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Posted by Beth25 (Member # 6270) on :
I'm wondering that since there IS a link between Endo and Fibromyalgia if there also be a link with Lyme? Sounds logical to me with the Lyme/Fibromyalgia link.

Also, Docs are recommending Lupron - anyone here use it?

Thanks, Beth

Posted by Lyma Bean (Member # 1914) on :
Hi Beth25!

My LLMD feels that lyme can definitely cause endo. It did for me. I don't know anything about Lupron, as I had a hysterectomy at the ripe old age of 32.

Take Care.....Terri

Posted by ArtnSoul (Member # 4561) on :
I had endometriosis before I got my lyme diagnosis (but, as it turns out, I had lyme almost all of my life). I had surgery to remove the endometriosis through cauterization.

I definitely believe that there is a connection - my 18 year old daughter also has endometriosis. She has congenital lyme.

The doc suggested lupron for her, after her surgery - but we opted for continuous birth control pills instead.

Posted by jbgoth (Member # 5567) on :
I have severe endometriosis and late stage lyme.

I feel there is a connection.

I have had 4 surgeries for endo. I would not try Lupron. It can cause major side effects.

Good luck to you,




Posted by swissmoeka (Member # 1577) on :
I believe there is a connection.

I was Diagnosed with Fibro. and CFS in 1993 after a bad fall and in ? 1994 -95 I believe it was, I was told I was full of adhesions, after having ruptured cysts on my ovary and had to have a hyterectomy sp? (in my mid 30's.)

I have now found out my LLMD believes I've had lyme disease long before 1993 and that fall triggered the symptoms and I got reinfected again. Along with another trama after that reinfection, I wonder how I'm even alive.

I was never an ill person before this fall. When I look back, my whole body fell apart after this trama and have never been the same.
I've been treating for 3 years now and have improved but not out of the woods yet.

if there also could be a link with Lyme?
OH,I'm thinking so,But thats just my opinion.

Posted by janet thomas (Member # 7122) on :
My teenage daughter has very bad cramps for 3-5 days with her period-any connection to Lyme-ideas, ladies?
Posted by swissmoeka (Member # 1577) on :

Could you tell us more about the 4 surgerys you had.

I've only had one surgery,well two if you count the laproscopy, (they said they couldn't see anything I was too full of adhesions, they would have to cut me open) but often wondered if this could have come back.

What symptoms have you had? and what have the Drs. done for you? Was it worth going through?

Thanks so much, if you wouldn't mind sharing if you would rather my email me directly my address is [email protected]

[This message has been edited by swissmoeka (edited 22 April 2005).]

Posted by Sus on :
Hope I'm posting this right - I'm new here.

I'm new to lyme, but not to endo! My doc thinks I've had lyme basically my whole life, and that it caused my endo, but she is not an llmd, and I don't know the answer to that.

I have used Lupron - in '99 (after multiple surgeries, and traditional and alternative treatments).

My experience was not good. I had debilitating side effects - but I did stick out the entire 6 months of treatment, hoping for relief. Some of these side effects are still with me, unfortunately.

Immediately following my last month of treatment, my symptoms resumed worse than ever. I was almost bedridden for 5 mos, until I had another lap, and finally a hysterectomy (I was 28).

If I were you, I would research this thoroughly and weigh the pros and cons carefully. I would also monitor my progress closely, and stop treatment immediately if I felt it necessary.

Talk to everyone you can about this! You're welcome to email me privately, if you'd like.

Posted by snowboarder (Member # 6346) on :
Hello Beth,

I was diagnosed with endometriosis after a late term misscariage in 1994..long before my lyme diagnosis. My advice would be not to touch Lupron with a 10 foot pole...bad stuff. There's a class action lawsuit going on right now.

Due to taking Lupron for so many years, I developed osteoporosis. What really helped me was acupuncture, herbs and taking hormones my LLMD perscribed. After a very
comprehensive 24 hour urine panel I found out most of my hormones are low.

I've had 4 laparosscopies just like Jordan and I have less pain now then I've had since being diagnosed.

