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Posted by flowersmile (Member # 7447) on :
Hello all,

I am very confused and looking for some fellow Lymes battlers opinions.

My children are 8 & 10 yrs old and have both just recently received positive IGM & IGG CDC positive test results back. I have lots of questions and worries. Tests right? I had both tested because I am Lymes positive and currently being treated. I know that my tick bite occurred prior to their birth. Both have had symptoms that concern me, but not enough on a regular basis to convince me. My LLMD has agreed to treat but I still am torn because symptoms are so infrequent. Is it really lymes is the question that keeps popping into my head. Treatment will be hard because symptoms are so irregular. Anyone else treated children at this stage. How will I know when to change to next ABX? It's hard enough to know when you plateau yourself and when to move on to next ABX. Children are not good at expressing themselves, this is going to be hard. Not to mention attitudes of others around me, when I treat children that do not show obvious symptoms. What types of ABX regimens have others used for children in this stage? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by trailsgrl (Member # 7285) on :
I dont have children, and dont have a specific answer for you, but I want to say that having CDC positive results is no small feat for a child!

I mean, it seems pretty unlikely that you have 4 false positive tests going there. IgM and IgG are actually done separately.

And since lyme doesnt go away on its own, you should treat asap. Many of us have infrequent and bizarre sx that only last seconds. Children havent had a lot of time in their bodies. They may be experiencing symptoms that they just think "that is what it is like to be alive" sort of like children who come from abusive families think "all dads do this."

I hope more can answer specifically, but I do think you should start treatment asap!

Good luck and my best to your family!

Posted by flowersmile (Member # 7447) on :
Trailsgirl thanks for your response. This is a very tough time. Anyone else with children have any stories that may help me relate?
Posted by lla2 (Member # 2364) on :
Knowing what my children have been through with this horrible disease I would not wait a minute to put them on abx if they had positive tests! my children both have permenent damange due to lyme disease.

I would call the children's specialist dr. charles ray jones..he literally saved my kids can search him on hre and see how many children's live's he 's saved...he's an angel ...he'll tell you how to go about the right way with your kids...

but waiting for symptoms to arrive just means the spirochetes have longer to enter their central nervous system and cause what could be permanent damange..don't wait is my opinion...

call dr. jones at 1-203-772-1123.


Posted by NP40 (Member # 6711) on :
The children should be tested, and treated immediately. Vague symptoms that come and go, is very indicitive of lyme, and can flare up suddenly. Perhaps, they catch a cold, have a surgery, catch a virus, and when their immune system is low, suddenly the lyme hits them like a ton of bricks.

If you're being treated by an LLMD, then they should be as well.

As far as changing abx, your doc will know, or should know if he's truly literate with this disease.

Posted by pab (Member # 904) on :

I'm from Minnesota too!

My kids (14 & 18) have Lyme and co-infections. They may have had Lyme since birth.

Does your LLMD treat children? An LLMD will tell you the meds to use and what to look for.

My kids have developed endocrine problems because of untreated Lyme disease.



Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I believe I contracted Lyme disease at around age 8. I am now 54 and only found out I had Lyme less than 5 yrs ago.

If only I'd had the chance to be treated at age 8!! My life would have been quite different. Leaving Lyme to simmer for years is NOT a good idea! Give them a chance for a normal life!!


Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
up for flowersmile!
Posted by flowersmile (Member # 7447) on :
Thanks to everyone that has replied. I really appreciate everyones input. I have decided to treat my children for sure. I'm sure I will be looking for more advice along the way. I have Lymes and it was everyone at this site that convinced me to seek the opinion of an LLMD in MO. I had a number of tests in MN and was told repeatedly that I did not have Lymes. Well since I have treatment started seven months ago I would say my symptoms have improved 70%. So thanks again to everyone at this site for your help. Best wishes to you and your families.



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