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Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If you have candida, etc. and know or suspect that you have heavy metals(which is why many of us have candida in the first place), be careful when using candida eradicating medicines.

Basically, candida attach to mercury/heavy metals -- sort of as a protective device for the body. The metals would otherwise be even more damaging and probably kill us. When you then use a killing agent for the candida, the heavy metals are freed again in the die-off and you can therefore experience drastically worse symptoms. So it should not interpreted simply as a candida die-off, but metals being released into the system that can then continue to do their damage elsewhere in the body.

As a rule (I learned that from my doctor and others that treat heavy metals) it is a good idea to choose candida meds with great care and preferably use them after the heavy metal detox is well on the way and the mercury load lightened. That's where ART or muscle testing comes in very handy, to find out if and what meds are needed at a particular time that the body can handle without more stress and pain.

I learned every bit of this during my own ordeal. If you think you don't have a heavy metals problem, think again. It helps a great deal to get over Lyme if heavy metals are addressed early. And I know from my doctor that practically every Lyme patient has a problem with metals. It's a problem with all chronic disease.

Just thought this might be of interest to some of you.

Take care.

[This message has been edited by GiGi (edited 26 December 2004).]

Posted by trevor (Member # 4353) on :
Hi GIGI, I couldn't agree more.

Whenever you have chronic infection, you have metals and other toxins, and vice-versa. This was very much emphasized by our doctor and the other speakers at the Chemical and Heavy Metal Conference at the end of this past summer.

I wish it were as simple as 4 weeks of doxy or even two years of IV rocephin but we know it's not. There are so many layers and facets to address once chronic illness has set in. And there's an order in which to address them if we want to remain well.

Thank you for pointing this out for everyone's sake GIGI!


Posted by lymesux (Member # 6248) on :
Thank you Gigi, great info, as always.
Posted by Foggy (Member # 1584) on :
Gigi, you are right on the button.

My MD has several patients with lots of amalgams who are big fish eaters and yet have normal Merc levels.

Practically every one of his Lyme patients have Merc problems including those without dental almalgams or who are big fish eaters.

Posted by Sue vG (Member # 3143) on :

Thank you for the sage advice. This might explain why, after taking a whole Diflucan, I went into horrendously painful complete lower body spasms (I have a ruptured lumbar disk and sciatica, but I generally get smaller spasms).

I was in treatment for heavy metal problems before I got lyme (or before lyme "got" me), so I have to agree that it must be a factor in who "keeps" lyme.

Best wishes,


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I failed to mention in my post above that because of the candida "wrapping up" the mercury, at that point it (the mercury or other heavy metals) is not toxically active in the body tissue; except that of course the candida itself also gives off neuro- toxins (my doctor calls it "the candida poos and pees") our body has to put up with.

So when we manage to cause some candida to die off because of the meds we are taking, we in effect return the mercury to the system wherever it settles and it becomes a new poisioning factor causing continued neuro and other symptoms. The merry-go-round starts anew.

We need to get rid of the heavy metals in the right way before we have a chance to find relief.

We cannot step on the gas and go in high gear without feeling the brunt (by adding these killer meds); the capacity of our liver and kidney is limited. We can eat tons of good feed, but it hardly enables us to run much faster.

Many factors play a role, but in essence that's what happens (as explained to me by a chronic disease expert/doctor).

Take care.


Posted by Foggy (Member # 1584) on :
GiGi, now that you are in remission, how do you ensure that your Merc level doesn't becom elevated again? Are you on a fish free diet? Do you test or chelate often?
Posted by Foggy (Member # 1584) on :
Bump 1
Posted by Foggy (Member # 1584) on :
Bump 2
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

"GiGi, now that you are in remission, how do you ensure that your Merc level doesn't becom elevated again? Are you on a fish free
diet? Do you test or chelate often?"

Foggy, I do not only pay attention to mercury, but all exposures. See my post:
"Sources of Toxic Metals".

We eat fish once a week. We do not touch tuna. We get fish that is not farm raised or salmon that has color added. I get fish that is as wild and from as far north as possible. Most fish is contaminated. I follow especially fish meals with chlorella. I am not a freak with what I eat or not. We eat practically everything, as long as it is free of preservatives, additives, artificial dyes, no lites of any kind (because they add junk to make the food taste better), know what they are or can even pronounce. The simpler, the better.

A little dish of chlorella is always standing around somewhere in our house. My little granddaughter comes by, not knowing why, but she is probably the only child that will take a chlorella tablet between every bite of pancake!

I also do not use any chemical cleaners if I can help it. Vinegar and baking soda goes a long way in our house and costs a lot less. Take a look at "Haley's Hints" at Amazon books - I gave it to my kids as a stocking stuffer (new $4.)

I still learn every day to live in harmony with things and people around me.

Take care.

If I know they are metal toxic, I try to hit them over the head. It's not working with most Lymies.


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :


Baking powder. Emulsifier in some processed cheese. Table salt (anticaking compound). Bleaching agent used to whiten nour. Antacids - aluminum hydroxide gel. Buffered aspirin. Some toothpastes. Cooking utensils. Porcelain dental fillings and crowns. Cigarette filters. Food wrappers. Cosmetics. Drinking water (tap water). Deodorants that contain aluminum
chlorhydrate. Aluminum containers (soda pop, iced tea, beer).


Atmospheric pollution from the. burning of coal and petroleum. Some seafood. . Tap water. Pesticide, residue on tobacco.
Arsenic fungicides on vegetables. Smelters.


Refined foods which may have low zinc to cadmium ratios (white nour). Acid drinks left in galvanized paDs or ice trays. Superphosphate fertilizers. Gluten Dour. Some cola drinks.
Tap water. Atmospher,ic pollution fromthe burning of coal and petroleum.. Margarine. Canned fruits and beverages. Sugar and molasses. Alcohollc drinks. Cigarette smoke from the white paper. Zinc smelters. Yellow dye in cheese. Cadmium plating used in soft drink dispensing machines.


Dental amalgam fillings (30% copper). Soybeans. Tap water (copper pipes). Drinks made from tap water. Organ meats and processed meats. Soft drink dispensers. Plated containers. Oral contraceptives and smoking increase serum copper. Algaecide in city water supplies. Multivitamins or minerals.


Atmospheric pollution from automobile exhaust. Lead based paints or their dust. Tin cans (used to seal). Pesticide residues on tobacco. Vegetables grown beside busy highways and the meat from animals that eat the vegetables. Burning coal or lead battery casings. Lead plumbing systems (tap water). Artist's pigments (oil paints). Pottery glazes. Processed organ meats. Canned dog food. Organ meats. Some wines. Kitchen utensils. Exhaust fumes from dense traffic. Hair dyes. Comic books.


Dental amalgam fillings (52% mercury). Pink coloring agent in dentures
(cinnabar)/ All fish (organic complexing). Pesticide residue on
vegetables. Pesticides used on tobacco plants. Mercurial fungicides
on seed grains. Coal burning (atmospheric). Calomel (mercurous chlorides).
Exterior and some interior paints. Plastic frames on eye glasses.
Plastic trim in new cars. Pharmaceuticals. All U.S. manufactured vaccines
and other lnjectables (nu shots, etc.) are preserved with mercury.
Cosmetics (mascara). Preparation "H". Contraceptives (vaginal spermacide
jels and creams). Some contact lense cleaners (thimerisol). Over 4000 commercial uses.


Atmospheric pollution from the burning of coal and petroleum.
Cigarette smoking. Nickel coins. Eye glass frames. Costume
jewelry. Kitchen appliances. Pins. Scissors. Hair clips.
Hydrogenated oils and margarine. Nickel dental fillings and crowns.
Metal orthodontic braces.

Dental amalgam fillings. Preserved food in tin cans. Processing and packing of: gelatin, smoked fish, dried legumes, macaroni,
dried milk, milk in large cans, tea. Tap water (solder on pipes). Air.

Take care


Posted by zipzip (Member # 6226) on :

according to your list above everything in our environment causes heavy metal toxicity.

while this is true on a lower molecular level the causative connect to diease is low and fairly unsubstantiated.

i know you believe in the results you have gotten, and pretty much whatever dr. k says as a result, but there are plenty of people on this board who are ready to get their almagamams ripped out for no good reason.

