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Posted by fish (Member # 4096) on :
I am in pain - it started last night during my 5 hour trip to my LLMD appt. This morning at my appointment, my LLMD said it was my gallbladder and I decided to chance it and drive back home with the pain and hope I make it. I made it!

Only in the last half hour was the pain pretty bad. Getting worse. I am having an ultrasound at 6:45 at the hospital and I probably will have to have surgery. I am now running a fever. Well, I am scared and bummed out -- I just started a part time waitressing job this week. I don't know what to expect...recovery time and such.

I probably wont be checking in till I get home, whenever that will be but I just was hoping for some reassurances from anyone who's had it removed before....

I am a coward, please say a prayer for me you great group of people!


Posted by arg82 (Member # 161) on :
Hi Leslie,

Sorry to hear about this. I developed gallstones in 2002 after 4 months of IV Rocephin. I wound up in the ER with a really bad attack that just wouldn't subside on its own and I was admitted and had my gallbladder out in November 2002. The surgery was pretty easy - laporoscopic (sp?) so there were only four small incisions. The recovery time was relatively quick, too. I was discharged the day after the surgery and it took a few weeks for me to be fully recovered but it wasn't that bad.

Hopefully you won't have to have it out, but if you do I'm sure you'll do fine with it!



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Posted by laserred (Member # 6796) on :
Awwwwww Leslie....I'm sorry to hear you're feeling bad again....and you were doing so good, and working again, too. You'll be back on your feet in no time.

There is down time involved, so make sure you listen to the docs and don't do to they will instruct you.

My friend just had his gallbladder out last week, and he's glad he did. He said the worst part was the fretting over it before hand. He has four small incisions and said he couldn't believe how smooth it went.

So, good luck to you and let us know how you're doing.

Thanks for posting,

Posted by fish (Member # 4096) on :
Hi annie and laserred,

Thanks for taking the time to reassure me on this, makes me feel in good company, as rotten as this is.

UPDATE: I am home from the ultrasound and not happy about the hospital visit at all.

The abdominal ultrasound found nothing abnormal! With the pains and discomfort I'm in I was shocked. I feel so helpless. I am supposed to call my family doc if I need to. (?) I feel so defeated!!!! I am scared to be home but I hate our ER! Now I don't know what is wrong! Do these symptoms ring a bell with you all?

Obvious upper abdominal bloating

Pinching type pain that come on quick and end quick, just under the right ribcage

Low-grade fever and malaise

Tenderness when Dr. J. pressed on my gallbladder

Feels like someone is "squeezing" something inside of me in that area. Not letting up..

Started an hour after a dinner of 1 slice of pizza and coffee.

Got worse an hour after breakfast of banana and peanutbutter on toast this morning.

I am hungry and afraid to eat. I just drove 10 hours round trip in pain and I'm tired on top of it all. I don't want to be at home and have it get worse.

I always feel like hospital people dont believe me and I bet my reg. doctor wont either.

Anyone else had a "negative" ultrasound but went on to find out it was really your gallbladder?

Thanks again for sharing everyone.


Posted by Ticktoxic (Member # 6876) on :
So sorry to hear this Leslie.

My mom had hers out with no problems. She had a very quick recovery. These days gallbladder removal is very easy.

Do you think that it was from your current meds? I am curious to know what you been taking?

Posted by fish (Member # 4096) on :
hi Ticktoxic, Glad your mom's was easy. Great to hear.

I have never been on IV abx. For me it was 20 months of orals or combinations or orals. Never more than 2 at a time. I've never had problems at all with meds. I've been on the basics: Doxy, Amoxicillan, Vantin, Flagyl, Biaxin, Plaquenil, Levaquin. I am not very overweight. Just a little. I don't have problems with yeast. This came on suddenly

I wish I could search past posts...

Posted by ArtnSoul (Member # 4561) on :
In Sept. 2003, I had an attack of pain that was so bad that my friends ended up calling an ambulance when I was at the bowling alley with them.

I spent 11 hours in the emergency room, I had so much pain I even had seizures (very scary). At the time they thought I had a kidney infection. Gave me abx and sent me home. My liver enzymes were elevated too.

