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Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
This was on another post.. and I was hoping others would respond... so I am bringing it up for replies.

Thanks all.

Flash Member
Posts: 18
From: Hanover Pa USA
Registered: Nov 2004
posted 25 May 2005 22:25
I have not seen alot of talk of children having Lyme, what are most parents seeing with children that have lyme, my son has hyperness, behavior problems, seizures, nose bleeds, headache , vomiting, weight gain,tics,attention problems, sleeping problems,

please speak out so I don't feel I am alone. thanks , and if you have seen these problems are they getting any better?

If you get the choice to sit it out or dance...


Posted by lymemomtooo (Member # 5396) on :
Denise, good luck..these diseases are horrible..There have been many past posts regarding many issues affecting children..
Currently there is one on diabetes getting much interest.

If the search feature is working, you could probably pull up a lot of info.. meds, symptoms, school issues, etc.

If search continues to be has lyme.., then post a question.Include something about child ? in the topic. Ask some specific questions and someone or many will come to your aid..There are many lyme moms here that do as much as possible to help others.. They have kept me sane or so I hope..The vote changes daily.

Posted by shazdancer (Member # 1436) on :
(Thanks TC for bringing this back up this morning. I missed it.)

Dear Denise,

My son is 13. His symptoms have included sleep phase shift disorder (insomnia at night, very fatigued in the morning), severe depression, brain fog, short-term memory problems, auditory processing problems, speed processing problems, migraines, anxiety attacks, low energy. He has had almost no physical symptoms, although he's had some rough patches of skin on the backs of his hands come and go, and occasional muscle pains in his legs.

Before he was diagnosed with Lyme, he was a step away from being committed to a mental hospital. A psychiatrist suggested a Lyme test. He tested CDC positive for a long-term infection.

Since beginning oral antibiotics, he has had no anxiety attacks. He now takes judo twice a week, and rides his bike all over town. Where before he preferred sitting in a dark room, he now can't wait to go outside after school. He is socializing more and making friends. He is doing more schoolwork than he has in two years, and his teachers are amazed at the change in him.

He is not all the way done yet. He still has cognitive issues, sometimes more severe than at other times. But I know we are on the right track.

Feel free to email me (click on the icon) if you want to talk about it. It is heart-rending to see your kid so ill, hard to know where the kid ends and the disease begins (and it's hard for the kid, too), frustrating to deal with doctors and teachers who don't understand or don't want to deal, but worth it to see your kid get better!



Posted by DeniseBunty (Member # 6559) on :
thanks to all of you the doctor i am with seems very good but he told me it does not clear up quickly and we really feel my son has had this since he was made, and God only knows why, it is not for me to question him, though my son wonders why God made him this way, I feel to use him in a big way sometime, but we all grow weary of the disease, I have it to , aches and pains in joints.I am just tired of the school system I am really thinking about home schooling him. thanks for sharing your problems
Posted by WildCondor on :
Email me and let me know if you would like the name of a Lyme literate pediatrician.

Lyme Disease Help

Posted by ivebinlymed2 (Member # 7330) on :
Hi Denise. My daughter has been diagnosed with lyme, based on her symptoms. We are awaiting the results from her tests.

As we all know though, she may have lyme and it may never come back positive, so the doctor decided to start treatment Monday.

I just wanted you to know that I took both of my children out of school mid-year to homeschool them before we knew my daughter had lyme.

We just decided we couldn't handle the stress of whatever was happening to her and school stress (4th grade transitional yr!) at the same time.

Her symptoms are headaches, joint pain, lethargy, nausea and migratory body pain (shooting abdominal pain or shooting in her limbs). Sometimes the pain is intolerable.

I just wanted you to know that we are homeschooling and it was going well until she had to have a break because of her wrists hurting and swelling.

That is the wonderful thing about homeschooling though, you can decide when to conduct school.

She will be doing some summer school to catch up this summer.

I don't know if you have looked into it much yet, but there are a lot of great curriculums out there. I am considering getting a computer based one for my kids this coming year.

They both love using the computer and it would be easier on my daughter to press buttons instead of writing. (She would of course still have to write, but it would cut down on her writing.)

Anyway, I know how difficult these decisions are. You will make the right choice for your family. I wish you the best whatever you decide.


Posted by lla2 (Member # 2364) on :
many of your child's symptoms souond common to when my son had bartonella which is a coinfection of lyme disease...

His lyme pediatrician is one of the best in ithe country., He has really helped my son , an put him into remission:

his name is dr. charles ray jones of ct.

He books far in advance, but if you tell them you'll take a cancellation they'll call you when they get one..he'll well worth the both my children better...he's an angel and miracle worker as far as I'm concerned.



Posted by ivebinlymed2 (Member # 7330) on :
Hi lla2, were you referring to Denise's child's symptoms in your post? What were the symptoms? Treatment?

I can confirm that Dr. Jones is a nice man. He called us for a phone consult. Even if you are unable to make the drive right away, you could talk on the phone with him by appt.

The ladies in his office can set that up for you.

Beware, any conversation over 15 minutes with him results in a nice size charge, though. Ours was 20 minutes and the cost was $90.00.

We talked with him, but ended up seeing a LLD in our area instead. We could see this LLD sooner and they are 20 minutes from us.

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