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Posted by liz28 on :
Hi, everyone.

I'm just starting a new protocol, and would love to run it by the board to see if it's a good start. Thanks to all of you, I'm COMPLETELY convinced that co-infections are the root of chronic Lyme, and am excited that I may get rid of all these health issues soon.

If anyone thinks this protocol will absolutely not work, by all means, let me know:

biaxin 500/2x day


Posted by KrisKraft (Member # 4329) on :
Whoa, hold onto your reins partner! That's quite a protocol.

If I were you, I'd start out with the omnicef, biaxin 2xday only, and Mepron, all for a week, then add artemsia and flagyl the following week. My guess is that you'll herx to high heaven the first week, and you won't want to start the others until you've stabilized.

BTW, I think the Omnicef targets Bartonella, Art/Mepron targets Babesia, Biaxin hits Lyme and ehrilichia, and Flagyl gets the lyme cysts.


Posted by Foggy (Member # 1584) on :
Wow, bringing out the big guns are we? Are you having labs regularly, I hope?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I hope you have a strong constitution. As I was very Sensative, the Flagyl nearly killed me and then a year late, the Mepron made me go nuts. All of those together, Wow. But, that's just me. Make sure to eat well and drink tons of water.
Posted by tjtighe (Member # 4057) on :
I don't have Bartonella, Liz, but when I looked up Rifampin for my nasal staff infection, Rifampin was listed for both Erlichea and Bartonella. I took it for 11 days at a low dose and herxed like #$%@.


Posted by James H (Member # 6380) on :
I have the need to make a living, doing highly technical work at that. Medicating gently and giving the body all the help I can has allowed me to maintain that.

No way would I take all that stuff at once! I'd be bedridden from all of it, and probably living in a cardboard box under an overpass within a year!

Be prepared to get knocked flat unless you are unusually tough.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I would not recommend this type of protocol to my fiercest enemy. That on top of heavy metal detoxing is challenging the body, plus, in my opinion, is totally unnecessary.

Forcing the healing in this manner accomplishes nothing. The body heals when it is ready. One step at a time -- if we want to keep our eliminating organs functional. When they stop, everything stops.

Take care.

Posted by liz28 on :
Wow, you guys! To be honest, I burst out laughing when I read this, because you get so used to these off-the-wall abx combos, you forget what they look like to others.

Gigi, hi, it's nice to hear from you. I actually finished the DMSA detox a few months ago, or at least took a break, and it worked very well.

Okay, am bracing for the hurricane. At least you guys think it works! Thank you again.

Posted by mycoplasma1 (Member # 6377) on :

Are you still doing Dhonden's herbs?

I am on them and am curious how you did.

I am about to take my Mercury out and my Doc wants to do IV Rocephin after that as I am chronic and untreated thus far.

Funny, Dhonden said he didn't sense I had Lyme, but had something called "Hidden Fever" and a "Wind/Bile" disorder.

I've been on them for 7 weeks now and notice some extra energy and moments of clarity, but my stomach is going nuts and I have Candida IGA.

Anyway, I hope that combo works for you and wish you the best!


Posted by Foggy (Member # 1584) on :
Liz, did you have a follow up metals test after the DMSA? If so, how were your levels?

GiGis has a point. When it comes to abx, more is not always better.

I tried a very hefty abx protocol, became Neutropenic, and nearly wound up in the hospital. I had to see a Hematologist, it was not pretty. Be careful.

[This message has been edited by Foggy (edited 02 February 2005).]

Posted by liz28 on :
M.plasma--I stopped Dhonden's herbs after starting on babs/bart treatment. The herbs did work as a mild anti-inflammatory, but the co-infection treatments have replaced it. Though it would be great to support Dr. Dhonden, and I do eat the godawful diet he advises against (eggs, nuts, coffee, sugar, cheese--in short, the American table), the herbs just didn't seem to work on the Lyme and co-infs.

Foggy--I can't AFFORD the follow up test! But I still take NAC (sorry Gigi--everyone, please read Gigi's posts on this before trying it) to get rid of metals. If and when this co-infection treatment ends, I will have to go back and do the test.

When I had two silver fillings taken out, a relapse did follow. It sounds smart to treat it right away.

Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
If I could get on just ONE medicine I would be happy.

Uh... you gonna do that all, at the same time??

Posted by liz28 on :
CoL--What happened? Why can't you get abx?
Posted by minoucat (Member # 5175) on :
Hi Liz. I like KK's schedule for adding stuff in, 'cepting I'd do it slower, one med at a time. That approach has always worked for us.