(in fact a few have with no beneficial results in their health)

i have a problem with that. i think you should approach the topic with better jurisprudence in the future.

this not an "attack" on you, or your methods to wellness, but your frank and concerted approach that comes off as gospel, without thinking of unintended consequences.

i will admit i don't know much about "heavy metals" but their isn't much good evidence that i have read or spoken with people about (i have a friend who is a biological dentist) that it causes chronic problems.

i could be utterly wrong, the potentiality for anything is plausible, but better to err on the side of reason than alarmist proselytizing.


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Zipzip, if you don't know much about heavy metals, as you say, it's never too late to learn.

Merely "ripping out the amalgams", as you say, does not do it. First, eliminating the source of neurotoxins, and second, then detoxing the body from heavy metals and neurotoxins is what is needed. People for years have done just the first, not the second, and are surprised that not much has changed.

Much of the metallic mercury (Hg0) has moved (vapor) into other parts of the body (depending on length of time in the mouth) thereby changing to methyl mercury (Hg++). Methyl mercury is 50 times more toxic than metallic mercury, and it has to be reduced to HG+ before it can be removed from the cell.

I do not mean to be an alarmist, merely an informer.

Having read some of your comments in general on this board, I have expected your commentary sooner or later. Perfectly okay.

It took people a few centuries to admit that the world is round. Some people started to alert the world that Amalgam/mercury is toxic in the 1840's. It will probably take another hundred years before we readily admit and realize the damage we are doing.

I chose several years ago not to be waiting that long. Everyone can do as they please and live with the consequences. My alarm went off when I saw one patient after the other, for years now, facing the same dilemma. That's not anecdotal, that's real.

People in wheelchairs slowly losing every bit of their strength to function, hyperactive kids,etc. are not pleasant to look at. I did not like having to pull my husband across the floor by his arms on his belly to get him from one room to the other. I did not like it when he fell and fractured his back and was confined to a metal cage for four months.

Instead we chose to get rid of the junk in his mouth and he is again walking, driving, exercizing and fully functional in every way. He will be 80 years old next year, looking younger than he did some years ago. That's not anecdotal.

That's what neurotoxins do if you let them persist. Lyme and six co-infections (Borrelia, Ehrlichiosa, Babesia, Rickettsia, Bartonella, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia) on top of environmental toxins did not help.

Take care.

P.S. Here is an I N C O M P L E T E list of common neurotoxins in order of importance:


mercury, lead, cadmium, iron, manganese and aluminum (are the most common).

Common Sources: metallic mercury vapor escapes from dental amalgam fillings (they contain about 50 % mercury, the rest is zinc, silver copper, tin and trace metals).
Cadmium: car fumes, cigarette smoke , pigment in oil paint Lead: outasing from-paint, residues in earth and food chain from time when lead was used in gasoline, contaminated drinking water.
Aluminum: cookware, drinking water, pop cans


such as tetanus toxin, botulinum toxin (botox), ascaridin (from intestinal parasites), unspecified toxins from streptococci, staphylococci, lyme disease, clamydia, tuberculosis, fungal toxins and toxins produced by viruses. Biotoxins are minute molecules (200-1000 kilodaltons) containing nitrogen and sulfur. They belong to a group of chemical messengers which microorganisms use to control the host�s immune system, host behaviour and the host�s eating habits.

XENOBIOTICS (man-made environmental toxins):

such as dioxin, formaldehyde, insecticides, wood preservatives, PCBs etc.


aspartame (diet sweeteners), MSG, many spices, food colourings, fluoride, methyl-and propyl -paraben, etc.

[This message has been edited by GiGi (edited 29 December 2004).]

Posted by zipzip (Member # 6226) on :
gigi :

just to state first off, let's keep the conversation open and understanding, which you definitely did in your reply. the respect is very much appreciated and recipricated. no juvenille attacks or nonsense like that.

... i have read that mercury fillings have been stopped being used in many european and latin countries, for instance for prophylactic means, over concerns.

but the overiding info on mercury vapor and toxins has yet, to my knowledge been sufficiently proven (as it relates to chronic disease). given, i have spent only a wee bit of time reading up on it.

in fact nuerotoxins from bb has yet to even be unequivocally proven. it's a working hypothesis and may very well be correct in the end, but is FAR from certain now.

the "biotoxins" you pointed to in lyme sound like cytokine increase which causes inflammation (cytokines are the cell messangers), though these do not control the immune system, that is predicated by immunoglobulins, t cells and b cells in short.

but there may be other biotoxin factors that i know nothing about. i'm always willing to acknowledge i only know things to a point.

(in fact the way biomedical sciences are beginning to flourish by midcentury what we call medicine may be a completely different thing!)

if you send me to any article links that would be great. i will definitley read them.

anyhow even dr.b has stated that he finds that toxin binding products only seem to work in approximately a third of patients, and in those patients only another third subset does it work very well.

as much said. mercury and heavy metals cannot be good for you. period.

my grandfather was a painter who made murals in the 50's when paint was still mixed with lead. he also made hand finished furniture with products that contained formaldehyde and other toxins that are not legal for even commercial usage.

he was a heavy smoker too.

he came down with cancer at 50 and died of a heart attack. easy to figure that case out.

but to state that heavy metals in collaboration with lyme (or yeast infection) and that the lyme or yeast will not be eradicated until metals are eradicated is fallacious.

that was my complaint.

they way you are posing it i think is misleading and unfair to the uneducated person on the subject. you can recover from lyme without having addressed metals, because most people don't have metal problems.

you wan't to be an informer. great. now knowledge is power, but power can be perilous.

i want to be an informer too; we are playing for the same team here. but checks and balances are necessary, for information and egos.

again i'm very happy for you and your hubby and hope to join you all soon in the ranks of the healthy.

2005 no doubt will be my resolution.


Posted by Foggy (Member # 1584) on :
Thanks for the reply Gigi. Your vigilance is most admirable.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Zipzip, I am all for keeping worthwhile conversation open. I do not have time, however, nor the language skills to nitpick or respond thereto, leading nowhere. What I have been telling on this site are well established facts proven daily in clinical practice. I have the privilege to learn there any time I so desire. Most of it I learned by being ill myself and helping my husband to get well; and many others.

Here is a rough copy of a lecture that may give you a different understanding of neurotoxins.

If you go to, you will find several interesting writings by my doctor, citing a couple of hundred references of just a fraction of the research that has been done worldwide. I can supply you a thousand more if you wish to spend your time. Mercury is an albatross and we all know it, if we have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Here is the article.

The Klinghardt Neurotoxin Elimination Protocol

Approved by:
American Academy of Neural Therapy and
Institute of Neurobiology (Bellevue, WA, USA)
Institute for Neurobiologie (Stuttgart, Germany)
Academy for Balanced NeuroBiology Ltd (London, United Kingdom)

This lecture was presented by Dietrich Klinghardt M.D., Ph.D. at the Jean Piaget Department at the University of Geneva, Switzerland Oct.2002 to physicians and dentists from Europe, Israel, several Arab countries and Asia

What are Neurotoxins?
Neurotoxins are substances attracted to the mammalian nervous system. They are absorbed by nerve endings and travel inside the neuron to the cell body. On their way they distrupt vital functions of the nerve cell, such as axonal transport of nutrients, mitochondrial respiration and proper DNAtranscription.

The body is constantly trying to eliminate neurotoxins via the available exit routes: the liver, kidney, skin and exhaled air. Detox mechanisms include acetylation, sulfation, glucuronidation, oxidation and others. The liver is most important in these processes. Here most elimination products are expelled with the bile into the small intestine and should leave the body via the digestive tract.

However, because of the lipophilic/neurotropic nature of the neurotoxins, most are reabsorbed by the abundant nerve endings of the enteric nervous system (ENS) in the intestinal wall. The ENS has more neurons than the spinal chord. From the moment of mucosal uptake the toxins can potentially take 4 different paths:

1. neuronal uptake and via axonal transport to the spinal chord (sympathetic neurons) or brainstem (parasympathetics) - from here back to the brain.

