't it have been me instead, I ask myself, just as every mother probably does.

Please, let me wake up from this nightmare!

Posted by frenchbraid (Member # 4225) on :
I really feel for you. I've been in your shoes several fold. Both of my daughters, myself and my husband were infected with Lyme and being treated simultaneously. There is so much to learn and all the while there is the pressure to do it right the first time.

We are all human and believe me, I've made my mistakes too. One of them was taking acidophilis with FOS. I was told it was a wonderful additive to my acidophilis. When infact, as it turns out, FOS feeds the Candida. We had unknowingly taken FOS for MONTHS and MONTHS before finding this out.

Since turning to a more natural/alternative way of treatment, I have heard this from atleast 4 different natural doctors. I've done extensive research on it and it appears that it is true. FOS should be avoided when taking abx.

The probiotics that we now take are Culturelle (Lactobicilis GG) and Bifido Complex by Kirkman. It contains several strains of the bifido bacterias.

I also made the same mistake of giving the abx along with the probiotics. As well as with vitamins. There were just so many pills to take, that I was just lumping groups together throughout the day.

Eventually, I purchased 4 weekly pill organizers and got a system together that wouldn't cancel out anything that we were taking.

Please don't be hard on yourself. Your daughter is a lucky girl to have a mom as caring as you to be looking after her. You will see her through this. Just remember, one step at a time.


Stay positive. Smile. People care.

[This message has been edited by frenchbraid (edited 16 November 2004).]

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