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Posted by dlandaddict (Member # 7457) on :
Need to get my 4 year old daughter tested for Lyme and want to know what I should be asking her pediatrician office about testing. If they don't give me the right answers I will go elsewhere - but not sure where to go in WA State.

Also - anyone know if Keflex works or should I get them to switch her scrip to amox?
thank you

Posted by Lymester (Member # 5848) on :
I'm so glad you're having her tested. Ask for a western blot and elisa through Igenex Labs in California(preferable).

It was the pediatrician that suggested it to you, so I would contact him and ask that she be switched to amoxi when she runs out of her Keflex. I am not certain what Keflex is used for (sinus', upper respiratory?). You are going to be the decision maker on your daughter's behalf. You will be suggesting, however strongly, what treatment she will have.

The pediatrician should follow your wishes.

You could call LLMD pediatrician Charles Jones in New Haven, CT 203 772-1123

Good luck, let us know

Posted by Kara Tyson (Member # 939) on :
Keflex will work for Bartonella h. (a lyme co-infection) but it is not normally the drug of choice for Lyme.
Posted by dlandaddict (Member # 7457) on :
thank you!
the pedia office wants me to go to Quest lab - funny how there was just a new message about that one! Now to figure out how to get it run through Igenex. I think our pedia will work with me on it, at least I hope so.
the Keflex was for the bite because the pediat thought it was infected. Now will ask for the switch to amox as well. Thanks!! will keep you posted
Posted by janet thomas (Member # 7122) on :
I suggest you clearly communicate your laboratory preference to your ped doctor.

Phone igenex and ask them to mail you a collection kit. They have panels of tests for different regions of the country.

It's difficult to draw blood from a 4 yr old so get it right the first time.

Posted by dlandaddict (Member # 7457) on :
thank you! I called Igenex and they are sending the collection kit. I found a lab that will do the draw for us - so once it arrives we are in business.
In the meantime I am still concerned that she is on Keflex and not amox. I tried to get a hold of the dr. in CT - but with the time zones, etc. doesn't sound like I'll be able to get a hold of anyone until tomorrow. Does anyone have an idea of a suggested dosage of amox for a 4 year old?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by dlandaddict:
thank you! I called Igenex and they are sending the collection kit. I found a lab that will do the draw for us - so once it arrives we are in business.

Good job, MOM! you're doing great! I wish I knew about the dosage. I'll contact someone who may know.

Make sure the lab knows what to do with the blood. It's also best to have the blood draw early in the while you're anxious to hear....i would wait until next Monday to have it done.

You don't want the blood to sit in the post office over the weekend....very important! There's also the problem that the test may come back negative since she's on abx and because it's rather early.

Hopefully others will chime in here with suggestions on that.


Posted by dlandaddict (Member # 7457) on :
thanks for the reinforcement. Not too many people in our area have dealt with this stuff before, so the support and advice I am getting here is invaluable.

Will definitely try to send the lab work in on Monday - I don't want the blood sitting around too long.

Getting one draw will be rough enough can't imagine what more will be like!

Should I take her off of the abx before the blood draw? Would there be a better chance of a true result?

We aren't totally sure when she was bitten. It could have been two and half weeks ago, it could have been more like three and a half.

Are there suggested time frames for bite vs. testing?

Posted by punkin (Member # 5883) on :
Dose for a child for amoxicillin is 50mg/kg/day divided in three doses and given every 8 hours. Keflex has no effectiveness against Lyme.
Posted by dlandaddict (Member # 7457) on :
thanks for the amox info. could keflex in her system give a false negative on testing?
Posted by cbb (Member # 788) on :
Since most of us don't know much about kg, I asked my pharmacist to do the math.

1 kg = 2.2046 lbs
35 lb child would take about 800 mg/day

This info is in "Diag Hints & Treatment Guidelines..." I recommend you print a copy. It's about 32 pages of excellent info.

read pages 24 & 29 about acidophilus

With higher doses of antibiotics (abx), it's necessary to replenish the good bacteria in the body....yogurt & acidophilus from the health food store. They have powder that can be sprinkled on applesauce or whatever & they have chewable tablets for young children.

Always be sure that you have at least 2 hours between abx & acidophilus - before & after - or it won't be able to help her.