2. Venous uptake and via the portal vein back to the live

3. Lymphatic uptake and via the thoracic duct to the subclavian vein

4. Uptake by bowel bacteria and tissues of the intestinal tract

Here is an incomplete list of common neurotoxins in order of importance:

(i) Heavy metals: such as mercury, lead, cadmium and aluminium.

(ii) Biotoxins: such as tetanus toxin, botulinum toxin (botox), ascaridin (from intestinal parasites), unspecified toxins from streptococci, staphylococci, lyme disease, chlamydia, tuberculosis, fungal toxins and toxins produced by viruses. Biotoxins are minute molecules (200-1000 kilodaltons) containing nitrogen and sulfur. They belong to a group of chemical messengers which microorganisms use to control the host�s immune system, host behaviour and the host�s eating habits.

(iii) Xenobiotics (man-made environmental toxins): such as dioxin, formaldehyde, insecticides, wood preservatives, PCBs etc.

(iv) Food Preservatives, excitotoxins and cosmetics: such as aspartame (diet sweeteners) food colourings, flouride, methyl-and propyl-paraben, etc.

I have found that mercury in it�s different chemical forms has a synergistic amplifying effect with all other neurotoxins. When mercury is removed, the body starts to more effectively eliminate all other neurotoxins, even if they are not adressed.

What are the symptoms?

Any illness can be caused by, or contributed to, or exagerated by neurotoxins. Fatigue, depression, insomnia, memory loss and blunting of the senses are common early symptoms (see list of mercury related symptoms on the following pages).

How is the diagnosis established?

Have you ever have any amalgam fillings? A tick bite? etc)
2. Symptoms: (How is your short term memory? Do you have areas of numbness, strange sensations,etc)
3. Laboratory Testing: (Metals: hair, stool, serum, whole blood, urine analysis, xenobiotics: fatty tissue biopsy, urine)
4. Autonomic Response Testing: (Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt M.D., Ph.D.)
5. BioEnergetic Testing (EAV, kinesiology etc.)
6. Response to Therapeutic Trial
7. Functional Acuity Contrast Test (measure of Retinal Blood Flow)


Why would we want to treat anyone at all? Is it really needed? Can the body not eliminate these toxins naturally on its own?

Here is a short list of independent risk factors which can either cause accumulation of metals in an otherwise healthy body - or slow down, or inhibit the bodys own elimination processes.

� genetics
� occupational exposure to toxic material
� prior illnesses
� surgical operations
� medication or �recreational� drug use
� emotional trauma, especially in eary childhood
� social status
� high carbohydrate intake combined with protein malnutrition (especially in vegetarians)
� use of homeopathic mercury
� food allergies
� the patients electromagnetic environment (mobile phone use, home close to power lines etc)
� constipation
� compromise of head/neck lymphatic drainage (sinusitis, tonsil ectomy scars, poor dental occusion)
� number of dental amalgam fillings over the patients life-time, number of the patients mothers amalgam fillings

We will discuss here only those elimination agents, which are natural, safe and have also been shown to be as effective (or more effective) than the few available pharmaceuticals.

Because these products cannot be patented and exploited for unethical personal gain, little attention has been given to them by European or North American medical researchers. Many of the best scientific studies on this topic are from Asian countries.

The basic program:

High protein, mineral, fatty acid and fluid intake
� proteins provide the important precursors to the endogenous metal detox and shuttle agents, such as coeruloplasmin, metallothioneine, glutathione and others. The branched-chain amino acids in cow and goat whey have valuable independent detox effects.

� Metals attach themselves only in places that are programmed for attachment of metal ions. Mineral deficiency provides the opportunity for toxic metals to attach themselves to vacant binding sites. A healthy mineral base is a prerequisite for all metal detox attempts (selenium, zinc, manganese, germanium, molybdenum etc.). Substituting minerals can detoxify the body by itself.

Just as important are electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium), which help to transport toxic waste across the extracellular space towards the lymphatic and venous vessels.

� Lipids (made from fatty acids) make up 60-80 % of the central nervous system and need to be constantly replenished. Deficiency makes the nervous system vulnerabe to the fat soluble metals, such as metallic mercury constantly escaping as odorless and invisible vapour evapourating from the amalgam fillings.

� Without enough fluid intake the kidneys may become contaminated with metals. The basal membranes swell up and the kidneys can no longer efficiently filtrate toxins. Adding a balanced electrolyte solution in small amounts to water helps to restore intra-and extracellular fluid balance

Cilantro (chinese parsley)
This kitchen herb is capable of mobilizing mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminum in both bones and the central nervous system. It is probably the only effective agent in mobilizing mercury stored in the inracellular space (attached to mitochondria, tubulin, liposomes etc) and in the nucleus of the cell (reversing DNA damage of mercury). Because cilantro mobilizes more toxins then it can carry out of the body, it may flood the connective tissue (where the nerves reside) with metals, that were previously stored in safer hiding places.

This process is called re-toxification. It can easily be avoided by simultaneously giving an intestinal toxin-absorbing agent. Our definite choice is the algal organism chlorella. A recent animal study demonstrated rapid removal of aluminum from the skeleton superior to any known other detox agent.

Dosage and application of cilantro tincture: give 2 drops 2 times /day in the
beginning, taken just before a meal or 30 minutes after taking chlorella (cilantro causes the gallbadder to dump bile - containing the excreted neurotoxins - into the small intestine.

The bile-release occurs naturally as we are eating and is much enhanced by cilantro. If no chlorella is taken, most neurotoxins are reabsorbed on the way down the small intestine by the abundant nerve endings of the enteric nervous system). Gradually increase dose to 10 drops 3 times/day for full benefit. During the initial phase of the detox cilantro should be given 1 week on, 2 -3 weeks off.

Other ways of taking cilantro: rub 5 drops twice/day into ankles for mobilization of metals in all organs, joints and structures below the diaphragm, and into the wrists for organs, joints and structures above the diaphragm. The wrists have dense autonomic innervation (axonal uptake of cilantro) and are crossed by the main lymphatic channels (lymphatic uptake).

Cilantro tea: use 10 to 20 drops in cup of hot water. Sip slowly. Clears the brain quickly of many neurotoxins. Good for headaches and other acute syptoms (joint pains, angina, headache): rub 10 -15 drops into painful area. Often achieves almost instant pain relief.

Both C.pyreneidosa (better absorption of toxins, but harder to digest) and C.vulgaris (higher CGF content - see below, easier to digest, less metal absorbing capability) are available. Chlorella has multiple health inducing effects:

Antiviral (especially effective against the cytomegaly virus from the herpes family)
� Toxin binding (mucopolysaccharide membrane)
all known toxic metals, environmental toxins such as dioxin and others
� Repairs and activates the bodys detoxification functions:
� Dramatically increases reduced glutathion,
� Sporopollein is as effective as cholestyramin in binding neurotoxins and more effective in binding toxic metals then any other natural substance found.
� Various peptides restore coeruloplasmin and metallothioneine,
� Lipids (12.4 %) alpha-and gamma-linoleic acid help to balance the increased intake of fish oil during our detox program and are necessary for a multitude of functions, including formation of ther peroxisomes.
� Methyl-coblolamine is food for the nervous system, restores damaged neurons and has ist own detoxifying efect.
� Chlorella growth factor helps the body detoxify itself in a yet not understood profound way. It appears that over millions of years chlorella has developed specific detoxifying proteins and peptides for every existing toxic metal.
� The porphyrins in chlorophyl have their own strong metal binding effect. Chlorophyll also activates the PPAR-receptor on the nucleus of the cell which is responsible for the transcription of Dna and coding the formation of the peroxisomes (see fish oil), opening of the cell wall (unknown mechanism) which is necessary for all detox procedures, normalizes insulin resistance and much more. Medical drugs that activate the PPAR receptor (such as pioglitazone) have been effective in the treatment of breast and prostate cancer.
� Super nutrient: 50-60% aminoacid content, ideal nutrient for vegetarians, methylcobolamin - the most easily absorbed and utilized form of B12, B6, minerals, chlorophyll, beta carotene etc.
� Immune system strengthening
� Restores bowel flora
� Digestive aid (bulking agent)
� Alkalinizing agent (important for patients with malignancies)

