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Posted by Lizzy (Member # 6188) on :
Just curious, this is day 4 for the Mepron and Zithromax combination for me, and still no herx. I had done a lot of searches on here about these medicines, including the Mepron Buddies old posts, and was prepared for the worst herx ever!

However this is day 4 and still no noticeable difference! Will I still herx on this?? If I don't herx, does this mean I do not have Babesia??

Please help me!!

Posted by zipzip (Member # 6226) on :
i was on biaxin/mepron and never herxed. you don't HAVE to herx to heal! (luckier if you don't)
Posted by cbb (Member # 788) on :
Hi Lizzy.
I don't think I've welcomed you to LymeNet.

About the herx -
I had a very mild herx, but it was the 2nd month of Mepron & Zithromax.
Nothing the 1st month.

Each person's reaction can be different.

Are you taking the Mepron with food that has fat grams? peanut butter, cheese, ice cream, etc. The body is able to absorb it better when it's taken with fatty food.

Be sure to take plenty of acidophilus to replenish the good bacteria in your system.
You need to have 2 hours between antibiotic & acidophilus or it won't be able to help you.

Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
A herxheimer isnt necessary or always attainable so don't wish too much for it. They are never fun

There are some people that have gotten better and never herxed. I have slid by some months and not herxed which was a blessing, because I did feel better.

Thats what you want to gauge your therapy on, not how much or if you herx, but if you are dropping any symptoms

even a little itty bitty one such as "my toe isnt numb anymore". THen thats progress.

I didnt herx on mepron until the second week into it and it made me so dizzy, I had to stop.


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