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Posted by flowersmile (Member # 7447) on :
Anyone have children with Lymes? Can you share your stories of treatment and response?
Thank you.
Posted by NP40 (Member # 6711) on :
Hi Flowers,

There's many here who have children that are ill with lyme, including my teenage son.

He developed symptoms in Oct.04, started to receive treatment in Dec.04 and is currently still undergoing treatment. Though he was in an acute stage, he had a very severe case of lyme, and babesia.

He missed 6 months of school, did IV abx for 5 months, and is still doing orals, though he's much improved.

I read in another post of your's that your children have symptoms as well. They need to be treated immediately, lyme is nothing to fool around with. Left untreated, the bacteria can start to affect major organs, cause arthritic conditions, etc., and other irreversible abnormalities.

The longer treatment is delayed, the longer it takes to get well.
The good news is that children are remarkably resilient, and normally rebound well from this disease, in many cases better than adults. However, they must be treated adequately, and by a doctor knowledgeable about this disease.

Here's a link of support groups in your state, who can offer excellent advice, and a doc knowledgeable about this disease. Don't delay, and good luck ! The Duluth group is very good.


Posted by snowboarder (Member # 6346) on :
Hi Flowers,

Okay here's the scoop! My 8 year old has lyme and has been in treatment since December 04.

She's doing better but still has off days. Like us, sometimes she's fine other times she's herxing like crazy.

It's very frustrating to watch her go through this but she is slowly improving. No she's not like she used to be but I know she'll recover long before my husband and I.

Children bounce back very quickly.


Posted by Lymeindunkirk (Member # 7118) on :
Its very important that you help your child's teacher and school to understand what your child is going through.

My 9 year old son's teacher called me last week to tell me my son was in a complete fog. She sent him to the board to do a math problem that she tells me she knows he could do as math is his strong subject. He stood there and then started crying. She then gave him an even easier problem a few minutes later and it happened again.

She was concerned because the behavior was so unlike him. She said " I'm afraid he may be herxing and wanted to let you know." I was so pleased that she called. It told me that she really understands and wants to help.

My son has a 504 plan and we just revised it. I had them put into the plan that his teacher must be lyme literate and that I would provide a packet of documentation (every article I could find on Lyme & children as well as other info) for her/him to read every year.

Its very important they understand or they may think your child has a learning disability when its really much worse -Lyme.


Posted by flowersmile (Member # 7447) on :
Thanks to everyone that has replied. I was questioning whether or not to treat my children. I was unsure because there symptoms are so vague, but I have Lymes and know that I got it two years prior to when they were born. They have both tested IGG and IGM CDC Western Blot positive. I have decided to treat after reading many posts here. Thanks to all that have helped. Hopefully if my children are treated early enough they won't have as tough of a time then if I wait for symptoms to develop further. Thanks everyone and best wishes to you and your families.


Posted by DeniseBunty (Member # 6559) on :
Hi Flowersmile there are so many different stories on this website you need to search, it help me alot, we really feel my son first got Lyme from me ,biting back on General support June 5 was really a hard story to read, I have gone through alot with my son and we still are, but I have not given up hope, I pray it will get better. You have to read read read,

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