Dosage: start with 1 gram (=4 tabl) 3-4 times/day. This is the standard maintainance dosage for grown ups for the 6-24 months of active detox. During the more active phase of the detox (every 2-4 weeks for 1 week), whenever cilantro is given, the dose can be increased to 3 grams 3-4 times per day (1 week on, 2-4 weeks back down to the maintainance dosage). Take 30 minutes before the main meals and at bedtime. This way chlorella is exactly in that portion of the small intestine where the bile squirts into the gut at the beginning of the meal, carrying with it toxic metals and other toxic waste. These are bound by the chlorella cell wall and carried out via the digestive tract. When amalgam fillings are removed, the higher dose should be given for 2 days before and 2-5 days after the procedure (the more fillings are removed, the longer the higher dose should be given). No cilantro should be given around the time of dental work. During this time we do not want to moblize deeply stored metals in addition to the expected new exposure. If you take Vitamin C during your detox program, take it as far away from Chlorella as possible (best after meals).
Side effects: most side effects reflect the toxic effect of the mobilized metals which are shuttled through the organism. This problem is instantly avoided by significantly increasing the chlorella dosage, not by reducing it, which would worsen the problem (small chlorella doses mobilize more metals then are bound in the gut, large chlorella doses bind more toxins then are mobilized). Some people have problems digesting the cell membrane of chlorella. The enzyme cellulase resolves this problem. Cellulase is available in many health food stores in digestive enzyme products. Taking chlorella together with food also helps in some cases, even though it is less effective that way. C.vulgaris has a thinner cell wall and is better toerated by people with digestive problems. Some manufactures have created cell wall free chlorella extracts (NDF, PCA) which are very expensive, less effective - but easily absorbed.

Chlorella growth factor
This is a heat extract from chlorella that concentrates certain peptides, proteins and other ingredients. The research on CGF shows that children develop no tooth decay and their dentition (maxillary-facial development) is near perfect. There are less illnesses and children grow earlier to a larger size with higher I.Q and are socially more skilled. There are case reports of patients with dramatic tumor remissions after taking CGF in higher amounts. In our experience, CGF makes the detox experience for the patient much easier, shorter and more effective.

Recommended dosage: 1 cap. CGF for each 20 tabl.chlorella

Garlic (allium sativum) and wild garlic (allium ursinum)
Garlic has been shown to protect the white and red blood cells from oxidative damage, caused by metals in the blood stream - on their way out - and also has ist own valid detoxification functions. Garlic contains numerous sulphur components, including the most valuable sulph-hydryl groups which oxidize mercury, cadmium and lead and make these metals water soluble. This makes it easy for the organism to excrete these subastances. Garlic also contains alliin whis is enzymatically transformed into allicin, natures most potent antimicrobial agent. Metal toxic patients almost always suffer from secondary infections, which are often responsible for part of the symptoms.

Garlic also contains the most important mineral which protects from mercury toxicity, bio active selenium. Most selemium products are poorly absorbable and do not reach those body compartments in need for it. Garlic selenium is the most beneficial natural bioavailable source. Garlic is also protectice for against heart disease and cancer.

The half life of allicin (after crushing garlic) is less then 14 days. Most commercial garlic products have no allicin releasing potential left. This distinguishes freeze dried garlic from all other products. Bear garlic tincture is excellent for use in detox, but less effective as antimicrobial agent.

Dosage: 1-3 capsules freeze dried garlic after each meal. Start with 1 capsule after the main meal per day, slowly increase to the higher dosage. Initially the patient may experience die-off reactions (from killing pathogenic fungal or bacterial organisms). Use 5-10 drops bear-garlic on food at least 3 times per day.

Fish oil:
The fatty acid complexes EPA and DHA in fish oil make the red and white blood cells more flexible thus improving the microcirculation of the brain, heart and other tissues. All detoxification functions depend on optimal oxygen delivery and blood flow. EPA and DHA protect the brain from viral infections and are needed for the development of intelligence and eye-sight.

The most vital cell organelle for detoxification is the peroxisome. These small structures are also responsible for the specific job each cell has: in the pineal gland the meltonin is produced in the peroxisome, in the neurons dopamine and norepinephrine, etc. It is here, where mercury and other toxic metal attach and disable the cell from doing its work. Other researchers have focussed on the mitochondria and other cellorganelles, which in our experience are damaged much later.

The cell is constantly trying to make new peroxisomes to replace the damaged ones- for that task it needs an abundance of fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA. Until recently it was believed, that the body can manufacture ist own EPA/DHA from other Omega 3 fatty acids such as fish oil. Today we know, that this process is slow and cannot keep up with the enormous demand for EPA/DHA our systems have in todays toxic environment.

Fish oil is now considered an essential nutrient, even for vegetarians. Recent research also revealed, that the transformation humans underwent when apes became intelligent and turned into humans happened only in coastal regions, where the apes started to consume large amounts of fish. Why not benefit from that knowledge and consume more fish

The fatty acids in fish oil are very sensitive to exposure to electromagnetic fields, temperature, light and various aspects of handling and processing. Trans fatty acids, long chain fatty acids, renegade fats and other oxydation products and contaminants are frequently found in most commercial products. Ideally, fish oil should be kept in an uninterrupted cooling chain until it ends up in the patients fridge. The fish-source should be mercury and contaminant free, which is becoming harder and harder. Fish oil should tast slightly fishy but not too much. If there is no fish taste, too much processing and manipulation has destroyed the vitality of the oil. If it tastes too fishy, oxydation products are present. I recommend to use the product recommended below (grade I), where meticulous care has been taken to comply with all the necessary parameters. The clinical results are outstanding.

Dosage: 1 capsule Omega 3 taken 4 times/day during the active phase of treatment, 1 caps. twice/day for maintainance
Best if taken together with chlorella
The VegiPearls contain half the amount of EPA/DHA. The vegetarian capsules eliminate even the most remote possibility of containing prions and make the idea of taking fish oil more easily acceptable for vegetarians. Recently a fatty acid receptor has been discovred on the tongue, joining the other more known taste receptors. If the capsules are chewed, the stomach and pancreas start to prepare the digestive tract in exactly the right way to prepare for maximum absorption. Children love chewing the VegiPearls.

To treat bipolar depression, post partum depression and other forms of mental disease, 2000 mg of EPA are needed/day (David Horrobin). For the modulation of malignancies, 120 mg of EPA 4 times/day are needed. The calculations can easily be done with the information given on the label.

Balanced electolyte solution (Selectrolyte)
The autonomic nervous system in most toxic patients is dysfunctional. Electric messages in the organism are not received, are misunderstood or misinterpreted. Toxins cannot be shuttled through the extracellular space. Increased intake of natural ocean salt (celtic sea salt) - and avoidance of regular table salt - has been found to be very effective in resolving some of these problems. Most effective is a solution pioneered by the American chemist Ketkovsky. He created the formula for the most effective electrolyte replacement, which was further improved by Morin Labs, and is now called �selectrolyte``. I recommend this to all my patients and have observed, that every aspect of the detoxification process seems to be enhanced. 5 % of the population is sodium or chloride sensitive - the blood pressure goes up (easily reversible). In these patients the detox process takes longer and is more difficult.

Dosage: 1 tsp in a cup of good water 1-3 times/day During times of greater stress the dosage can be temporarily increased to 1 tbsp 3 times/day

More agressive approaches, such as i.v Glutathione, Vit.C, DMPS, CaEDTA and others have a place in reasonably healthy people but often worsen the condition in patients with advanced illness.
Most valuable is the addition of psychotherapeutic interventions such as applied psychoneurobiology (APN) and mental field therapy (MFT) to trigger the release of toxins from their hiding places.

Chlorella, cilantro, garlic-products and fatty acids vary greatly in quality and nutrient content, also in content of contaminants. I no longer recommend BioReurella and other products that have not undergone or passed our quality control screening process.