If the doc trys to talk you into doing a hysterectomy find a new doc. Many people I know have done hysterectomies only to have pain return.

Take care and best of luck!

Feel free to email me if you need more information.


Posted by jbgoth (Member # 5567) on :

Endometriosis is a terrible disease. My last surgery was a year and almost 3 months ago. I was pain FREE for 8 months, but, the endo is back. My periods are TERRIBLE again.

I saw a specialist in Atlanta who did "excision" surgery, which means the disease was "cut out", and not lasered off. He did a laparoscopy.

My first surgery was supposed to be just diagnostic, but my GYN "lasered off" the disease he saw when he opened me up. He said i was covered in it.

Believe it or not, i became worse after that surgery. It left me with a ton of adhesions which caused a lot of pain.

You need to be very careful and find a endometriosis specialist if you decided to have surgery.

If you have surgery with a specialist who knows how to excise endo, you have an 80% chance to be pain free for at least two years.

Your odds are either increased or decreased depending on your health and how much disease you have, and also its location.

I had/have endometriosis on my intestines. You have to remove all of the disease to get some kind of pain relief. I also had endo on my bladder and i lost one ovary because it was too damaged to keep.

I wish i had some good advice to give you.

As someone else wrote, STAY AWAY FROM LUPRON. Bad drug. I never took it but i have heard too many stories.

You can e-mail me anytime if you have any questions, or just want to talk.

Good luck to you,




Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I strongly believe there is a connection. I've had Lyme most of my life. I began having painful periods when I was 19. Before that, my periods were always irregular.

I finally had a complete hysterectomy when I was 39. I also had fibroid tumors. My abdomen was a mess. I saw the "video" from my laparoscopy.

I'm doing fine now....I'm hoping I don't have adhesions all over the place...but who knows?

Is Lupron one of those immune-suppressing drugs?



Posted by Karrie (Member # 4305) on :
I have not been on this site for awhile..I have felt better. When I stopped in and saw this post, I couldn't believe it. I have always wondered why I had a hysterectomy at the age of 33. Now I think I understand. I tested positive for Lyme two years ago...Some of you may remember! I just wish there were more people who understood the disease....
Take care all...
Posted by jbgoth (Member # 5567) on :
I have a question for everyone who has had a hysterectomy.

Did you have your ovaries taken out? If so, how did you handle menopause at such an early age?

I guess im not that young anymore, since im 37, to worry about getting one.

However, even if you do get a hyst, your endo can still come back.

For instance, i have endo on my bladder and intestines. If the surgeon does not get ALL of it, i can still have problems in the future.





Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
The menopause was non-existent for me. You immediately go on HRT and I never had a hot flash until 2 yrs ago when I switched to "bio-identical hormones" in cream form.

I finally went back on the real stuff. I realize there's some risk, but I got really tired of the constant hot flashes.

and yes, I realize the endometriosis can come back. So far, so good over here!



Posted by Mo (Member # 2863) on :
The past few months I've been doing herbal reproductive system "toning"..
primarily with Sarsparilla root..
and ..I had a huge mass come during my period
a while ago.
We're talking huge. Nothing hurt, it just fell out..rather shocking.

Since then, my periods have been short and painless. Leading up to that, I had incresed pain.

I think I had the beginnings of, or perhaps more advanced than I realize..endo or something similar.

Many other countries use this root as a reproductive tonic.

I had no idea I had this stuff in there..I haven't been keeping up with the gyno since Lyme..
but did have a distended uterus and pain around menstruation..and don't anymore.

Maybe I'll have the gyno have a looksee.
I dread being pryed open with that tool, tho.
I'm not always such a good patient


[This message has been edited by Mo (edited 24 April 2005).]

Posted by gwenb (Member # 7217) on :
I have endometriosis also - severely. And I have multiple symptoms of LD although I have not been officially diagnosed yet.


