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Posted by DeathtoLyme! (Member # 6677) on :
My 13 year old daughter was diagnosed with Lyme, Babesiosis and Mycoplasma Fermentans last April.
She has been on several different antibiotics since then (most recently Mepron and Zithromax) and overall she has made some progress.
However,she has been struggling all along with emotional problems (OCD, mood swings, depression, etc..) and we have seen little to no progress in this area.
We took her to see a well respected Lyme Specialist in CT and he thinks the Mycoplasma Fermentans was not treated properly and that this is causing much of my daughter's emotional distress.
He wants to put her on a combination of Bactrim and Rifampin to see if this will help her.
Has anyone had any luck with this combination of medications?
If yes, was it difficult on your stomach (my daughter has a very sensitive stomach)?
Thanks for your help.
Posted by Punkie (Member # 5402) on :
I got treated for severe mycoplasma within a week with 3 IV anti-microbial treatments at doctor's office recommended by another member of this site.

It made huge difference. Now I need to flush all the dead stuff out of me and try to kill LD.

It was very expensive, but short treatment with horrible side effects after the 1st IV.

E-mail me, if you want to know more.

Good luck!

Posted by DeathtoLyme! (Member # 6677) on :
Thanks so much.
I will send you an e-mail.
Posted by Mathias (Member # 5298) on :

I've never heard of either of those abx being used to treat a Mycoplasma Fermentans infections but I'm no doctor.

Fluoroquinlones (Levaquin, Cipro, etc.) are usually the best choice against that pathogen. They have bactericidal activity against it.

Mycoplasma Fermentans is definitely resistant to Zithromax.


Posted by Corgilla (Member # 4066) on :
Hi There,

Looky what I found in my notes:

"The recommended treatments for diagnosed mycoplasmal blood infections require long-term antibiotic therapy, usually multiple 6-week cycles of doxycycline (200-300 mg/day), ciprofloxacin (1,500 mg/day), azithromycin (500 mg/day) or clarithromycin (750-1,000 mg/day). Multiple cycles are required, because few patients recover after only a few cycles, possibly because of the intracellular locations of mycoplasmas like M. fermentans and M. penetrans, the slow-growing nature of these microorganisms and their ability to exhibit persistence as dormant forms and their relative drug sensitivities. For example, of 87 GWI patients that tested positive for mycoplasmal infections, all patients relapsed after the first 6-week cycle of antibiotic therapy, but after up to 6 cycles of therapy 69/87 patients recovered and returned to active duty."

This was found during my research when I found out I've got M. Fermentans. I can't say what study it's from. I don't remember.

I'll also say one thing that a LLMD told me. He said that Bb sheds their flagella (sp?) and some of the stuff that comes off looks exactly like Mycoplasma. Some people are being dx'd with mycoplasma and don't actually have it.

Oops. One more thing. Ketek is also being used for mycoplasma now.

Good Luck,


Posted by winsomme (Member # 5623) on :
you might want to also look into PANDAS.

i think it stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections.

it is an autoimmiune condition triggered by strep infections that results in things like OCD and Tourette's

i believe it is treated with antibiotics and IVIG.

it might be worth looking into.

if you want me to look up more info you let me know.

maybe try Google for "PANDAS, OCD" or "PANDAS, sterptococcus"


Posted by DeathtoLyme! (Member # 6677) on :
Thank you all for your comments and advice, they are appreciated!
Posted by Stephanie (Member # 5941) on :
I am on Biaxin for the Mycoplasma. I was on 4 wks Doxy prior to this for LD. Symptoms (twitching) are still here though.
Posted by Barrie (Member # 1796) on :
I have a fourteen year old daughter with lyme. She also goes to a well respected lyme dr in CT. She had mycoplasma also and was on Rifampin. I can't remember the other antibiotic she was on at the time, it may have been bactrim. But, it helped her. I remember she did get really sick for a week or so after starting it but, then back to "normal". It has been four years of misdiagnosis,three years of antibiotics, three different coinfections, several different combinations of meds and we have finally made some progress. Good luck1
Posted by Mathias (Member # 5298) on :
Corgilla can you clarify this statement for me:

"I'll also say one thing that a LLMD told me. He said that Bb sheds their flagella and some of the stuff that comes off looks exactly like Mycoplasma. Some people are being dx'd with mycoplasma and don't actually have it."

What are you saying? The Bb's flagella could be mistaken for DNA from a mycoplasma in a PCR test? I find that hard to believe. How are these mycoplasma infections being diagnosed?

Barrie, What strain of mycoplasma did she have? What other co-infections did she have? Rifampin is commonly used for bartonella.


Posted by Corgilla (Member # 4066) on :
Hi Mathias,

The only further thing I can remember the doc saying is that mycoplasma and the slough off of Bb look exactly the same. I'm not sure if he meant under a microscope or on a pcr dna test.

The comment was in response to my + pcr for m. fermentans. I'll have to ask more ?'s the next time I'm in there.

This doc tends to do a lot of lecturing during my appointments and I don't always get to follow up on all that is said.

Best wishes,


Posted by Mathias (Member # 5298) on :
Appreciate the clarification Corgilla!
Posted by Mathias (Member # 5298) on :
I've been checking whether or not Rifampin is indicated for treating mycoplasma infections.

So far I can only find that it is indicated for treating mycobacterium infections not mycoplasma infections.

Again, I'm no doctor.


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