Heavy metal detox has to be done carefully and right!

October 2002
Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD
Bellevue, Washington, USA

Take care.

P.S. Please note that since this article is now already over two years old and treatment methods change with newer/different remedies, some items may be changed. There is no standing still in treating Lyme or any other chronic disease. It is constant learning process.

[This message has been edited by GiGi (edited 29 December 2004).]

Posted by trevor (Member # 4353) on :
I have to agree wholeheartedly with GIGI here.

Just a few points:

zipzip, GIGI's list of sources of toxic metals was not exhaustive, the whole list is much longer. This is not speculation but widely recognized fact. I don't have time now to go into every example, however, it's now recognized by the leading authorities on the subject, that chlorine processing plants give off even more mercury than coal burning plants. Beef is also turning out to have higher levels of mercury than fish. Bandaids even contain mercury.

The point is that there is no avoiding metals completely and a strong, almost 1:1, causal relationship between these metals and pathologies has been repeatedly shown and is well documented in the scientific literature.

And the neurotoxins are not speculative either. It's well understood by any microbiologist that endotoxins released by microbes cause more damage than the microbes themselves, almost without exception.

And this is not just about what Dr. K has said, this is about what dozens of internationally recognized experts on chemical and metal toxicity have said. He is most certainly not alone in claiming what he has, and neither are we.

You accuse GIGI of "alarmist proselytizing" and tell her to "approach the topic with better jurisprudence in the future."
Then zipzap, you follow up with a post advising her to keep the discussion "open and understanding". Dare I say I smell a double standard and I see someone throwing stones from a glass house?? By the way, I believe you meant to say "judgment" rather than "jurisprudence". "Jurisprudence" refers to the philosophy or science of law and not an idividual's disposition.

Zipzap, you admit to only "knowing things to a point". You even say:

"i will admit i don't know much about "heavy metals" but their isn't much good evidence that i have read or spoken with people about (i have a friend who is a biological dentist) that it causes chronic problems.

Yet, you write with the absolute conviction of a person dispensing total, irrefutable certainties.

I have several biological dentist friends myself. Neither my friendships with them nor their opinions license me to make statements of fact that are unproven.

You write zipzap:
"but the overiding info on mercury vapor and toxins has yet, to my knowledge been sufficiently proven (as it relates to chronic disease). given, i have spent only a wee bit of time reading up on it."

Aparently so, so keep reading as this is patently false.

Bear in mind that the ADA, the AMA, the CDC and other souces of misinformation are far wealthier and more influential than those who suffer from their injustices and take them on.

Zipzap writes:
"if you send me to any article links that would be great. i will definitley read them"

Zipzap where are your links and articles?
I find your cavalier dogmatisms not only dangerous, but extraordinary, and must suggest that the onus is on you to support them with extraordinary evidence.

GIGI, myself and many others could produce tomes of abstracts, articles, books, etc., but personally I get the feeling you made your mind up before this discussion began. Produce something besides your admittedly limited opinion and this would be a much more intelligent discussion.

"There's no talking to those who don't want to listen."



Posted by zipzip (Member # 6226) on :
double post...

[This message has been edited by zipzip (edited 30 December 2004).]

Posted by zipzip (Member # 6226) on :
Originally posted by trevor:

"Just a few points:"

"zipzip, GIGI's list of sources of toxic metals was not exhaustive, the whole list is much longer. This is not speculation but widely recognized fact... Bandaids even contain mercury."

yes, everyone in the world has a level of mercury in their body at a lower molecular level, i already agreed to that in my previous post.

"And the neurotoxins are not speculative either. It's well understood by any microbiologist that endotoxins released by microbes cause more damage than the microbes themselves, almost without exception."

"And this is not just about what Dr. K has said, this is about what dozens of internationally recognized experts on chemical and metal toxicity have said. He is most certainly not alone in claiming what he has, and neither are we."

okay, and these people are? i am not familiar with their work with the exception of shoemaker's hypothesis. inform me who these microbiologists and other professionals are. i will read their work and digest the material.

"Zipzap, you admit to only "knowing things to a point.. Yet, you write with the absolute conviction of a person dispensing total, irrefutable certainties."

which and when? i'm a pragmatist. nothing is certain.
i wrote and you quoted :

"but the overiding info on mercury vapor and toxins has yet, to my knowledge been sufficiently proven (as it relates to chronic disease). given, i have spent only a wee bit of time reading up on it."

"Aparently so, so keep reading as this is patently false."

okay, i admit as such already. i would like more info to prove as such. thank you very much.

"Bear in mind that the ADA, the AMA, the CDC and other souces of misinformation are far wealthier and more influential than those who suffer from their injustices and take them on."

we agree ont this. and you forgot the NIH, and a host of other beaureaucratic monsters.

"I find your cavalier dogmatisms not only dangerous, but extraordinary, and must suggest that the onus is on you to support them with extraordinary evidence."

which cavalier dogmatisms are those? i am dogmatic about nothing, even death. point these out, obviously i must be blinded by my own peculiar brand of narcisissm.

"GIGI, myself and many others could produce tomes of abstracts, articles, books, etc."

again, please do. so far all i have seen is a reprint of dr.k's website. one man is not a pillar of a scientific movement.

"but personally I get the feeling you made your mind up before this discussion began."

your correct, i am biased towards the truth, whatever that may be (that's called a joke, i'm a subjectivist; no Ayn Rand for me).

"Produce something besides your admittedly limited opinion and this would be a much more intelligent discussion."

i haven't made any far reaching claims, what would you like me to produce? articles that say that heavy metals don't exist? too easy.

i wouldn't quote sources only to make an egotistical point. like i am right and you are wrong. that's juvenille and self-defeating.

"There's no talking to those who don't want to listen."

i'm listening, loud and clear. sounds like you've already made up your mind about me? about face?

the point was to bring into the open that what GIGI is prescribing as truth is in fact a hypothesis that is not suitable for everyone, regardless of its reliability and credibility. i wanted to make that clear for everyone's sake, not my own.

the onus, btw, is not on me. i am not the one who needs to prove an unproven point. but if you were thinking in a truly collaborative sense the "onus" is on all.

like the old Italian saying, "don't take a step longer than your own foot".

[This message has been edited by zipzip (edited 30 December 2004).]

Posted by zipzip (Member # 6226) on :
Originally posted by GiGi:

Zipzip, I am all for keeping worthwhile conversation open. I do not have time, however, nor the language skills to nitpick or respond thereto, leading nowhere.

why would the conversation lead nowhere? there is a lot we can learn from each other, no?

you have the time, intelligence and language skills to post all the time on lymenet with a wide variety of people, why not converse with me?

if you choose not to i respect that as well. though i don't see the logic in it.

i will read the neuraltherapy site. but if you do not wish to discuss the the contents of the site i won't bring up any of it, whether i agree with it or not, in piecemeal, in sum.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Zipzip, here are some references for you to peruse. Hope you find something here you can totally agree with.

No, I do not wish to converse with you because I find from your previous posts that you take the no approach first. I do not like to spend my energy on efforts that turn into 10 pages of thread only to remain unresolved and forgotten in a day's time.

The info I have been posting has been proven over and over as beneficial; and I cannot count the patients that have found relief with this approach. I am fortunate that my doctor has given me permission to all his writings, and I am certain that some people on this board have benefited here and there.
At least the e-mails and phone calls I get do indicate that.

So why reinvent the wheel. No need to research things to death over and over again. This approach in general works and as long as it does, I will tell about it. I am open to reasonable questions, but I do not care for comments from people that want to throw the baby out with the bathwater by questioning the basic philosophy. Mercury is toxic and has no place in people's mouth, in people's food, in people's life; whether on a "lower molecular basis" or otherwise. It is a major cause of any chronic disease, including Lyme and co-infections.

Wishing you health and peace.

