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Posted by robbyvegas (Member # 6644) on :
Hi All,
I was diagnosed with Lyme disease over 5 years ago now. It was miserable as I'm sure many of you are now experiencing. Let me be a voice of encouragement. YOU CAN AND WILL GET THROUGH THIS! The majority of the pain, depression, confusion, and plethora of other symptoms will be temporary.

I under went both a pic line and a portacath, as well as 2 relapses. So I know what you are all going through. I am now in remission and have been for over 3 years! WOOHOOO!!!

My Question is this. As many of you probably know, this bug will bite long after you get a "clean bill of health." One of the problems that I face is joint pain and foggy brain whenever the weather changes quickly, ie a cold snap or warm snap in weather (yes, spring and fall are miserable).

I'm an electrical engineering student at the University of Utah. Its very competative and hard. I'm generally up to the task as I have been pulling a 3.9 for the last year and a half or so. Finals are upon me and we just had a warm snap followed by a cold one. Translation: Complete misery and an unability to think straight. Needless to say, I'm beside myself getting through my finals. As one who got lost in my own neighborhood walking around the block when I had lyme, I'm greatful to be able to think at all. But I'm wondering if others have suggestions to combat this when it sets in. What can I do to fight these symptoms when they set in?

The problem can be specified even greater by saying that the thought problems are directly related to processes. I don't have trouble with language or coherence the way that I used to. It seems to me that I have trouble connecting the different steps of multiple step processes. Example, I would know to tie my shoe laces. I would bend down, pick up the right lace, pick up the left lace... oh shoot, what do I do now? Obviously that is an extreme exageration, but that is what it feels like.

Any help would be awsome.

PS, if anyone needs a word of encouragement or help as they struggle through, let me know, I'd be more than happy to help. There were many there for me as I went through it all.


Posted by caat (Member # 2321) on :

If you're not relapsing... sounds simple, but have you gotten enough sleep? I use ambien occasionally or flexeril to knock me out. Ambien works better and isn't as weird as flexeril.

Do you by any chance have a viral co-infection? Or a mild cold? If so, olive leaf powder or tea might help. I just mix up a 1/3 teaspoon or so of the powder in a little bit of water and chug it. Or throw a half oz of leaves in a quart of water and boil the heck out of it till the water is half way down. I take 3 or 4 cups times a day as needed.

Good luck on your finals!

Posted by robbyvegas (Member # 6644) on :
Interesting that you would ask if I get enough sleep. The answer is a resounding NOoooo...

I wish that I could. I burn the candle at both ends and in about 3 places through the middle... I'm working 20 hrs per week, building my own house (hammer and nails in hand, not just subbing everything out), going to school full time, and I serve in a high capacity in my church (requires about 10 hrs/week). I usually get about 3 hrs of sleep every night.

I have also in fact been fighting a cold. I'm interested in the remedy you suggested. I haven't heard anything about it before. Some more information as to where I can get the product you suggested would be great.

The only other thing that I would add to this whole conversation that may be of some use is that I have ADD as well... Therefore I take Adderall. It works well to combat the concentration issues, but I wonder sometimes what is ADD and what is Lyme symptoms.

Thanks for responding. I'm sorry to hear that Gov. Pataki vetoed the bill.


Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
The depression/doubt sucks!!

I also have learned helplessness from trying and failing so many times.

I feel that I need a good therapist or I will be a loser for the rest of my life.

I was very talented at one point.

But I was abusing ephedrine and caffeine and then alcohol and cannabis.

The infection came back so hard so fast(it seems)

I was parinoid and delusional for well over a year,, I had extreme rage and suicidal depression,, I would cry all day and thought demons were in me and after me.

After all, having Lyme or any chronic illness is like an evil.

Posted by robbyvegas (Member # 6644) on :
I'm sorry to hear that you have had such a struggle with Lyme.

While hard, I feel that I have overcome the problems created by my Lyme disease.

I didn't really intend for this topic to turn into a general conversation though... Thanks for your input.

If anyone has any suggestions on the concentration issues and focus above, please let me know.


Posted by zipzip (Member # 6226) on :

sounds like your doing great! you've got your health and are excelling in school. congrats on the 3.9!

i think your "problem", after reading your posts a couple of times, are sheer nerves and nothing else. as you said it is "extreme exaggeration"

sit down, turn out the lights and meditate for ten minutes. relax your breath. it sounds "cheezy" but it will relax you.

i always had horrible nerves in school. this always helped me out. if not see if you can get some valium 5mg.

if it really a detracting thought process where you can't focus you can try some ritalin for a few days.

make sure to rest..... and

best of luck on your finals!

[This message has been edited by zipzip (edited 15 December 2004).]

Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
Thanks Robby..

I understand.

I also think that its inportant to get out our experiences.

Thank-you for you positive attitue

Posted by robbyvegas (Member # 6644) on :
Thanks zipzip,
I appriciate the encouragement. I suppose I shouldn't have tied the issue to my finals alone. This issue pervades all of the situations in my life.

Whenever it gets warm or cold I know it is coming. Whether I have a test or not. I just get foggy. In normal everyday life, there isn't a clock ticking and I can look up what I have forgotten in my notes/books, or just come back to the assignmnet when I feel clearer. The tests are where it kills me. Mainly because I know that I know the processes involved. They fly through my head as I read the problem. It is when I go to put them to use that I have an issue. They disjoint themselves and I can't put them together for the life of me. I would hate to be a teacher trying to grade one of my exams. Normally they do things like put a ...? at the spot where I fell apart. But they are on just about every question of the test.

I should also say that as a general rule, I don't have this problem. Normally I do just fine. Its just when we get the abrupt weather changes.

Thanks again

Posted by robbyvegas (Member # 6644) on :
"I also think that its inportant to get out our experiences."

It's very important to get our experiences out!

I'm so glad that there is such a good resource for all of us Lymies to come to.


Posted by zipzip (Member # 6226) on :
one last thought... since it seasonal have you had checked into allergies?


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