About testing -
Call IGeneX Lab (800) 832 - 3200.
Ask them about testing a 4 yr old on Keflex.

Also, be sure they know approximately when she was bitten.

You don't want to test too soon.
I've heard that it takes the body about 5-6 weeks to build up enough antibodies to have a positive test.

If you give them the details, they can advise you better than anyone else.

Dr Jones, Lyme Pediatrician in CT -
It's difficult to contact his office.
I've heard some people have more success with a Fax.
Dr Jones Fax: 1 - 203 - 772 - 0682
If you have access to a fax machine, it's worth a try.

Give a brief list of all the important facts: age, weight, approx date of bite, any symptoms, treatment, etc.
This will make it much easier for them to evaluate the situation & know what to advise.

I suggest you ask him about Keflex, & what treatment he would recommend (dose & length of treatment).

I can't praise Dr Jones & his staff enough!!
They're absolutely wonderful.

[This message has been edited by cbb (edited 15 June 2005).]

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Thanks for all the excellent information, cbb! My brain isn't working well today!


Posted by janet thomas (Member # 7122) on :
Testing time frames

PCR most likely to be positive in the first 2 weeks of infection-PCR detects DNA of bacteria in the sample- blood, urine, CFS, tissue,etc true for lyme and Babesia

Most test are antibody tests-detect antibody the body produces in response to foreign antigen-like bacteria-usually will not be positive for at least 2 weeks, maybe more

You should ask Igenex 800-832-3200

There are urine tests too, although they nay not be as accurate


Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
Hey dland..

Lymetutu rang my bell earlier for me to get you a nice lady in the west to assist with finding a LLMD out your way... so I thought I would stop by and see what's happening.

I have emailed her.. and hopefully she will be contacting you soon. We call her Lishka's mom. She is one wonderful lady. With a BEAUTIFUL daughter. We should all be so lucky to have a child so dear.

Now.. I am going to meddle a bit here at the post.. just cause I can.

First.. sorry your little one is sick. You didn't mention any symptoms.. so I am not sure what all is going on?

I do have some thoughts on the topic... so thought I would share them.

You said.. "Will definitely try to send the lab work in on Monday - I don't want the blood sitting around too long."

Thought... You have already gotten started on antibiotics. You are not sure (?) she has Lyme and/or any coinfections.

Right now it is too soon to have her tested... like cbb said... and by having antibiotics in her already.. it makes the possibility higher that the blood test results would be skewed. Under the VERY best conditions.. our BEST tests are only able to detect an exposure about 60 percent of the time.

Plus.. why put the little one through the painful tests if you already are having her treated? If the tests came back positive.. IF they did and I doubt they would... but if they did.. you would treat her.. which you are already doing.

If negative.. the local doctors most likely.. out of stupidity.. would NOT treat her... and then you would be handing them an excellent reason NOT to treat.. on a silver platter by showing them a negative test. It is also a good reason (so THEY say) for insurance to NOT pay... so keep that in mind. The "system" manages to take advantage of that quite often.

The tests will most likely come back negative.. so you could be cutting off your nose to spite your face if you persue them at this time.

Having tests now also seems it would be a waste of money... and effort... and pain for the little one.. in MY opinion.

In other words.. if you can get what you want (antibiotics) anyhow.. why worry about proving it is needed and take the risk your "evidence" (if negative) will do no more than kick you in the head.

I suggest...

Take the short cut and save yourself some aggravation. Go for the gold from the git-go.

If you suspect Lyme (which is what it appears).. and want her treated.. my suggestion is to focus on the current doctor FIRST... and suggest to her that she prescribe a follow up to the Keflex... with amoxillin... to be sure the bases are covered.

If your ped doc won't fly... take little one to a nearby walk in clinic and tell them she was bitten by a tick and is sick and that you want amoxicillin.

You said.. "Getting one draw will be rough enough can't imagine what more will be like!"

Another good reason to wait on the tests. I also might suggest urine samples could be done for children. MUCH easier on them and you can do it from home and ship it to Igenex. (Different kit.. so might want to order one now so it will be ready if needed.) PLUS.. the urine tests often work better after antibiotics are given... where the blood tests don't.

The urine test is trying to detect DNA from the dead spirochetes.. which if she has any live ones from an exposure.... it might show in the urine after she is treated some and they are killed off and travel out of the body.