F. References
and recommended reading about mercury from dental fillings and related issues.

The references for chlorella, CGF, Fish oil, cilantro, garlic, ART, APN and others can be obtained from the American Academy of Neural Therapy: [email protected] and at

1 Carlson, J., Larsen, J.T., and Edlund, M.-B.: Peptostreptococcus micros has a uniquely high capacity to form hydrogen sulfide from glutathione. Oral Microbiol. Immunol., 8: 42-45, 1993

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99 Marriott, J.B., Quasim: Anti-phospholipid antibodies in the mercuric chloride treated brown Norway rat. J. Autoimmun., 4:457:67, 1994

100 Shapiro, et al. and Ship II, et al.: Reported the relation between cumulative exposure to mercury and chronic health impairment

101 Cutright, D.E., et al.: Systemic mercury levels caused by inhaling mist during high-speed amalgam grinding. J. Oral Med., 28, 100, 1973

102 Cross et al.: Blood of dentists. Lancet, 312, 1978

103 Ngim, C.H., et al.: Chronic neurobehavioral effects of elemental mercury in dentists. British Journal of Industrial Medicine, 49: 782-790, 1992

P.S. only 103 references fit here. Remaining 200 on

Posted by Sue vG (Member # 3143) on :
Ugh. Never mind. Just tired of seeing GiGi always being punished for her wisdom, experience, and generosity....and for being on the leading edge.

[This message has been edited by Sue vG (edited 30 December 2004).]

Posted by Foggy (Member # 1584) on :
Agreed! GiGi is in remission yet she still takes the time to offer he vast knowlege to all of us. Most Lymies who recover move on and don't post on the board. Why shun or turn off those who can be invaluable?


Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hey Gigi!
It is very true what you are saying, i noticed less thrush on my tongue after chelation....along with lots of raw crushed garlic, that kills candida and can be used as a chelator.
one question, do you know if kelp is safe to eat?
Posted by zipzip (Member # 6226) on :
gig : thanks i'll check some of the sources and do the homework.

again my concern was people running with information that may not be suitable for them. not throwing out the baby or the bathwater.

rather just making sure we are not washing the baby when the baby is clean.... (worst analogy ever?)

for others who have contingently commented. who is punishing GIGI?

give me a break. this not an inquisition, an honest discussion for the betterment of the group and people at large.

no offense taken, or given.... we all want the best for all, no?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, I love it when you come crawling out of the woodwork!

You asked the question about Kelp a number of months ago. Maybe I never responded to you. I was pretty sure about the answer, but I checked with your doctor and he confirmed "there ain't any clean kelp around any longer". I will take his word for it anytime.

Where there is heavy metal, there is candida/fungi. It is the body's own protective device. I heard that the first time I saw my doctor and I have heard it at every conference and teaching seminar since, all of which I am invited to attend.

I had a systemic candida infection long before I had Lyme and antibiotics. Not in the reproductive area. But everywhere else and this is what caused me to be depressed, on again, off again. But I did have heavy metals plenty over the years until I cleaned up. Another doctor who treated me way back then, long before I had the tickbite, put me on Nystatin, which did exactly nothing. He was not knowlegable on metals and had no clue that they were slowly killing me. He has published huge volumes of books!!!!!!

My problem was not mercury, but palladium (from gold crowns), and the destructive effect in the brain is just as bad as from mercury. Brain fog anyone? Don't blame it all on Lyme. When I got rid of the crowns and did a detox program under my present physician, all depression disappeared as did all excessive fungi/candida overgrowth.

Did you know that more people are allergic to gold than to mercury?

Take care.


Posted by skimpbiz (Member # 4433) on :
What a great topic.....thanks Gigi.

Today I was wondering some of the very same questions your posts have addressed.

Namely, I now know that yeast has been found in my blood. Thus, a yeast diet is recommended.

However, I also have one or two mercury amalgam fillings, and just last week I had a porcelain crown put over a back tooth. The porcelain crown has an alloy under-backing so it holds up through teeth grinding.

I asked my dentist about this and he told me that anyone that has a porcelain crown on a back molar also has the alloy on the inside of the crown - so it seems to be common practice.

What should I do about this? Should I get my mercury amalgams removed? What about this crown that I just got put in? Should that be removed as well?

Also, about a year ago my llmd tested me for heavy metals (4 days of metal extracting pills followed by urine collection and bloodwork) and all of my levels came back normal. As a matter of fact, alimunum was the only metal detected at all and it was still within the normal range.

Could I still have a metals problem despite my normal test results? If so, how do I find out?

Finally, in the meantime, what yeast medication would you recommend for me?

Thanks so much,


Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Gigi, thanx for caring about lymies long after you are well.

Gary Gordon is doing interesting pioneering work on chelation. My holistic doc uses his calcium EDTA though does a 30 minute drip not a 5 minute drip.

He makes what I think are some very good points. He understands the metals/infection connection very well, and we all have toxic metals/chronic infections to greater or lesser measure in this society. Some handle it well for a long time, some don't.

He doesn't (I'm interpreting here but I think this is what he says) worry about which chelators pass the BBB etc. He feels the body knows well enough, as soon as you chelate out some metals from more surface areas (fat) the body will download the deeper stores (for instance, lead in bone). The body wants it out. In fact, if you just do some chelation and stop, you'll end up with your sympomts again (oryou could anyway) as the body will move it out of deeper tissues. So some form of oral chelation should be ongoing.

I'm not doing that at th emoment because of sensitivity but I do glutathione which is a mild chelator and I plan to start modifilan. I think chlorella could be good too.

You're right on.

Posted by trevor (Member # 4353) on :
Bravo GIGI! 103 references! And we know they're just the tip of the iceberg.

GIGI, you're an industrious and masterful analytical researcher, and a tremendous asset to this forum.

Thanks so much my good friend.


Posted by zipzip (Member # 6226) on :

read through a few articles (not all available by goodle scholar).

methylmercury is and can definitely be a nuerotoxic substance in high exposure (i couldn't find what would qualify and quantify that), and in many cases (so i've read) the damage can be irreversible.

still i couldn't find any info on gram-negative microorganisms causing systemic chronic illness.

in fact a couple of the articles stated the mercury toxin saturation in vivo was due the process of removing almagamams and such.

one article interestingly stated that c.albicans was a fairly mercury resistant organism. but that is just one study.

still reading up. learning and checking it out....


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Zipzip, I have no clue what you are talking about. I do not wish to have any discussion with you whatsoever. So please do not address me in person. I have told you that several times. Kindly respect that.
Posted by zipzip (Member # 6226) on :
what? you told me what when? you don't wish to speak to me or address me?

if you want to be a child i will respect your wishes. i will refrain from future conversing out of respect of your personhood.

but.... i'm compelled to ask how could you have no idea what i'm talking about?

i was referring to the articles you posted for me to read. i was responding, politely, with what i had found thus far.

if you have no idea "what i am talking about" i would have to infer that you haven't read these articles, which you sponor, yourself.

odd, ironic or hypocritical?

with sincerity... happy new year.

[This message has been edited by zipzip (edited 30 December 2004).]

Posted by trevor (Member # 4353) on :
Zipzip, I can't believe you actually said:

"still i couldn't find any info on gram-negative microorganisms causing systemic chronic illness."

I hope this was a typo.
You need only talk to any person in this forum to find evidence of gram negative microbes causing systemic chronic illness. BB IS GRAM NEGATIVE. It's an affront to all those in this forum suffering from Lyme, and a testament to your lack of awareness, for you to claim what I quoted above.

I'm sorry but I also don't know what you're talking about or where you're getting your information from. Each post of yours further reinforces my belief that you are not seeking true answers or honest discussion.

Please quit before some unwitting, desperately ill soul takes you seriously.


Posted by zipzip (Member # 6226) on :
gram negative organims as a result of heavy metal toxicity and chronic illness.

that was the point of pointing it out, as bb is exactly that. i was comparing and contrasting.

take me seriously on what? conversing?

the point of the whole conversation at large was to bring to light the fact that ideas were being espoused and promoted that may not be suitable for many people here on this forum and that there was no checks, balances or scrutinizing of the credibility of those claims.

so i am taking it upon myself to look further into the matter so misinformation is not disseminated willy-nilly.

before some desperate soul gets hurt as you said.

this is not a competition over the battle of ideas in relative opposition, specifically as the teology is one and the same - restitution of health in the ill individual.

i'm doing this as a truthseeker, nothing more, nothing less.

have a great day...