Well, the next day I was in severe pain again, this time in the area of my gallbladder. Went to my doc. he examined me and sent me to get an ultrasound of my gallbladder - he was positive that was it.

He was sure I'd have to have it removed. The test came back negative! They couldn't find anything wrong.

All this happened the same week I had my first visit to my LLMD and got my lyme diagnosis. Looking back, I guess it was lyme related.


Posted by arg82 (Member # 161) on :
Sorry you couldn't get any help at the ER. Some ERs can be terrible. When I had my GB trouble the ultrasound showed obvious stones so it was pretty easy to diagnose it.

The symptoms you describe could very possibly be because of GB problems. Especially because it seems to come on after eating fatty foods. I'd say get in touch with your PCP and have some more tests done. Did you get any treatment at the hospital or would they not give you any pain meds without knowing the cause?

I know GB pain is one of the worst pains in the world - I've heard it described as worse than childbirth!

Hope you can figure this out soon!



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Posted by fish (Member # 4096) on :
Hi Artnsoul, What you described, in the back of my mind that's what I'm also afraid of. (lyme-related). I have been just hoping SOMETHING about my health would be routine like gallbladder problems show up on ultrasound, surgery, and done! Sorry for your experience...

Hi Annie, I actually havent been to the ER yet. Just went to the radiology dept in the hospital right after arriving back in my town.

This afternoon I called my family doc from the car and set up an ultrasound thru the office staff, without being seen, based on how I described my pains. My LLMD was absolutely certain this morning that I was having gallbladder problems. I wasnt expecting the neg. ultrasound.

Because of the late hour, my reg. family doc wont even see the results till tomorrow. Then I'll call and say what the heck is wrong in there?? I just anticipate him saying "sorry" end of the line. I admit I have "baggage" thanks to so many doctors missing my lyme disease and thinking I was a luney bird.

Im glad you described the level of pain. I didnt know it could be that bad. If it is my gallbladder then I must be pretty mild still because the worst only made me grimmace off and on today. I am feeling a bit better but still really distended and feel pressure inside that area with mild pain. I am afraid of the childbirth pain...been there done that (twice!)

I just ate cheese, bread and a banana just to see what will happen. I'm heading off to bed. You all make me feel not so scared

Love, Leslie


Posted by lla2 (Member # 2364) on :
I had my gallbladder out laprascopically 3 weeks was day surgery..i was out of the hospital in 3 hours, up and about the next day, just a little sore, and back to work in 7 days..very easy recovery, and mine was loaded with stones..

it's an easy procedure now..I was only under for about 45 minutes..the toughest part was the next day getting rid of all the gas they fiill you with to blow up your insides so they can see...the pain goes into your shoulder etc..but other than that, it's easy..motrin even took care of the pain for me...

good luck with it...i'll keep you in my prayers.
I had only had orals iv's two years of orals

Posted by arg82 (Member # 161) on :
Originally posted by fish:
You all make me feel not so scared

Glad we could help! And I'm glad to hear that your pain level isn't that bad. Even if you don't have stones, your GB could still be having trouble. There are other tests that can be done to check for that. Try to get your PCP to order some more tests and not just brush you off. Obviously something isn't right. Did you have your liver function (LFTs) checked? Just a thought.

Let us know how things go with your PCP.



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Posted by Annette5 (Member # 4717) on :
I had my gall bladder out a few years back. I suffered attacks everyday, PCP said Oh I think you have a hyaterl (sp) hernia I was like ok. after 2 years of servere pain I went to a specialist had it out 3 days later it was nothing I recovered and was back to work 1 day later.

And I work at a warehouse and moved heavy items... I know when I woke up from surgery I was feeling great, after I woke up....


Posted by laserred (Member # 6796) on :
Leslie....Here's something that maybe of some interest and help.....assuming it could still be your gallbladder...if you want more info, do a Google search for 'Gallbladder Sludge'

Good luck....Hope things go OK and you find answers to your pain.