Since you're out in the Real World and interacting with people, just wanted to warn you that the mepron/artemesinin made me amazingly cranky and I had a hair-trigger temper while I took it. Not like any other lyme rage I experienced, when I've been on a slow boil and very aware of my irritability. On mepron zith I'd be a perfectly normal person one second, and then Raging Bitch Queen the next. I said some truly horrid things to the hubby. Very unlike me.

Hope you can take some extra time off to rest up while you attempt to scale this particular Everest. Take good care of your liver.

Best of luck, let us know how it goes.

[This message has been edited by minoucat (edited 02 February 2005).]

Posted by liz28 on :
Oh, NOW you tell me about the cranky factor!

Alas, I've been on mepron for a while. I didn't turn into the Raging Bitch Queen, I turned into the Candidate for Continuous Intravenous Paxil, except that I don't take such things. That really explains a lot, good thing I'm still in grad school and have an excuse. But I'll still stop the mepron before meeting with any more hiring officers.

By the way, earlier this year, I had a conversation with a school dean. He said, "It's been a good year. Not too many attempted suicides this time." So you see, we Lymies may feel off the wall, but compared to the Real World, we may actually being doing okay.

Posted by minoucat (Member # 5175) on :
good thing I'm still in grad school and have an excuse.

So what do you tell them -- "Don't mind me, I'm on drugs?"

It's true, it's easy to forget that "normal" people....aren't. I wasn't, even when I was, if you know what I mean.

You're doing job interviews now? Eeeeek. Good luck, and make sure you don't have lipstick on your teeth. You could always use us lymenetters as a reference -- the words would be glowing, but I don't think the provenance would be particularly helpful....

Posted by lla2 (Member # 2364) on :
I know, but i still don't see anything that specifically targets bartonella according to guidelines???? maybe they know somehting new and i'm missing it....just want to make sure if your' going thoguh all this hell you're getting the bug you want to get which is bart along with the babs..right?


Posted by liz28 on :
Lisa, please please please write back and list the current treatments for bart! I've been going through dozens of posts on the search engine, and can safely say that the protocol changes every few months.

Also, you have tried many different abx--did you ever find a combination that worked for you?

Posted by lla2 (Member # 2364) on :
I thinkk the current protocols that I've been told by my llmd and dr. jones are:

zithro and rifampin
doxy or mino and rifampin
doxy or mono and levoquin
zithro and levoquin
a macrolide with cipro

now these are what they mention as working..I just called dr. jones office and asked them. They put my kids on zithro and rifampin and it eliminated bart in both my kids. it is what they currently use to treat bart in most of their kids. In their very young kids they use just zithro to start.

My daughter, who is away at college, just tested positve for mycoplasma fermentans at her last , final visit with dr. jones. THey just called me. He put her on septra and rifampin for 3 months..he says he 's had the most success with older kids with this combo for this...

I used zithro and rifampin for a month, and pulsed in levoquin adn would stop the rifampin for 10 days a month when I did this...I did htis for 2 motnhs(all i could take)..seems to have gotten it?????

I hope this helps.


[This message has been edited by lla2 (edited 03 February 2005).]

[This message has been edited by lla2 (edited 03 February 2005).]

Posted by liz28 on :
Lisa, thank you. I'm shocked, though, at how treatments have changed over the past year. It's great that your kids are doing better, and have an excellent LLMD.

Also, it sounds like the symptoms you were describing earlier this year have been eliminated with rifampin.


Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I can no longer take abx.

I went from being able to jam 4000 mg of amoxicillin into my body per DAY without absolutely any problem what so ever, not even diarrhea LOL. I would take it, and get my 28 to 31 day herx,

believe the world was ending, but coming out feeling a smidget better.

However, I got on a protocol that was switch, switch, switch. Ever since that time, I can no longer take antibiotics,

OR within a half hour of taking one ( and we tried doxy, ceftin, biaxin, clindamycin, rifampin, and a few others), I get deatlhy, deatlhy ill.

By the time the medicine wears out in my body, I feel SOO much better, but god forbid I take another pill, it starts all over.

So I went from almost completey recovered, feeling absolutely good, and getting my 28 day herxheimer reaction and improving

to NOW, if I take an antibiotic for 30 days, I am completely sick for 30 days.

It doesn't make sense to me and it really sucks. If I would take an antibiotic right now, come 930 AM, I would have head and neck pressure galore and be in bed being VERY VERYcranky.
I just got a new LLMD so we are going to try to work on uncovering the

"mystery as to why Jodie can no longer tolerate any abx".