Posted by beachcomber (Member # 5320) on :
Good morning. Interesting discussion. I have to chime in because I understand both sides of this issue and both are valid.

I was one of the ones on this board who was scared out of my wits by Gigi's emphatic posts that Bb cannot be eliminated without addressing heavy metals. That is simply not true.

I went to my dentist (who does biological removals) and we had a very long discussion about this. She suggested I have a heavy metals test done. I did have the 24 hour urine test (2x) and the blood test done. I also spent some time in the hospital where I was tested for everything under the sun.

My tests came back negative for all heavy metals. I work in an industry where I am exposed to various heavy metals on a daily basis. So, I do get tested - OSHA regulations.

Still, Gigi's posts had my head whirling about this. I asked my dentist to remove my amalgams. She talked me out of doing it all at once, since there is no evidence that mercury is swimming around in me due to the amalgams. I will replace them when necessary and certainly not all at once - she suggested doing them all at once would surely stir up some metals and I risk swallowing or inhaling them.

I think Gigi is correct that one cannot get well until the metals are addressed but, only if there is a metals toxicity problem to begin with.

I support Zipzip in questioning that we cannot rid ourselves of Lyme and Candida without addressing the metals issue. That theory just doesn't make sense, if there isn't a metals toxicity issue in the first place.

I am progressively improving on my Lyme treatment and have not addressed a metals issue, because I show no toxic levels of such. It is not helpful to those who are not toxic from metals to say that Bb and Candida cannot be irradicated without addressing this. It scares people. It scared me. I also remember reading a post from another member who was so scared by these statements that she had all her teeth pulled. That is simply insane if some teeth are healthy and, if the metals toxicity often does not come from amalgams but from environmental sources and household products.

So, in defence of Zip's concern, I think it best not to make blanket statements about what will or will not work in the treatment of Lyme or Candida (regarding metals). Zip should be respected, not brushed off, for questioning this. That is what this forum is for - the exchange of ideas.


Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hey Gigi,
Yes, i have not been on this board in a long time! haha.......and this posts reminds me why..isnt there enough problems without arguing...
Man you have a memory...
Thanks for the reminder on kelp,i should have known...
Hope your doing well and have a wonderful new year!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If any of you wish to go back and read some of the posts I have put here since 2000, you will find numerous alerts that say in essence - if you cannot get well from Lyme, look further. One has to address the metals issue, dental infections, root canals, including the bite, environmental/chemical exposures, viral infections, parasites, unresolved emotional conflicts, geopathic exposures, electrosmog. And a bunch more.

I cannot possibly repeat every if, when and but, everytime I post here. I have always alerted people to do their research, learn.
The available testing for the above is as inconclusive for most of the above as it is for Lyme and co-infections, simply because many ill people are unable to release the toxins on demand via a challenge. They are locked up for a variety of reasons, including mineral imbalances. I do not even want to get into the emotional blockages many, many chronically ill people carry with them. Take a look at your own situation!

What I have been saying is that any chronic disease involves many of the factors mentioned above. I know for a fact that most chronically ill patients have to be treated for most of the above to get improvement or cure. Some more than others, some less. That goes for all Lyme patients. Nobody that I have ever met who had a chronic disease, such as Lyme, has gotten well with only antibiotic treatment addressing simply the bacterial infection.

I can say that becauce I have met many of the chronically ill patients my doctor has treated over the years. Many came, not knowing the cause of their problems. Virtually every one after starting treatment of the most obvious problem started to then show Lyme, heavy metal and chemical toxicity, and most of the above that I mentioned. Often addressing one bad situation or lack of something brings forth the rest of them. It may take several years, but eventually many of the buried causes surface.

I am really very tired of this and I am sometimes wondering why any of you that are "getting better" and "improving" with what you are doing are still looking for something else?????? Examining why might be in order.

Take care.

(My husband is calling for the breakfast he fixed for us. Same time last New Year's Eve he was in the hospital unable to walk or navigate around the house from Lyme and dental infections, with the added pleasure of a ruptured appendix.

God willing, we will be celebrating his 80th birthday soon - in the best of health -- and only for the reasons I have been talking about for a very long time - on this board.) If you want to get well, give it some thought.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Skim-biz, I am sorry - I was celebrating the New Year. Hope it will be a good one for all.

If you have yeast in the blood, it is systemic and you need to really work on it.

Though some people cannot tolerate even one amalgam filling, with two you are way under the average adult's of 8. What is the alloy he put under your crown, and do you have other crowns? Mine all used to be over amalgam and by the time my crowns had to be removed, a good chunk of it had vaporized and moved elsewhere in my body - my brain for brainfog. I literally had some hollow spots under the crowns. So did my husband

If you tolerate what he put in, if your pulse has not gone up since you have the new crown, maybe you are okay. I do not know, I am not a dentist. Even if a dentist does not muscle or energy test, he could wrap a bit of the material into saran wrap, and put it in your mouth for a few minutes. Count your pulse before and a few minutes after.
If it rises, you know the type of material is not for you, it stresses your autonomics, and it will affect your health from thereon out as long as you have the material in your mouth. No, you do not get used to it over time.

However, many dentists are too toxic themselves from their exposure over time and clear thinking is not their forte any longer.

Usually biological dentists can test any of the materials and glues and before they are permanently affixed. Many people are incompatible with the dental materials and often that's the beginning of their misery. A good biological dentist will test you before. Once it is in, it is too late.

If your dentist does not know how to muscle test or EAV test or energy test you, find someone that does. Then you will know that what you have in your mouth is not giving your added problems. If your dentist does not do it, ask him for tiny amounts of the materials and find someone that can test you properly.

I have never heard of a heavy metals test where you take 4 days of metal extracting pills. Did you collect urine for four days, or did the first three days go down the toilet??? Blood test are inconclusive for heavy metals, because the metals do not live in the blood. Some may move through occasionally, but it is not the test to take to make sure.

Usually a DMPS 24 hour challenge (pill or injection) test is done. Starting immediately after the challenge, the urine is collected and very carefully closed up immediately in the container, because the mercury will immediately leave the container and instead of it going to the lab in the urine for testing, it's hanging somewhere in your bathroom. The container has to be carefully sealed, and when the 24 hours are up, the container has to be shaken up vigorously because the mercury tends to cling to the edges inside the container. After you shake it, then you immediately pour the amount needed for the lab into the vial and close it quickly.

Many urine tests are not done properly and people end up with a negative test while they are slowly succumbing to mercury or other metal toxicity.

We talk only mercury because that is the most common. Arsenic lead, aluminum are just as toxic, so is gold and palladium to some people. In fact, more people are allergic to gold than to mercury. Aluminum toxicity is treated differently. Many neuro symptoms, Parkinsons one of them, are also caused by alu.

Even if the urine collection was done properly (wish the doctors would instruct their patients....................), often tests come back negative. It can happen several times, even though the doctor feels via other testing and experience that the patient is likely to be toxic. Especially mercury is recognizable by an experienced doctor by a patient's demeanor, etc. I have learned to recognize them. They are usually the ones that call me for some advice and then start arguing with me about what I say........ Fun, fun.

A body that is deficient in certain minerals cannot release the toxic metals. Often they have to be brought into balance - and then all of a sudden the mercury appears when tested. Often some of other excess metals appear before the mercury really starts to show.

Your minerals indicated on the test should give your doctor an idea whether you have a metal problem or not. Doctor's Data shows the minerals. Usually, people with chronic exposure to mercury show low levels of sodim and calcium. The kidney loses sodium and filtrating is difficult.

Anyone with an emotional problem often is unable to release heavy metal toxins. Often when some unresolved emotional conflicts are dealt with (my doctor does it with ART in very brief sessions - a few minutes) the metals are able to move.

This is the reason I have always tried to stress to find a practitioner who knows how to deal with this. People saying--- removed my amalgams, nothing changed --- is often because of these mistakes or factors that were not addressed.