Posted by janet thomas (Member # 7122) on :
Lymetoo- I know a LOT about HRT. Bio-identical creams are made in many different formulations. Sounds like yours didn't have enough estradiol. Did you use one with tri-est? That won't be effective, it's estradiol (E2) that we need. Premarin and Provera are bad news. Patches like Vivelle-Dot and Climara have bio-identical estradiol and come in different strengths, bigger one has more E2. I use the largest size of Vivelle-Dot, my personal favorite.

Bio-identical progesterone is commercially available either as Prometrium which is oral or Prochieve 4 % cream which is applied in the vagina. I use Prochieve 4% on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 of the month. IMO, it is best to use progesterone cyclically , every month, to mimic a natural menstrual cycle, not continously as some use it.

Also, IMO oral HRT is not advisable. Too many changes to the hormones in the gut. Also been shown to raise CRP levels, a risk factor for heart disease. Transdermal HRT does not raise CRP (C Reactive Protein). CRP is an indication of inflammation. It is a general indicator of inflammation as is the Sed Rate (ESR).

Bio-identical HRT is the "real" stuff.

I plan to use HRT in this manner for the rest of my life.

I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice.


[This message has been edited by janet thomas (edited 24 April 2005).]

Posted by janet thomas (Member # 7122) on :
oop, posted twice.

[This message has been edited by janet thomas (edited 24 April 2005).]

Posted by snowboarder (Member # 6346) on :

Lupron puts you in menopause and this is supposed to help endo. Quite frankly the only thing it did for me was make me wacky going though menopause and having all the symptoms. My doc would no give me hormones because she said they will make endo pain worse so basically I suffered until it Lupron wore off.

Docs feel when you have your cycle this causes endo to be a problem. Several times I've had constant pain no where near my cycle which makes me wonder.

I don't know if Lupron suppresses the immune system but it can cause major bone loss and osteoporosis.


Posted by richtersl (Member # 2554) on :
I also have endometriosis, though it wasn't diagnosed until some time after I had developed Lyme. Is there a connection? Not sure but I know that Lyme can affect the female organs.

I had two chocolate cysts removed back in '91. After the surgery the doctor told me I have/had quite a prolific case of endo and was surprised that I had experienced little or no pain from it. He did mention taking Lupron, but had said that its side effects would be worse than my symptoms and didn't prescribe it.

Another friend of mine the same kind of surgery that I had and her doctor put her on Provera. Bad stuff. She has gained weight like there's no tomorrow and she still has period problems.

I would look into a therapy along the lines of what Janet described.


Posted by Squeegee (Member # 7219) on :
I had endometriosis with lots of pain. I was on Synarel (puts you in artificial menopause) for a while but it didn't help.

When my periods stopped abruptly at age 44 the endo symptoms subsided. For a while...

Then they came back full force and I ended up having a complete hysterectomy.

I have chronic Lyme but didn't know it when I had the endo.


Posted by Sus on :
Snowboarder - you mentioned that you've had constant pain no where near your cycle...

I had the same experience with endo (got progressively worse/more frequent over the years), and also tried Lupron (didn't work). I had a hyst, which ended the constant pain (still have some, cyclically, because I kept my ovaries, but it's mostly gone, if I take hormone suppressants).

Have you had a lap or surgery? After one of mine, my doc said my uterus had the mottled appearance of adenomyosis - endometrial tissue embedded within the muscle wall of the uterus (mine could not be lasered or excised, and I think that's usual for adenomyosis, but not sure). I think this is why I experienced the constant pain.

Just wondering if that might be part of the equation for you too.

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Janet, I was getting the E2, I'm pretty sure. I was at the highest dosage my dr felt comfortable with.....still had hot flashes. He said some people do not absorb the creams well.

So now I'm on the estrogen shots. I think it's Delestrogren. I also take oral prometrium and estriol troches. The estriol is supposed to be protective against breast cancer.



Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
up for janet ... am i on the right track?
Posted by mimi (Member # 6680) on :
I too have been living with endometriosis since I was 17. I have had one ovary removed and several scopes since. I tried depo provera(sp?) and that is what started my downward spiral in my opinion. All my hormones went crazy after that. Lupron has caused many people serious problems but I have not taken it.
Posted by snowboarder (Member # 6346) on :

Yes I've had 4 laparoscopies and endo pain has come back. My LLMD has put me on hormones...all of mine were low. Right now endo pain I have once in a while but over all is pretty good.

