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Posted by marblenose (Member # 6477) on :
Hi Team,
Day 5 of Rocephin IV...I have intense muscle weakness, pain and I can't stop crying. Not my style at all.Can anyone relate?
I can understand why people talk about ending it all. I have no intention of doing it but oh my can I understand making this all go away.
Posted by Melanie Reber (Member # 3707) on :
Good morning Marblenose,

Looks as if the Rocephin is hitting sorry that you are feeling sick and blue.

Rocephin in particular packed a really emotional herx for me as well. I have been told by others also that they experienced the same things.

I usually have a very even disposition, but with Rocephin, I felt as if I was on some awful emotional roller coaster.

I know this really doesn't help your immediate circumstances...but, I hope it will give you some peace to know that others have gone through the same sort of thing before you.

Hang in took about 7 good weeks for me to really turn a major corner with this drug. But, if the herx gets to be too much, remember that backing off a bit, is a good idea until things calm down for you.

Many also do a pulsing protocol with Rocephin. This allows your body to eliminate the toxins more easily in between doses. This might be an option for you, so ask your doc about it.
Now is the time to keep the lines of communication wide open with your doc, OK?

Are you also taking Actigal? This is another drug that is usually prescribed with Rocephin to help protect the gall bladder.

My best to you, and hope you are feeling better real soon!

C O L O R A D O * S U P P O R T * S Y S T E M
[email protected]

Posted by marblenose (Member # 6477) on :
Dear Melanie,
Thank you so much for the reality check.It is so amazing for me to have others varify my current reality. I am not taking anything medical for the Gall Bladder. I do use many alternative methods.
I will ask my doc about it. I am only scheduled for 4 weeks then if the doc sees fit another 2 weeks.I have been battling with this undiagnosed for 10 years. It is so encouraging to have a way out of this hell.

Posted by beachcomber (Member # 5320) on :

I know it is tough. Hang in there if you can. My worst herxes were from IV Rocephin, except for one week on Flagyl that blew my brains away. I think it was about 5 weeks before I stopped feeling sick 24/7, anxious and emotionally drained. I just felt like I might never get better and really didn't want to go through one more day of Rocephin if it meant feeling so terrible.

But, things did get better. If I was alone and feeling really afraid and sick I would call my nurse and she would talk me through the infusion or simply tell me just to skip it that night. I must have sounded pretty bad one particular evening because I recall her saying - don't infuse tonight, I wouldn't want your family to come home and find a body on the living room floor. For some reason this made me laugh. I didn't know if she thought I might do myself in because I was so upset or if I might die from the Rocephin. I assured her I was just feeling really crappy and was not going to do anything stupid.

Looking back, I was pretty emotional because I was easily upset by how bad I felt. It helps alot to talk to someone, a friend, your nurse, your Dr., family, anyone who will listen. Also, drink lots of water and try to rest. It also isn't a bad idea to consider an anti-anxiety med or a lose dose antidepressant.

As for your gall bladder, milk thistle and/or DGL licorice will be helpful. I had no trouble with my gall bladder or licer the entire 28 weeks I was on Rocephin. I attribute that to a good diet and those 2 supplements.

Take care and vent any time.


Posted by beachcomber (Member # 5320) on :
Ooops..........I meant "low" dose not "lose".
Posted by Melanie Reber (Member # 3707) on :
Hi again,

You are so very welcome!

I would definitely speak with your doc about the Actigal. Rocephin is well known to do a number on one's gall bladder, and Actigal is used to help keep this from happening.

In my opinion, 4 weeks is really not long enough with Rocephin. I know this is sometimes the standard, but, time has proven otherwise. So, I would really suggest that you also speak with the doc about extending your treatment.

The third thing to question your doc about is...are you also taking a secondary antibiotic to help get at the cyst form of the bacteria? Time has also proven that without another cyst busting drug, the rocephin alone can really cause more cyst activity. Therefore sending many patients into a relapse once this treatment is ceased.

Remember, you have ten years of this bacterium in your system...and hitting it hard and fast may be a bit too much at first. This bacteria is best eradicated with a combination therapy, but, you may need to ease into that combination.

Another helpful thing that you may consider is... if the depression gets to be too much, please consider speaking with your doc about a prescription for anti-anxiety meds...or, perhaps find a chronic illness sympathetic therapist to speak with.

If you have been dealing with this for ten years, it may take awhile to resolve, and having a sympathetic ear that is on your side, can really help you through some very bumpy patches on the road to recovery.

Oh, one more thing...please be sure that you run ALL of the alternative approaches by either your doc or your pharmacist...preferably both. Other drugs, even herbs, are very potent, and all interaction possibilities should be thoroughly checked out before you take anything, OK?

Have you been on any other antibiotics before this?
Are you confident that your doc is Lyme Literate?
Just curious to know if this was the first defense that your doc prescribed.

C O L O R A D O * S U P P O R T * S Y S T E M
[email protected]

Posted by marblenose (Member # 6477) on :
Hi Team,
My doc is LLMD and the people here seem to think he is one of the good guys.
I was on oral dox and then amox and then dox for about 9 weeks before IV.
I take both anti anxiety and depression med.
I again am encouraged to hear from those who have gone before me. I am grateful to you all.


Posted by marblenose (Member # 6477) on :
It's me again. I wish there was a way our LLMD's could warn us of the pitfalls of the anbx. This emotional stuff threw me for a loop.
Living with 2 90 lb. dogs has it's rewards. It's hard to fight with a cute loveable sweet face who only wants to please. I find I can't run them the way they deserve. I had someone come and do that for me today. thank goodness.
I feel so incapacitated.
I am scared and lonely.
I know "this too shall pass"
Knowing and feeling are two different things.
Posted by jewelie (Member # 897) on :
I just found this post and was very interested in it, since I had just started IV Rocephin and was having the same roller coaster of emotions - with crying, anger and depression. My doctor had been giving me shots of rocephin through my picc line, so I thought maybe I was getting it too fast. This week she started me with a drip of 1 gram and I haven't had quite the same reaction.
Marblenose,I was wondering how you are receiving your rocephin and how much you are getting. I don't know what the proctocol is for getting IV rocephin..I'm curious to know if what I'm getting is the same as what you are doing.
Thanks for your responses. Jewelie
Posted by mountainmoma (Member # 6503) on :
Im another newish on IV rocephin.
I have a pic line and take 2g a day. I have taken it for 4 weeks now, last week and a few days real emotional hell. I control the dose, it's a push syringe. I try to read a book or something, half watching the clock and take it over 20 minutes to 45 minutes, depending how much time I have. Today I took it quickly, over 1o min or so. forget why stretching it out is good. I do not think it makes a dif with mood that I can tell

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