I find it difficult to recommend a yeast med. I am not a doctor. I can only tell from my own experience and from people around me. We all did great with Pharmax probiotics. They have the HLC Intensive - a 20g sachet with very high counts that you can do for a couple of weeks, and then move to the lower potencies. They also taste great. The Medicine Man in Seattle sells the Pharmax products at a discount.
We used many Pharmax products. Their fish oil is outstanding.

We also take EM, Efficient Microbes, inexpensive wonderful stuff, to heal and keep the gut healthy. We know that abx kills just about everything it can reach. It deserves its name. I have posted about EM several times.

So find yourself an experienced kinesiologist - a good one can be the ticket back to health, because you can avoid so many pitfalls, from incompatible meds and remedies to incompatible dental material, to incompatible foods, all of which can set you back if your body is not able to handle them at this time. Most the time we do not feel that. Some people call it herx while their body is trying to tell them something else, i.e. not the right medicine, not the right remedy. It also is much easier on the pocket book.

Take care.

P.S. Fungi store metals in their cell wall and help the body to keep the toxins in a biolgocally contained form. As we remove the metals from the fungi, the immune system starts to attack the fungi. Too much fungi is not good and too much metal is not good.


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Oxygenbabe, Am very familiar with Gary Gordon. He is a great product salesman.

"Ca- EDTA given as a l min. push 5-10 ml once a week. It was originally developed to remove calcium deposits, and was found some time ago to also be effective for mercury and other metals, including aluminum. The side effects are however so far underreported and can be serious - mostly because of redistribution of the metals.

The more conventional use of sodium EDTA over a two hour period was used to increase nitric oxide in the arteries causing vasodilation and increased perfusion of diceased heart muscle."

It is used less now and only with close watch. My husband was on it one time only, then stopped.

As for the rest of your comments, I cannot say it any better than the following publication by my doctor that appeared now long ago in 1998, why it is so difficult to remove the metals from the intracelluar space.

How Mercury Disrupts the Body

Once it has leached from the dental fillings and infiltrated the body, mercury becomes a neurotoxin, says Dr. Klinghardt. Strangely, a neurotoxin is a substance the nerve cells voluntarily absorb, even though it is poisonous.

They do this out of curiosity, Dr. Klinghardt explains. Nerve endings in the peripheral nervous system constantly scan their environment, engulfing foreign particles and bringing them across the cell membrane for inspection. ``The substances may then travel all the way up from the foot to the spinal cord and get presented to the nerve cells there.'' If the substance is judged to be harmful, the body tries to produce an antitoxin to neutralize it and eliminate it from the body.

But there are two problems here when it comes to mercury, Dr. Klinghardt cautions. ``As it travels up in the nerve, it destroys the body's mechanism and substance, called tubulin, for transporting substances in the nerves (breaking down the bridges behind it, as it were), and in effect, destroying the nerve. Second, the body has not yet learned how to make an ant-neurotoxin against mercury.''

Laboratory studies have shown that within 24 hours of injecting a minute dose of mercury into a muscle anywhere in the body (monkeys were used in the study), it would be present in the spinal cord and brain. The mercury was also present in the kidneys, lungs, bloodstream, connective tissue, and adrenal and other endocrine glands. In the brain, it tended to congregate in the hypothalamus, which regulates the sympathetic nervous system, and in the limbic system (associated with the brainstem), believed to be the organic seat of emotions.

While mercury levels slowly dissipate in a predictable amount of time from other body tissues and even from the teeth (in six weeks, its levels might be halved), mercury does not have a ``half-life'' in the nervous system or brain. Instead, it binds firmly to a specific chemical compound which happens to exist there in the body's highest concentrations.

``The main devastating effect of mercury in the nervous system is that it interferes with the energy production inside each cell,'' says Dr. Klinghardt. ``The nerve cell is impaired in its ability to detoxicy itself {and excrete the mercury} and in its ability to nurture itself. The cell becomes toxic and dies, or lives in a state of chronic malnutrition. A multitude of illnesses, usually associated with neurological symptoms, result''. Among these are chronic viral and fungal illnesses, recurrent episodes of bacterial infections, and chronic fatigue.

By a curious self-preservation reflex of the body, the emergence of these conditions can be viewed as a way of accommodating the heavy metal presence, speculates Dr. Klinghardt. ``Most, if not all chronic infectious diseases are not caused by a failure of the immune system, but are a conscious adaptation of the immune system to an otherwise lethal heavy metal environment.''

Mercury suffocates the cells and they die, so the immune system cultivates fungi and bacteria which are able to bind large amounts of the toxic metal in their respective cell walls, thereby enabling the patient's cells to breathe again. The downside, of course, is that the body must now feed these otherwise undesirable microbes and deal with their toxic waste. In addition, a person with mercury contamination often becomes zinc deficient and the functioning of copper and other minerals in the body will be compromised as well.

This perspective leads Dr. Klinghardt to the following strong statement: ``As soon as anybody has any type of medical illness or symptom, whether medical or emotional, the amalagam fillings should be removed and the mercury residue should be eliminated from the body, especially the brain.'' (Just removing the amalgam fillings is not enough. That is just the start in order to stop the source of contamination. The detoxing of all of the body has to follow to get improvement. Sometimes it takes months, sometimes it takes years before most of it is out of the body. Relief will come gradually as the toxic load is reduced. GG)

Neural therapy is useful in treating mercury-based problems in the nerve ganglia, says Dr. Klinghardt. Mercury, as a heavy metal (which means heavier than water) tends to accumulate in the lowest parts of the body, such as the floor of the mouth, the pelvic floor, and the feet. Pelvic symptoms in both men and women, ``are very commonly caused by metal toxicity of the Frankenhaeuser ganglia.''.

A mercury accumulation in this nerve plexus can account for premature ejaculation and an enlarged prostate in men, and endometriosis, pelvic pain, and hormonal dysfunction in women, Dr. Klinghardt says. Neural therapy ``cleans up'' this area by injecting the Frankenhaeuser ganglia (just above the pubic bone) with a local anesthetic.

``This opens up most of the ionic channels in the cell wall; the cell is then able to excrete a high number of its toxic components.'' This painless injection spurs the body to dump a large amount of mercury into the urine, Dr. KLINGHARDT SAYS.


Take care.

[This message has been edited by GiGi (edited 02 January 2005).]

Posted by BJG (Member # 4723) on :

Which candida extracts do you suggest and how to take them?

Thanks for your continued wisdom.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
BJB, Candida - I took Pharmax HLC Intensive, a powerful probiotic in powder sachets (30 billion viable cells per sachet) for a week or two when on antibiotics, followed by their less potent HLC High Potency powder. I kept all in the freezer to assure freshness. It is a good product manufactured with great care.

I did not like Nystatin and stopped taking it within a few days, and as my metal detoxing progressed to show results, I needed less and less probiotics. I never had a problem any longer with any candida when my metal problem was solved. But I must say that I did not have abx longer than 3-4 weeks at a time, followed by long-several months breaks before doing another round. EM mentioned above, I think, ( is a great remedy and everyone should take it. That is one that I still take very often. I also give it to our dog, --- and my plants love it.

Today I just keep some in the freezer and take a teaspoon full when I know I overdid sweets. Even my grandchild loves it.

The Medicine Man in Seattle sells the Pharmax brand at a discount. I used several of their products, especially their freeze-dried garlic, while I was still treating Lyme. Their fish oil is great and clean. Very important for red and white blood cells, improving microcirculation of the brain, heart and other tissues, protecting the brain from viral infections. But now I am getting into another thing.

Take care.

Posted by tailz (Member # 10014) on :
This explains why whenever I use goldenseal (for candida) I feel sick. My metals are being released? Is this why I react to bright lights, power lines, and even the sun? Is the sun killing my candida and in the process releasing metals?

I forget who said this, but I believe metals are behind candida, and to truly free yourself of Lyme, you need to get rid of metals whether they are too scary or not.

Also, keep in mind that metals testing with *normal* results only test what is in serum. It's about as accurate as an ELISA for Lyme.

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