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Posted by jloisu (Member # 7538) on :
My Dr. started me off at 100 mg 2 times a day for a week and I believe is going to increase me to 400 mg a day after a week. I know that Doxy has to be in high doses to be effective.

My question is, what dosages are you guys on, or have you been on, and did it help?



Posted by Mathias (Member # 5298) on :
200 mg/d when used in a combination, 400 mg/d when used as a monotherapy.
Posted by GEDEN13 (Member # 4151) on :
i'm taking 600mgs daily of is shaking the keet's loose.i can feel it.

when i was on 400mgs daily,felt nothing. , gary



Posted by mallasani (Member # 7470) on :
My Doctor Started me on Doxy 100 Mg two times a day for a month, he said then he will put me on some other medication for 10 days. My simptoms are gone 75% and I am 75% becoming better.
Hopefully it will help, take medication with confidence and trust.
If you are not very sure about your doctor, please find a LLMD from this group.
my Doctor is LLMD but not practising completly LYME, so I have an appointment with LLMD specialized doc in two months.
Make up an appointment and meanwhile continue doxycycline.
All the best for Good Health
God bless all of US


Posted by Jellybelly (Member # 7142) on :
Before I knew I had Lyme, I was put on 100 mgs 2x a day of Doxy. On about the 8th day I herxed horribly. Bad enough to end up in the ER. Scared to death of the stuff now.

When I saw my LLMD the other day for the first time and we talked about this happening, he said he doesn't really like the Doxy as he sees his patients just herx and herx and herx. Hopefully we won't be trying that one.

I seem to herx pretty bad on EVERYTHING. I can't imagine taking 600 mgs of Doxy. I wonder if treating the hypercoagulation makes me herx more on less ABX? I really wish I knew the answer to that? Anybody?

Posted by groovy2 (Member # 6304) on :
Hi jolisu

More is better if you are taking
only Doxi--
Doxi only had limited effect at
Lower dose than 6oomg a day on me.
Depends on weight--Im 160 lbs

Doxi- Dose work--
Take carefully-- Read Lable
It is Very important not to
miss doses--
At low dose you
want to make it all count--

Do not eat Dairy or take Vitimans
or minerals at same time--
Effect of doxi will be greatly
From my experance-Dairy makes
doxi almost useless-

Also cut out all citrus from diet--
Can make you Super Sun(light) sencitive--
even very small amounts--Jay--

Posted by bigmamma (Member # 7181) on :
My LLMD started me on 100mg BID (2x per day) and I was to gradually increase to 300 then 400mg per day when tolerated. Once I got up to 400 I was herxing so bad and my stomach ache and vomiting was so bad I had to switch to Minocycline. I herx on Mino but it doesn't bother my stomach.

I think to be effective it needs to be at 400 per day, but you MUST go up slowly.



Posted by janet thomas (Member # 7122) on : treatment guidelines

Doesn't it recommend 300-600 mg/day?

I did doxy for 2 months at the beginning.

I was up to 600 mg/day but my stomach hurt a lot all the time, LLMD said that's enough doxy.

doxy is especially hard on the gut so:
1-have food in stomach
2-flush thru with glass of liquid
3-don't lie down for 30-60 minutes
4-careful of sunburn

Posted by johnnyb (Member # 7645) on :
UP! [Smile]

This is an old one, but I am wondering which is harder on the gut, doxy or biaxin?

Neither seems to be a picnic for your stomach...

- JB
Posted by Mathias (Member # 5298) on :
Biaxin is notorious for being hard on the gut. My experience is that it is worse than doxycycline.
Posted by bpeck (Member # 3235) on :
I beleive the theraputic dose for Doxy in this case is 5mg/kg of body weight. I weigh 125 lbs so that's 57 Kg x 5 mg =s 285mg- so My Dr. prescribed 300mg per day.

I do not understand the 'more is better' thinking. More for me would have been toxic.

Posted by JimMet (Member # 7787) on :
I don't understand the complaint against herxing. Short of death, isn't it a good thing? It just means you're killing the bacteria/spirochetes and releasing their endotoxins. Wouldn't it be worse if you didn't herx?
Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :
A group of LLMD's have agrred that over herxing is bad.

However...they also say that herxing is good since is an indicator of treatment; shrinking a tumor with chemo..then operate and follow up with chemo again.

However...some people have had permanent degradation of their baseline symptomology after 'over-herxing' on meds.

So.....a short hard herx is questionable...a moderate herx is good....a small herx is herx is suspect....but a long term hard herx is NOT recommended.

Hope that helps.

Trout [Wink]

PS>>>>>>>>>>>>I am a MAJOR herx freek...never stop....but then again..I don't herx THAT bad.

(OOPS...yes, I have stopped...for maybe one dose....three times.)
Posted by borealis (Member # 7866) on :
Originally posted by bpeck:
I beleive the theraputic dose for Doxy in this case is 5mg/kg of body weight. I weigh 125 lbs so that's 57 Kg x 5 mg =s 285mg- so My Dr. prescribed 300mg per day.

I do not understand the 'more is better' thinking. More for me would have been toxic.


it's nice to hear that another person of my weight is on my dosage. i asked my doctor about higher dosages and he said at my weight 300mg a day was a theraputic dosage. it gets scary when you hear people saying it only works on 600mgs or that it doesn't pass the blood/brain until 500mgs and i love and trust my doctor, but it's still nice to hear that another doctor is doing what my doc is doing. (sorry, that was rambling...)
Posted by Mathias (Member # 5298) on :
25% of the doxy passes the BBB at any dosage.
Posted by johnnyb (Member # 7645) on :
From Burrascano's doc, it seems implied that doxy will do a better job of penetrating the BBB on its own, whereas macrolides like zith and biaxin require hydroxychloroquine in order to achieve this.

- JB

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