Oops.. storms a coming.. gotta get off the computer.

Hope that helps!

By the way.. I am not a doctor. I am only here cause someone left my cage door open tonight and I snuck out!

Just promise not to tell!

Hope all is well soon for you both! Let us know how we can help. OK?

If you get the choice to sit it out or dance...


Posted by dlandaddict (Member # 7457) on :
Tincup - thank you very much for the insight! I won't tell you were out!

I have been wondering about doing the test now, especially since she is on the keflex.

Hope you are sitting in a comfy spot. Here goes our story!

A few weeks ago - not sure exactly - she got a bug bite. Just seemed to be a normal bite at the time so I didn't give it much thought.

then it started to turn red and the affected area was increasing. Wasn't disappearing like normal bites would.

Last Saturday the bite looked exactly like a bullseye. Red center, white outer with a red rim on the very outside. The next morning the whole thing was red.

By Sunday I knew we needed to see the doc. but was thinking spider bite. Got in with the pediatrician and she mentioned the possibility of a tick bite. First time I had thought of that. In Washington State it is not something that is very common.

Pediatrician put her on the 7 days of keflex to treat any infection that she might have and the pediatrician also told me twice that Keflex can be used to treat Lyme.

Once she mentioned the Lyme to me I jumped on the internet and found this great site and a couple of others with photos of the bullseye. I looked at a few of those and immediately thought that is what she got.

Pediatrician office again said Keflex was fine didn't need to worry. I didn't like that one - so I kept reading and getting more set on figuring this out.

From everything I have found so far I determined that even if Keflex did work against the Lyme it wasn't a high enough dose for a long enough time.

Called the pediatrician office again and asked if they would test for Lymes. They said they would send us to the Quest lab. Told them thanks but no thanks. I called Igenex and asked that the kit be sent.

I then asked the pediat office if amox would work on a skin infection as well. The pediatrician actually called me back this afternoon and again said Keflex is given for Lyme and there wasn't a need to switch to amox at this point. I said that was fine because I was concerned with having the drugs in her system at the time of testing.

Pediat said that if Lyme was present the test would pick it up regardless of the antibiotics in her system. I didn't really like that answer.

The reason I am pushing to get the testing done is because I don't want to drag on and miss a window of opportunity for treatment if needed. I am also concerned that if she does go off the keflex and gets amox it won't be the right dosage and length of treatment.

Also, if I do get her on amox when should we test and how would we know that the amox wasn't screwing up the test?

So many questions - such a little girl.

Finding a doctor on the West Coast would be great.

Sounds like I need to call Igenex and ask more questions of them. As well as trying to fax Dr. J.'s office.

Any other suggestions? I hate not knowing. My college roommate started having symptoms after college and it wasn't until she moved to CT a couple of years later that she was finally diagnosed. She is back in WA and still fighting to maintain a normal life.

Thanks for listening (reading) and offering your thoughts and suggestions. This site has been a huge help for me.


Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Newbies List 06/08/05


Here's more goodys! A typical response to newcomers.

Hi and WELCOME! Get a LLMD or at least Dr that is willing to learn about lyme. "Lyme literacy" means, first and
foremost, knowing how to diagnose the disease accurately. Borrelia Burgdorferi is a clinical diagnosis, based on symptoms and on your response to treatment. Good Luck, bumpy road ahead.
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Something to share with friends and family members But You LOOK Good!

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Western Blot Info

FDA It is important that clinicians understand the limitations of these tests

Explaining Borreliosis (Lyme) Western Blot Tests
Explanation of Western Blot Bands
Igenex Labs on the Western Blot
Melissa Kaplan's Lyme Website Explains Western Blot
Dr. C Explains Western Blot
( No you don't always see a bite and if there's no bullseye the only way your going to be able to tell is (symptoms) and (((Maybe))) WB or lyme dot blot 3 day urine banged with abx's to free your antigens up for the test.
- = Not Present
+ = Low
++ = Medium
+++ = High
+/- = Equivocal = Indeterminate its there but not as intense as low) )

See this ( . )thats the size of the larva stage tick...
Next nymph size... ( * )
Next is adult ( o ) to ( 0 )
Pretty small????? HUH

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Updated 06/08/05

Posted by crazychris (Member # 7384) on :
If you get the lab kit and you don't have a LLMD, how do you get/read the results?

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