Many times I've been told to have a hysterectomy and like Jordan, I've had it on the bowel which a hysterectomy will not cure in my opinion.

The docs in Atlanta Jordan used are supposed to be among the top and it's unfortunate your endo has returned Jordan.


Posted by patty7 (Member # 5483) on :
Add me to the list. Had part of both ovaries removed which had large cysts attached when I was 20. Diagnosed with Lyme last year - 30 years later. Interesting.
Posted by snowboarder (Member # 6346) on :

Previously I've had four surgeries...the last one in 2000. Sometimes I have pain but it's very manageable.

The secret for me has been herbs, acupuncutre and the hormones my LLMD put me on. All of my hormones were so low.

Jordan, sorry to hear about your last surgery being unsuccessful. The docs in Atlanta are supposed to be really good.


Posted by Laurie (Member # 159) on :
Horrible fibroid tumors causing severe bleeding, leading to significant anemia. Recurring ovarian cysts, including one that completely encompassed one ovary. Abdominal hysterectomy at age 47, not my first choice but the doc feared ovarian cancer. Guess what he found when he did the surgery. SEVERE endometriosis - and I never had a symptom. (Chronic neuromuscular Lyme since 1985.)
Posted by burnbitter (Member # 7088) on :
Lupron is bad and not really effective. The side effects basically give you a different disease. So that seems like just a bad idea. Birth control pills are also effective for some, but for myself increased the endo greatly. I was allergic to most of my own hormones. Which after treating those allergies things got better.
I believe the endo to be caused by hormonal allergies, which in turn I believe was caused or increased by Lyme. Which means I've had Lyme a long time.
I had stage 4 endo. I had nine surgeries and finally a subcervical (they leave the cervix alone and remove it through your abdomin) hysterectomy. My life is so much better with out the offending organ! I also had andenomyosis (which is endo in the uterine wall). If you don't want kids, take it out. You'll also need to treat the hormonal allergies though or you can still get endo even without a uterus.
I highly recommend my doctor if you're having endo problems. Originally I was seeing her for endo, but now she's taken the journy into specializing in Lyme since the patients she hasn't cured all seem to have Lyme. 90% of her fibromyalgia patients (who also have endo) have tested positive from Igenex. Including herself. So she really gets it. It's been a long journey with the endo, but that was a cake walk compared to treating the lyme. After having so many doctors tell me it was all in my head, I don't go to anyone else. Thankfully she has stuck through this with me and discovered that I have Lyme. I was convinced I didn't. How wrong I was.

Anyway I swear by my hysterectomy I wish I'd done it sooner. I still have one ovary left so I don't need to take hormones. And I sure don't miss the cramping and bleeding at all!


Posted by burnbitter (Member # 7088) on :
It's somewhat out of date, and of course at the time I didn't know I had lyme...but it talks about the surgeries and other treatments, and of course the other problems I had FATIGUE!
There's also several good doctors for endo besides mine, though if it is indeed related to lyme as I believe..the other doctors as yet aren't treating for lyme. Dr. Redwine in Seattle is supposed to be good, the Atlanta reproductive health center I spoke with a doctor from there and he seemed good. Dr. Cook also here in the bay area is good. There are a lot of bad doctors too unfortunately.. SSRI drugs are NOT going to help your endo and it's not in your head. Probably we all already know that.

It sure has been a long road. I'm looking forward to getting past this lyme and being healthy again. Sadly I missed out on my youth but I'll take what I can get at this point!


Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
oh yeah, fibroid tumors. I had plenty of those too and had severe pain and LOTS of bleeding with that. I was very glad to get rid of those suckers!



Posted by trailsgrl (Member # 7285) on :
I didnt know this thread was here, thanks lymetoo!

Is there any way to combine my thread with this one so as to not double up?


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