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Posted by kare (Member # 5041) on :
I've been on IV Rocephin for 3 weeks now. I don't really feel any improvement at this point - I know everyone is different but how long until most saw improvement? I'm doing the IV push rocephin.
Posted by NP40 (Member # 6711) on :
Originally posted by kare:
I've been on IV Rocephin for 3 weeks now. I don't really feel any improvement at this point - I know everyone is different but how long until most saw improvement? I'm doing the IV push rocephin.

Hi kare, everybody's different, so treatment will vary. Probably, the biggest determining factor is how long you've had lyme.

My son didn't notice any difference on IV rocephin until about the 8th week. Doc was trying to get his bacterial load down, so he felt a little better.

Of course, he feels rotten again because he's started mepron, and he's stirring up the babs.

If on rocephin for an extended period, make sure you have a gall bladder ultrasound ocassionally, as it can become sludgey, or stones.


Posted by IBelieve (Member # 6834) on :
I started to feel better within days, but I know everyone is different. The company that set me up told me that most people who are going to experience improvement, do so rather quickly.
Don't be discouraged, your body might just need more time and TLC.
Are you taking probiotics too?
Posted by beachcomber (Member # 5320) on :
It took me five weeks to turn the corner with IV Rocephin. After that I felt pretty good while on it. It was one of the meds that really got me to a better place. I do think it is a tough one to handle, though.

Posted by loverell on :
why is it a tough one to handle? i only had lyme 2 months before starting meds now i do iv rocephin, only for 2 weeks, think it will help any?


Posted by smiley1954 (Member # 7031) on :
Yeah give it some time. This is Lisa's third time with rocephrin IV treatment. The last two times vancomycin was added with it. She is doing great. The treatment she gets is 56 days and this time it is 90 days. I've been told it sometimes can take up to a Year AFTER off treatment to get the full affect of the treatment. But I have witnessed it firsthand with my daughter and it works, so hang in there.
Posted by loverell on :
does your daughter get any bad side affects from rocephin? also what is vancomycin? did your daughter have lyme a long time before getting a dx? thanks, i am really new at all this.


Posted by beachcomber (Member # 5320) on :
To answer you question: It was tough to handle for me because I did not understand how horrific a herxheimer reaction could be. I was a newbie to Lyme tx.

About 3-1/2 weeks into IV Roceph. I was halucinating, walking into walls, and my heart was racing like it would come right though my chest. I honestly thought death was iminent.

I should add that I was pretty positive for Bb so I had a lot of bugs to kill. The Rocephin hit me pretty hard and the die-off was almost unbearable for me. I had to take 2 weeks off from work. But, about week 5 I started to feel pretty good.


Posted by loverell on :
how long did you have lyme, i have only had it for 2 months and my doc will only do 2 wks of the iv. which is ok with me.


Posted by marblenose (Member # 6477) on :
Apparently I have had Lyme for over 10 yrs. b4 diagnosis. I have been on Roc IV since Dec.7 2004. I am still in bad shape. I have hope and faith in my doc, so I go with it.
Good luck.
Posted by beachcomber (Member # 5320) on :
I had Lyme, for sure, for 8 months prior to proper diagnosis. But, am quite sure I was first infected in 1990. The Doc I saw then said the rash was a black fly bite and gave me some cortisone cream. A few weeks later I could not walk up the stairs. But, my test was not "positive enough" to warrant the Doc to prescribe treatment for Lyme. I did years of physical therapy and some cortisone injections for joint pain. None of that worked.

I was bitten again in Spring of 2002. Again, my MD (at the time) brushed it off for too long, suggesting it was menopause or psychogenic symptoms. One MD asked me if I was a hypochondriac, given my history. I almost decked him. He is the MD who treats me now. I guess the Lyme rage I exhibited convinced him I was not making this s....t up.

So, I guess I have had it for 15 years. My tests were very positive, BTW.


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