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Posted by Seton (Member # 267) on :
I'm at the end of my rope.
I've had the pain many of you are familiar with for 2 years now. It's on the right side, under the ribs, radiates to the back. Sometimes it's burning, sometimes it justt aches. I get chills when it's bad, feel weak, etc.
I've had ultrasounds and a HIDA Scan...they show nothing. It's worse when I eat anything with any fat. As a result, I don't eat much and now at 5"7, weigh about 110.
My LLMD really feels it's my gallbladder. She said she's had other patients with the same symptoms, tests reveal nothing and iltimately the gallbladder was removed and was very infected.
She reccommmended 2 gastrointerologists who know Lyme, but neither are in my plan.
So now I'm off to see the one I've seen before. How do I convince him this may be my gall bladder??
Posted by Mo (Member # 2863) on :
Well..seems like you already know it's your gall bladder..there is an option to convincing the Docs..

If you have any interest in clearing stones from your liver and gall bladder at home, with a GB/Liver flush..

Search "Gall bladder flush"..
there are several forums addressing this, curezone is one, and with some sets of instructions for the flush on the site.

You can clear almost all your stones by doing three flushes, CORRECTLY..
which each take a weekend. When done properly, with proper preparation and follow through, you can clear the symptoms and keep your gall bladder.

Stones won't show on ultrasound oftentimes, neither will conjestion..which can easily be missed by all tests.

These organs are the hub of toxin elimination and maintaining good digestion.
Chronic disease, medications, infection, ect
effect both these organs heavily. get the bowel clear, so the sludge and stones have a way out, or you would feel very sick from the toxins.
But ..honestly, you'd have to read and follow a plan carefully yourself. It's not something that can be simply printed and followed as an outline.
This is a well established alternative practice.

It has to be someone's choice to spend some time learning about clearing the sysyem, and keeping it clear.


Posted by Monica (Member # 224) on :
I am surprised that the sonogram didn't show anything although I have heard of that happening.

After 2 1/2 months of Rocephin my sonogram showed stones. I had already had one bad attack and didn't want more. Opted to have it removed. It didn't just have stones; it was diseased. Very possibly the Rocephin just pushed it over the edge.

I would vote to have it removed, but it is your body and your decision. I know what happens when the gallbladder ruptures and it can cause a lot more trouble than anyone should have.

Posted by Kara Tyson (Member # 939) on :
There is a common misconception that gallbladder problems always come with stones. That is not true.

I had gallbladder disease. One day my gallbladder just burst. It was emergency surgery. And I wouldnt recommend it.

So far as how to convince a Dr...I dont know except to insist on exploratory surgery. Not an ultrasound. They need to actually take a look.

Posted by Areneli (Member # 6740) on :
You may use a contrast exam - ask your doctors. Ultrasound exam is not going to pick up all types of stone.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Posted by Seton (Member # 267) on :
I'm having an upper endoscopy done tomorrow.
We'll see what that shows.

Thanks for your responses. I've tried a lot of holistic treatments over the years. I've met with some success. At this point, if it's the gallbladder, I just want it out. After more than 20 years of this, I'd love to hear a doctor say tell me I have something that can be fixed. Enough of the chronic pain ..........

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