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Posted by KrisKraft (Member # 4329) on :
I took 5 bottles of Mepron, and a month after stopping, the Babesia appears to be back.

What would you recommend as a next step? More Mepron, Malarone, or Clindamycin plus Quinine Sulfate?


Posted by cmichaelo (Member # 5873) on :

I'm so sorry to hear this. If I remember correct, you were feeling so much better after you started the Mepron, right?

I'd like to offer my advice but it's hard to do so based on the little info you provided.

Can you tell us in detail what happened, what other medications you're taking, what you have been diagnosed with, what lab tests you have had done and which labs you used?

I assume that you have had a positive test for Babesia microti?

There was a publication by P.J.Krause which showed that only a two weeks dose of Mepron and Zith would do away with B. microti.

I believe they proved it twice and that it worked on 100% of the population. Took up to two months after the last dose before all symptoms went away.

They didn't discuss other strains though.

I understand that Bowen can tell you which strains of Babesia you may be infected with. Did you use Bowen?

How do you know that it's not the Lyme that's back, or some other coninfection?


Posted by deb obrien (Member # 5239) on :
hi kris - i did three bottles last spring then started the mp.... in nov, my doc decided i was a non-responder to the mp as babs was still a problem..last month started mepron with benicar - i seem to have a much better response to mepron with the benicar - it's just something to think about...however, can only handle very very tiny doses of zith every week so resistance could be a problem. also, can no longer post on the mp - trevor was really upset at my decision and warned that i could get into big trouble.
good luck,
Posted by KrisKraft (Member # 4329) on :
I took the Mepron with Biaxin, and the "fat head" pressure came back a couple weeks after the Mepron stopped. ( I kept taking the Biaxin.)

I discontinued Mepron because I felt much better and my B. Microti antibody titer went back to normal.

So, I'm just guessing that it's a relapse of the Babs, but there's no way to tell for sure.

I haven't done the Bowen test, but it might be worth doing.

Posted by Walnut (Member # 6585) on :
Re study by P.J.Krause.

You must be kidding. TWO WEEKS of mepron/zith and cured of B. microti?

That sounds as bad as treating late-stage lyme with 10 days of doxy. Did the patients in the study not have any co-infections, like lyme?

Michael, do you have a reference for the study, I would be interested in reading it?

Posted by cmichaelo (Member # 5873) on :
Originally posted by Walnut:
Re study by P.J.Krause.

You must be kidding. TWO WEEKS of mepron/zith and cured of B. microti?

That sounds as bad as treating late-stage lyme with 10 days of doxy. Did the patients in the study not have any co-infections, like lyme?

Michael, do you have a reference for the study, I would be interested in reading it?

Here's the reference:
P.J.Krause et al,
"Atovaquone and Azithromycin for the Treatment of Babesiosis",
New England J. of Medicine, p. 1454, Nov 16, 2000.

And yes some of the population also had Lyme.

Btw, it was only a 7-day treatment period. Not 14-days as I said earlier.

Candidates were selected based on DNA detection of B. microti AND based on "significant" antibody titer levels (see article for details.)


Posted by lou (Member # 81) on :
Have you checked the ILADS site? Seems like I saw alternate treatments for babs, like artemesin and something like septra. A combination. Also lariam, if you aren't scared off by its reputation,. Let me know if you can't find this and I'll look around.
Posted by lla2 (Member # 2364) on :
sometimes rather than just 'stopping' babs can continue with malarone adn/or artemesian etc...that's what my llmd had me do....kind of like weaning off, but stillkeeping some in my system..

this really seemed to help. I also took septra which hits the babs too...


Posted by nan (Member # 63) on :
New England J. of Medicine, p. 1454, Nov 16, 2000.

I would disregard this source...they are notoriously anti-lyme!

Just wanted to add that someone posted that the dox got together on the mepron and decided the dosage (1 teas. twice daily) was not adequate. I was surprised when my babs flared up again and my mepron script calls for 2 teas.

Good luck!

Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :
I would think adding artemisinin, and doing another form of meds would do the trick.


Ihave also combined Garcinia Mangostana as it is shown to be anti-milarial. Since adding it I have have chills, and fevers EVERYDAY!

e-mail for more info.

Posted by ConnieMc (Member # 191) on :
I also failed several courses of Mepron/Zith for Babs. But I really do think that artemisinin is helping. Also taking mino and septra for Lyme. Do look this one up and do some reading on this site about it to see what others have said. I won't waste any more time and $$$ on a Mepron combo. Think I must be resistant to it.

You can order it from Allergy Research Group. Pricey, but worth it. And lots cheaper than Mepron. Work up to a higher dose slowly. Startr with 1 once a day. Then to 1 twice a day, then work up till you are taking 2 twice a day. Also take breaks after several weeks of it.

Good luck...


Posted by WildCondor on :
Has anybody had any recent success with larium?

Lyme Disease Help

Posted by HaplyCarlessdave (Member # 413) on :
I had good luck with 'malarone' and artimisinin and garlic.
('malarone' is mainly atovaquone (='mepron'), but has some other stuff in there, too.)

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