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Posted by IsThereHope (Member # 6581) on :
I lived in Norwalk, CT for 8 years, I got lyme in 1992, I did 18 months of Antibiotics with Dr. Donta as my doctor, in 1994 I thought for sure within a year I would be dead, here it is almost 2005 and I'm still here, and generally better off than I was then, however, I feel that lyme has permanently damaged my immune system, I almost always feel sick, but yet I'm not, I feel terminally ill yet go to work every day, I don't like to even look at folks in the face, I feel so sick and think I look they way I feel, and then I look in the mirror and think, man, you look okay, you don't really look sick at all. Yet I feel so bad.

So, my question is are the others like me? Are there any long termers who have gradually gotten better and better yet still feel basically sick? I mean, I so glad I don't feel like I used to but I'm nowhere near where I was before I became sick.

Posted by kidsatlast (Member # 4308) on :
My situation is somewhat similar to yours. I got Lyme in 1992 but wasn't diagnosed until 1998. I saw Dr. D (don't forget that we don't use doctors names on this board) for almost 6 years but since he doesn't treat coinfections, I didn't get better. Now I have a new LLMD who found I have Lyme, babesia, bartonella and mycoplasma. I am now making progress toward recovery, but with some ups and downs.

Perhaps I know how you feel when you are sick, you don't have enough energy to make eye contact and really talk to people. This will get better with further treatment. Do you have a new LLMD where you live now?

Posted by IsThereHope (Member # 6581) on :
No, I have no doctor now, basically, I just plow my way through life, I almost never miss work, and am relying on excercise and eating good, I might have co-infections too but I'm tired of being told I'm nutz, I can live with this if I know I'm not alone.

My big problem has been the neuro stuff, sometimes it's like I'm border-line mad, feel out of my body, very strange, hard to explain, I still get the stabbing sensations and fatigue, but mostly in my legs, my hands and such, went through cold/hold flashes which has seemed to clear up, vertigo, fingers and hands locking into strange positions, all kinds of stuff, every year or so it changes onto something new, it's just crazy and my wife god bless her has been pretty good to me.

Posted by SpdDrv (Member # 5861) on :
I would find me an LLMD fast. You can live a better life with the correct treatment and such. Yes diet and such helps but the correct medications would make life so much easier for you!
I know what you mean about tired of people thinking I was nuts. I went through 2 and half years of one sickness after another not knowing what was wrong being diagnosed with everything from Lupus to just being crazy in the head. FINALLY after coming to the point of being almost dead and looking it to I got the proper diagnoses and treatment and I am doing 80% better than I was when I was diagnosed in August of 2004! I can be better! Having people that understand is just an added benefit to this fight against lyme! These people are the ones that guided me to get the treatment I needed and I am SO glad I listened!
Hang in there, see a doctor and vent to us.
Posted by zipzip (Member # 6226) on :
if you have pushed this hard for this long you can definitley get better, no doubt!

as stated you need to find a good doc....

don't know any in your area but hopefully someone can steer you in the right direction.

best of luck!

Posted by IsThereHope (Member # 6581) on :
You ask:
What sort of work are you doing? Is it physically strenuous? Fast pace?

Basically, I can do anything I used to do, the fatigue and such is not a problem any more (most of the time), just a feeling of say having a cold or the flu without any "real" systems, terrible head problems, anxiety, and many more things that always change. Like I said I'm much better now. When I had lyme I used to take long very hot baths, I come to find out that might have helped, also, my wife and I used to go rollerblading and I would go when I literally felt I couldn't get up off of the couch, then I would feel so much better the rest of the day. Basically, I look at it this way, lyme for me is an attack of my nervous system, my hands might sweat, muscles twitch, crazy stuff, but it's not real, it's an artifical cause, the lyme is chewing on my nerves and causing all kinds of phychological stuff which is also artificially induced.

If you feel like your to tired to get up, by all means get up, lyme is trying to trick you into resting so you don't raise your body temperature and suck in lots of oxygen, I did the opposite, I felt like crap and stress my body to the max. I know this sounds goofy. I was never terriblly disabled though, like I said the neuro stuff was worse than the traditional fatigue and stuff.

Posted by bg (Member # 46416) on :
Welcome to the board!

Also, be sure to read ROBERTISKING's post...but you don't look sick article. Good to print off for family/friends who give you a hard time at not being able to do things.

Here is Tincup's post of links for NEW members.

I suggest you print it and check off the links you read....there are too many to remember if you have been there or not!

I do suggest you go back to your 1st post and EDIT removing your drs. last initial only. you can edit anytime on this board, EXCEPT TOPIC line; what you put there stays.

If after looking at tincup's links, etc., you have questions, ask them...many will share 24/7 !! Betty G., Iowa

Posted by KrisKraft (Member # 4329) on :
You should get treated for coinfections. I felt the same after months of antibiotics, and it wasn't until I took Mepron that the fog lifted. I never tested positive for Babesia until AFTER treatment started.

Why don't you order some Artemesia from HepaPro, and take it for a few weeks until you get in to see a LLMD? See what happens on Dr. Zhang's Babesia protocol. That's a low risk experiment.


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