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Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
I started zithromax about a week ago and had a really good week. I was fine until tonight and it hit me all at once.

I have right sided weakness and I can't lift my right leg. I can't walk without help. Has anyone had this happen before?

I had something similar a couple of years ago and it was better the next day. I'm so afraid it won't get better. This is so scary. I'm also having a lot of neuro sx.

Does this mean the zith is working or what? That's what I'm hoping anyway. Of course, when this happened before I had to go through the whole MS thing. Thank goodness I don't have to go through that again.

I just need a little reassurance I guess. So if anyone has had this or something similar please let me know.


Posted by charlie (Member # 25) on :
That's kind of scary. If I was you I'd get to the ER or call a doc. Doesn't sound like TBD stuff to me...and we want you well for the lyme float.

Just my amateur opinion....

Posted by achey (Member # 6284) on :
sounds like a herx to me, I have had similar symptoms many times, but with treatment things have improved signifigantly.

I would probably be good to check in with your LLMD, so they know abt this incase taking an short abx break is necessary...
Er's are not usually much help, but let your LLMD tell you if it's good back up.

For now, the best thing is too rest, drink plenty of good water, to move toxins, detox bathes, maybe benedryl or anti inflamatory, .... Extra calcium and magnessium may help... I alway need protien shakes and lots of raw goatmilk to move me through, and electrolytes. I also find back rubs and gently rubbing around waek areas helps with sensory stimulation.

I hope by the time you are reading this , things are signifigantly better!


Posted by krazykt1 (Member # 3739) on :
Hi..yes this is scarey for you...Believe it's from the abx killing bacteria which causes inflamation in the part of the brain that has to do with motor functions.

Detox and an antiinflamatory (aspirin)works for me it seems. Take care,kt

Posted by bpeck (Member # 3235) on :
I'd see your Doc.
I'm one of the few people I know that can't take Zith. Immediate rise in free bilirubin
and frankly, even though a few people suggested it was herx- it can also be a side effect. Zith stay in the body for a loooong time after you stop. So, this may be a good time to get a blood panel to make sure it's not a drug reaction.


Posted by lou (Member # 81) on :
Are you having major back problems? If not, then I would vote herx since you have had this before.

A pinched nerve in the lower back could cause this, which is why I asked about back problems. That could be a longer lasting problem.

Not sure ER could help with either herx or pinched nerve. If you wait until tomorrow, might have a clearer idea about cause, then can call doc. Can't get today anyway.

You have got a whole range of opinions here, so have a choice of who to agree with!

Posted by dontlikeliver (Member # 4749) on :
I would call your LLMD about this - don't assume everything's herx. What does the drug leaflet/insert say - anything about weakness?

I do know of one person who developed weakness and had to stop the abx. It was a side-effect.


Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Couldn't this also be a stroke? Perhaps unlikely, but with Lyme anything is possible. I'd call my dr's pager or go to the ER.


Posted by charlie (Member # 25) on :
Possible stroke is what I was hinting at...I'd want to rule that out. Not everything is TBD related.
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
Thanks guys. Things are much better today. I can walk almost normally and can lift my leg. It's still weak but this leg has spells of weakness.

I woke up with a stiff neck and don't know if they could be connected. It hurts like heck to move it so I'm wearing a soft collar and that helps so much.

I don't think it is related to my back. Although I did have neck surgery 2 years ago but it doesn't give me any problems.

I'm still having some neuro problems. The only way I can explain it is my head is out of whack. Don't laugh but I can't describe it. I'm also having ringing in my ears. My guess is that this is a herx.

Have I been on the zith long enough to herx? I just hope it isn't going to be like this the whole time I'm on this. I herxed the whole 9 weeks on the doxy. It was terrible. If this continues I will call Dr. C.

Thanks again for your help.

Charlie, I am planning on making it to the lyme float. I'll just bring a wheelchair.LOL

Take care,

Posted by Monica (Member # 224) on :
This sounds very familiar to me except my right leg weakness started before I had any abx treatment at all in 1997.

I could not lift my leg until 2004. Now I can lift it but I have a whole host of other problems.

My advice is to stay on the antibiotics until all symptoms are gone.

I have learned this the hard way.

Glad to hear this bout seems to be short lived.

Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :

The first time I did this was 2 years before any abx. Just like this time, it was gone the next day. I was really scared then. I thought for sure I had MS.

Had all kinds of tests done and no answer. The difference in the two episodes was before I could walk by myself but not this time. I think that was what was scaring me so much. I don't like depending on someone else.

I'm glad yours cleared up with treatment but you sure had it a long time. I guess I'm pretty fortunate there. Sorry you are having other problems. Hopefully they will clear up, too. You take care.


Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Glad you're doing better!!!

You can herx from Day 1 from ANY abx.....and it can last as long as it has a mind to! ARRRGGHH!!


Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
Thanks Lymetoo, I sure hope this doesn't last long. I herxed on the doxy something terrible. It lasted the whole time but I wasn't really sure then if it was a herx.

I know now it was. Sometimes it's hard to know if it's a herx or not.

Take care,

Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Sapphire, I'm glad you're doing better. Some of the things that go on in a lyme body is frightening. You never know from hour to hour, day to day what's going to come up next.

Sounds like you're going back through some old symptoms. That's a good thing. I've gone in reverse order on symptoms for months. It's a healing law.

Take care, Pam

Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
Hi Pam,

I didn't really know that's how lyme can work. It's been at least 2 years since that happened.

It happened again last night and I couldn't walk but when I woke up this morning my leg was almost normal. That's the strangest thing.

If it keeps happening I will call Dr. C just to see what he says. It sure is scary not to be able to walk.

Talk care,

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