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Posted by yankee in black (Member # 4309) on :

I'm on my second round with treatment for babs---gone once--about two yrs ago, and now it's back, having rereared it's ugly head

The current treatment protocals are much longer than two yrs ago( or so it seems to me)

Last time, I was on the treatment for 4 months' time---and a one month break--and then retest( I'm the queen of all those positive tests)

I've been on treatment now for over four months--and can not remember if I am to take a break now----I have a call into my LLMD--who is currently away on conference--and his nurse really didn't know

Now, I am aware that many LLMDS' treat differently from one another......

But I am just trying to get some informal feedback here,

What has been your experince with this protocal---straight thru, and over.....or do you take the break, and let the body detox( or help it along a bit--with regards to the detox)

Thank-you in advance

Posted by minoucat (Member # 5175) on :
Yankee, my treatment was continous for 7.5 months. I took a couple of inadvertant breaks when I couldn't get the meds in time, but not for more than 5 days. Mepron has a 68 hour half life so I didn't have it out of my system for long.

Was there anything in particular, do you think, that triggered your relapse? Flu, stress?


Posted by beachcomber (Member # 5320) on :
I did Mepron for 13 months straight. Only a one day break when I was in ER. Just stopped Babs treatment. Not sure yet if I am finished with Babs - too soon to tell.


Posted by dontlikeliver (Member # 4749) on :
My LLMD says NO breaks as it will allow the babs to develop resistance.


Posted by janet thomas (Member # 7122) on :
I don't have an answer for you but a question? I think I have a babs relapse. symptoms returning are 1-headache 2-lack of appetite 3-feeling warm, need to take off clothing.

Anyone else?


Posted by yankee in black (Member # 4309) on :

Thank you for all information provided--as the old sayin' goes, if you have any other knowledge "Keep it coming"

Minocat: I think that being taken off the IVIG for my two yr. insurance review triggered this relapse--as I wasn't having any real lyme symptoms for quite some time---and I had not been on ABX for over 9 months' time. All testing was negative.

I usually recieve the IVIG every other week---and the immunilogist had me wait six weeks to retest---since he knows everyones' titers are low enough at that point to fit into standard insurance levels of treatment( below 700 IgG total--per my healthcarrier--United)

The LLMD took the chance to retest for TBD's---since I had been off of the IVIG for 4 wks by the time I was in the office( IVIG has a half-life of 25-31 days)and was complaining that my symptoms were coming back with a vengence.

Borrelia, and Babs were positive--all others were negative( I' gotta say--I'm one of the really lucky one's ---as my blood testing seems to always correlate to what is going on with my symptoms of lyme--If I'm doing good---all testing usually reflects that--if I'm doing poorly--my testing usually comes back postive with the known offenders)

So, back to the Mepron and zithro

Janet: From my experince with Babs, I have fevers that come and go( usually 101-102 range) horrid night, and day sweats that come and go, and some pretty darn scary shortness of breath episodes--which got so bad--I checked into a pulmonoligist to check this symptom out( I have a slight heart murmmur--Pulmonary stenois, so I had wondered if this was acting up)

Others will probaly come along with more ideas about your question

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