Gallbladder disease can occur without stones (called acalculous gallbladder disease). It can be acute or chronic.
Acute acalculous gallbladder disease usually occurs in patients who are very ill from other disorders. In such cases, inflammation occurs in the gallbladder, usually from a diminished blood supply or an impairment in the ability of the gallbladder to contract.

Chronic acalculous gallbladder disease (also called biliary dyskinesia) appears to be caused by defects in the gallbladder that impair its ability to contract and release bile.
Diagnosing Chronic Acalculous Gallbladder Disease
Chronic acalculous gallbladder disease is usually diagnosed when a patient complains of gallbladder symptoms but there is no radiologic evidence of stones. (More than half of patients initially diagnosed with this disease however, are eventually shown to have small stones or gallbladder sludge.) The patient is given the hormone cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK), which induces gallbladder contraction, followed by a radioisotope scan that determines if the gallbladder is emptying correctly. If the gallbladder demonstrates difficulty releasing bile, doctors usually consider the diagnosis confirmed.
Treatment for Chronic Acalculous Gallbladder Disease
Most patients (75% to 90%) diagnosed with chronic acalculous gallbladder disease [ see above ] are relieved of their symptoms by cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder). [ See What Are the Surgical Procedures for Gallstones and Gallbladder Disease?, below.] More than half of patients are subsequently shown to have small stones or gallbladder sludge that was not visible on their ultrasounds. A 2001 study indicates that a muscle defect might be the cause of the disease in patients who do not have stones or sludge.


Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
My thoughts exactly, laser! Sludge that's not detectable on the ultrasound. Could make the bile duct spasm.

I was supposed to have my gallbladder out last January ['04] and escaped! I took Actigall for 3 months and that cleared alot of my pain.

Soon after that, I found the mangosteen juice and it removed the rest of the inflammation I had in the gallbladder. Still have the ole rotten thing!

There is a test for gallbladder function. It's called a hida scan.

The food you ate right before your attack would be classic as far as precipitating an attack. Caffeine and fats. Steer clear for now!

Hope you are feeling better soon and can get this figured out. Sounds like gallbladder to me. [I am not a dr, but oughta be ]



Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Hey fish! How ya doin'??
Posted by fish (Member # 4096) on :
wow, I'm am so grateful for the information here!

I am going to my family doctor in an hour, still having dull pain and pressure. But my regular primary called in sick so I am seeing his new associate whom I've never met..Wish me luck!

Lymetoo, Annette and laserred, I am so glad to know that there are other things that can be done diagnostically when an ultrasound is neg. Especially helpful was the article on problems without stones..thanks laser. I'm glad I have this knowledge before my appointment.

When I wrote in last evening I was so upset that it was the end of the road for me, thanx to the neg I have hope I wont fall thru the cracks again like I did with lyme diagnosis. Makes me an "information freak" and I was feeling vulnerable not knowing a thing about gallbladder stuff.

Yes, I've been hearing about cheese being rough and bringing on attacks...thanks Sbaros have some mighty greasy pizza there! Not good for ya, even with a good gallbladder!

Thanks to you all. Especially for caring

I'll update when I get back


Posted by ShelleyA (Member # 49) on :
Hey Fish...........

I suffered with gallbladder attacks and discomfort (with or without eating) for ten years. Lots of ultrasounds etc............finally I was sent to a surgeon..........still nothing on tests.......but...........he agreed to take it out. Well, it was inflamed.......doc said he'd come across a few other people with the same problem.

Good luck and let us know how the doc appt. goes.

Guess you just have to keep bugging the doc with the took me about four complaints before I was referred. Course I had complained for 8 yrs. to another doc..............

Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
An abdominal ultrasound does not rule out lack of gallstones.

Id find a new GI doctor, fast.

~Gallbladderless COL
NEGATIVE ultrasound
POSTIVE Xray for 7 LARGE stones

Posted by Mo (Member # 2863) on :
Hi Fish..

Good luck today!

I wanted to note, that if you are comfortable with alternative therapies,
or have an ND or someone who would be a contact person if you are not comfortable..

