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Posted by lla2 (Member # 2364) on :
when you had that awful 'edge of insanity' anxious feeling..a few weeks back...where you had the 'bubbly' feeling in your head?....did going back on mepron make it go away?

I still have the anxiety adn dizziness and it seems to be getting worse...seeing my llmd next weeek, but wonderign if it's babs sneaking back...what helped you....nothing is helping mine...?

HELP! I feel like i'm going to go crazy at any second...


Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Oh NO Lilly!!!

No losing it YET!

Hang in there sweetie pie.


Actually.. the symptom has calmed down.. and to tell the truth.. I'm not sure what got it to do so??

Let me go reread my post and look at a time line.. and do some figuring on it.

I will be back tonight to reply.. just stopped in for a few minutes.

oh.. answer me this...

How are you sleeping? Good, bad... what ever? And can you take doxy?


Posted by lla2 (Member # 2364) on :
thanks tincup...

sleeping well as i take the clonazapam 1 mg at bedtime to help with those nasty little seizure like episodes I used to get ffrom the bart..but now am getting these adrenalin rushes, and then it feels like i'm right on the edge of a panic I'm going to go crazy, or i'm afraid i'm going to go crazy at any minute and that makes me even MORE ANXIOUS!

my eyes burn adn the frontal lobe of my head feels weird also having episodes of vertigo and dizziness...the vertigo seems to be getting worse day by day, that's what is making me think babs....

going to see llmd next wed..he wants to wait to change my meds until then..but I think I'll prpbably jump off the roof (kidding) before then...gonna go nuts!

can't take fried my brain...any suggestions would be welcome..on biaxin/septra..and just started throwing artemesian back in in case it's babs..I do have some occasional nausea and just feel weak all over and yucky when i get dizzy....


Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
I was trying to get back to you last night.. but I missed THAT boat. Bad me! YIKES!

So sorry!

But.. the moment I opened my eyes this morning.. I dashed over here to try and respond to you... first thing.


I am still not sure.. but I HAVE been thinking... and buring up my brain for a "good" answer for you.


I told my doctors office I thought the Babesiosis was coming back.

They didn't think so.

I told them again later, I thought the Babesiosis was coming back.

They still didn't think so.

Blah blah blah..

Finally, as you may remember.. I asked that they test me... and at that point the RMSF results had come back and the Bartonella results had come back. Both were negative.

This REALLY stumped me because I was really thinking RMSF.

A week or so later... the rest of the tests came back.

I have the highest positive Lyme Western Blot I think I have ever had.

I was positive for Babesiosis again.

I had 2 new infections I hadn't tested positive for before.... both strains of Ehrlichiosis!


I was going to the chiropractic neurologist in the meantime. That helped. But funny thing.. I actually have to GO there to be helped. Duh, me.

NORMALLY the adjustments they use last a week or so. But not recently. They are only "holding" for a few hours.. and at most.. a couple of days. Bad deal when the trip is a 2 hour drive one way! But SOME relief never the less.

The adjustments not holding had ALWAYS indicated some sort of infection going on... when this has happened in the past... to me or others who go there.

So.... I started Mepron and Doxy.. but I stalled and put it off as long as I could first, of course... bad me.

I started on very low doses... pulsed... but it has only been about 10 days now.

I had the herx-like reaction the fourth day... as normal when I'm treating Babesiosis.. indicating the babesia WAS being hit.

My "feeling" on all this now..

I think we each must go on our "gut" feeling.

We have been through this before.. and we KNOW what it feels like.

I thought it was an active "infection" that was bothering me.. and the chiro neuro proved that- by the adjustments not holding for the normal length of time.

I thought Babesiosis was involved again this time... and the test DID come back positive... confirming my suspicions.

I also KNEW something NEW was happening.. but my GUESS was Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.. because I had it YEARS ago.. and this is how bad I felt now.. and I hadn't felt this way since the RMSF hit.. over 15 years ago.

