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Posted by LeapinLizards on :
This may seem strange, but can others here relate to your doctor appointment being too long? I like my doctor a lot. I would like an idea about telling him nicely I get too tired half way through the appointment. He talks and talks and talks but I can process less and less as time goes on and it seems pointless. He is so sweet but doesn't notice that he does all the talking. I know I should appreciate the time spent with me, but it really makes me feel sick and exhausted. Am I alone? What should I say? Thank you.


Posted by Just Julie (Member # 1119) on :
if you can afford to buy one, I'd suggest getting a mini tape recorder, one of those digital ones that does not use a tape, I think it records for 3 hrs straight?

Anyway, when I was atempting to take French lessons a year ago, I bought one at Costco, and it was fabulous.

Simply take it with you, ask the LLMD if he'd mind you using it during your appt, and then listen to it at home at your leisure. He'd maybe get the hint that he talks too much, and if not, at least you'd be able to relax during your appt. time and still get to process all his info at a later date!

Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
Bring pen and paper. Make a list of questions before the appointment. At the start of the appointment, hand over the list or read it to the doctor so you address your questions up front.

During the appointment, right down any other questions that come up and ask them before the Dr. leaves the room.

Posted by LeapinLizards on :
I don't ask any questions after the first minute and everything important gets covered up front. He just keeps talking and talking on his own! I don't care if I remember what he says just being there is exhausting! It does not need to be that long he just keeps talking like he is teaching a class. He is an angel, but what do I say?
Posted by mikken (Member # 2276) on :
Can someone go with you?

I do this with Mom - I go to her appts to help her remember, ask questions, and to keep the doctor on track. He has Lyme too, and is happy to have me there to help keep him focused. Actually, he "requires" me to be there for her appointments!

I don't want her driving all that distance by herself, anyway.


Posted by beachcomber (Member # 5320) on :
Too long?!?! That would be wonderful. I spend longer sitting in the waiting room than I do with my MD. He is great but talks very quickly. I write down everything he says and can't always decipher it when I get home. I do ask lots of questions though.

The others have good suggestions for you. I used to take my sister in with me and she would take notes because My brain could not process what he said so quickly.


Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Someone talking too much?


It is really hard for ME to relate to THAT!


Ya might wanna do what my family does when I rattle on.

They hold up both hands.. forming a "T".

That signals "time out".

Actually.. no... don't do that.

It IS rude.. and unless you can get out of his grasp before he comes after you... best not try it. My family does it ONLY as they are going out the door.. cause they know I can't catch them to give them a swat.

How about calling the office when making your next appointment and tell them that you only want a 10 minute appointment because more than that is too exhausting. Tell them they may be able to use the extra time to fit in an emergency caller?


Maybe for your next appointment take a pillow with you. As he starts talking.. take the pillow.. get comfortable and lay down to listen.

But I would also ask yourself why this happens to you?

Not to be nosey... but.. are you not able to do anything for more than a minute?

Is it just that your listening skills last only for one minute?

Are YOU getting too tired because of the florescent lighting? The long drive there? The anticipation?

I often.. no I ALWAYS... go nuts in a small office with florescent lights.. and I polietly excuse myself, if it is a LLMD.

After only a few minutes.. I studder and say.. Are we d-d-done yet?

I can't help it. I don't like it... not at all.

I dash out of a ducks office who talks too much because I can't stand it anyhow.. and I just don't go back in. C-ya butt head.

Or .. are you like me and don't listen well with the stress?

I am so nervous.. for whatever reason (?) I just pace ... stand, sit, move about.. kick my leg around.. bounce in my seat... and spend the time thinking to mysef.. as he is speaking .. yeah yeah yeah hurry up!

And I can't WAIT to leave!

NO offense to my LLMD.. not at all. It isn't HIM.. it's ME! I just can't absorb what he is saying... and after soooooo many duck appointments.. I can't stand to be in a doctors office for any reason.

Actually... now that I think about it.. I have trouble cognatively answering questions! Once he has asked me two things.. I'm done. IF I get that far without losing it.

After the LONG drive there.. and the days of prep to do the trip.. I am at zero attention span once I arrive also.

Plus.. I don't want to say anything to make them upset and toss me out on my ear. And after NOT being heard by so many ducks in the past.. and being slammed so hard for so long by doctors.. and we are talking over 180 ducks.. I am afraid to talk to a LLMD.

I guess I know I've "blown it" so many times before with doctors because they ignored me or slammed me.. and I don't know "how to act" anymore.

Many LLMD's want folks to be tested for this or that.. and do this or that.. take this medicine.. etc. I don't WANT to do all that stuff. Maybe I am afraid the longer I stay the more they will want me to do? I don't know.. just thoughts.

Maybe one of these thoughts might ring a bell for you?

And I SEE YOU!!!

Put those "time out" hands DOWN... NOW Leapin... or I WILL come after you!


Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
I had a LLMD that was like that.

I loved him to death.

BUT, he talked way too much. I walked out of my first appointment, looked at my appointment helper

and said "WHAT?"

It was too much information, and way too much overload. Not only that

But I was exhausted. Exhaustion with lyme, makes one want to slap someone silly when

they talk too much, no matter how well intended they are.

The very next appointment with my LLMD, I tried something new. When he asked

"How's it going". I simply said

"As good as expected, I STILL have a hard time following long conversations, exhaustion gets the best of me and I get aggrivated"

My appointment was only about 10 minutes. BUT

I must say, the little booger HE was kept trying to talk! The inside of my brain was litterally swaying and I thought

"Oh please just shut up" Thats when my appointment setter jumped in

AND HE talked to him.

And I laid my head on the examination table

and never cared what was said

Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
TC You did it again. I could't stop laughing half way through reading your post.

Don't have a clue what the rest of your post says.

But, thanks for the laugh!

Posted by lou (Member # 81) on :
I think putting your head down (have to put your chair near something useful), would send a big hint. You could also say weakly, "I'm just exhausted, do you mind?"

That ought to do it. However, make sure the list of questions gets covered first thing off the bat.

Posted by bg (Member # 46416) on :
Yes, schedule your appt. for 10-15 min. only since you're paying for it dearly anyway.

Here's what I do for all of my drs. appts:

1. Make a list of all questions/comments on what's happening with me including my herx side effects.

Also, show which meds you need refills for.

2. I give him 1 copy; I keep other copy.

3. I ask him to make it part of my medical file in correspondence.

4. At bottom of sheet, I request a copy of EVERY APPT. medical records since they are being used for my SSDI app, and it now gives me the opportunity to have THEM CORRECT anything wrong in their report.

My LLMD is wonderful. We go thru my quiestions/comments first, and then he adds anything else.

He truly listens to what we lymies are saying without running for the door.

Gotta go to do my MMPI, Minn. multi-personality I_____ test now. Had the memory and intelligence done in last 3 days; final testing now for my short term memory problems....neuro psychiatric testing.
Betty G., Iowa

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