There is a classic time tested way to cleanse stones from the Gall Bladder
by eating on a certain food scheduale for a day..
and drinking olive oil/fresh grapefuit juice, and also Magnesium sulfate..ect..
that works very well to clear stones, sludge, cleanse liver, ect.

Not sure if you are interested in any ideas like this..
but if so..I will post a few references.
There is also a five day cleanse where you have a version of this drink every morning. wuld have to research it so you know
the particulars.

Fresh apple juice, drunk liberally, also clears the area, but on a much slower scale.

The GB cleanses actually can produce hundreds of stones the following morning

I know of people who have stopped attacks this way, and others who just wanted to cleanse it, and produced lots of stones even though they didn't have any "symptoms".

Just an idea..

All the best..


[This message has been edited by Mo (edited 07 April 2005).]

Posted by fish (Member # 4096) on :
Hi I'm back from my general doc. visit.

Good news! She took me seriously! I have a surgery consult tomorrow morning. And, am to schedule a Hida scan (good call Lymetoo!).

The doctor is speculating biliary colic since no stones were seen. Jodie, that was interesting to me that you had a neg. ultrasound but stones. In my appt. she even said this happens sometimes. Youre right.

She suggested the surgery consult because having it out, no matter what the exact cause, sounds to her like the way to go. I am glad. I've gotten worse again and can tolerate no food at all. I had some applesause a few hours ago and now I feel extremely distended in the upper abdominal area and steady dull pain again. Least it's not worse.

Hey Annie, I had bloodwork done today too and it was to check liver function, and other stuff to get a good picture of the problem. Yeah! After your post I was hoping the Doc would order bloodwork.

I'm glad to be getting the impression from all of you that gallbladder problems happen quite a bit and it's fixable.

The new doctor didnt write me off as a quack (since I've been treated for lyme for almost 2 years) and she actually was quite interested in hearing about it.

Shelly, I'm sorry you were not taken seriously for so long...Glad you feel better in that area.

Hey Mo, yes, I'm interested in your "recipes". Although it looks like I'm getting the dratted thing out (and I want it out). I won't be trying anything new for a bit.

But, I was beginning to investigate liver flushes, etc. before all this happened this week. I am down to 1 abx now and thinking about this stuff. I imagine my liver needs some housekeeping! Can I do these flushes without a gallbladder? Thanks in advance for the links or info.

I'll be on again after my surg. consult tomorrow to update. Thanks for the interest guys.


Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Experience is a great teacher, huh!? That's why we're all so useful to each other. One person's experience can go a long way.

I'm glad you got somewhere with this associate. She sounds like a keeper!

Hope you begin feeling better soon!



Posted by laserred (Member # 6796) on :

Glad you got some answers, That's always a relief in it's self and it looks like things are moving forward for you.

Hope you feel better real soon so you can get back to that new job!

Do let us know how things go.
Take care,

Posted by Nal (Member # 6801) on :
Im glad to hear you got some good anwers for a change!! I have to ask, what are symptoms of gallbladder problems?


Posted by PinchotGail (Member # 5066) on :
Hi Leslie,
As one of your "neighbors" I'm so sad to hear this! You poor thing!!!!!!!!

Boy lots of good info. from everyone! ...I have heard that not all stones are visible. And now sludge to to be considered.

I've been plagued with this same type of pain periodically over the past 10 years and nothing ever shows up on my ultrasound so I get sent home. Once I had a fever and elevated white count so they admitted me and were going to do exploratory surgery in the a.m. By 5:30 a.m. by white blood count was normal so I got booted & the pain was gone. But I was told you had gasstroenteritis-
yeah right!!!!!!!!

Keep us posted o.k.?!! If you need anything shoot me an email would be happy to help you out in any way!!


Posted by zing (Member # 7124) on :
Hi Leslie
sorry your in pain I'm sure you have had enough of that to last a lifetime.

Had my GB out 5 yrs ago. Most people don't have Problems with the surgery.

I have to tell you !! I saw a dr. and am on abx .Thanks again for your help.

Good luck today I'll Keep you in my prayers


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