I guessed wrong on the RMSF.. but it WAS Ehrlichiosis.. which is the COUSIN to RMSF. So I was pretty close... just wrong on the exact rickettessia strain. And.. the treatment is the same for both.

The point..

Again.. go with your gut feeling.

Others laughed at me when they suggested Babesiosis, because I said... "But I don't want THAT one".

And no one does. BUT.. If YOU think it is possible for YOU..

My guess, knowing you, and knowing your extensive knowledge on the subject... and your experience with helping others in this position for a long while now...

I'd bet money on the Babesiosis... if YOU think it is Babesiosis.

I am not sure everyone can "guess" what is going on with themselves.. and we often need some ideas forced on us.. even when we KNOW the scoop. (I am my own worst doctor trying to figure ME out.. so help is always appreciated).

But I think many of us who have been playing this Lyme game for years pretty much know ourselves better than anyone else.. and we should check out all avenues that WE feel are important. And we shouldn't "wait". So I am happy to see you are headed to the LLMD to get assistance.

By the way..

I was in "denial".. and put it off... using every excuse in the book.

Until I got to where YOU are!


That was MY breaking point!

And I see it is also yours.

WHY do we let ourselves go to this extreme with Babesiosis before we cry "UNCLE"?

Well.. like I said.. I think it is because...

"I don't want THAT one!"

If you get the choice to sit it out or dance...


Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :

I just now remembered this...

For what it's worth...

I hadn't taken Melatonin for a long while.. over a year or more?? Hadn't needed it either.

For some reason, after constantly "thinking" about Melatonin.. for no reason at all... I dug it back out of the treasure chest.

I thought maybe by "craving it" that meant I actually wanted some sleep and felt I wasn't getting it perhaps? That was what I really NEEDED in the past and why I used it.. but I didn't know WHY I was "craving it" now?

Anyhow.. I took it early one evening.. like about 6 pm... cause I was going to try and "crash".

I broke a 3 mg. pill- Source Naturals TIME RELEASED brand ONLY.. into 1/4 pieces and took one piece.

Within 20-30 minutes the "nervousness", anxiety, and the bubble brain feelings I had been having for so long... all melted away.

I was shocked to say the least... and VERY pleased!

So.. it wasn't that I needed SLEEP .. it was the hormone (Melatonin) I needed for some reason??

And that tiny of a dose did it... for some reason? And.. I was able to "function" that evening.. and felt MUCH better.

It worked so well at relieving the anxiety that I took it again the next night.. and the same thing happened.

I am continuing to take it each night now.. and am doing better in that department. MAYBE that was the whole reason this bubble brain anxiety hit? Maybe that was what is needed to stop it?

I have actually considered using it in the daytime if this horrible anxiety hits again. As I said.. I was able to function.. and felt better.

Soooooo.. that thought may be something to keep in mind for those with this 'over the edge' anxiety. It could be the Babesia.. or other infection in the brain.. is messing with the hormone level of melatonin that the body normally would make?

I don't know why.. just that I craved it.. use it.. and got great results for some reason. And results I wasn't "expecting".

Hope that helps.


Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
Are you guys talking about the..

Up and Down feeling that keeps going in your head after you get off an elevator?

The kind of "Im light and free feeling , walking on air bubbles.. I cant feel my feet hit the ground, so I have to look down to make sure they are actually there.. and walking?"

The Demon drop bubbly feeling? Like all the sudden, even though you are just walking OR sitting, - you feel like you are speeding down an elevator at 60 mph?

The- Im going to pass out , I cant think right, I have air in my head along with bubbles under my feet and clouds at my side feeling?


Babesia. I think

I've been there. NO FUN.


Posted by lla2 (Member # 2364) on :
thanks tincup ,

I think you're gut is telling me babs...I can't imagine the dizziness being from anything else....I'm speaking with my drs office today about starting again on the mepron/zithro combo....seeing if it helps me...I should notice a difference in 4 days if it is...


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