Posted by Barngirl (Member # 6391) on :
I think your protocol is good for babesia and lyme.

Bartonella is usually treated with levaquin and doxy. I think Ketek is suppose to work on it too.

Posted by lla2 (Member # 2364) on :
ketek is the new zithro, so I can see why this would work, but I know dr. jones is still standing by zithro and rifampin for bart at this point, at least for kids..


Posted by virginia/anez (Member # 6450) on :
Dr. Jones is helping me.
He already treated me for ehrlichia,and babs.
I think he highly suspects I have bart.
I was negative for bart on Nov 2003 by MDL labs.
We sent blood again this week feb 2005 to MDL labs to see if bart comes up this time and if babs is cleared already.
THe combos have been good for me.
Biaxin XL, Plaquenil and Mepron for the 2 years. Doxy for ehrlichia at the beginning.Biaxin Xl was replaced by ketek months a go.Flagyl added not alll the time.
My memory after more than 4 years on treatment is becoming a mess and my eyes started to bother me on the last months too.
By coincidence I just read today at the eurolyme groups richard horowitz perception about bart and he mentioned memory and vision issues.
If thats true .... I should either come positive for bart or improve with bart treatment.... I love Dr. Jones but I still don't know what he wants to do. Sometimes I feel like running out of patience and start the bart treatment rightaway, but I know 100% that my duty is to give time to my Dr. to decide when we are ready for the next stage or co-infection!! He is the best he cured my 2 daughters and I will never get tire to let the people know!!
I've been blessed more than enough with my daughters treatment succes.
If I get cured would be and additional blessing.
If you want to know what happen with virginia/anez and bart please post asking specifically for virginia/anez. My memory is a mess I just dont remember which posts I just read or answered.
Posted by liz28 on :
Dear Virginia,

Thank you very much for sharing your insight and experience.

Even though you are having a tough time now, it sounds like you are in good hands. Dr. J seems to have a stellar reputation about Lymies.

Also, many people have listed listed new, cutting edge bart treatments in their recent posts and responses. So if you have suspicions that you have bart, maybe you could request these same abx from another doctor?

By the way, as you read through Lymenet, especially more recent posts, you may see (or may not, depending on your perspective) that you may not have to take treatment all that slowly. This whole "Lyme takes years and years to cure" theory looks more and more ridiculous these days, as co-infections are found to play a greater role. Don't let yourself suffer if you don't have to.

For everyone who responded so kindly to this panicked post, thank you. You are true lifesavers, and you've left even the LLMDs in the dust.

Posted by CaliLymer (Member # 6509) on :
HI Lymers,

I know I have asked this question before to someone of you, but here it goes again. Seems everyone has a different list of what bart symptoms are.

Questions: What symptoms does your LLMD and you attribute to Bart??


Posted by pattiecake (Member # 6424) on :
I have a classic bart rash. It went thru many stages and was horrendous. I watched the bart video posted on here (Dr. Freid)from the philly conference and it sounded like it exactly, and then when we took our children to Dr. J he confirmed bart when he saw it. It started out a round purple rash, then looked like stretch marks along up my shins, then looked like bug bites, then eczema, sometimes I has 2-3 ring worm looking patches, at times looked like poison ivy and now it lookes like little pin pricks and all the time it ITCHED ITCHED ITCHED till i drew blood. At its worst it was covering 70% of my body. I have not heard anyone else having it this bad but a few have mentioned having something similar. It all started a month after I got 2 tick bites in one day.
My doctor has me on zyth and doxy and it sounds like maybe it isnt the right combo. It has gone away about 85% but the last bit wont go. I will have to talk to my dr. again and possibly Dr. J when we go back in March.
Posted by liz28 on :
Splitting sinus headache and neckache
Blood seeping through my nose
Throat swollen from base of neck to back of ears
Scritchy eyes
Low grade fever
Short fuse
Gradually reduced cognitive ability--you won't notice how much you've lost until you get it back

By the way, I'm already done with this regimen. The flagyl worked brilliantly, especially when combined with mepron, and the biaxin was a dud.

Going to LLMD next week, will pitch levaquin/doxy.
Chronic Lyme


Posted by pattiecake (Member # 6424) on :
i guess i was off on a tangent about my rash and forgot to mention my other symptoms:
I also had,
short fuse
no short term memory to speak of
scratchy eyes also
one gland in my throat/neck would swell and recede constantly
Posted by virginia/anez (Member # 6450) on :
Definetely scratchy or itchy eyes!!!

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