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Posted by desiree (Member # 7226) on :
Hi Everyone,
I have been on the Marshall Protocol since November of last year and now I have been banned from the MP website. I was trying to help a guy who seemed to be suicidal. I directed him to a couple of web sites: and in hopes that he might find some answers. He stated that he had bad reactions to psychiatric drugs in the past and the web sites that I directed him to explained why and offered alternatives. Anyway, my posts were censored and then deleted. I kept trying to repost and found that I was unable to get back on the MP website even as an invisible "guest"! Their censorship of information that could have really helped someone in a very serious situation makes me doubt the MP more than anything else. I believe they are their own worst enemies.

That being said, I have come too far to give up on the MP and so I will continue with or without their help and try not to "throw the babies out with the bath water."


Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Theres something really wrong with that much censorship on a Medical forum.

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Updated 04/22/2005


Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I am sorry this has happened to you. But consider yourself in good company.


Posted by Jellybelly (Member # 7142) on :
I was just over there. There is a post by the head honcho of the board and he posted about a banning. He did say that the ban would be lifted in a few days and strongly suggested that it was all due to "Lyme Rage"????
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Good grief! What's wrong with those people? You're not the first to come here after being banned!



Posted by dsiebenh (Member # 5353) on :
Well if a fellow member posted that they were feeling suicidal, and you replied "just get out and do something", or "watch a Jim Carey movie" as desiree did, maybe that could warrant a TEMPORARY ban on just about any site, don't you think?

Posted by bg (Member # 46416) on :
Desiree, went there & read "lyme rage" and here is the thread....

When Trevor Marshall never even notified us members that there was a change in administrator leadership and other board staff changes/banning, what does that tell you Desiree?

I've asked for the admin's name since Suzanne left? NO ONE will answer that & it is deleted from any previous replies I made to the posts. I left there 1-2 wks. ago...time gets away from me.

Best wishes to you.

Bettyg, Iowa

Posted by desiree (Member # 7226) on :
Thanks everyone for your support. Lyme rage?? I'll just laugh it off. I haven't even seen that thread yet since somehow the Marshall Mafia has marked my computer and I can't even log on as an invisible guest. I'm obviously not trying to score brownie points but doing and saying what I feel is right. I knew that I would be banned.
DSIEBENH:You SERIOUSLY have taken my statements out of context just as one of the moderators did after she censored and deleted certain posts for reasons I don't even want to try to understand. I was trying to help and I think any honest person would have seen that. Sorry if I'm not perfect but at least I'm honest.I'm tired of those who don't have the courage and critical thinking skills necessary to speak up critisizing those of us that do. The "suicidal guy" who said that he would not kill himself said that drugs made him worse. The sites that I directed him to were appropriate but deleted by administration. As far as suggesting that he try to get out, I don't see that as a crime. Also, Jim Carry movies make me laugh when I am feeling like my brain just isn't working right (as the suicidal guy felt his brain was deteriorating)so I suggested that he might get a few laughs and get his mind off of things by watching one. I think you left that part out as well as A LOT of other stuff. Please do not take what I say out of context again. Thanks in advance.


[This message has been edited by desiree (edited 26 April 2005).]

[This message has been edited by desiree (edited 26 April 2005).]

Posted by bg (Member # 46416) on :
Hi Desiree,

Just read your reply and have a favor to ask you. Please edit it so lines are 6-10 lines of text only and double spacing between paragraphs like the mp site.

We late-stage lymies have a hard time reading and comprehending these long paragraphs.

On this site you can EDIT any time you want except for the TOPIC title. So please be as specific as possible since there are 40-50 posts/replies here daily...thanks a bunch!


Posted by Semper Fi (Member # 3051) on :
One thing you guys might want to remember is that this lymenet site is more like a chat room, with every treatment discussed. The MP site is specific and only for the Mp and the science behind it. I do not read this lyme site, much anymore, because it is so broad and non-specific. I'm well now and still on the MP. I review the MP site for my wife and 4 friends, that are on the MP and doing well. With limited time I'm looking only for specific Mp related concerns. I do enjoy coming on to this site, occasionally ,to catch up on the broad lyme topics and see what is going on.I believe the reason for the banning [ temporarily] is to eliminate the needless chat and stick to the MP, only. desiree aparently had good intensions, but the MP site does not want needless chat. Don't get your feelings hurt, that's the rules. personal e-mails are probably better for personal chating. Like my Dad used to say, my house my rules.You do not have to live in my house..........desiree, stay with the Mp, it has been good to me.......I hope for the same for you.
Posted by bpeck (Member # 3235) on :
There are quite a few people banned from that site, and it ain't because of "lyme rage" .
Rules can get changed at a whim so more appropriately it's this way or the highway.

And I guess everyone should understand that a technical question (or any question) can beconsidered 'needless chat'.. and be deleted or edited.

This off-label therapy has prompted some studies though ( there is at least 1 already in 2005) so eventually we'll see whats really this baby's bath water.


Posted by Semper Fi (Member # 3051) on :
Your right barb, it is my way or the Highway. But, it is their site, they are all volunteers, they get paid nothing, they have a specific belief that the protocol should be done, only one way.It is their right. I think they have over reacted, from time to time, but they do answer questions and help people that stay within their rules and philosophy. There is no other Dr., or in this case a PHd , or protocol developer that will go even this far. There is a great amount of information on that site.It has helped allot of people. It is not for all, though.If you disagree or want to modify the protocol, your on your own.If I was Dr Marshall and a volunteer I would probably do what they are doing, being specific ,only to their protocol. Obviously I'm a little biased, because I and my wife and a few friends have done so well on the MP. I do feel bad for those that get banned, for a slight off topic response. it is like being in the Military, you act within certain procedures, you can not deviate, or you get your Butt kicked. i hope that all sides might back off and see what the future holds.
Posted by 24bit (Member # 6531) on :
"I believe they are their own worst enemies."


Trevor Marshall is a control freak, and that place is like a medical cult. Don't piss off the leader or else you can't be a part of the group that's being saved. Fall in line or else....bow to the leader.

Now lets stay objective. Just because you don't like someone, you must stay objective....although human nature tempts us to want to see egomaniac jerks fail. Objectively I do think there's something to some of it, but I also don't think they have it figured out completely. And I'm sure that the MP is not safe for some people....particularly the hormone issues which Trevor only gets part of.

Like I've said, they've done some good things, and some bad things. They're already down the road where their presentation/behavior regarding their research is turning people off and they're no longer listening. It will be someone else that picks up what they've done and takes it to the next level by perfecting it AND presents it in a responsible and professional manner. Of course, these are just my humble opinions on the matter.

[This message has been edited by 24bit (edited 30 April 2005).]

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